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11-28-2016, 05:32 AM
...Is just, well, wow. I means seriously Donnie won the electoral vote, maybe, but his loss of the popular vote, by 2.2 million and counting, is really eating at his guts and shows he is as easily distracted as my cats are by a laser pointer.

Dan Rather nailed it:

"Could someone who has Donald Trump's ear please take away his phone and tell him that he now has a very big job to do that requires paying attention to reality? There are no training wheels for being president. You go from a common citizen to the most powerful person on the planet. And that is not a joke."


11-28-2016, 06:53 AM
How about somebody tell the libs/Dems that their candidate lost...get over it, shut up and go get a job instead?

11-28-2016, 07:38 AM
How about somebody tell the libs/Dems that their candidate lost...get over it, shut up and go get a job instead?

2.2 million votes, and counting, tell a different story. President PussyGrabber has no mandate, unless pandering to racists, homophobes, misogynists, islamophobes and the generally ignorant and fearful counts as a mandate.

11-28-2016, 07:51 AM
2.2 million votes, and counting, tell a different story. President PussyGrabber has no mandate, unless pandering to racists, homophobes, misogynists, islamophobes and the generally ignorant and fearful counts as a mandate.

Nice try. I am quite certain you are well aware of how elections work in the US so I won't even bother. Keep throwing those dead fish out there if it makes you happy but you do realize that all they do is stink up the place and eventually will rot away.

I am just glad we didn't end up with President Treasonous Bitch who relies on victimhood, entitlement, corruption and outright criminal activity to get elected.

11-28-2016, 08:44 AM
Nice try. I am quite certain you are well aware of how elections work in the US so I won't even bother. Keep throwing those dead fish out there if it makes you happy but you do realize that all they do is stink up the place and eventually will rot away.

I am just glad we didn't end up with President Treasonous Bitch who relies on victimhood, entitlement, corruption and outright criminal activity to get elected. Who put a nickel in that broken record this morning?

11-28-2016, 08:53 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15219494_1241988759210683_2282675096666188254_n.jp g?oh=25f4d346a504b40be2ab2abe592b71fe&oe=58B19E7D

11-28-2016, 03:29 PM
2.2 million votes, and counting, tell a different story. President PussyGrabber has no mandate, unless pandering to racists, homophobes, misogynists, islamophobes and the generally ignorant and fearful counts as a mandate.

bully. For clarification's sake. Please tell us which of the above names or descriptions YOU fall under, can be identified as insulted because of, or....tell us why you remain so ignorant of the 12th Amendment to the U.S Constitution that would alleviate all of your phony fears, tears, and generally stupid, repeated words????
And...this is for you...to calm your worries....http://icansayit.com/images/crybabys.jpg


11-28-2016, 04:08 PM
Wow, I honestly am starting to feel a little bad. I think Bully may be one of those devastated by the results. I mean, watching him going into it, he came in here and literally spoke as it were over, no reason even to vote, 538 and Silver called it for Hillary, therefore it was a done deal. He rode us on various things about how Trump was the worst at everything in life, and how he'll never ever be elected. He protected Hillary as if she were a newborn baby and never even looked at people the wrong way, let along commit crimes and have blood on her hands for a navy seal and American ambassador. He was probably cracking a beer and sitting back with his "I'm with her" t-shirt and his friends.

And then it happened. And he was speechless, hence him taking a few weeks to come back here after her loss that place him and so many others in tears and disbelief, then anger and denial.

So now all that is left for him is "Drumpf" and to call him every name imaginable. <---- Bully... he still won and WILL be YOUR president for a minimum of the next 4 years. The woman you idolize is done and gone.

My only last hope, is that now that she backed out on her verbal deal with Trump to concede the election - and now wants some recounts - I PRAY that he'll still go after her and try to place that scumbag in prison.

11-28-2016, 08:58 PM
Wow, I honestly am starting to feel a little bad. He was probably cracking a beer and sitting back with his "I'm with her" t-shirt and his friends.

My only last hope, is that now that she backed out on her verbal deal with Trump to concede the election - and now wants some recounts - I PRAY that he'll still go after her and try to place that scumbag in prison.

I remember my first beer!:laugh:

I hope he does. Retribution is a bitter pill to swallow.

11-28-2016, 09:26 PM
I remember my first beer!:laugh:

I hope he does. Retribution is a bitter pill to swallow.

Elessar. Funny you would mention that. I remember my LAST beer. Can still,almost taste it. But...I don't remember the exact date...while Reagan was still in the White House.

"How dry I am?" come to mind?:laugh: