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View Full Version : What is Hillary? Moderate? Liberal? Conservative? (gasp!)

GW in Ohio
07-30-2007, 09:12 AM
We are all familiar with the view of Hillary that prevailed during her husband's administration:

'60s leftist student activist
"It Takes a Village" collectivist
Flaming liberal

But is all that still true today?

Consider her career in the Senate. She has behaved as a moderate on most issues. On some issues, such as the war in Iraq, she has sided with the conservatives.

So what is she? Moderate? Liberal? Conservative? (gasp!)

If you go to her campaign website ( http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ ) and check her stand on the issues, you might conclude that she has come a long way from those student radical and liberal days.

07-30-2007, 09:30 AM
She's none of those - She's an unapologetic political opportunist. She'll act like anything she thinks will get her elected. I think she's borderline pure-evil. :)

GW in Ohio
07-30-2007, 09:33 AM
She's none of those - She's an unapologetic political opportunist. She'll act like anything she thinks will get her elected. I think she's borderline pure-evil. :)

Okay, "borderline pure evil." She hasn't quite crossed over to the dark side (yet)?

I'm sure some of your conservative brethren here would disagree with that. Some think she has made a pact with the devil.

Right, guys?

07-30-2007, 09:39 AM
Okay, "borderline pure evil." She hasn't quite crossed over to the dark side (yet)?

I'm sure some of your conservative brethren here would disagree with that. Some think she has made a pact with the devil.

Right, guys?

Look at what she does - what she supports - I think most reasonable people would conclude she's self-obsessed, and loves nobody more than Hillary Clinton.

07-30-2007, 09:39 AM
Okay, "borderline pure evil." She hasn't quite crossed over to the dark side (yet)?

I'm sure some of your conservative brethren here would disagree with that. Some think she has made a pact with the devil.

Right, guys?

She is the Devil.................... that woman is pure evil.

07-30-2007, 09:40 AM
Look at what she does - what she supports - I think most reasonable people would conclude she's self-obsessed, and loves nobody more than Hillary Clinton.

I dunno, she seemed to love her law partner that she was having an affair with for years..............

GW in Ohio
07-30-2007, 01:39 PM
Look at what she does - what she supports - I think most reasonable people would conclude she's self-obsessed, and loves nobody more than Hillary Clinton.

Wow. And this makes her different from every other politico who's sought the presidency.........................how?

Mr. P
07-30-2007, 01:42 PM
We are all familiar with the view of Hillary that prevailed during her husband's administration:

'60s leftist student activist
"It Takes a Village" collectivist
Flaming liberal

But is all that still true today?

Consider her career in the Senate. She has behaved as a moderate on most issues. On some issues, such as the war in Iraq, she has sided with the conservatives.

So what is she? Moderate? Liberal? Conservative? (gasp!)

If you go to her campaign website ( http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ ) and check her stand on the issues, you might conclude that she has come a long way from those student radical and liberal days.

GW in Ohio
07-30-2007, 02:31 PM

Yeah, I realize those things are givens in right-wing wacko circles, just like these "givens":

George W. Bush is a deep thinker and a great president.

Dick Cheney is a great American and a great president.

Scooter Libby was framed.

Sex education is a tool of the devil.

America is a Christian nation and if you're not a member of the dominant religion, you can go fuck yourself.

If we don't fight 'em on the streets of Iraq, we'll be fighting 'em on the streets of Kansas City.

Mr. P
07-30-2007, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I realize those things are givens in right-wing wacko circles, just like these "givens":

George W. Bush is a deep thinker and a great president.

Dick Cheney is a great American and a great president.

Scooter Libby was framed.

Sex education is a tool of the devil.

America is a Christian nation and if you're not a member of the dominant religion, you can go fuck yourself.

If we don't fight 'em on the streets of Iraq, we'll be fighting 'em on the streets of Kansas City.

Yeah, so which one of them are runnig for Prez..dipstick?

Pale Rider
07-30-2007, 03:39 PM

07-30-2007, 06:21 PM
We are all familiar with the view of Hillary that prevailed during her husband's administration:

'60s leftist student activist
"It Takes a Village" collectivist
Flaming liberal

But is all that still true today?

Consider her career in the Senate. She has behaved as a moderate on most issues. On some issues, such as the war in Iraq, she has sided with the conservatives.

So what is she? Moderate? Liberal? Conservative? (gasp!)

If you go to her campaign website ( http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ ) and check her stand on the issues, you might conclude that she has come a long way from those student radical and liberal days.

Lets see, more social programs for the middle class to pay for and not be able to use.

No mention about the illegal immigation problem or what she plans to do about it.

No child left behind act. Go talk to some teachers about what they think about this, hint, most don't like it.

Also, of course, changing our health care system and putting the gov. in charge. Like they know how to run anything. Sure, lets change it after all Europe and Canada's systems are so great.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 05:27 AM
Yeah, I realize those things are givens in right-wing wacko circles, just like these "givens":

George W. Bush is a deep thinker and a great president.

Dick Cheney is a great American and a great president.

Scooter Libby was framed.

Sex education is a tool of the devil.

America is a Christian nation and if you're not a member of the dominant religion, you can go fuck yourself.

If we don't fight 'em on the streets of Iraq, we'll be fighting 'em on the streets of Kansas City.

She is for higher taxes, governement run health care, government oversight of CEO pay, she has declared war on oil company profits, and for liberal Judges who make law fromt he bench

She is another Northeastern liberal running for President

We all know what has happend to Northeastern liberals who have ran for President in the past

red states rule
07-31-2007, 07:01 AM
Speaking to college students recently, Mrs. Bill Clinton promised to create a new layer of government: a national academy to train future government workers. (We already have that! It's called, "the Ivy Leage." And most people in this country already do work for the government!)

But it's not enough. She says: "I'm going to be asking a new generation to serve...I think, just like our military academies, we need to give a totally all-paid education to young men and women who will serve their country in a public service position."

Folks, this is not idle campaign chatter. This proposal makes the liberal heart quiver with pre-orgasmic delight because, if enacted, they know the outcome.

The Founders' mission was to set a course to limit government; but ever since, liberals have grown it. Giving a "totally all-paid education" to hordes of young skull-full-of-mush liberals so they can pursue a life in government means the Era of Big Government will never die.

Despite her nod to military academies, Hillary's purpose is not to serve America; its purpose is to serve her ideological ambitions. At her command will be a young, totally paid-for army of liberal bureaucrats, ready to infiltrate every crack and crevice of government -- and your life. A liberal empire, in Mrs. Clinton's image, implementing the liberal agenda when her party's in power -- and sabotaging her political enemies when her party's out of power.

This, my friends, is Mrs. Bill Clinton's "Trojan Horse" proposal. It's a gift on the outside concealing diabolical warfare within. And folks -- given what this woman's planning to do to the country, it's no surprise that she's got a Trojan in her pantsuit pocket.


red states rule
07-31-2007, 07:02 AM
Since libs will try and spin what she said...........

Clinton: Create Public Service Academy

Jul 28 02:38 PM US/Eastern

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton told college Democrats on Saturday she would create a national academy to train public servants.
"I'm going to be asking a new generation to serve," she said. "I think just like our military academies, we need to give a totally all-paid education to young men and women who will serve their country in a public service position."

An older woman carrying a sign that said "She doesn't care, all she wants is the power" yelled at Clinton while the New York senator was speaking in a ballroom on the University of South Carolina campus. Students attending the College Democrats of America convention shouted down the woman down and pushed her from the room.

"One of the things I love about politics, you never know what the day will bring," Clinton said.

Several people at the convention said they were inspired by Clinton's speech and her experience in public service after law school.

Clinton was an intern with the Children's Defense Fund, which advocates for minority, poor and disabled children.

"I loved her personal stories. ... It wasn't her generic speech," said Katelyn Porter, president of the College Democrats chapter at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island.

Porter, who is from Boston and works for a nonprofit organization that helps low-income families, said she has not decided which Democratic candidate she will support. "But Hillary is definitely at the top of the list," she said.

Clinton spoke about her conversion during college from a born and raised Republican to a Democrat.

"I woke up in my dorm one day and I thought, 'Well, I'm not sure I am a Republican,'" she said to enthusiastic cheers. "I was at the time, embarrassingly enough, the president of the Wellesley College young Republicans."


red states rule
08-01-2007, 04:45 AM
Wow. And this makes her different from every other politico who's sought the presidency.........................how?

Here is one answer

Before he was elected, George W. Bush was vilified by Democrats. He had "no gravitas"; he wasn't "curious" or "“smart" -- he was a "daddy's boy." He was heartless for upholding Texas capital punishment laws; liberals even ran an ad implying he supported lynching blacks. After that, he was "selected, not elected."

On 9/11, liberals implied that he was a coward for flying to a secure location. He was vilified for reading to kids when news of the first attack reached him. During the war on terror he's been falsely accused of ordering torture, lying about intelligence data, spying on American citizens. Democrats have lambasted him while they traveled on foreign soil, mocked the troops under his command, and accused them of atrocities. There have been movies and books imagining his assassination. He's been called every despicable name in humanity -- including "Hitler." That's just a short list of insults directed at this President by the left. His response? He ignores it -- even in the face of low poll numbers, in part driven by these relentless attacks.

Now, contrast that with Hillary Clinton: a fashion writer reports that she showed some cleavage on the Senate floor, and Hillary whines and moans and complains that she's a victim of sexism! It's reminiscent of her Senate run, when she was a helpless victim because her male opponent approached her podium. She boycotts Fox News debates because she might face tough questions.

Now, she may have onions, but the question I pose is this: Does she have the onions to be President?


red states rule
08-01-2007, 07:41 AM
I want to thank the kook left for a job well done

Thank you


The Red Queen is starting to open up a lead over Obama

08-01-2007, 08:09 AM
I thought it takes an idiot to raise a villag, atleast thats how hilarys mariage works. Bill really wants to be the first lady.


We are all familiar with the view of Hillary that prevailed during her husband's administration:

'60s leftist student activist
"It Takes a Village" collectivist
Flaming liberal

But is all that still true today?

Consider her career in the Senate. She has behaved as a moderate on most issues. On some issues, such as the war in Iraq, she has sided with the conservatives.

So what is she? Moderate? Liberal? Conservative? (gasp!)

If you go to her campaign website ( http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ ) and check her stand on the issues, you might conclude that she has come a long way from those student radical and liberal days.

red states rule
08-01-2007, 08:12 AM
I thought it takes an idiot to raise a villag, atleast thats how hilarys mariage works. Bill really wants to be the first lady.


"It Takes A Village" was really how many women it took to keep Billl happy

red states rule
08-01-2007, 08:32 AM
Huffington: Hillary 'Swiftboated' Obama
By Mark Finkelstein | August 1, 2007 - 08:26 ET
Don't look for Arianna Huffington to be sitting down to a chummy luncheon with Hillary Clinton anytime soon. Huffington has been no fan of Clinton for some time, considering her insufficiently, and inauthentically, anti-war. But on today's "Morning Joe," Huffington took her animus to another level, accusing Hillary of an ultimate Dem sin: "swiftboating" an opponent, namely Barack Obama.

HUFFINGTON POST FOUNDER ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: After the CNN debate, I think it was ridiculous the way she and her campaign attacked Obama for saying he would engage in diplomatic talks with dictators. That is sort of a classic example of swiftboating your opponent. Like the equivalent of what Republicans do anytime Democrats call for troop withdrawal and they are talking about "cutting and running" or "precipitous withdrawal" or any of the clever little phrases.

View video here.

Animosity does have its limits, though. Responding to a question from panelist Craig Crawford, Huffington stated that notwithstanding her distaste for Hillary, she would vote for her against Rudy Giuliani, snidely stammering "or any of the other candidates who don't believe in evolution." "Other" candidates who reject evolution? Rudy never has, but Arianna won't let a logical fallacy stand in the way of a swipe at those hated Republicans.

View video here.

It wasn't an entirely comfortable appearance for Arianna. Host Joe Scarborough confronted her with the op-ed appearing in yesterday's New York Times by Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, "A War We Just Might Win."

HUFFINGTON, disdainfully: This is really pathetic. This is just preparation for General Petraeus' visit to the Hill.

SCARBOROUGH: You know Arianna, there have been pathetic defenses of this war from time to time. But these two gentlemen are from the Brookings [Institution], an organization that nobody has ever accused of being packed with neo-cons, and these two gentlemen have been harshly critical of the Bush administration from time to time throughout the war.

HUFFINGTON, sputtering: Yes, but this is one set of opinions, and needs to be put against the, um, sort of majority of opinion from experts on the ground.

How would Huffington seek to dismiss the conclusions of the New York Times' respected Baghdad bureau chief John Burns? He recently told Hugh Hewitt in an extended interview that "there's no doubt that those extra 30,000 American troops are making a difference."

08-01-2007, 08:48 AM
arrogant, unelectable, full of something, disingenuous :P

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:01 PM
arrogant, unelectable, full of something, disingenuous :P

That does sums up the peace nik left

08-01-2007, 06:19 PM
We are all familiar with the view of Hillary that prevailed during her husband's administration:

'60s leftist student activist
"It Takes a Village" collectivist
Flaming liberal

But is all that still true today?

Consider her career in the Senate. She has behaved as a moderate on most issues. On some issues, such as the war in Iraq, she has sided with the conservatives.

So what is she? Moderate? Liberal? Conservative? (gasp!)

If you go to her campaign website ( http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ ) and check her stand on the issues, you might conclude that she has come a long way from those student radical and liberal days.

Gasp. Move to the center to gain credibility and support, move back left after gaining power. Whouda thunk that would be her strategy?

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:20 PM
Gasp. Move to the center to gain credibility and support, move back left after gaining power. Whouda thunk that would be her strategy?

Hillary has more positions then a Bill Clinton intern

08-01-2007, 06:21 PM
Gasp. Move to the center to gain credibility and support, move back left after gaining power. Whouda thunk that would be her strategy?


red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:23 PM

anyone lib with an IQ above room temp

Of course that does narrow the field by a large amount

08-01-2007, 07:28 PM
"It Takes A Village" was really how many women it took to keep Billl happy


red states rule
08-01-2007, 07:32 PM

I liked that one myself

red states rule
08-01-2007, 07:34 PM
Did you hear about the new Bill Clinton computer?

It's got a 6 inch hard drive, but no memory

08-01-2007, 07:39 PM
I thought Monica said it was only 4 inches.

red states rule
08-01-2007, 07:42 PM
I thought Monica said it was only 4 inches.

Monica is the program for the computer

But it goes down every two hours

GW in Ohio
08-02-2007, 11:45 AM
Say hello to your next president, boys.....


08-02-2007, 12:07 PM
Say hello to your next president, boys.....


I don't mind being taunted with the valid possibility of Hillary winning the next election. But must you post that photo after I just ate my lunch? :)

GW in Ohio
08-02-2007, 01:15 PM

I don't mind being taunted with the valid possibility of Hillary winning the next election. But must you post that photo after I just ate my lunch? :)

Sorry, Jim. Here's a pic of Hillary in scholarly mode....


08-02-2007, 01:22 PM

I don't mind being taunted with the valid possibility of Hillary winning the next election. But must you post that photo after I just ate my lunch? :)

It's actually not valid and not a possibility.

red states rule
08-02-2007, 06:25 PM
Say hello to your next president, boys.....


Hillary for President!!!!!!!

red states rule
08-02-2007, 06:26 PM

I don't mind being taunted with the valid possibility of Hillary winning the next election. But must you post that photo after I just ate my lunch? :)

I have seen better heads on a keg of beer

red states rule
08-02-2007, 06:29 PM
Sorry, Jim. Here's a pic of Hillary in scholarly mode....


Na, thus is the best lloking Hillary pic I could find