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11-20-2016, 11:37 PM
For the record.
The more days that go by the dimmer the few items of good that i hoped for from Trump are looking compared to my worse fears about how he'll increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size and walk away from freedoms and the constitution in the name of faux safety.

while many of you are very happy ..so far... if you ever had any seriousness about "the founding fathers" and the constitution i suspect that you'll have buyer's remorse by the time its over.

But i fear that as long as your personal interest are served that many won't have a problem with anything Trump and his motley crew do.

seems to me that America the "land of the free" is bout dead and few on the right or left really care.

So yeah, Prediction.
Trump's presidency will make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state... more people jailed for political and religious reason, speech muzzled and shut down by various means, more surveillance on everyone innocent and guilty, the same level of "transparency" we got from Obama but the right will be ok with it a since Trump is doing it all "for our safety".

11-20-2016, 11:40 PM
For the record.
The more days that go by the dimmer the few items of good that i hoped for from Trump are looking compared to my worse fears about how he'll increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size and walk away from freedoms and the constitution in the name of faux safety.

while many of you are very happy ..so far... if you ever had any seriousness about "the founding fathers" and the constitution i suspect that you'll have buyer's remorse by the time its over.

But i fear that as long as your personal interest are served that many won't have a problem with anything Trump and his motley crew do.

seems to me that America the "land of the free" is bout dead and few on the right or left really care.

So yeah, Prediction.
Trump's presidency will make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state... more people jailed for political and religious reason, speech muzzled and shut down by various means, more surveillance on everyone innocent and guilty, the same level of "transparency" we got from Obama but the right will be ok with it a since Trump is doing it all "for our safety".

You said the exact same things about W, too.

11-21-2016, 12:07 AM
Don't think any of that will happen. Trump will be the most heavily scrutinized president so far, just because the media is so wary of him. The White House press corps will be watching his every move. As will the foreign media.
In fact, the foreign media is on Trump already. :cool:


11-21-2016, 12:12 AM
I wouldn't even try to predict what Trump's presidency could give us. It could range anywhere from letting Congress and his cabinet set the agenda giving us a productive but uneventful tenure all the way to getting into a yuuuge fight with Senate conservatives and advancing the Democrats agenda out of spite. On the keeping out of trouble side of things it could be anywhere from avoiding anything even remotely questionable to doing something clearly impeachable. The Trump presidency is a total roulette wheel with the associated risk of our number not coming up.

11-21-2016, 06:44 AM
You said the exact same things about W, too.

Patriot Act, Spying on citizen, Torture, Sending the country to unnecessary wars, dentition without trials, excessive secrecy, unconstitutional executive orders etc etc etc.. And Obama overlooked, allowed, continued, increased or added to all of it.

So yeah, I'm expecting more tyranny. In a brazen and roughshod way that we haven't seen yet.

11-21-2016, 07:00 AM
Don't think any of that will happen. Trump will be the most heavily scrutinized president so far, just because the media is so wary of him. The White House press corps will be watching his every move. As will the foreign media.
In fact, the foreign media is on Trump already. :cool:


He's been scrutinized this whole campaign by the press and the congress and exposed doing/saying various things that would have destroyed most other candidates. Yet those who've come against him have been ineffective and he's mainly gotten his way. The press has lost most of it's credibility lately and Trump's promised to whip them inline in unconstitutional ways by changing the laws so he can sue them and more. And he's shown that he'll kick out of the loop those who don't give him the treatment he likes. Shame and shun those with "with blood everywhere". And Kick out of his briefings those he thinks are "Mexican". And his people will harass them. Who in congress has won a public battle on morals or law so far?

And in the end he gets his way or at the least public support or indifference... everyone's is suppose to respect the el Presidente right? Unless of course some people think he's a gay-muslim-communist-black-christian-radical-racist-non-citizen.


11-21-2016, 07:15 AM
I wouldn't even try to predict what Trump's presidency could give us. It could range anywhere from letting Congress and his cabinet set the agenda giving us a productive but uneventful tenure all the way to getting into a yuuuge fight with Senate conservatives and advancing the Democrats agenda out of spite. On the keeping out of trouble side of things it could be anywhere from avoiding anything even remotely questionable to doing something clearly impeachable. The Trump presidency is a total roulette wheel with the associated risk of our number not coming up.

the people he's floating for cabinet post don't seem like DO NOTHINGS to me. And sadly the executive bureaucracies have tons of powers. I don't expect that the new heads of the CIA NSA FBI etc.. will do nothing. I don't expect that the new AG will do nothing. I don't expect that military will do nothing. I don't see him holding back if he wants the national guard or military on the streets... for safety and law and order.
And i don't expect they will restrain themselves to constitutional limits, especially if the Trumpster has an issue with a person, group or nation.
I expect it will get ugly and Trump will self justify himself on ever act and his supporters won't have ANY constitutional issues with ANYTHING that's done under his hand.

11-21-2016, 07:36 AM
Don't think any of that will happen. Trump will be the most heavily scrutinized president so far, just because the media is so wary of him.[/quote

Is this the same Media who predicted his trouncing by the Hildabeast? I ask as they were SO accurate and effective there.

[QUOTE=gabosaurus;843863]The White House press corps will be watching his every move.

Is that the same Press Corps who complained of his ability to go out to dinner without them? Yeah, they were "johnny on the spot" there

As will the foreign media. In fact, the foreign media is on Trump already. :cool:


Oh look, after all the Clinton mess with rigging and stealing via the Clinton Crime Foundation, the media thinks they can see transgressions. How cute is that! :laugh:

11-21-2016, 07:41 AM
I'm sticking with my original instincts which is to wait and see. This may end up being a great administration, it may be terrible; right now however it is not even begun.

I have misgivings on some appointments, but then again, too many I thought would be 'great' have turned into disasters and vice versa. Sort of like SCOTUS appointments that one hopes will act one way, then do a turn about.

The opposition isn't helping their cause, with total rejection of every move, makes it much easier for the new administration to double down and still seem reasonable.

11-22-2016, 04:31 PM
So yeah, Prediction.

No prediction here, just hope and change. :eek:

11-22-2016, 04:34 PM
I too heard about the end of the world from Never Trumpers and liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

My prediction?

LOTS AND LOTS of butt hurt to continue for quite some time!

11-22-2016, 08:36 PM
For the record.
The more days that go by the dimmer the few items of good that i hoped for from Trump are looking compared to my worse fears about how he'll increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size and walk away from freedoms and the constitution in the name of faux safety.

while many of you are very happy ..so far... if you ever had any seriousness about "the founding fathers" and the constitution i suspect that you'll have buyer's remorse by the time its over.

But i fear that as long as your personal interest are served that many won't have a problem with anything Trump and his motley crew do.

seems to me that America the "land of the free" is bout dead and few on the right or left really care.

So yeah, Prediction.
Trump's presidency will make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state... more people jailed for political and religious reason, speech muzzled and shut down by various means, more surveillance on everyone innocent and guilty, the same level of "transparency" we got from Obama but the right will be ok with it a since Trump is doing it all "for our safety".

What has Trump said or done that is making you think he will increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size, or make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state? If you are listening to certain websites like HuffPost that are trying their hardest to make up headlines that make Trump sound like Stalin, then I could understand drawing that conclusion. Maybe even from interpolating some of Trump's responses to leading questions from the press, I suppose. But has Trump actually made any statements to make you think these things? If so, please reply with an example.

11-22-2016, 09:01 PM
What has Trump said or done that is making you think he will increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size, or make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state? If you are listening to certain websites like HuffPost that are trying their hardest to make up headlines that make Trump sound like Stalin, then I could understand drawing that conclusion. Maybe even from interpolating some of Trump's responses to leading questions from the press, I suppose. But has Trump actually made any statements to make you think these things? If so, please reply with an example.

So he has put the liberal establishment on their heels! It's about frikkin' time someone did.

Two decades of liberal whining and obstruction, and now someone faces them down?

I give binkies to all liberals, free of charge! They love freebies.:laugh:

11-22-2016, 10:41 PM
What has Trump said or done that is making you think he will increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size, or make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state? If you are listening to certain websites like HuffPost that are trying their hardest to make up headlines that make Trump sound like Stalin, then I could understand drawing that conclusion. Maybe even from interpolating some of Trump's responses to leading questions from the press, I suppose. But has Trump actually made any statements to make you think these things? If so, please reply with an example.
well for starters lets try this on.

"when your famous you can do anything"
How much more when your president Russ?

that's just personal stuff right just about abusing women, nothing to be concerned about...right?
And it never REALLY happened. :rolleyes:

But he's threaten to sue the media in a few speeches.
Same speech he threaten to shut down the internet.
He's says he loves the FAILED and unconstitutional surveillance that NYC did on mosque.
He said he'd do MORE than torture and threatened to kill peoples families.

If you've been following him I think you know these items weren't media set-ups.
You could look them up for yourself... I'll look them up if you agree to unqualifyingly say they ARE in fact unconstitutional and tyrannical.
if you don't think so or don't care ... well then whats the point of showing you?

But he choices he's made for his cabinet has made see clearly that he really doesn't have much intention of "draining the swamp" or changing Washington significantly he's just replacing the alligators and snakes.

Black Diamond
11-22-2016, 10:46 PM
well for starters lets try this on.

"when your famous you can do anything"
How much more when your president Russ?

that's just personal stuff right just about abusing women, nothing to be concerned about...right?
And it never REALLY happened. :rolleyes:

But he's threaten to sue the media in a few speeches.
Same speech he threaten to shut down the internet.
He's says he loves the FAILED and unconstitutional surveillance that NYC did on mosque.
He said he'd do MORE than torture and threatened to kill peoples families.

If you've been following him I think you know these items weren't media set-ups.
You could look them up for yourself... I'll look them up if you agree to unqualifyingly say they ARE in fact unconstitutional and tyrannical.
if you don't think so or don't care ... well then whats the point of showing you?

But he choices he's made for his cabinet has made see clearly that he really doesn't have much intention of "draining the swamp" or changing Washington significantly he's just replacing the alligators and snakes.

Abusing women,. Lol. Do you need a safety pin tonight?

11-23-2016, 12:25 AM
Abusing women,. Lol. Do you need a safety pin tonight?
why is it when some famous guys talk about what they've done to women some people think it's not really that bad but if were to happened to a female friend or family member then they'd be ready to kill.

walking in on teen beauty pageant contestants, grabbing by the genitals, trying to kiss people that don't want to be kissed...
to start but if some of the other women are to be believed theres more than that.

but hey HA HA it's FUNNY, people take a 40-70 year old rich man sneaking' peaks at teen girls and groping women to seriously. right?
my bad.

Abbey Marie
11-23-2016, 08:51 AM
Rev, every time a pretty young woman marries a fat bald rich guy 30 years her senior, we laugh and speculate about how she married him for his money. Ditto when someone famous or powerful does the same. Politicians, actors, etc., often discard their wives for the trophy version, and cheat. It's a bit hypocritical, don't you think, to then object when that rich/powerful/famous guy acts like he's "entitled"? Do you think JFK and Bill Clinton spoke respectfully about women in private?

Btw, just as a point of interest, who do you look up to? MLK Jr, for example, apparently cheated on his wife.

11-23-2016, 09:07 AM
Rev, every time a pretty young woman marries a fat bald rich guy 30 years her senior, we laugh and speculate about how she married him for his money. Ditto when someone famous or powerful does the same. Politicians, actors, etc., often discard their wives for the trophy version, and cheat. It's a bit hypocritical, don't you think, to then object when that rich/powerful/famous guy acts like he's "entitled"? Do you think JFK and Bill Clinton spoke respectfully about women in private?

Btw, just as a point of interest, who do you look up to? MLK Jr, for example, apparently cheated on his wife.

So you're saying it's Ok for rich and powerful men to not just to TALK about abusing women but to DO IT?
to walk in on teen beauty patent contestants etc...?

Abbey Marie
11-23-2016, 09:24 AM
So you're saying it's Ok for rich and powerful men to not just to TALK about abusing women but to DO IT?
to walk in on teen beauty patent contestants etc...?

Yes, Rev, that's what I'm saying. :rolleyes:

11-23-2016, 09:38 AM
I too heard about the end of the world from Never Trumpers and liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

My prediction?

LOTS AND LOTS of butt hurt to continue for quite some time!

No "butt hurt" here (and why do you insist on using that fag term?). Most Never Trumpers I know are in show me mode. Let us see Trump actually get a Supreme Court justice from his list seated and show us Planned Parenthood defunded. The proof is in the pudding.

11-23-2016, 09:47 AM
why is it when some famous guys talk about what they've done to women some people think it's not really that bad but if were to happened to a female friend or family member then they'd be ready to kill.

walking in on teen beauty pageant contestants, grabbing by the genitals, trying to kiss people that don't want to be kissed...
to start but if some of the other women are to be believed theres more than that.

but hey HA HA it's FUNNY, people take a 40-70 year old rich man sneaking' peaks at teen girls and groping women to seriously. right?
my bad.

He didn't actually do any action other than commit the cardinal sin of Locker Room talk.

And we've established that you yourself have done the very same along with every other male, if not more. The issue has been put to bed already. (!)

Hypocrite much, Rev?

11-23-2016, 09:53 AM
He didn't actually do any action other than commit the cardinal sin of Locker Room talk.

And we've established that you yourself have done the very same along with every other male, if not more. The issue has been put to bed already. (!)

Hypocrite much, Rev?

Um no no ones established that he's never abused women, Trump supporters have just assumed all the women are lying since with many of them it's he said she said.
But Trump admits,.. in a locker room way or national radio... and the teen pageant contestants confirm that he'd just walk in on them while they were in various states of undress so he could INSPECT them.
why do you guys keep leap frogging over this.
and why doesn't doing that lend some credence to the idea that it's not just all talk?

11-23-2016, 10:01 AM
Um no no ones established that he's never abused women, Trump supporters have just assumed all the women are lying since with many of them it's he said she said.
But Trump admits,.. in a locker room way or national radio... and the teen pageant contestants confirm that he'd just walk in on them while they were in various states of undress so he could INSPECT them.
why do you guys keep leap frogging over this.
and why doesn't doing that lend some credence to the idea that it's not just all talk?

No one's required to prove they are innocent. Bill of Rights?

11-23-2016, 10:05 AM
No one's required to prove they are innocent. Bill of Rights?

Exactly right.

For someone who spends the vast majority of his time worrying about an individual's Constitutional Rights, this seems to be very curious.

What gives, Rev? Not everyone gets them?

11-23-2016, 10:40 AM
Exactly right.

For someone who spends the vast majority of his time worrying about an individual's Constitutional Rights, this seems to be very curious.

What gives, Rev? Not everyone gets them?
tell me what you think of Tump actions at multiple teen Pageants and answer my 2 previous questions 1st and i'll fully reply to yours NT.

11-23-2016, 11:11 AM
tell me what you think of Tump actions at multiple teen Pageants and answer my 2 previous questions 1st and i'll fully reply to yours NT.

Allegedly, Constitutional Rights supercede opinions, hearsay and/or biased perception.

11-23-2016, 12:57 PM
tell me what you think of Tump actions at multiple teen Pageants and answer my 2 previous questions 1st and i'll fully reply to yours NT.

I'm wondering when you and a few others will just cut the crap and admit the obvious by saying you don't like the guy and will continue to grasp at any straw to try to discredit him.

Abbey Marie
11-23-2016, 02:04 PM
I'm wondering when you and a few others will just cut the crap and admit the obvious by saying you don't like the guy and will continue to grasp at any straw to try to discredit him.

And the "Ain't That the Truth Award" goes to... this post. :clap:


11-23-2016, 02:26 PM
I'm wondering when you and a few others will just cut the crap and admit the obvious by saying you don't like the guy and will continue to grasp at any straw to try to discredit him.

so you don't care that he bragged about going into the dressing rooms at teen pageants?

notice the question mark please.
I'll reply to all if i can get a strait answer.
picking and at me and dogging the question doesn't make his actions go awayNT.

11-23-2016, 02:29 PM
so you don't care that he bragged about going into the dressing rooms at teen pageants?

notice the question mark please.
I'll reply to all if i can get a strait answer.
picking and at me and dogging the question doesn't make his actions go awayNT.

Nope. I don't.

Now, want to admit the obvious?

11-23-2016, 02:41 PM
Nope. I don't.
That's sad.
I'm sure if it were my kids in a dressing room when Trumps comes into "inspect" I'd care. Heck they weren't and still do.
seems to me people should be jailed for that type of thing.
so yeah I don't respect Trump as a person.
Based on those actions and others as well as his words.

But here's the thing NT, if you're honest, you'd admit that I'm more of an issues based person not, very partisan.
and even though i think Trump is a scumbag I'll give him credit where i think it's due.
so please at least be honest enough to take my criticism as based on what he says he's going to do and my view of how it Aligns with pro-life, constitutional, small gov't, non-inventionistist, pro- american economics, and fair justice.

Not just knee jerk i don't likes da guy name calling.
But if that lesser view of my response to Trump makes you feel better, hey fine, live the fantasy NT.

11-23-2016, 02:52 PM
well for starters lets try this on.

"when your famous you can do anything"
How much more when your president Russ?

that's just personal stuff right just about abusing women, nothing to be concerned about...right?
And it never REALLY happened. :rolleyes:

But he's threaten to sue the media in a few speeches.
Same speech he threaten to shut down the internet.
He's says he loves the FAILED and unconstitutional surveillance that NYC did on mosque.
He said he'd do MORE than torture and threatened to kill peoples families.

If you've been following him I think you know these items weren't media set-ups.
You could look them up for yourself... I'll look them up if you agree to unqualifyingly say they ARE in fact unconstitutional and tyrannical.
if you don't think so or don't care ... well then whats the point of showing you?


I will concede that there is tape of Trump objectifying women, and that's a big negative on him. He's also accused of abusing women, but I don't know enough about those cases, and they could easily be politically motivated. And I do know that he has personally given a lot of women (and minorities) important positions in business, going back to times when not many companies were doing so. Furthermore, these things about Trump have nothing to do with the question of him making government darker, bigger, or more into tyrannical surveillance.

In regard to suing the media, I think most of them have been intentionally and outrageously lying about him deserve to be sued. I say "most of them" only because 95% of the media gives the rest a bad name. I also think he isn't actually going to sue them, and anyway we all know that anyone can sue anyone for anything.

He loves surveillance of mosques? Surveillance of mosques doesn't bother me too much. Preferably do it legally, although I'm not sure what about watching a mosque should be illegal. If you mean wire-tapping, fine, but I don't think the election of Trump is increasing the number of wire-taps.

I do recall Trump talking about going after the families of terrorists, and yes, that is going too far. But he made that statement months ago, and it's not really going to happen. I don't understand why you're saying that President-Elect Trump is giving off signs that he's going to make America a tyrannical state. I think you've just been reading too many "the sky is falling" articles on left-leaning websites.

11-23-2016, 03:19 PM

I will concede that there is tape of Trump objectifying women, and that's a big negative on him. He's also accused of abusing women, but I don't know enough about those cases, and they could easily be politically motivated. And I do know that he has personally given a lot of women (and minorities) important positions in business, going back to times when not many companies were doing so. Furthermore, these things about Trump have nothing to do with the question of him making government darker, bigger, or more into tyrannical surveillance.
well to spell it out, it seems to me that a guy that says stuff like ...when your famous you can do these things and get a way with it... shows me that he's willing to use his position for his personal advantage over women. at the least.
he said he's DONE IT.

some say, well hey it's JUST locker room talk EVERY man does it. Look I was never famous so i could never say 'I can get away ith it.'
the best i could muster back in the day were fantasies of what i'd LIKE to do, not what i was able to get away with because of my position.
so In my view that is a troubling sign.
maybe to you and others It mean little to nothing.
seems to me when Clinton was in office many on the right had a lot to say about that POV. thought it did mean something.
but Ok it doesn't matter with Trump. whatever.

In regard to suing the media, I think most of them have been intentionally and outrageously lying about him deserve to be sued. I say "most of them" only because 95% of the media gives the rest a bad name. I also think he isn't actually going to sue them, and anyway we all know that anyone can sue anyone for anything.
there's no doubt that the medias been BUSTED lying about Trump and other issues lately. they've been exposed in an amazing way as just scummy.
And you have a right to HOPE that Trump won't sue them. but he said he was. so that'd be another back track on his part.
Again I suspect many supporters will forgive him for that too.
And I also HOPE it never happens. but i'm not sure what i have to go on that he won't sue. or try to make laws against the media. He's sued many other over the year.

As far a people suing all the time. Ok sure... as private citizens . NOT the president of the USA using the power of the gov't to sue media companies because they don't LIKE what they say.
sorry but don't you think that's a lil different?

He loves surveillance of mosques? Surveillance of mosques doesn't bother me too much. Preferably do it legally, although I'm not sure what about watching a mosque should be illegal. If you mean wire-tapping, fine, but I don't think the election of Trump is increasing the number of wire-taps.
He's said he likes the way NYC did it and the city was sued over what they did and loss in court. so yes he likes Illegal unconstitutional tyrannical surveillance. illegal and USELESS surveillance that caught zero terrorist.

I do recall Trump talking about going after the families of terrorists, and yes, that is going too far. But he made that statement months ago, and it's not really going to happen. I don't understand why you're saying that President-Elect Trump is giving off signs that he's going to make America a tyrannical state. I think you've just been reading too many "the sky is falling" articles on left-leaning websites.
He said it but you're sure it's not going to happen so how are you guys so sure of what he did and didn't say are going to happen.

with the wall i think it's not going to happen because it's going to cost to much and mexico is NOT going to pay for it and the congress will not easily go for it.

But with Trumps suing, spying and torture statements there no real budget, legal official, precedent or other constraint holding him back from doing exactly what he said. I'm not sure Why i shouldn't think he's not going move on them in some form. when only those BELOW him refusing to follow his orders are those that would stop him. Why should i assume the best? I can hope for the best sure but why assume it based on what he said?
Why assume he's NOT going to do what he said.
was he just lying or a blow hard or does he really mean it in some fashion?

As far as reading left wing news um no I'm more reading his words and looking closely at the history of his cabinet and other picks. and it doesn't fill me with confidence that domestic spying, torture, will DECREASE. or that freedom of speech, and gov't transparency and adherence to the bill of rights in general is going to INCREASE under a Trump admin Russ.
And in my book a decrease in adherence to the bill of rights by definition means a more tyrannical administration.

maybe tyrannical is to strong a word but, seriously i'm not sure what other word to use.

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 03:22 PM
well to spell it out, it seems to me that a guy that says. "when your famous you can do these things and get a way with it. show me that he's he's willing to use his stauts for his personal advantage over women.
he said he's DONE IT.

some say hey it's locker room talk. Look I was never never famous so i could never say I can get away ith it.
the best i could muster Fantasies what i'd LIKE to do not what i was able to get away with because of my position.
so In my view that is a troubling sign.
maybe yto you and others It mean little to nothing.
seems to me when Clinton was in office many on the right had a lot to say about that POV.
but Ok it doesn't matter with Trump. whatever.

there's no doubt that the medias been BUSTED lying about Trump and other issues lately. they've been exposed in an amazing way as just scummy.
And I you have a right to HOPE that Trump won't sue them. but he said he was. so they'd be another back track on his part.
Again I suspect many will forgive him for that support him.
And I to HOPE never happen. but i'm not sure what i have to go own that he won't sue or try to make laws against the media. He's sued many other over the year.

As far a people suing all the time. Ok sure as private citizens . NOT the president of the USA using the power of the gov't to sue media companies because they don't LIKE what they say.
sorry but don't you think that's a lil different?

He's said he likes the way NYC did it and the city was sued over what they did and loss in court. so yes he likes Illegal unconstitutional tyrannical surveillance. illegal and USELESS surveillance that caught zero terrorist.

He said it but you're sure it's not going to happen so how are you guys so sure of what he did and didn't say are going to happen.

with the wall i think it's not going to happen because it's going to cost to much and mexico is NOT going to pay for it and the congress will not easily go for it.

But with Trumps suing, spying and torture statements there no real budget, legal official, precedent or other constraint holding him back from doing exactly what he said. I'm not sure Why i shouldn't think he's not to move on them in some form. when only those BELOW him refusing to follow his orders are all that would stop him. Why should i assume the best? I can hope for the best sure but why assume it based on what he said?
Why assume he's NOT going to do what he said.
is he just lying or a blow hard or does he really mean it in some fashion.

As far as reading left wing news um no I'm more reading his words and looking closely at the history of his cabinet and other picks. and it doesn't fill me with confidence that domestic spying, torture, freedom of speech, and gov't transparency and adherence to the bill of rights i general is going to INCREASE under a trump admin Russ.
and in my book a decrease by definition mean a more tyrannical administration.

maybe tyrannical is to strong a word but, seriously i'm not sure what other word to use.

Why are you leaving out the part where Trump says "They let you do it"? Proving NightTrain point?

11-23-2016, 03:35 PM
Why are you leaving out the part where Trump says "They let you do it"? Proving @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89) point?

"they let you do it"?

The teen pageant girls let him walk through the dressing room?
Yes they did didn't they.
Sorry but that's still consider an abuse of power, sexual deviancy and invasion of privacy if anyone else but Trump does it seems to me.

11-23-2016, 04:11 PM
"they let you do it"?

The teen pageant girls let him walk through the dressing room?
Yes they did didn't they.
Sorry but that's still consider an abuse of power, sexual deviancy and invasion of privacy if anyone else but Trump does it seems to me.


Do you have this horrible offense against humanity out of your system now or do you intend on harping and rehashing this crap for the next 8 years? I haven't counted the threads where you've said the same thing about this yet, but I imagine it's approaching 2 dozen by now.

The moonbats do it because they're not smart enough to come up with legitimate shit to fling against the wall, so I at least understand their predicament.

11-23-2016, 04:42 PM

Do you have this horrible offense against humanity out of your system now or do you intend on harping and rehashing this crap for the next 8 years? I haven't counted the threads where you've said the same thing about this yet, but I imagine it's approaching 2 dozen by now.

The moonbats do it because they're not smart enough to come up with legitimate shit to fling against the wall, so I at least understand their predicament.

I understand Rev's point, but agree with you to some extent. The whole 'he's this and that' was certainly hashed out during the election. There's no way that anyone can say the media didn't cover it, they did, BIG TIME.

When Obama ran, I was appalled that the very same media, minimized all efforts to get his past into the record. From Rev. Wright, to his stands on abortion, academic records, how he got a teaching position, etc. They did NOT cover most, and literally accused anyone questioning his background of racism.

However, in both cases it comes down to, 'the election is OVER. He won.' Now it's about what he does and says as President/President-elect.

11-23-2016, 04:56 PM

Do you have this horrible offense against humanity out of your system now or do you intend on harping and rehashing this crap for the next 8 years? I haven't counted the threads where you've said the same thing about this yet, but I imagine it's approaching 2 dozen by now.

The moonbats do it because they're not smart enough to come up with legitimate shit to fling against the wall, so I at least understand their predicament.

Well NT if i could see Trump supporters admitting it's a perverted and criminal thing that he did there.
And concede that it shows a SERIOUS character flaw that we need to be aware of and ..at the least.... hold Trump to a Higher standard these next 4 to 8 years. Then I might drop it... for the most part.
But the way it is now it seems here, the Trump supporters want to sweep it under the rug and kiss his butt throughout the next 4 to 8 years as if it's never happen. And they'd rather attack the people that bring it up as if they're the ones with the horrible unforgivable offense!

So Yes NT i may trot this bit of perverted history out at least a few hundred more times.
Especially if some Trump supporter starts outraged complaints about any other politicians or celebrities sexual misbehaviors during the next 4 to 8 years.

so Yeah be ready. my memories pretty good on stuff like this.

11-23-2016, 05:27 PM
Well NT if i could see Trump supporters admitting it's a perverted and criminal thing that he did there.
And concede that it shows a SERIOUS character flaw that we need to be aware of and ..at the least.... hold Trump to a Higher standard these next 4 to 8 years. Then I might drop it... for the most part.
But the way it is now it seems here, the Trump supporters want to sweep it under the rug and kiss his butt throughout the next 4 to 8 years as if it's never happen. And they'd rather attack the people that bring it up as if they're the ones with the horrible unforgivable offense!

So Yes NT i may trot this bit of perverted history out at least a few hundred more times.
Especially if some Trump supporter starts outraged complaints about any other politicians or celebrities sexual misbehaviors during the next 4 to 8 years.

so Yeah be ready. my memories pretty good on stuff like this.

Hey, it's a free country. Have at it.

Don't be surprised if your posts get jumped over by a great many people. Reading the same shit with the faux outrage over and over gets tedious.

You'll get lots of kudos from the moonbats though, so there's that.

11-23-2016, 05:49 PM
Hey, it's a free country. Have at it.
Don't be surprised if your posts get jumped over by a great many people. Reading the same shit with the faux outrage over and over gets tedious.
You'll get lots of kudos from the moonbats though, so there's that.

Well my outrage isn't faux, but faux outrage is better than none it seems to me.

and i do hope some like.. oh... city and state prosecutors still might think abuse of power, sexual deviancy and invasion of privacy are still criminal acts in the U.S... at least when someone other than a Trump or Clinton do it.

Or maybe since they can get away with it maybe Tom Prevvinski down the block can be overlooked as well.
wouldn't want equal justice to become a real thing.
Anyone still think leading by example is a thing?

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 05:56 PM
Well NT if i could see Trump supporters admitting it's a perverted and criminal thing that he did there.
And concede that it shows a SERIOUS character flaw that we need to be aware of and ..at the least.... hold Trump to a Higher standard these next 4 to 8 years. Then I might drop it... for the most part.
But the way it is now it seems here, the Trump supporters want to sweep it under the rug and kiss his butt throughout the next 4 to 8 years as if it's never happen. And they'd rather attack the people that bring it up as if they're the ones with the horrible unforgivable offense!

So Yes NT i may trot this bit of perverted history out at least a few hundred more times.
Especially if some Trump supporter starts outraged complaints about any other politicians or celebrities sexual misbehaviors during the next 4 to 8 years.

so Yeah be ready. my memories pretty good on stuff like this.
Since you think trump supporters are ok with sexual assault you mustn't get upset when people say Ron Paul supporters are ok with slavery. He thinks the civil war shouldn't have been fought after all.

11-23-2016, 06:01 PM
so you don't care that he bragged about going into the dressing rooms at teen pageants?

notice the question mark please.
I'll reply to all if i can get a strait answer.
picking and at me and dogging the question doesn't make his actions go awayNT.

Of course they don't care, it's about power and nothing but power. They really don't give a rip about the country just what they can loot from it while in D.C.

11-23-2016, 06:06 PM
My prediction for the Trump presidency?

He won't turn out to be the President those who voted for him thought he would be, they will be sorely disappointed, and the liberals will end up liking him more than those who supported him...

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 06:07 PM
"they let you do it"?

The teen pageant girls let him walk through the dressing room?
Yes they did didn't they.
Sorry but that's still consider an abuse of power, sexual deviancy and invasion of privacy if anyone else but Trump does it seems to me.
I was referring to the access Hollywood tape. And you know that. That puts you on level with gabby. And why do you support slavery?

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 06:09 PM
My prediction for the Trump presidency?

He won't turn out to be the President those who voted for him thought he would be, they will be sorely disappointed, and the liberals will end up liking him more than those who supported him...
Your prediction may hinge on the Supreme Court.

11-24-2016, 05:33 AM
Since you think trump supporters are ok with sexual assault you mustn't get upset when people say Ron Paul supporters are ok with slavery. He thinks the civil war shouldn't have been fought after all.
Here's the difference BD, I say that Ron Paul's idea that the slavery could have stopped WITHOUT WAR is wrong.
But he's not 'ok with slavery'... he's anti-war.
He thinks that slavery could have ended like it did in England and elsewhere. I think it's extremely unlikely it would have ended without war in the U.S. for another 75-100 years.
So the differences are,
1 you misrepresent his point.
and 2 I'm not glossing over his statements, I think he's wrong on that point and will say so.
without making excuses or getting mad at you or attacking you personally for brining it up.
even though Ron Paul isn't even close to being part of this conversation.

Look, if there was a wealthy well known Mall Owner in your city talking the the local shock jock radio guys about several local girls gymnastics events he sponsored/created. And he bragged about how he liked to.... and had in fact... walked through the girls dressing rooms at these events to check out their 'great bodies'.
OK, so would you expect that the local police might, at least, pay him a visit? Would you expect that people would want this guy as Mayor? What would you think of it concerning how this guys would act as Mayor? Would it be a complete none issue, that you'd be angry that people brought up?
But mainly would it affect the way you viewed the guy IN GENERAL?