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View Full Version : Abolishing the EPA

11-25-2016, 11:36 AM
A few days ago I received an email from the Trump group, it was a survey to ask supporters what was important from a list of issues.

Abolishing the EPA ranked very high on my list. It needs to be replaced with some sort of agency that has some sort of oversight instead of the runaway political machine we have now.

These guys do a good job pointing out some of the ridiculous decisions made by this rogue agency. I wish they'd gone further in showing more of the EPA's antics, but this is good for starters :


11-25-2016, 12:34 PM
A few days ago I received an email from the Trump group, it was a survey to ask supporters what was important from a list of issues.

Abolishing the EPA ranked very high on my list. It needs to be replaced with some sort of agency that has some sort of oversight instead of the runaway political machine we have now.

These guys do a good job pointing out some of the ridiculous decisions made by this rogue agency. I wish they'd gone further in showing more of the EPA's antics, but this is good for starters :


Take the FDA with it. It is the same waste of time, effort and money as the EPA.

11-25-2016, 03:03 PM
Some oversight is needed in both the EPA and FDA, so I think not to abolish, but
restructure them both.

As the article points out, a lot of wasted efforts and huge costs incurred by the EPA
which drives up the costs to the consumer.

What puzzles me some is that quite a few of these 'toxic materials' and methane are
naturally occurring things. Nuke waste from processing I can see being strictly controlled.

11-25-2016, 03:13 PM
Some oversight is needed in both the EPA and FDA, so I think not to abolish, but
restructure them both.

As the article points out, a lot of wasted efforts and huge costs incurred by the EPA
which drives up the costs to the consumer.

What puzzles me some is that quite a few of these 'toxic materials' and methane are
naturally occurring things. Nuke waste from processing I can see being strictly controlled.


The stupidity of many of those rules they put in place based on a hypothetical of a kid eating liters of dirt? In an industrial area? Stupid and out of control.

I want clean air and water just like everyone else... but the activists do more harm than good to their own cause by going way overboard to appease the whackjob greenies - and that stuff needs to stop, too, with inviting the Sierra Club to sue them so they can settle and have that new rule in place via the judicial route. Very underhanded.

11-25-2016, 03:27 PM
The EPA is one of the few Federal agencies we actually need. But there is no authority for the Fed govt to actually create and run it. Can't fall under "interstate commerce", or necessary& proper clause, etc.

We need a constitutional amendment authorizing it. And the reason we need the amendment, is also so we can limit it, only to interstate issues (Minnesota pollutes a river that later flows through other states, California pollutes air that later moves through Nevada etc., acid rain is coming into the US from Canada etc.). The Fed govt is forbidden to regulate any other environmental issues. And the scope of things the Fed can do within those confines, is also further limited.

11-25-2016, 07:13 PM
A few days ago I received an email from the Trump group, it was a survey to ask supporters what was important from a list of issues.

Abolishing the EPA ranked very high on my list. It needs to be replaced with some sort of agency that has some sort of oversight instead of the runaway political machine we have now.

These guys do a good job pointing out some of the ridiculous decisions made by this rogue agency. I wish they'd gone further in showing more of the EPA's antics, but this is good for starters :


Most Americans are unaware that the Present EPA, connected with the Democrat/Obama government controls...has the power to increase ELECTRICAL costs, ENERGY costs, and gain more control over the use of home electric, natural gas, automotive fuels, mining, and much of the Employment that has been lost by Increased, Useless controls over Energy.
So. IMO. The EPA needs to GO, or be replaced with something that HELPS the American people, rather than limit us according to stupid rules.

11-25-2016, 07:33 PM
The EPA is one of the few Federal agencies we actually need. But there is no authority for the Fed govt to actually create and run it. Can't fall under "interstate commerce", or necessary& proper clause, etc.

We need a constitutional amendment authorizing it. And the reason we need the amendment, is also so we can limit it, only to interstate issues (Minnesota pollutes a river that later flows through other states, California pollutes air that later moves through Nevada etc., acid rain is coming into the US from Canada etc.). The Fed govt is forbidden to regulate any other environmental issues. And the scope of things the Fed can do within those confines, is also further limited.

I say burn it to the ground and start over. This one's irretrievable. Creating issues where none exist to justify their existence means it's time to clean up the mess. We have more concocted issues than we do real ones.

11-25-2016, 08:07 PM
I say burn it to the ground and start over. This one's irretrievable. Creating issues where none exist to justify their existence means it's time to clean up the mess. We have more concocted issues than we do real ones.

Gunny. Actually. It's a GOOD START to "Draining the Swamp!":clap:

11-26-2016, 05:37 PM
The EPA is one of the few Federal agencies we actually need. But there is no authority for the Fed govt to actually create and run it. Can't fall under "interstate commerce", or necessary& proper clause, etc.

We need a constitutional amendment authorizing it. And the reason we need the amendment, is also so we can limit it, only to interstate issues (Minnesota pollutes a river that later flows through other states, California pollutes air that later moves through Nevada etc., acid rain is coming into the US from Canada etc.). The Fed govt is forbidden to regulate any other environmental issues. And the scope of things the Fed can do within those confines, is also further limited.

It easily falls under interstate commerce because as you point out air and water have no regard for state borders.

11-26-2016, 09:09 PM
Years back there was this proposal to drill holes through the San Gabriel Mountains north of helLA, and use
fans do drive the smog and pollution into the Mojave Desert! That notion was brought to a scheeching halt.