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red states rule
07-30-2007, 07:46 AM
Once again, a liberal Judge has tossed out the votes of the people and allows illegals to go unchecked.

Now, businesses and housing can't discriminate against people who are in this country illegally.

Judge Blocks City's Ordinances Against Illegal Immigration

By Darryl Fears
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 27, 2007; Page A02

A federal judge issued a permanent injunction yesterday against restrictive anti-illegal-immigration ordinances in Hazleton, Pa., a city described by its mayor as "the toughest place on illegal immigrants in America."

In a strongly worded opinion handed down at the U.S. District Court in Scranton, Pa., Judge James M. Munley ruled that federal law "prohibits Hazleton from enforcing any of the provisions of its ordinances," which impose a $1,000-per-day fine on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants, revoke the business license of any employer who hires them, declare English as the official language and bar city employees from translating documents to another language without approval.

Civil liberties organizations sued on behalf of illegal and legal immigrant plaintiffs, including the Hazleton Hispanic Business Association, saying that the city infringed on the federal government's sole authority to regulate immigration.

The groups hailed the ruling as a historic victory for the city's Latino residents, as well as a warning to state and local governments that copied Hazleton's ordinances and to opponents of illegal immigration, who Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said "dupe local officials into adopting bad public policy that won't stand up in court."

But the opponents vowed to appeal the decision and to continue the fight to the Supreme Court, if necessary. "Attorneys have already drafted appeal briefs," said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. Seeking to severely restrict immigration, the group strongly supported Hazleton's ordinances.

In a statement, Hazleton Mayor Louis J. Barletta said: "This fight is far from over. I have said it many times before: Hazleton is not going to back down. We are discouraged to see a federal judge has decided -- wrongly, we believe -- that Hazleton and cities like it around the nation cannot enact legislation to protect their citizens, their services, and their budgets."

Hazleton made national headlines last year by passing some of the nation's strictest ordinances against illegal immigration, saying that illegal immigrants were draining city coffers but without producing evidence. About 100 similar measures were passed nationwide, some of which have been successfully challenged by immigration supporters, civil rights advocates said.


red states rule
07-30-2007, 07:55 AM
This Clinton-appointed judge is trying to bring it to the Supreme Court

07-30-2007, 08:21 PM
They broke the laws coming here and as far as I am concerned they have no rights. That judge is a moron. He needs to be deported to mexico where he can live if he likes it so much I go down Wells avenue going to work and there is NOT ONE SIGN IN ENGLISH. They are all in spanish. Ok there is about 3 signs in english. But there are even billbords in Spanish. I am sick and tired of it. I got a bunch of rotten eggs buried for the next time they protest or riot. I will scatter them with the stench. Just can't hit them or its assault. But I can hit the ground around them. I also am going to take paintballs and extract the paint and inject concentrated wolf piss believe it or not you can buy concentrated wolf piss at garden shops. :laugh2:

07-30-2007, 08:27 PM
They broke the laws coming here and as far as I am concerned they have no rights. That judge is a moron. He needs to be deported to mexico where he can live if he likes it so much I go down Wells avenue going to work and there is NOT ONE SIGN IN ENGLISH. They are all in spanish. Ok there is about 3 signs in english. But there are even billbords in Spanish. I am sick and tired of it. I got a bunch of rotten eggs buried for the next time they protest or riot. I will scatter them with the stench. Just can't hit them or its assault. But I can hit the ground around them. I also am going to take paintballs and extract the paint and inject concentrated wolf piss believe it or not you can buy concentrated wolf piss at garden shops. :laugh2:

That's not to brite, if you shoot paintballs of any kind at them you will be in deep shit.

07-30-2007, 08:28 PM
Only if I hit them. I can hit the ground around them and its not assault. I'd have to hit a person to get busted for assault.

07-30-2007, 08:31 PM
Only if I hit them. I can hit the ground around them and its not assault. I'd have to hit a person to get busted for assault.

Nope, theres always attempted.

07-30-2007, 08:34 PM
Well it would almost be worth it.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-30-2007, 08:36 PM
All illegals, when found, should be arrested and deported poste-haste.

Plus, we should make Mexico prosecute and jail them the same way as they do when they catch illegal Americans in their country.

Five years.

I can hit the ground around them and its not assault.

Pointing a gun at anyone is considered assault, even if you don't shoot.
Self-defense is the only extenuating circumstance.

07-30-2007, 08:41 PM
All illegals, when found, should be arrested and deported poste-haste.

Plus, we should make Mexico prosecute and jail them the same way as they do when they catch illegal Americans in their country.

Five years.

Pointing a gun at anyone is considered assault, even if you don't shoot.
Self-defense is the only extenuating circumstance.

If you would have read I said I'd launch paintballs at them. I didnt say how I could use a paintball gun or a slingshot

Spyder Jerusalem
07-30-2007, 08:49 PM
A slingshot is just as bad, under the law.

Even throwing things is considered assault.

If you spit on someone, its assault.

Technically, throwing a wad of paper can be assault as well.

Oh, and paintballs are shot with a gun, therefore when you say "paintball" it implies the use of a gun.

07-30-2007, 08:53 PM
#1) They should have no rights. Period end of story.
#2) You need to quit defending these illegals.
#3) After we deport them we should start issueing hunting licenses at the border states. It would stop illegals I guarantee it. it would also bring in revenue for the government. No bag limits. a new berlin wall. I bet they didnt have problems with illegals.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-30-2007, 09:08 PM
I'll bet yer glad that the death penalty is forbidden in Federal Murder cases, eh psycho?

Someone like you, a murderous thug, deserves nothing more than a 6x9 for the rest of his sad, worthless, life.

Enjoy prison, punk!
And remember, snot makes great anal lube, so when you cry from the rapes, blow yer nose in yer hand and rub it on yer crack.
You'll thank me later.

07-30-2007, 10:23 PM
congress has plenary power over immigration, this judge is whacko. the mayor was simply following the law made by congress, if you are here without proper authorization, you are illegal. period.

funny how the libs on silent on this leftist judge tho.

07-30-2007, 10:49 PM
I'll bet yer glad that the death penalty is forbidden in Federal Murder cases, eh psycho?

Someone like you, a murderous thug, deserves nothing more than a 6x9 for the rest of his sad, worthless, life.

Enjoy prison, punk!
And remember, snot makes great anal lube, so when you cry from the rapes, blow yer nose in yer hand and rub it on yer crack.
You'll thank me later.

OK first off. I am just stating a fact. It would stop illegals. I didnt say that it was necessarily the right way. I am saying that it would be the most effective. Anyways yes I think it is an important thing to secure our borders. I do believe terrorists come in that way also. OK lets do it the "right way".... Put up some of those predator unmanned planes and put in more agents and hope we catch them all??? And you wonder why we have groups like the minutemen and border rescue. Be humane to those cockroaches?????

Spyder Jerusalem
07-30-2007, 10:56 PM
The first step to sociopathy is the mental dehumanization of other people.

No person is a "cockroach".

The attitude you suggest is both inhuman and unAmerican.
In this country, we believe in human rights, for everyone.
Even criminals.

Even foreigners.

Even illegal foreigners.

Your continual description of other people as being less than human, belies a fundamental deficiency in what little personal character you have.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 04:12 AM
They broke the laws coming here and as far as I am concerned they have no rights. That judge is a moron. He needs to be deported to mexico where he can live if he likes it so much I go down Wells avenue going to work and there is NOT ONE SIGN IN ENGLISH. They are all in spanish. Ok there is about 3 signs in english. But there are even billbords in Spanish. I am sick and tired of it. I got a bunch of rotten eggs buried for the next time they protest or riot. I will scatter them with the stench. Just can't hit them or its assault. But I can hit the ground around them. I also am going to take paintballs and extract the paint and inject concentrated wolf piss believe it or not you can buy concentrated wolf piss at garden shops. :laugh2:

The only rights they have is to remain silent and to be sent back to their home country

07-31-2007, 06:00 AM
The only rights they have is to remain silent and to be sent back to their home country

what bothers me about this issue is why we don't have anyplace to deport the employers who hired illegal immigrants, the police officers who stopped them for traffic tickets and did nothing, the judges who didn't prosecute them, the congressmen who didn't pass the legislation, the Border agents who didn't stop them, the hospitals who didn't report them, the social workers who didn't report them, the schools who didn't report them.....those people are just as 'illegal', why should they be allowed to stay here?.....why do you only look at the immigrants as being law breakers?

red states rule
07-31-2007, 06:04 AM
what bothers me about this issue is why we don't have anyplace to deport the employers who hired illegal immigrants, the police officers who stopped them for traffic tickets and did nothing, the judges who didn't prosecute them, the congressmen who didn't pass the legislation, the Border agents who didn't stop them, the hospitals who didn't report them, the social workers who didn't report them, the schools who didn't report them.....those people are just as 'illegal', why should they be allowed to stay here?.....why do you only look at the immigrants as being law breakers?

Because they are ILLEGALS

If the open borders crowd would not encourage themn to come here - with protection - that would be half the battle right there

07-31-2007, 06:22 AM
Because they are ILLEGALS

yes they are, and every person who ever hired one to work his lawn or roof his house or work in his factory is also an illegal.....every teacher who had the child of one in her classroom is also an illegal....every policeman who wrote one a traffic ticket and didn't deport him is also an illegal.....every Border Patrol agent who watched one cross the border and didn't grab him is also an illegal......every congressman who didn't pass laws to make sure there was border enforcement is also an illegal.....I want them all rounded up and sent out of the country, just to make it fair......

red states rule
07-31-2007, 06:25 AM
yes they are, and every person who ever hired one to work his lawn or roof his house or work in his factory is also an illegal.....every teacher who had the child of one in her classroom is also an illegal....every policeman who wrote one a traffic ticket and didn't deport him is also an illegal.....every Border Patrol agent who watched one cross the border and didn't grab him is also an illegal......every congressman who didn't pass laws to make sure there was border enforcement is also an illegal.....I want them all rounded up and sent out of the country, just to make it fair......

and you have elected liberals openly saying their cities will be safe havens for the illegals

there is a great way to keep them out of the country

red states rule
07-31-2007, 06:30 AM
Some people are starting to get it........

GOP resolution rejects amnesty for illegal aliens
By Ralph Z. Hallow
July 31, 2007
State Republican officials from across the country on Thursday will formally break with the desire of President Bush and other top Republican leaders to include amnesty and other benefits for illegal aliens in immigration-reform legislation.

So far, 47 members of the 168-member Republican National Committee have signed a resolution that unequivocally opposes the Bush-backed policy that would grant legal residency to millions of illegal aliens.

"My signing on to this resolution simply reflects the fact that we in the party around the country fear — and feel that no one in Washington is listening to, or cares about, what we feel about issues and policy," said Terry Strine, chairman of the Delaware Republican Party. "This lets them know."

Legitimization of illegal aliens was a key part of the Senate bill, jointly fashioned by Republican Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl of Arizona and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, that was defeated earlier this month.

The proposed RNC resolution does not address such issues as a temporary-workers program, the issuance of "green cards" and paths to citizenship — issues that helped derail the Senate bill — but instead calls for using all means necessary to secure the borders, including the regular Army as well as the National Guard.

The RNC's Resolutions Committee is expected to approve the resolution at its Thursday session at the RNC annual summer meeting in Minneapolis-St. Paul, the site of next year's Republican presidential-nominating convention. The resolution would then go to a floor vote on Friday by the full RNC membership, made up of an elected national committeeman and woman and the elected state chairman from each state and territory.

If passed, the resolution — already endorsed by state party chairmen from 14 states in the Northeast, Midwest, South and West — would put the party officially at odds with its national leadership, including a sitting Republican president, as well as the party's Senate leaders and the national party's general chairman, Florida Sen. Mel Martinez, handpicked for the office by Mr. Bush.

While Mr. Martinez had no comment on the resolution, Republican National Chairman Robert M. "Mike" Duncan said the resolution represented no break with the party's Washington leadership.


07-31-2007, 06:34 AM
and you have elected liberals openly saying their cities will be safe havens for the illegals

there is a great way to keep them out of the country

I guess the thing that bothers me most about this issue is that it smacks of job protectionism.....we need an effective work visa program....would you support a system which permitted a person to enter this country legally to take a job that paid a wage he could support himself and his family on?

red states rule
07-31-2007, 06:35 AM
I guess the thing that bothers me most about this issue is that it smacks of job protectionism.....we need an effective work visa program....would you support a system which permitted a person to enter this country legally to take a job that paid a wage he could support himself and his family on?

The US States Dept can't keep up with passport requests, and INS can't find millions of illegals who have expired visas

How will they handle more?

07-31-2007, 06:44 AM
The US States Dept can't keep up with passport requests, and INS can't find millions of illegals who have expired visas

How will they handle more?

well, shucks, sounds like a great opportunity to create jobs! I have no problem with creating jobs to increase border security and fixing the immigration problem.....now, you're going to ask me next who's going to pay for these jobs.....

I would say if there is such a great need for immigrant labor, as I have heard lately, then the employers of immigrant labor should have no problem of paying a fee so that foriegn labor is available to them.....perhaps something along the line of a dollar or so per hour surcharge, to finance the work visa program......

this should help with the issue of foriegners taking jobs Americans would take, since the employer would always be able to hire the American for a dollar an hour less than the foriegner......

red states rule
07-31-2007, 06:47 AM
well, shucks, sounds like a great opportunity to create jobs! I have no problem with creating jobs to increase border security and fixing the immigration problem.....now, you're going to ask me next who's going to pay for these jobs.....

I would say if there is such a great need for immigrant labor, as I have heard lately, then the employers of immigrant labor should have no problem of paying a fee so that foriegn labor is available to them.....perhaps something along the line of a dollar or so per hour surcharge, to finance the work visa program......

this should help with the issue of foriegners taking jobs Americans would take, since the employer would always be able to hire the American for a dollar an hour less than the foriegner......

So when the government can't do its job - you want to give them more money and people and increase the workload?

Sounds like a typical liberal solution - expand the government and the budget

We have no idea how many illegals are here, where they are at, or what they are up to - and you want to open the door wider to let them come in faster?

07-31-2007, 10:38 AM
So when the government can't do its job - you want to give them more money and people and increase the workload?

Sounds like a typical liberal solution - expand the government and the budget

We have no idea how many illegals are here, where they are at, or what they are up to - and you want to open the door wider to let them come in faster?

lol, you have no idea how funny the folks at P&CA would find it that I was called 'liberal'....

there are certain things that government OUGHT to do....secure the borders is high on that list as far as I am concerned...so yes, I am in favor of expanding government and the budget to secure the borders......enough money to know who is here, where they are, and what they are up to.....and, if jobs need to be filled, to let them come in faster....

keep in mind the issue of work visas is completely seperate from citizenship.....people here on work visas who meet the requirements for citizenship can apply, but creating a work visa system that functions will eliminate illegal border crossings.....

that will mean the Border Patrol can actually look at those crossing the border for the wrong reasons and apprehend them.....

Spyder Jerusalem
07-31-2007, 11:09 AM
The only rights they have is to remain silent and to be sent back to their home country

There's this little thing called human rights.

I know a conservatard like you doesn't belive in such namby-pamby, christer morality based, humanism, but most of the country does.

So, when do you wanna start building the internment camps and the ovens?

07-31-2007, 12:11 PM
/e slaps Spyder upside the head to remind him of his proper place in polite society.......

07-31-2007, 01:00 PM
There's this little thing called human rights.

I know a conservatard like you doesn't belive in such namby-pamby, christer morality based, humanism, but most of the country does.

So, when do you wanna start building the internment camps and the ovens?

Its inhumane to send people back across a border they came from? :poke:

07-31-2007, 01:04 PM
/e slaps Spyder upside the head to remind him of his proper place in polite society.......

Don't bother, Spyder needs to try to act like some tough guy so he can be taken seriously. If he can't throw out slanderous accusations about people that don't hold his viewpoints, he'd have nothing to say at all.

07-31-2007, 01:05 PM
/e slaps Spyder upside the head to remind him of his proper place in polite society.......

I don't think Spider even understands what Polite Society even is.

07-31-2007, 02:24 PM
OK first off. I am just stating a fact. It would stop illegals. I didnt say that it was necessarily the right way. I am saying that it would be the most effective. Anyways yes I think it is an important thing to secure our borders. I do believe terrorists come in that way also. OK lets do it the "right way".... Put up some of those predator unmanned planes and put in more agents and hope we catch them all??? And you wonder why we have groups like the minutemen and border rescue. Be humane to those cockroaches?????

Hunting licenses, that's way out of line, you need to quit saying that. The only remedy is to secure our borders using the National Guard. They should be given orders to use lethal force for anyone trying to come over. Just allowing anyone and give out hunting liscenses for anyother human being is just wrong on every level.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 07:51 PM
Hunting licenses, that's way out of line, you need to quit saying that. The only remedy is to secure our borders using the National Guard. They should be given orders to use lethal force for anyone trying to come over. Just allowing anyone and give out hunting liscenses for anyother human being is just wrong on every level.

Hey, if you go hunting please follow the guidlines

While these apply if you are hunting liberals - they do apply to ilegals as well


1. Any person with a valid Washington DC hunting license or a Federal Income Tax Return may harvest Democrats.

2. Taking of Democrats with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of currency as bait is prohibited.

3. Killing of Democrats with a vehicle is prohibited. If one is accidentally struck, remove the dead Democrat to side of the road and proceed to the nearest car wash.

4. It is unlawful to chase, herd, or harvest Democrats from limousines, Mercedes Benz's, the Metro, or Porsches.

5. It shall be unlawful to shout "pork barrel" or "free social programs" for the purpose of trapping Democrats.

6. It shall be unlawful to hunt Democrats within 100 feet of government buildings.

7. It shall be unlawful to use decision memos, draft legislation, conference reports, or RFP's to attract Democrats.

8. It shall be unlawful to hunt Democrats within 200 feet of Senate or House hearing rooms, libraries, sleeperhouses, massage parlors, special interest group offices, bars, or strip joints.

9. If an Democrat is elected to government office, it shall be a felony to hunt, trap, or possess it. It will also be a shame.

10. Stuffed or mounted Democrats must have a DC Health Department inspection certificate for rabies and vermin.

11. It shall be illegal for a hunter to disguise him or her self as a reporter, drug dealer, pimp, female congressional aide, male congressional aide, sheep, legislator, policy maker, bookie, lobbyist, or tax accountant for the purpose of hunting Democrats.

07-31-2007, 08:05 PM
Hey, if you go hunting please follow the guidlines

While these apply if you are hunting liberals - they do apply to ilegals as well


1. Any person with a valid Washington DC hunting license or a Federal Income Tax Return may harvest Democrats.

2. Taking of Democrats with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of currency as bait is prohibited.

3. Killing of Democrats with a vehicle is prohibited. If one is accidentally struck, remove the dead Democrat to side of the road and proceed to the nearest car wash.

4. It is unlawful to chase, herd, or harvest Democrats from limousines, Mercedes Benz's, the Metro, or Porsches.

5. It shall be unlawful to shout "pork barrel" or "free social programs" for the purpose of trapping Democrats.

6. It shall be unlawful to hunt Democrats within 100 feet of government buildings.

7. It shall be unlawful to use decision memos, draft legislation, conference reports, or RFP's to attract Democrats.

8. It shall be unlawful to hunt Democrats within 200 feet of Senate or House hearing rooms, libraries, sleeperhouses, massage parlors, special interest group offices, bars, or strip joints.

9. If an Democrat is elected to government office, it shall be a felony to hunt, trap, or possess it. It will also be a shame.

10. Stuffed or mounted Democrats must have a DC Health Department inspection certificate for rabies and vermin.

11. It shall be illegal for a hunter to disguise him or her self as a reporter, drug dealer, pimp, female congressional aide, male congressional aide, sheep, legislator, policy maker, bookie, lobbyist, or tax accountant for the purpose of hunting Democrats.


red states rule
07-31-2007, 08:12 PM

I look forward to BSR's reaction

08-01-2007, 09:13 AM
Liberal judges make me wanna vomit.

Once again, a liberal Judge has tossed out the votes of the people and allows illegals to go unchecked.

Now, businesses and housing can't discriminate against people who are in this country illegally.

Judge Blocks City's Ordinances Against Illegal Immigration

By Darryl Fears
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 27, 2007; Page A02

A federal judge issued a permanent injunction yesterday against restrictive anti-illegal-immigration ordinances in Hazleton, Pa., a city described by its mayor as "the toughest place on illegal immigrants in America."

In a strongly worded opinion handed down at the U.S. District Court in Scranton, Pa., Judge James M. Munley ruled that federal law "prohibits Hazleton from enforcing any of the provisions of its ordinances," which impose a $1,000-per-day fine on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants, revoke the business license of any employer who hires them, declare English as the official language and bar city employees from translating documents to another language without approval.

Civil liberties organizations sued on behalf of illegal and legal immigrant plaintiffs, including the Hazleton Hispanic Business Association, saying that the city infringed on the federal government's sole authority to regulate immigration.

The groups hailed the ruling as a historic victory for the city's Latino residents, as well as a warning to state and local governments that copied Hazleton's ordinances and to opponents of illegal immigration, who Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said "dupe local officials into adopting bad public policy that won't stand up in court."

But the opponents vowed to appeal the decision and to continue the fight to the Supreme Court, if necessary. "Attorneys have already drafted appeal briefs," said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. Seeking to severely restrict immigration, the group strongly supported Hazleton's ordinances.

In a statement, Hazleton Mayor Louis J. Barletta said: "This fight is far from over. I have said it many times before: Hazleton is not going to back down. We are discouraged to see a federal judge has decided -- wrongly, we believe -- that Hazleton and cities like it around the nation cannot enact legislation to protect their citizens, their services, and their budgets."

Hazleton made national headlines last year by passing some of the nation's strictest ordinances against illegal immigration, saying that illegal immigrants were draining city coffers but without producing evidence. About 100 similar measures were passed nationwide, some of which have been successfully challenged by immigration supporters, civil rights advocates said.


red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:19 PM
Liberal judges make me wanna vomit.

A Clinton appointee - what else would you expect?

08-01-2007, 06:30 PM
There's this little thing called human rights.

I know a conservatard like you doesn't belive in such namby-pamby, christer morality based, humanism, but most of the country does.

So, when do you wanna start building the internment camps and the ovens?

So what ever happened to Crayon Smoker? Did he finally get banned? I'd say he's the worst I've seen around here in a while. Good riddance. :pee:

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:32 PM
So what ever happened to Crayon Smoker? Did he finally get banned? I'd say he's the worst I've seen around here in a while. Good riddance. :pee:

Before you do, drink a couple extra brews so you can really let loose

08-01-2007, 06:36 PM
Before you do, drink a couple extra brews so you can really let loose
I do have some Heiniken mini-kegs in the fridge. :cheers2:

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:38 PM
I do have some Heiniken mini-kegs in the fridge. :cheers2:

Bottoms up!!!!

08-01-2007, 06:47 PM
Bottoms up!!!!
Oh crap this one's a little flat. What a dissapointment.

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:47 PM
Oh crap this one's a little flat. What a dissapointment.

If at first you don't succeed..............

08-01-2007, 07:22 PM
I do have some Heiniken mini-kegs in the fridge. :cheers2:

Can you get those at any store?

08-01-2007, 09:12 PM
The first step to sociopathy is the mental dehumanization of other people.

No person is a "cockroach".

The attitude you suggest is both inhuman and unAmerican.
In this country, we believe in human rights, for everyone.
Even criminals.

Even foreigners.

Even illegal foreigners.

Your continual description of other people as being less than human, belies a fundamental deficiency in what little personal character you have.

They are not cockroaches?? Then why do most of the Hispanics just put the toilet paper they wiped their ass with in the trash???
I believe in human rights for citizens not illegals.
As far as criminals go we let them idiots sit on death row too long. And people bitch about the lethal injection being cruel and unusual punishment?? What about the victims of these heinous crimes??? Castrate the tier 2 and 3 sex offenders. Brand them on the forehead with the word fuck Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Thats what the English used to do. And make them have a really bright license plate for their car. That way we can identify them and keep an eye on them. There are sex offenders that live near me one right across the street actually. I printed up his flier from the highway patrols site and posted it at the winners corner by my house on the bulletin board it had his address and all on it.

red states rule
08-01-2007, 09:16 PM
They are not cockroaches?? Then why do most of the Hispanics just put the toilet paper they wiped their ass with in the trash???
I believe in human rights for citizens not illegals.
As far as criminals go we let them idiots sit on death row too long. And people bitch about the lethal injection being cruel and unusual punishment?? What about the victims of these heinous crimes??? Castrate the tier 2 and 3 sex offenders. Brand them on the forehead with the word fuck Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Thats what the English used to do. And make them have a really bright license plate for their car. That way we can identify them and keep an eye on them. There are sex offenders that live near me one right across the street actually. I printed up his flier from the highway patrols site and posted it at the winners corner by my house on the bulletin board it had his address and all on it.

Send them to the Roach Motel - they check in but they don't check out

They are sent back to Mexico

08-03-2007, 03:45 AM
You are brilliant, they deserve the right to get the fuck out, and take their achor babies with them. :finger3:

They broke the laws coming here and as far as I am concerned they have no rights. That judge is a moron. He needs to be deported to mexico where he can live if he likes it so much I go down Wells avenue going to work and there is NOT ONE SIGN IN ENGLISH. They are all in spanish. Ok there is about 3 signs in english. But there are even billbords in Spanish. I am sick and tired of it. I got a bunch of rotten eggs buried for the next time they protest or riot. I will scatter them with the stench. Just can't hit them or its assault. But I can hit the ground around them. I also am going to take paintballs and extract the paint and inject concentrated wolf piss believe it or not you can buy concentrated wolf piss at garden shops. :laugh2:

red states rule
08-03-2007, 04:53 AM
You are brilliant, they deserve the right to get the fuck out, and take their achor babies with them. :finger3:


08-04-2007, 01:44 PM
You are brilliant, they deserve the right to get the fuck out, and take their achor babies with them. :finger3:

After they pay all of their medical bills and back taxes they haven't paid yes then they can fucking leave. We need to either tattoo or brand them like cattle so we know who the repeat illegals would be so that we can enact tougher punishments every time they get caught. I would rather they leave. They are just a drain on our society and they just send their earnings to mexico anyways why should we help their economy?? :fu:

red states rule
08-04-2007, 01:47 PM
After they pay all of their medical bills and back taxes they haven't paid yes then they can fucking leave. We need to either tattoo or brand them like cattle so we know who the repeat illegals would be so that we can enact tougher punishments every time they get caught. I would rather they leave. They are just a drain on our society and they just send their earnings to mexico anyways why should we help their economy?? :fu:

I bet you a steak dinner at the best place in your town, that the libs will start saying they don't have to pay the fines and taxes

It would be to huge a burden on them

Libs will give them a pass - when they think the time is right

08-04-2007, 02:03 PM
I bet you a steak dinner at the best place in your town, that the libs will start saying they don't have to pay the fines and taxes

It would be to huge a burden on them

Libs will give them a pass - when they think the time is right

I already figured that out. All the Libs just want to forget about everything and act like its all perfect. Thats why they want to pull out of Iraq. They want to fight terrorists in our own streets here.

red states rule
08-04-2007, 02:04 PM
I already figured that out. All the Libs just want to forget about everything and act like its all perfect. Thats why they want to pull out of Iraq. They want to fight terrorists in our own streets here.

No, they want to appese them - then try to get them to vote Democrat

08-04-2007, 03:04 PM
God how I hate libs. The us would be a much safer place without them. All they ever do is give money to people too lazy to work. And close military bases so that they can give out money to the "poor" Yes I have a friend that came home from 7 combat tours. was out of a job for a while due to injuries but was denied food assistance because he was an "able bodied adult" Even though the Veterans Hospital say that he is 52% disabled. But they told him to get a job. That was the federal government but he got help elsewhere. So take care of our cockroaches before our veterans... Makes a lot of sense to me.

red states rule
08-04-2007, 03:09 PM
God how I hate libs. The us would be a much safer place without them. All they ever do is give money to people too lazy to work. And close military bases so that they can give out money to the "poor" Yes I have a friend that came home from 7 combat tours. was out of a job for a while due to injuries but was denied food assistance because he was an "able bodied adult" Even though the Veterans Hospital say that he is 52% disabled. But they told him to get a job. That was the federal government but he got help elsewhere. So take care of our cockroaches before our veterans... Makes a lot of sense to me.

Let the libs go. A huge majority is against them on their appeasement of ilegals

and there appeasement of terrorists is catching up to them
