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11-18-2016, 03:37 PM
Police organizations across the country have stated that all immigration checks and deportations will be handled by ICE and police will not do background checks or arrests unless they are involved in an active crime..
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

11-18-2016, 03:51 PM
Police organizations across the country have stated that all immigration checks and deportations will be handled by ICE and police will not do background checks or arrests unless they are involved in an active crime..
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

Oh, I think you'll see an abrupt reversal of such behavior when the Feds shut off the spigot of cash.

Trump has all the cards, and you moonbats haven't realized that fact yet. Money talks.

11-18-2016, 04:26 PM
Police organizations across the country have stated that all immigration checks and deportations will be handled by ICE and police will not do background checks or arrests unless they are involved in an active crime..
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

All he has to do is enforce current Federal law. Simplest is to cut Federal funding to states not in compliance. I'd do it in a second and I'd appoint Rand Paul to see to it.

11-18-2016, 05:05 PM
Police organizations across the country have stated that all immigration checks and deportations will be handled by ICE and police will not do background checks or arrests unless they are involved in an active crime..
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

In Russia your complaint is called 'to save on matches'.
Try to find out how much one day of US staying in Iraq costs to your budget. If you've forgotten I'll remind you that December 15, 2011 the United States lowered the flag of the Armed Forces of Baghdad, symbolically ending the military campaign in Iraq though...


11-18-2016, 05:23 PM
How will he enforce it?

Deport them "Juan" by "Juan" :dance:

11-18-2016, 05:24 PM
I wonder why there is such a fuss over illegal immigrants?
They are provoking law-abiding Americans to violate legislation when hiring them to earn money legally?
If they don't work their earnings are connected with criminal business this or that way which is anyhow dangerous for the citizens of the USA.
If I am wrong please correct me.

11-18-2016, 05:29 PM
How will he enforce it?

Deport them "Juan" by "Juan" :dance:
But this is the SECOND step. The first step is to force them to earn money for this deportation. I believe there is a lot of non attractive and low paid work required in you country.

11-18-2016, 05:38 PM
How will he enforce it?

Deport them "Juan" by "Juan"

How will this be done? This is like Dems passing anti-gun laws and then going door to door to collect them.
My sister lives in East Los Angeles. The population is almost entirely Latino. How are they going to figure out who is legal and who isn't?
There are areas of Los Angeles were ICE refuses to go, for safety reasons. I can't see that changing any time soon.

11-18-2016, 07:34 PM
How will he enforce it?

Deport them "Juan" by "Juan" :dance:

Goof Ball!:laugh:

11-18-2016, 07:39 PM
All he has to do is enforce current Federal law. Simplest is to cut Federal funding to states not in compliance. I'd do it in a second and I'd appoint Rand Paul to see to it.

That is exactly correct. State and local jurisdictions are under no federal mandate to enforce certain federal laws.
Yet they can agree to assist, identify, and support federal law. A fine line is drawn if the individual has broken a
state law, and identified as being in the country illegally.

A simple EPIC check will see if that person has a criminal background in their native land, if on record I might add.

11-19-2016, 08:33 AM
How will this be done? This is like Dems passing anti-gun laws and then going door to door to collect them.
My sister lives in East Los Angeles. The population is almost entirely Latino. How are they going to figure out who is legal and who isn't?
There are areas of Los Angeles were ICE refuses to go, for safety reasons. I can't see that changing any time soon.

Real simple. Rather than the fearmongering roundup you lefties keep beating to death, you pick them up as you catch them. BUT, you enforce the law when you do.

Make the fines HURT for anyone caught employing illegals feels it.

Stop Federal funding to states that don't comply. Let's see how much the folks in Redding, CA like paying for the illegals in sanctuary cities.

11-19-2016, 08:44 AM
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

Sounds like "job creation" to me. Beats the heck out of aiding and abetting criminal activity the libs have advocated for the last 8 years. Better than "bailout" programs too. I would rather pay for law enforcement than free handouts to no working, criminal leaches or sending special snowflakes to some college to study anarchy.

11-19-2016, 09:47 AM
How will this be done? This is like Dems passing anti-gun laws and then going door to door to collect them.
My sister lives in East Los Angeles. The population is almost entirely Latino. How are they going to figure out who is legal and who isn't?
There are areas of Los Angeles were ICE refuses to go, for safety reasons. I can't see that changing any time soon.

The easiest way is to immediately enforce e-verify and heavily fine any company caught employing illegals. Cut off the money supply and they will have no options left and will leave on their own.

11-19-2016, 09:53 AM
The easiest way is to immediately enforce e-verify and heavily fine any company caught employing illegals. Cut off the money supply and they will have no options left and will leave on their own.

This post and one by Gunny earlier seem to me a good place to start, always have been. We have the laws, enforce them.

Severe penalties on any employer found to be employing illegals, on or off the books. Force them to vet citizenship, costs aren't onerous on the employer, e-verify is not expensive. First instance should be heavy fine, subsequent instances should be heavier fines and jail time.

Any alien arrested who is not here legally, should be deported after the matter is resolved. If found 'not guilty' appeals possible as with accordance to present law. If found 'guilty' serve the time and immediate deportation.

11-19-2016, 12:30 PM
The easiest way is to immediately enforce e-verify and heavily fine any company caught employing illegals. Cut off the money supply and they will have no options left and will leave on their own.

I have been stating this point for years. Both GW Bush and Obama have declined to do such. Instead, they allow the companies to pay small fines and go about their business.
Trump has always been very pro-business. His campaign placed all the blame on immigrants looking to make $10 an hour rather than the $10 per day they would make in Mexico.
If you put the companies that hire immigrants out of business, you won't need a wall.

11-19-2016, 03:11 PM
I have been stating this point for years. Both GW Bush and Obama have declined to do such. Instead, they allow the companies to pay small fines and go about their business.
Trump has always been very pro-business. His campaign placed all the blame on immigrants looking to make $10 an hour rather than the $10 per day they would make in Mexico.
If you put the companies that hire immigrants out of business, you won't need a wall.

So have we. Decades for me. You've been too busy fearmongering and trolling to pay attention to what anyone else says.

11-19-2016, 03:25 PM
So have we. Decades for me. You've been too busy fearmongering and trolling to pay attention to what anyone else says.


The Bubble's integrity must be maintained at all costs.

11-19-2016, 03:41 PM
Stop Federal funding to states that don't comply. Let's see how much the folks in Redding, CA like paying for the illegals in sanctuary cities.

I missed this earlier.

You might not believe how many illegals there are going down through the Sacramento Valley from Redding! Guess who harvests
the olives, pistachios, and almonds?

An ICE raid on a nursery (flowers) was done over in Arcata with 37 illegals picked up a couple of years back. The business was fined, yet the
public outcry in that liberal stronghold was enormous. And the outcry was about the federal government. Aracta is a haven for panhandlers,
homeless, and meth heads that roam the streets and parks. Put some of their sorry asses to work.

11-19-2016, 04:29 PM
I missed this earlier.

You might not believe how many illegals there are going down through the Sacramento Valley from Redding! Guess who harvests
the olives, pistachios, and almonds?

An ICE raid on a nursery (flowers) was done over in Arcata with 37 illegals picked up a couple of years back. The business was fined, yet the
public outcry in that liberal stronghold was enormous. And the outcry was about the federal government. Aracta is a haven for panhandlers,
homeless, and meth heads that roam the streets and parks. Put some of their sorry asses to work.

They go back and forth across the River here every weekend. The penalty for hiring them is not stiff enough making the risk worth it. Local business turns a blind eye because they don't care where the money comes from so you got collusion with the city council who have a stake in the businesses. Nail those businesses hard enough and the incentive goes away.

Bust the illegals where found and send them home, disrupting their lives and those of their families and the incentive goes away. And I care about taking away the livelihood of those families the same as I do ANY criminal caught and busted. We have no regard for incarcerated US citizens' families.

11-19-2016, 04:38 PM
Sounds like "job creation" to me. Beats the heck out of aiding and abetting criminal activity the libs have advocated for the last 8 years. Better than "bailout" programs too. I would rather pay for law enforcement than free handouts to no working, criminal leaches or sending special snowflakes to some college to study anarchy.

Sounds like the creation of new bureaucracy.

11-20-2016, 06:45 PM
Police organizations across the country have stated that all immigration checks and deportations will be handled by ICE and police will not do background checks or arrests unless they are involved in an active crime..
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

Wow.... increasing the size of the federal government and spending tax payer money... One might think you would be pleased.

11-20-2016, 09:13 PM
It's not going to happen. Unless they get arrested, illegals are not going to face mass deportation. It will be a waste of money and manpower to come after them.
Perhaps Trump will wise up and start cracking down on the businesses that hire illegals. I doubt that, since Trump's business interests have hired illegals to work on construction projects.
I have to wonder if Trump has ever been to the U.S.-Mexican border. If he did, he would realize why there will be no mass deportations and no wall.

11-20-2016, 10:16 PM
Police organizations across the country have stated that all immigration checks and deportations will be handled by ICE and police will not do background checks or arrests unless they are involved in an active crime..
This will involve hiring a LOT of federal agents, prosecutors and court officials. Costing a lot of money.

Wrong gabby. Police organizations HAVE NOT STATED what you said.

Truth is. The Democrat run cities where sanctuary has been granted, have police officers who are following the City Mayor, and council orders to let ICE take charge without officers doing what the FED says.
The way Trump, and Congress (the purse strings) will handle breaking laws, will be by telling the Mayor's who refuse to stop the sanctuary city idea...they will have to comply with ALREADY WRITTEN LAWS, enforced by Congress, or they will Lose FEDERAL FUNDS.
If they (the mayors) insist on resisting. The FUNDING WILL DRY UP, and they will see how long that works.

11-21-2016, 09:30 AM
Wrong gabby. Police organizations HAVE NOT STATED what you said.

Truth is. The Democrat run cities where sanctuary has been granted, have police officers who are following the City Mayor, and council orders to let ICE take charge without officers doing what the FED says.
The way Trump, and Congress (the purse strings) will handle breaking laws, will be by telling the Mayor's who refuse to stop the sanctuary city idea...they will have to comply with ALREADY WRITTEN LAWS, enforced by Congress, or they will Lose FEDERAL FUNDS.
If they (the mayors) insist on resisting. The FUNDING WILL DRY UP, and they will see how long that works.It's a bigger slam than that. The Federal government provides funding to states, not cities. The entire state will be threatened for the actions of a few cities.

11-21-2016, 07:54 PM
It's a bigger slam than that. The Federal government provides funding to states, not cities. The entire state will be threatened for the actions of a few cities.

Agreed Gunny, but....there are Federal Funds directed at cities, called BLOCK GRANTS, and many other versions of Democrat Mayor's who sold their Soul in order to accept Federal funding...before they knew, they would have to replace those funds on their own. And that would mean..raising taxes to replace the lost FEDERAL funding.
No city run by any Democrat who harbors a Sanctuary city....can ever collect the taxes enough to replace the FED dollars.
That's where TRUMP, CONGRESS, and Justice Department/A.G. get the Upper hand over the abuse of law.
FOLLOW THE MONEY...that isn't coming.

12-08-2016, 03:39 PM
I have been stating this point for years. Both GW Bush and Obama have declined to do such. Instead, they allow the companies to pay small fines and go about their business.
Trump has always been very pro-business. His campaign placed all the blame on immigrants looking to make $10 an hour rather than the $10 per day they would make in Mexico.
If you put the companies that hire immigrants out of business, you won't need a wall. I've always agreed with you on e-verify and I think most Republicans and democrats would get behind this solution. It remains to be seen how Trump will handle the illegal problem, I am hoping for the best.

12-08-2016, 03:51 PM
Agreed Gunny, but....there are Federal Funds directed at cities, called BLOCK GRANTS, and many other versions of Democrat Mayor's who sold their Soul in order to accept Federal funding...before they knew, they would have to replace those funds on their own. And that would mean..raising taxes to replace the lost FEDERAL funding.
No city run by any Democrat who harbors a Sanctuary city....can ever collect the taxes enough to replace the FED dollars.
That's where TRUMP, CONGRESS, and Justice Department/A.G. get the Upper hand over the abuse of law.
FOLLOW THE MONEY...that isn't coming.

I am pretty familiar with how Federal Grants through FEMA work. If a city, county, or state is not in compliance with Federal ICS Law,
kiss those grant wishes good-bye.

Not sure how it works on the Judicial side, but I have to imagine it is quite similar.

12-10-2016, 05:34 PM
I am pretty familiar with how Federal Grants through FEMA work. If a city, county, or state is not in compliance with Federal ICS Law,
kiss those grant wishes good-bye.

Not sure how it works on the Judicial side, but I have to imagine it is quite similar.

Elessar. It seems, those from the left, as Democrat leaning, who hate Trump...probably have been conditioned to believe OBAMA tactics of NOT following the Laws will still apply.
Trump WILL enforce new policies with the NEW CONGRESS, and possible new additions to the SCOTUS...who WILL OBEY, AND DEFEND THE LAWS, and CONSTITUTION.
Anyone who doubts the OBAMA disregard for following the Law will happen. SHOULD BE READY TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY....AS PROMISED.

12-10-2016, 07:07 PM
Elessar. It seems, those from the left, as Democrat leaning, who hate Trump...probably have been conditioned to believe OBAMA tactics of NOT following the Laws will still apply.
Trump WILL enforce new policies with the NEW CONGRESS, and possible new additions to the SCOTUS...who WILL OBEY, AND DEFEND THE LAWS, and CONSTITUTION.
Anyone who doubts the OBAMA disregard for following the Law will happen. SHOULD BE READY TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY....AS PROMISED.

They can all leave as far as I am concerned at this point. All they do is whine, protest, riot, destroy, and refuse
to be good citizens...all because of their selfish ways.

Give them the plane tickets ( that MANY liberals touted) and send them on their way. Let's see how many actually leave.
I could not give a shit. They are not important...mean nothing to me.

12-10-2016, 07:36 PM
They can all leave as far as I am concerned at this point. All they do is whine, protest, riot, destroy, and refuse
to be good citizens...all because of their selfish ways.

Give them the plane tickets ( that MANY liberals touted) and send them on their way. Let's see how many actually leave.
I could not give a shit. They are not important...mean nothing to me.

I believe they should all keep their word, and leave too! I hear Somalia is liberally SAFE for them now. Let them see how terrible life is here in the USA with Trump, and see how long they want to stay in the land of PIRATES, and Other LIBERAL IDIOTS.

12-10-2016, 10:09 PM
There will be no wall and no mass deportations. The primary reason is that both would be way too expensive. Trump can't implement his planned tax cuts AND throw billions of dollars down a rat hole.

Trump will toss immigration reform under the Oval Office rug just like all his predecessors have done.

12-10-2016, 10:41 PM
There will be no wall and no mass deportations. The primary reason is that both would be way too expensive. Trump can't implement his planned tax cuts AND throw billions of dollars down a rat hole.

Trump will toss immigration reform under the Oval Office rug just like all his predecessors have done.

Whatever lie you tell that sounds best to you gabby. None of us expected anything less.