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11-23-2016, 08:46 AM
"Donald Trump ran on a series of impossible promises, but enough people believed he could deliver on them that he won the Electoral College. His supporters are in for what might be the rudest awakening in recent political history. " - The Nation

And they won't have anyone to blame but themselves for buying into Drumpf's populist bullshit.


11-23-2016, 08:53 AM
Here's a newsflash for midwest factory workers......pssst psssst over here over here.......those high paying manufacturing jobs that Donny promised to bring back........they aren't ever coming back, he played you.

11-23-2016, 08:54 AM
"Donald Trump ran on a series of impossible promises, but enough people believed he could deliver on them that he won the Electoral College. His supporters are in for what might be the rudest awakening in recent political history. " - The Nation

And they won't have anyone to blame but themselves for buying into Drumpf's populist bullshit.


Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing? Anyone can predict anything, give their opinion whether based on fact or not and be protected from everything and everyone... except Trump supporters...screw them...

Remember when Obama ran on "hope and change" and al we got was the hope that things would change? Yeah, good times...

11-23-2016, 09:04 AM
Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing? Anyone can predict anything, give their opinion whether based on fact or not and be protected from everything and everyone... except Trump supporters...screw them...

Remember when Obama ran on "hope and change" and al we got was the hope that things would change? Yeah, good times...

Damn, Sergeant Major. Reveille goes at 0800 for dirtbag leftwingnuts?

11-23-2016, 09:07 AM
Damn, Sergeant Major. Reveille goes at 0800 for dirtbag leftwingnuts?

1000... and that's just so they can go get their triple mocha grande ... they don't even have to be at the protest until noon...

11-23-2016, 09:25 AM
1000... and that's just so they can go get their triple mocha grande ... they don't even have to be at the protest until noon...

That cracked me up. Good thing my low-rent, racist black coffee isn't in my hand.:laugh:

11-23-2016, 09:30 AM
"Donald Trump ran on a series of impossible promises, but enough people believed he could deliver on them that he won the Electoral College. His supporters are in for what might be the rudest awakening in recent political history. " - The Nation

And they won't have anyone to blame but themselves for buying into Drumpf's populist bullshit.


Does this mean I'm going to get less of a pay raise than the $0 one I got from Obama last year? Gee ... what a change THAT will be. Singling out whites for a reason, racist?

Abbey Marie
11-23-2016, 09:34 AM
"Donald Trump ran on a series of impossible promises, but enough people believed he could deliver on them that he won the Electoral College. His supporters are in for what might be the rudest awakening in recent political history. " - The Nation

And they won't have anyone to blame but themselves for buying into Drumpf's populist bullshit.


Hey Bully, I've been meaning to ask, what is the joke/play on words, with calling him "Drumpf". I get Shrillary, but Drumpf isn't making sense to me.

11-23-2016, 10:00 AM
Sounds like The Nation is having themselves a good cry. That's good, let it all out. Playdough and coloring books this afternoon in the editor's office, kids.

For 150 years, The Nation has uniquely chronicled the breadth of American political and cultural life and is often considered the “flagship” of the political Left. We don’t just talk about progress, we instigate it.

Have you alerted The Nation to that handy graph charting the liberal's race to the bottom yet, Bully? They're still quoting NPR, so I can't help but think their industrial-grade bubble is still intact.

I can do it, but it would probably carry more weight coming from a fellow moonbat.

I'll repost it here so you don't have to search for it.


You're welcome.

Let us know what they say - I'm sure it'll be comedy gold, Bully. Gold!

11-23-2016, 10:01 AM
Hey Bully, I've been meaning to ask, what is the joke/play on words, with calling him "Drumpf". I get Shrillary, but Drumpf isn't making sense to me.

It's his actual last name. He changed it to Trump.

11-23-2016, 10:08 AM
Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing? Anyone can predict anything, give their opinion whether based on fact or not and be protected from everything and everyone... except Trump supporters...screw them...

Remember when Obama ran on "hope and change" and al we got was the hope that things would change? Yeah, good times...

Things did change under Obama, but don't let those facts deter your belief in all things Trump. And speaking of that septuagenarian degenerate, his behavior is entirely predictable given his history of cheating his contractors, his racism, his misogyny, his unwillingness to take responsibility for any harm he has done throughout his life to this point.
You can predict all the rosy pictures you want, but history has shown us, in graphic detail, what happens when someone rises up promising to make their nation great again. And it was horrific.

11-23-2016, 10:09 AM
It's his actual last name. He changed it to Trump.

Tomato, tomato.
At least we can all agree to call him President. :coffee:

11-23-2016, 10:34 AM
Things did change under Obama, but don't let those facts deter your belief in all things Trump. And speaking of that septuagenarian degenerate, his behavior is entirely predictable given his history of cheating his contractors, his racism, his misogyny, his unwillingness to take responsibility for any harm he has done throughout his life to this point.
You can predict all the rosy pictures you want, but history has shown us, in graphic detail, what happens when someone rises up promising to make their nation great again. And it was horrific.

yeah because I made so many posts about my "belief in all things Trump"..

You are correct about Obama. I will give that,; things did change. Like everyone else, I have my own opinion of those changes.

Want to get a glimpse of what things would be like under HRC? Do a little research on "Tammany Hall". I think you would find it interesting (assuming you were open minded enough).

11-23-2016, 10:47 AM
yeah because I made so many posts about my "belief in all things Trump"..

You are correct about Obama. I will give that,; things did change. Like everyone else, I have my own opinion of those changes.

Want to get a glimpse of what things would be like under HRC? Do a little research on "Tammany Hall". I think you would find it interesting (assuming you were open minded enough).

You got to love the clowns that think they're so smart yet don't even pay attention to whop they are talking to. Their kindergarten minds grasp only "you didn't vote for Hitlery and don't buy my bullshit so you are for Trump". And no amount of a year and a half worth of posts that say otherwise will change that.

So to clarify: I despise anything named Clinton. And anyone who voted Democrat or supports them are the useful idiots, have no common sense, and mommy needs to lock up their PCs earlier.

11-23-2016, 10:52 AM
Tomato, tomato.
At least we can all agree to call him President. :coffee:

No actually we can't all agree.

11-23-2016, 10:53 AM
You got to love the clowns that think they're so smart yet don't even pay attention to whop they are talking to. Their kindergarten minds grasp only "you didn't vote for Hitlery and don't buy my bullshit so you are for Trump". And no amount of a year and a half worth of posts that say otherwise will change that.

So to clarify: I despise anything named Clinton. And anyone who voted Democrat or supports them are the useful idiots, have no common sense, and mommy needs to lock up their PCs earlier.

Oh, I'm thinking it goes far beyond the fact that Clinton lost.... I bet if one did a little digging they would find that many of those people raging about Trump (or Republicans, conservatives, etc.) consider themselves "victims" of something. That's why they chose to adopt the dogma of a party that is based on victimhood as a platform.... and why we hear so many accusations of racism, bigotry, sexism, and all that stuff.... there always has to be a "victim" ..... if not, why would the DNC even exist?

11-23-2016, 10:54 AM
Does this mean I'm going to get less of a pay raise than the $0 one I got from Obama last year? Gee ... what a change THAT will be. Singling out whites for a reason, racist?

You mean the 0 you got from the Repub congress. Please lesrn who controls the purse strings.

11-23-2016, 11:08 AM
Oh, I'm thinking it goes far beyond the fact that Clinton lost.... I bet if one did a little digging they would find that many of those people raging about Trump (or Republicans, conservatives, etc.) consider themselves "victims" of something. That's why they chose to adopt the dogma of a party that is based on victimhood as a platform.... and why we hear so many accusations of racism, bigotry, sexism, and all that stuff.... there always has to be a "victim" ..... if not, why would the DNC even exist?

It's be quite a pain in the ass but almost worth it if we lost our power grid. Unfortunately, we wouldn't have TV to watch these pampered fools panic, then turn on each other. See how much tolerance and love and all that crap they have when there's no food and water and the few have what the many want.

11-23-2016, 01:19 PM
It's be quite a pain in the ass but almost worth it if we lost our power grid. Unfortunately, we wouldn't have TV to watch these pampered fools panic, then turn on each other. See how much tolerance and love and all that crap they have when there's no food and water and the few have what the many want.

Are you kidding? Most of them would die off in the first week, quite a few more would go in the first month..... the rest would be seriously considering the impact of reality on their stances on guns, "survivalists" and the existence of "God" and a whole lot of other things near and dear to every libs heart...

11-23-2016, 01:41 PM
Are you kidding? Most of them would die off in the first week, quite a few more would go in the first month..... the rest would be seriously considering the impact of reality on their stances on guns, "survivalists" and the existence of "God" and a whole lot of other things near and dear to every libs heart...

Whichever of them managed to survive would do so by killing their own and taking their stuff.

11-23-2016, 01:45 PM
Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing? Anyone can predict anything, give their opinion whether based on fact or not and be protected from everything and everyone... except Trump supporters...screw them...

Remember when Obama ran on "hope and change" and al we got was the hope that things would change? Yeah, good times...

Where were all of those 'shovel ready jobs'? Non-existent. Instead small businesses boarded up;
employers backing off hours to under 40 because of his 'hope and change'.

Abbey Marie
11-23-2016, 01:54 PM
It's his actual last name. He changed it to Trump.

Ok, thanks. I just researched it, and it appears it was changed in either the 1600s in Germany, or by Donald's grandfather in the early 1900s.

Either way, who cares? It's irrelevant, and sounds pretty desperate to go around using it to somehow mock Trump.

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 02:03 PM
Ok, thanks. I just researched it, and it appears it was changed in either the 1600s in Germany, or by Donald's grandfather in the early 1900s.

Either way, who cares? It's irrelevant, and sounds pretty desperate to go around using it to somehow mock Trump.

It's the Left's way of associating him with nazi Germany.

Abbey Marie
11-23-2016, 02:07 PM
It's the Left's way of associating him with nazi Germany.

As usual, they go with whatever nonsense they have, regardless of total lack of sense, logic, decency or truth.

11-23-2016, 02:15 PM
"Donald Trump ran on a series of impossible promises, but enough people believed he could deliver on them that he won the Electoral College. His supporters are in for what might be the rudest awakening in recent political history. " - The Nation

Wow, that is a shocker! If Trump isn't able to deliver on all of the promises he made during the campaign, it would mark the first time in American history that someone was elected President but then didn't deliver on all the campaign promises. I'm just now realizing that Obama kept all his promises, and so did all the other Presidents in American history, but Trump is different. This will mark the first time that a campaign promise isn't fulfilled. And it's all because all those white voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania were fooled and believed Trump's promises! Oh no! Can we redo the election, now that we know?

11-23-2016, 02:17 PM
Damned if that is not dripping with sarcasm, Russ! :lol:

11-23-2016, 02:59 PM
Where were all of those 'shovel ready jobs'? Non-existent. Instead small businesses boarded up;
employers backing off hours to under 40 because of his 'hope and change'.

Umm no lol. It was because of Republican destruction of economy 2008 but nice try anyway.

11-23-2016, 03:33 PM
Umm no lol. It was because of Republican destruction of economy 2008 but nice try anyway.

OCA, your commentary in the videos was pretty funny, but this comment is lol in a different way. The recession of 2008 was all part of an evil plan by the Republicans? Despite all the benevolent niceness the Dems were doing at the time? Hah! Good one :laugh:

11-23-2016, 03:44 PM
Umm no lol. It was because of Republican destruction of economy 2008 but nice try anyway.


Do yourself a favor and educate yourself how and why the economy crashed. You'll be embarrassed.

11-23-2016, 05:44 PM
Yep, because the Demos are the party of deregulation lol. You guys ever accept responsibility for your myriad of fuck ups?

11-23-2016, 07:15 PM
Umm no lol. It was because of Republican destruction of economy 2008 but nice try anyway.

Heh! He was 'Hope and Change", remember?

He promised 'shovel ready jobs', remember?

Did he produce? Nope!

11-23-2016, 07:19 PM
"Donald Trump ran on a series of impossible promises, but enough people believed he could deliver on them that he won the Electoral College. His supporters are in for what might be the rudest awakening in recent political history. " - The Nation

And they won't have anyone to blame but themselves for buying into Drumpf's populist bullshit.


Gotta congratulate you bully. Congrats for showing all of us how simple it is for you to demonstrate how effective the DNC brainwashing techniques have worked for you. You really should go back and read all of the comedic stuff you pretend to be factual, and take time to read your words, as others might read them. Then..join us in the LAUGHS.

11-23-2016, 07:54 PM
Heh! He was 'Hope and Change", remember?

He promised 'shovel ready jobs', remember?

Did he produce? Nope!

Oh i don't know, unemployment is down significantly since Repubs tried to destroy the economy in Nov.2008, Wall St. recovered etc.etc........of course you'll try and use the Repub bait and switch "less people are even looking".......gtfoh.

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 08:20 PM
Oh i don't know, unemployment is down significantly since Repubs tried to destroy the economy in Nov.2008, Wall St. recovered etc.etc........of course you'll try and use the Repub bait and switch "less people are even looking".......gtfoh.

Chris Dodd and rahm Emanuel are republicans.


11-23-2016, 08:21 PM
Oh i don't know, unemployment is down significantly since Repubs tried to destroy the economy in Nov.2008, Wall St. recovered etc.etc........of course you'll try and use the Repub bait and switch "less people are even looking".......gtfoh.

It still, despite being wrong about Repub's crippling the economy, does not address his
promise of 'shovel ready jobs'.

Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 08:23 PM
Chris Dodd and rahm Emanuel are republicans.


Oh and i forgot about Bill Clinton being a Republican.

11-23-2016, 08:36 PM
Oh i don't know, unemployment is down significantly since Repubs tried to destroy the economy in Nov.2008, Wall St. recovered etc.etc........of course you'll try and use the Repub bait and switch "less people are even looking".......gtfoh.

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate ..
YOU ARE WRONG OCA. The administration says unemployment is down. But they fail to mention how more than 94 MILLION Americans are either out of work entirely, working part time, or no longer looking for jobs....while collecting Unemployment checks from YOU, and ME.


11-23-2016, 08:36 PM
Chris Dodd and rahm Emanuel are republicans.


Wrong suspects........nice try though.


Black Diamond
11-23-2016, 08:38 PM
Wrong suspects........nice try though.


Whatever you say, Monica.

11-23-2016, 08:40 PM
It still, despite being wrong about Repub's crippling the economy, does not address his
promise of 'shovel ready jobs'.

So Repubs weren't in power in Nov.2008? GWB suddenly became an independent?

Never accept any responsibility the neocon mantra.

I think the lower unemployment rate addresses it nicely, don't you?

11-23-2016, 08:40 PM
Whatever you say, Monica.

Ok Dennis Hastert.

11-23-2016, 08:43 PM
Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate ..
YOU ARE WRONG OCA. The administration says unemployment is down. But they fail to mention how more than 94 MILLION Americans are either out of work entirely, working part time, or no longer looking for jobs....while collecting Unemployment checks from YOU, and ME.


And there is the first dummy to buy into the myth. Just give credit where credit is due instead of being a fucking asshole for once.

11-23-2016, 08:49 PM
And there is the first dummy to buy into the myth. Just give credit where credit is due instead of being a fucking asshole for once.

OCA. After wasting my time watching you in those video's. At first, I thought you might have a chance to prove you aren't such a dumbass, ignorant jerkoff. But you proved me wrong, and I thank you. You can call me an asshole as much as you like. Guess that goes with trying to be just like you in every way. No big deal.
But then. I also understand you are here to disguise your actual lower than normal IQ, which you prove to be much lower than I also expected.
Go back into your bottle, drink yourself to the stupor you need. Then read something besides DNC comic books for your educational challenges.

11-23-2016, 11:06 PM
So Repubs weren't in power in Nov.2008? GWB suddenly became an independent?

Never accept any responsibility the neocon mantra.

I think the lower unemployment rate addresses it nicely, don't you?

Here you go, dipstick.


Read that carefully multiple times, and when you realize Bill Clinton set the stage, research the coup de grace of the mortgage scandal and who was behind that.

Then consider who all those players supported universally a couple weeks ago to the tune of many many millions.

11-24-2016, 09:30 AM
Here you go, dipstick.


Read that carefully multiple times, and when you realize Bill Clinton set the stage, research the coup de grace of the mortgage scandal and who was behind that.

Then consider who all those players supported universally a couple weeks ago to the tune of many many millions.

GWB and Repubs in power........i'm a buck stops here kind of guy.

11-24-2016, 09:36 AM
Reoublicans controlled congress from 1995-2008, they passed the deregulation, they created the laissez faire markets. They passed the bills.

End of story.

11-24-2016, 10:28 AM
OCA. After wasting my time watching you in those video's. At first, I thought you might have a chance to prove you aren't such a dumbass, ignorant jerkoff. But you proved me wrong, and I thank you. You can call me an asshole as much as you like. Guess that goes with trying to be just like you in every way. No big deal.
But then. I also understand you are here to disguise your actual lower than normal IQ, which you prove to be much lower than I also expected.
Go back into your bottle, drink yourself to the stupor you need. Then read something besides DNC comic books for your educational challenges.

You are one of those mean old dirtbags who has nobody to talk to. I pity you and will light a candle for you today. Maybe you need a drink.

11-24-2016, 10:55 AM
Reoublicans controlled congress from 1995-2008, they passed the deregulation, they created the laissez faire markets. They passed the bills.

End of story.Not really the end of the story. Republicans had control of Congress then just as they do now. It infuriated me that they had "control"; yet, Reid and Pelosi were still calling the shots with their bullying tactics. The same ons the left has continued to use.

So, while the Republicans may have accomplished nothing, nothing is preferable to this downslide into world mediocrity and social unrest Obama and crew have created. We are on the brink of a civil war because Obama has convinced all the do-nothings they are entitled to things they haven't earned.

All the Republicans are guilty of is not doing what they said they would. I'd have taken that page right from the left's handbook and shoved my agenda right down everyone's throat instead of this LA LA land play nice crap.

11-24-2016, 11:03 AM
Not really the end of the story. Republicans had control of Congress then just as they do now. It infuriated me that they had "control"; yet, Reid and Pelosi were still calling the shots with their bullying tactics. The same ons the left has continued to use.

So, while the Republicans may have accomplished nothing, nothing is preferable to this downslide into world mediocrity and social unrest Obama and crew have created. We are on the brink of a civil war because Obama has convinced all the do-nothings they are entitled to things they haven't earned.

All the Republicans are guilty of is not doing what they said they would. I'd have taken that page right from the left's handbook and shoved my agenda right down everyone's throat instead of this LA LA land play nice crap.

Wow it's like listening to Limbaugh with all the empty rhetoric and twisting.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2016, 11:06 AM
Here you go, dipstick.


Read that carefully multiple times, and when you realize Bill Clinton set the stage, research the coup de grace of the mortgage scandal and who was behind that.

Then consider who all those players supported universally a couple weeks ago to the tune of many many millions.

He has no valid refutation to give..
Other than a spin or totally ignoring ......
And that is the overpowering reality of hitting back with truth, the opponent has to run away or else try to hit back with more lies...
More lies that will reveal the deception or else mad blindness of its author and quite often reveal both IMHO....-Tyr

11-24-2016, 11:06 AM
i don't know what was crazier the notion that Pelosi and Reid were still to blame for a congress they had no control over or the Obama do nothings melarkey.

Crazy tinfoil overload.

11-24-2016, 11:07 AM
Wow it's like listening to Limbaugh with all the empty rhetoric and twisting.

Nice response. I don't listen to Limbaugh, and anything I say that may resemble his rhetoric is coincidence. And correct.

I will say listening to you is becoming more and more like listening to the same lame, one size fits all BS the rest of the lefties spew around here. Never a real answer to any real point made.

11-24-2016, 11:10 AM
He has no valid refutation to give..
Other than a spin or totally ignoring ......
And that is the overpowering reality of hitting back with truth, the opponent has to run away or else try to hit back with more lies...
More lies that will reveal the deception or else mad blindness of its author and quite often reveal both IMHO....-Tyr

Hey double wide dweller you know how many valid links and numbers I've posted that have outright been ignored? You've got to be fucking kidding me. The only truth you recognize is anything straight down the line with your ideology......you arexarobot.

11-24-2016, 11:28 AM
He has no valid refutation to give..
Other than a spin or totally ignoring ......
And that is the overpowering reality of hitting back with truth, the opponent has to run away or else try to hit back with more lies...
More lies that will reveal the deception or else mad blindness of its author and quite often reveal both IMHO....-Tyr

Einstein there rejects Forbes but champions his facebook & muzzie blog 'sources'.

You just couldn't ask for a more typical moonbat : :lalala:

11-24-2016, 11:43 AM
Not really the end of the story. Republicans had control of Congress then just as they do now. It infuriated me that they had "control"; yet, Reid and Pelosi were still calling the shots with their bullying tactics. The same ons the left has continued to use.

So, while the Republicans may have accomplished nothing, nothing is preferable to this downslide into world mediocrity and social unrest Obama and crew have created. We are on the brink of a civil war because Obama has convinced all the do-nothings they are entitled to things they haven't earned.

All the Republicans are guilty of is not doing what they said they would. I'd have taken that page right from the left's handbook and shoved my agenda right down everyone's throat instead of this LA LA land play nice crap.

The mediocrity you speak of (from both parties, actually) comes from a society that has lost its morality. I am speaking as someone who's side lost the election back in April. Jerry Falwell, Jr was idiotic in saying "we're not electing a pastor in chief". I bet his father is spinning in his grave. Election results are the symptom, not the disease. The disease will be cured with a Billy Sunday style national revival. I just can't be enthusiastic about an adulterous confidence man in the White House.

Our nations founders had it right in not letting the poor vote. Poverty is a message from the market telling that you are doing something wrong. If someone cannot manage their own affairs, how are they qualified to tell us how to manage our country?

11-24-2016, 12:14 PM
Einstein there rejects Forbes but champions his facebook & muzzie blog 'sources'.

You just couldn't ask for a more typical moonbat : :lalala:

Who was in control of congress 1995-2008......1 word answer simpleton.

When you use word like muzzie you automatically demote yourself to troll.

11-24-2016, 12:19 PM
Who was in control of congress 1995-2008......1 word answer simpleton.

When you use word like muzzie you automatically demote yourself to troll.

Harry Reid.

11-24-2016, 12:37 PM
Harry Reid.


You will be able to try again in 20 mins. In the meantime thereare always cold brews at the Devil Dog Inn.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2016, 12:41 PM
Hey double wide dweller you know how many valid links and numbers I've posted that have outright been ignored? You've got to be fucking kidding me. The only truth you recognize is anything straight down the line with your ideology......you arexarobot.

Hey double wide dweller you know how many valid links and numbers I've posted that have outright been ignored?

"Hey double wide dweller", is that your very best Southern trash bias and accusation? Dumbass, I live in a large new home sitting on 3.9 acres in the hills surrounding a small Tennessee city not far from Memphis..
Feel free to wander out here to check to see if it is a double-wide.
Of course my being a very solid "deplorable", bible thumping , Southern redneck, only double I have is my 12 gauge shotgun used to rid me of pesky varmits.;)
And yes, that is me speaking about the four-legged kind only...
So do not get your panties in a wad and cry about being threatened as you libs are so damn fond of doing on internet forums.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Why would I ever want to kid you? Isnt it enough that I ever so generously bow, to even honor you, with any kind of reply?

11-24-2016, 12:52 PM

You will be able to try again in 20 mins. In the meantime thereare always cold brews at the Devil Dog Inn.

Actually, YOU are wrong. Shall I remind you back when you had a modicum of sense in your head what one of your biggest bitches was? Easy enough since it was the same as mine ... the Republicans had the numbers and got led around by the nose by the Dems and that idiot from Hell Reid was in the lead. Or has that assessment since changed for you?

There is also the fact which I am sure you would be quick enough to point out was it in your favor that having a majority number does not give you overriding power.

11-24-2016, 12:54 PM
Who was in control of congress 1995-2008......1 word answer simpleton.

When you use word like muzzie you automatically demote yourself to troll.

Chew on this :

Indeed, the Great Recession began about a year after Democrats won the 2006 midterm elections.

Although the financial crisis didn't happen merely because George W. Bush occupied the White House, Democrats would have you believe it. Notice that when Democrats bring up some variation of "going back to the policies that caused the mess in the first place," it stops right there; they don't go on to say what those policies were. The reason why Democrats don't elaborate is because many of the factors that "caused the mess" were created by Democrats -- and some of them had been in effect for decades.

Housing, especially sub-prime mortgages, was at the center of the financial crisis. The Community Reinvestment Act, which coerced commercial banks to make loans to folks who weren't creditworthy, was a big factor. Enacted in 1977, the CRA is a Democrat policy. Fannie Mae was also a prime suspect in the crisis, and Fannie was created by Democrats in 1938, during the New Deal era. The "implicit guarantee" of certain "government-sponsored enterprises" (private companies like Fannie Mae) and the securitization of mortgages are also Democrat policies.

Another factor that may have contributed to the crisis is the repeal of Glass-Steagall (the Banking Act of 1933), which created "firewalls" between commercial and investment banks. That repeal was signed by President Bill Clinton, a Democrat.

Yet another factor implicated in the crisis is the "easy money" policy of the Federal Reserve. That misguided policy is attributable to the Fed's "dual mandate," which Democrats created in 1977.

But wait, there's more!

A mixture of greed, idealism, cynicism, and stupidity led to the practice of bundling those iffy mortgages into financial instruments that Wall Street didn't know how to handle and regulators didn't know how to regulate. As Representative Barney Frank (D., Mass.) put it in 2003, he wanted to "to roll the dice a bit" on regulating subprime mortgages.

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2012/10/the_policies_that_caused_the_mess_in_the_first_pla ce.html

You're not very good at this, are you?

11-24-2016, 02:10 PM
Your avoiding the question.......not unnoticed.

11-24-2016, 04:04 PM
Your avoiding the question.......not unnoticed.

And you can thank me in your prayers for enlightening you, on Thanksgiving no less! Be sure to include your gratitude for President Trump, too.

What, no facebook rebuttal? :laugh:

Checkmate, chump.

Owned. Now run along and nurse the butthurt.


11-24-2016, 04:19 PM
Amazing, and so, so funny, watching how OCA comes here thinking the entire World, and DP owe him something...other than being exposed as the pure Idiot, and Jerkoff he is trying not to let loose. OCA, I can't speak for other members here. But you sure do remind me of nearly all of the dummies I've had to contend with over the years. Some of them are still walking around, crying, moaning, and in miserable pain because their empty skull's keep shaking like the ball in a spray paint-can.
Someday. You're really gonna find out for yourself. Nobody else on this Earth cares what you think, or who you think you are for any reason.
In fact. People like you are the reason the word IGNORE was coined, added with Laughter that amuses ONLY YOU.

11-24-2016, 04:31 PM
And you can thank me in your prayers for enlightening you, on Thanksgiving no less! Be sure to include your gratitude for President Trump, too.

What, no facebook rebuttal? :laugh:

Checkmate, chump.

Owned. Now run along and nurse the butthurt.


No butthurt, currently reading about how it's probable the electoral college isn't going to vote him and it will go to congress.

The only thing you enlightened me on was that you actually eat turkey with your firewater there on the reservation.

11-24-2016, 04:33 PM
Amazing, and so, so funny, watching how OCA comes here thinking the entire World, and DP owe him something...other than being exposed as the pure Idiot, and Jerkoff he is trying not to let loose. OCA, I can't speak for other members here. But you sure do remind me of nearly all of the dummies I've had to contend with over the years. Some of them are still walking around, crying, moaning, and in miserable pain because their empty skull's keep shaking like the ball in a spray paint-can.
Someday. You're really gonna find out for yourself. Nobody else on this Earth cares what you think, or who you think you are for any reason.
In fact. People like you are the reason the word IGNORE was coined, added with Laughter that amuses ONLY YOU.

Actually untrue, I've had it confirmed by female strangers today that they care what i think and more importantly they care about my stamina.

11-24-2016, 04:36 PM
Actually untrue, I've had it confirmed by female strangers today that they care what i think and more importantly they care about my stamina.

Never would question the stamina of an Idiot. They all thrive on self-indulgent flattery.

We all know you only had ONE TOY while you were growing up, and neither of you got any smarter, or bigger.

11-24-2016, 04:52 PM
No butthurt, currently reading about how it's probable the electoral college isn't going to vote him and it will go to congress.

Yeah? Where are you reading such intelligent literature? Are you sure that it's not talking about Venezuela?

Got that sinking feeling that you jumped ship onto the Titanic by backing democrats? I can only imagine the misery - and not being smart enough to defend your positions, to boot. It's your own fault, though, so you get zero sympathy from me just like any moonbat.

The only thing you enlightened me on was that you actually eat turkey with your firewater there on the reservation.

Reservation and firewater? I'm of German ancestry, idiot. Your accuracy continues to be 100% wrong, but at least you're reliable!

I need your billing address. A good education isn't free, you know.

11-24-2016, 05:19 PM
Yeah? Where are you reading such intelligent literature? Are you sure that it's not talking about Venezuela?

Got that sinking feeling that you jumped ship onto the Titanic by backing democrats? I can only imagine the misery - and not being smart enough to defend your positions, to boot. It's your own fault, though, so you get zero sympathy from me just like any moonbat.

Reservation and firewater? I'm of German ancestry, idiot. Your accuracy continues to be 100% wrong, but at least you're reliable!

I need your billing address. A good education isn't free, you know.

German ancestry!!!!!! I'm fucking shocked! Sieg heil.

But really i don't believe it, what temp is the igloo right now?

11-24-2016, 08:00 PM
German ancestry!!!!!! I'm fucking shocked! Sieg heil.

But really i don't believe it, what temp is the igloo right now?

^^^ I love that I've reduced you to this.

You got wrecked, son.

11-24-2016, 08:28 PM
No butthurt, currently reading about how it's probable the electoral college isn't going to vote him and it will go to congress.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me that you actually believe this!!!??? Thank you Jesus, there IS more joy to come!!! And the Clinton's always win, right? THIS is rich!!

Since you say it's probable, let's lay a friendly side wager, say $20 paid via paypal? Or I'll fedex even if this happens. Either choice for you. Just a little bet of 20 bucks for all to see. Since it's probable, and it's only 20 bucks, not much for you to lose. You in?

German ancestry!!!!!! I'm fucking shocked! Sieg heil.

I'm majority German, my last name still being very popular in Germany. Of course I have no direct connection over there. I have no respect for Hitler or the holocaust, nor anything that harmed folks. So what's my issue just because I have so much German ancestry?

11-24-2016, 08:29 PM
No butthurt, currently reading about how it's probable the electoral college isn't going to vote him and it will go to congress.

So you'll accept the bet or walk back with your tail between your legs!!


11-24-2016, 08:46 PM
So you'll accept the bet or walk back with your tail between your legs!!


Please hold while OCA adds up the Likes/Dislikes on the facebook page.

11-24-2016, 08:53 PM
German ancestry!!!!!! I'm fucking shocked! Sieg heil.

But really i don't believe it, what temp is the igloo right now?

OCA. Only one other thing you bring here, more insulting, is your devotion to what this symbol means to YOU....http://icansayit.com/images/swatstic.jpg
It matches your skinheaded-ness to a tee.

11-24-2016, 09:19 PM
So you'll accept the bet or walk back with your tail between your legs!!


OCA: Don't do this on ANY forum. It opens the door for others to have your information and to harass you.

11-24-2016, 09:32 PM
OCA: Don't do this on ANY forum. It opens the door for others to have your information and to harass you.

I already have his information, aka Mike, the 2 of us just hung out at my sisters house and got drunk together. YOU don't trust me? Oh well, my heart is bleeding.

11-24-2016, 09:57 PM
So you'll accept the bet or walk back with your tail between your legs!!


Didn't say it would happen just said i was reading about it, even if it did get passed onto congress he'd still get elected because Repubs control congress........so no bet because i bet on it to not happen.

Boy you alt right boys are sure sensitive boogers!

11-24-2016, 09:59 PM
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me that you actually believe this!!!??? Thank you Jesus, there IS more joy to come!!! And the Clinton's always win, right? THIS is rich!!

Since you say it's probable, let's lay a friendly side wager, say $20 paid via paypal? Or I'll fedex even if this happens. Either choice for you. Just a little bet of 20 bucks for all to see. Since it's probable, and it's only 20 bucks, not much for you to lose. You in?

I'm majority German, my last name still being very popular in Germany. Of course I have no direct connection over there. I have no respect for Hitler or the holocaust, nor anything that harmed folks. So what's my issue just because I have so much German ancestry?

Germans have an authoritarian gene in their blood and a need to control everything and everyone. Don't believe me? Just look back through history.

Abbey Marie
11-25-2016, 11:19 AM
Germans have an authoritarian gene in their blood and a need to control everything and everyone. Don't believe me? Just look back through history.


11-25-2016, 11:38 AM
Germans have an authoritarian gene in their blood and a need to control everything and everyone. Don't believe me? Just look back through history.


11-25-2016, 03:53 PM
With good reason, they basically wrecked a century.

11-28-2016, 10:53 AM
You mean the 0 you got from the Repub congress. Please lesrn who controls the purse strings.

COLAs were passed ages ago.

Umm no lol. It was because of Republican destruction of economy 2008 but nice try anyway.

How did they do that?