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View Full Version : Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’

12-05-2016, 01:12 PM
After the stunning loss to a republican candidate, and losing in the senate, and losing in the house, and losing in governorships.... this is the same woman who just stated that she doesn't think that democrats want a new direction.

This is good news, let her continue to steer the sinking ship. And it's hilarious watching these dead weights sit back and condemn or have an issue with every single person that Trump nominates. Shut up and fight it at confirmation time. Oh, wait, too bad, they can't do anything there. :) I'm even willing to put money where my fat mouth is. I just don't know exactly what would be the best way to gauge something like this. But I'm willing to be that he is successful in this position, I have zero doubt.

I have full confidence in Trump and his transition team. I don't think for a singe second that folks are being put into anything that they cannot handle. This complete cabinet is turning out to be better than "I" could have hoped for! One of the major ones left still is Secy of State. Romney is still in the running and the more I think about it the more I hope he gets tossed aside. Hell, I hope they're even just trolling him. But shit, even if they do give him the gig, he would be a decent choice. But I like a few of the other names better still.


Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times EST):

10 a.m.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is calling the decision to tap Ben Carson as head of Housing and Urban Development a “disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice.”

Pelosi says the country deserves someone with “relevant experience” to protect the rights of homeowners and renters.

In her statement released Monday, she says “there is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America.”

Trump says, “Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a presidency representing all Americans.”


12-05-2016, 01:17 PM
wow.... the thought just occurred to me that maybe...just maybe.... Bully is really Nancy Pelosi ..... hmmmmm

12-05-2016, 01:19 PM
wow.... the thought just occurred to me that maybe...just maybe.... Bully is really Nancy Pelosi ..... hmmmmm

That woman is SOOOOO stupid, and I don't just say that as someone on the opposite side of the aisle, but rather someone who has watched and listened to her for many years. So I'm clueless as to why the democrats continue to put her in charge. It's got to be about her ability to raise money, as I read.

12-05-2016, 01:35 PM
That woman is SOOOOO stupid, and I don't just say that as someone on the opposite side of the aisle, but rather someone who has watched and listened to her for many years. So I'm clueless as to why the democrats continue to put her in charge. It's got to be about her ability to raise money, as I read.

I do not think she is even qualified to serve as a referee at a rock fight.

No idea why the Dems keep her in that post, except for the money aspect.
There is no reasonability involved with her. Never listening or yielding to
others that don't kiss her wrinkly ass or agree with her.

Should have been flushed long ago.

Black Diamond
12-05-2016, 01:57 PM
She's worried about qualifications after supporting Obama. That's funny.

12-05-2016, 05:21 PM
There are few people's opinion in congress that i dismiss more than Pelosi, she's a lying political hack and rates a 6 on the 'creep scale'.

i wish she'd have quit and run as Hilary's VP then they'd both be gone.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-05-2016, 05:38 PM
After the stunning loss to a republican candidate, and losing in the senate, and losing in the house, and losing in governorships.... this is the same woman who just stated that she doesn't think that democrats want a new direction.

This is good news, let her continue to steer the sinking ship. And it's hilarious watching these dead weights sit back and condemn or have an issue with every single person that Trump nominates. Shut up and fight it at confirmation time. Oh, wait, too bad, they can't do anything there. :) I'm even willing to put money where my fat mouth is. I just don't know exactly what would be the best way to gauge something like this. But I'm willing to be that he is successful in this position, I have zero doubt.

I have full confidence in Trump and his transition team. I don't think for a singe second that folks are being put into anything that they cannot handle. This complete cabinet is turning out to be better than "I" could have hoped for! One of the major ones left still is Secy of State. Romney is still in the running and the more I think about it the more I hope he gets tossed aside. Hell, I hope they're even just trolling him. But shit, even if they do give him the gig, he would be a decent choice. But I like a few of the other names better still.


Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times EST):

10 a.m.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is calling the decision to tap Ben Carson as head of Housing and Urban Development a “disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice.”

Pelosi says the country deserves someone with “relevant experience” to protect the rights of homeowners and renters.

In her statement released Monday, she says “there is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America.”

Trump says, “Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a presidency representing all Americans.”


Pelosi is one of the vilest creatures infesting our government.
I would not donate a nickel to save her live if I was a billionaire many times over..
She barely even qualifies as firewood in IMHO..-TYR

12-05-2016, 08:53 PM
After the stunning loss to a republican candidate, and losing in the senate, and losing in the house, and losing in governorships.... this is the same woman who just stated that she doesn't think that democrats want a new direction.

This is good news, let her continue to steer the sinking ship. And it's hilarious watching these dead weights sit back and condemn or have an issue with every single person that Trump nominates. Shut up and fight it at confirmation time. Oh, wait, too bad, they can't do anything there. :) I'm even willing to put money where my fat mouth is. I just don't know exactly what would be the best way to gauge something like this. But I'm willing to be that he is successful in this position, I have zero doubt.

I have full confidence in Trump and his transition team. I don't think for a singe second that folks are being put into anything that they cannot handle. This complete cabinet is turning out to be better than "I" could have hoped for! One of the major ones left still is Secy of State. Romney is still in the running and the more I think about it the more I hope he gets tossed aside. Hell, I hope they're even just trolling him. But shit, even if they do give him the gig, he would be a decent choice. But I like a few of the other names better still.


Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times EST):

10 a.m.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is calling the decision to tap Ben Carson as head of Housing and Urban Development a “disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice.”

Pelosi says the country deserves someone with “relevant experience” to protect the rights of homeowners and renters.

In her statement released Monday, she says “there is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America.”

Trump says, “Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a presidency representing all Americans.”


For Nancy. Her statement about Carson is LITERALLY calling the Kettle Black. But I am pleased to see how her supporters in the Democrat House of Reps...fully back her, and intend NOT TO ALLOW ANY CHANGES.
The GIFT that Keeps on GIVING...And she's no longer eligible for the part in the WIZARD OF OZ...77 year old (B)Witches simply never win anything.