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11-22-2016, 06:05 PM
As if it's not bad enough with the whiners and criers - then we have folks like this that get them riled and foaming, believing this crap as if it were actually true. It's comical!! But there are a LOT of liberal kooks out there right now running with crap like this, or with electorate crap (like bully).

Please notice link at bottom and where this garbage is coming from... And the funny part is this SIIP that's calling for this. They aren't anything or anybody, more like a blog of yet more kooks thinking they can stop Trump. :)

New Report Prompts Call for Democrats to Halt Transfer of Power to Trump Before Dec. 13 Deadline

The Strategic Institute for Intersectional Policy (SIIP) has called for an immediate halt to all efforts related to the transfer of power between the Obama Administration and the Trump Campaign. This call came after a recent analysis revealed that there is strong evidence to suggest that Donald Trump and the members of his campaign intentionally engaged in voter suppression tactics in an attempt to alter the results of the 2016 Presidential Election. Further, the strategic deployment of voter suppression tactics was designed, refined and implemented over the course of a number of years by a network of organizations and individuals attempting to secure power for the alt-right.

This alt-right network has pushed the envelope of political legality since Watergate and the Reagan Administration. It is comprised of white nationalists that have worked strategically to infiltrate local and state governments, members of the Republican party, alt-right media strategists; conservative policy think tanks and generous donors.

All their activity, though, can be traced back to the efforts of five people: Bert Rein, Richard Wiley, the Koch Brothers, and Robert Mercer.

Bert Rein and Richard Wiley have been key political players since the Nixon Administration. Rein was a member of the Key Issues Committee during the 1968 Nixon campaign and served as the Assistant Deputy Secretary of State under his administration. Wiley also held a position in the Nixon campaign and would go on to become the administration’s Chairman of the FCC. In the 1980’s, Wiley and Rein teamed up with another former colleague from the Nixon Era, Fred Fielding. Fielding was the Associate Counsel to Nixon and was the deputy to John Dean, who served time for his part in the Watergate Scandal. Dean was convicted and served time for his part in Watergate. Together they formed the firm Wiley, Rein and Fielding. After parting from Wiley and Rein, Fielding would go on to represent Blackwater Worldwide. Wiley Rein remains an important part of the conservative landscape.


11-22-2016, 07:30 PM
I would love to see where the evidence of purported 'voter suppression' comes from!

Certainly after 14 days you would believe it would have surfaced 13 days ago.

Fairy tales by spoon-pounders!:laugh:

11-22-2016, 07:36 PM
"It ceases to be a languid evening." (c) http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/umnik2.gif

11-22-2016, 07:50 PM
I would love to see where the evidence of purported 'voter suppression' comes from!

Certainly after 14 days you would believe it would have surfaced 13 days ago.

Fairy tales by spoon-pounders!:laugh:

If only you would like to see the evidence of some declared charges...
Our Ministry for Foreign affairs too. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/umnik2.gif
Thank God Jennifer Rene «Jen» Psaki, is no longer in service. Otherwise... http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/big_madhouse/wacko3.gif

11-22-2016, 09:23 PM
There was really some voter suppression going on, and it was from the Trump side. In fact...the legal version of that suppression, was against the Liberal Democrat voters who voted many times, or all of the Illegals who were coaxed to vote democrat, while the nearly ONE MILLION dead also either tried, or did vote for Hillary.

So...you tell us where the suppression really was, and admit you accused the wrong person for doing it.

11-22-2016, 10:02 PM
Why should I care what a fringe group believes? They are no different than the white supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups that openly support Trump.
As for the Huffington Post, perhaps you missed their disclaimer on the contents:

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