View Full Version : More gabby trolling

12-13-2016, 05:47 PM
Want to know who the alt-right is? Read breitbart. Talk to Steve Bannon. He is the poster boy for the alt-right.
You might also want to look in the mirror. :cool:

12-13-2016, 05:48 PM
Homepage for the alt-right:


12-13-2016, 05:49 PM
Want to know who the alt-right is? Read breitbart. Talk to Steve Bannon. He is the poster boy for the alt-right.
You might also want to look in the mirror. :cool:

gabby. So...that must make you the poster child for the ALT-LEFT. And DO NOT look into any mirrors. That would be SEVEN YEARS BAD LUCK for you, sweeping up the pieces of broken glass.

12-13-2016, 05:50 PM
Homepage for the alt-right:


Home page, and Site of the ALT-LEFT...http://icansayit.com/images/garbagecan.jpg

12-13-2016, 05:51 PM
Want to know who the alt-right is? Read breitbart. Talk to Steve Bannon. He is the poster boy for the alt-right.
You might also want to look in the mirror. :cool:

Try reading, idiot.

12-13-2016, 05:53 PM

12-13-2016, 05:57 PM
Gabby, this was moved here as it's nothing more than a lie that you like to post in 100 threads. A thread was created, no need to troll in the 2nd post.

12-13-2016, 06:34 PM
I never get tired of watching the left run in that hamster wheel, screaming their hate.:laugh:

12-13-2016, 06:39 PM
I never get tired of watching the left run in that hamster wheel, screaming their hate.:laugh:

Hell, I don't even mind that, used to it. And I'm just as bad at times! But when a new thread is started, and partly because another thread was dwindling away, there's no need to troll in the 2nd post. And as you can see, it's a little repetitive. She likes to post the same crap over and over and over about Breitbart, even though it's a lie, and even though it has nothing to do with the subject.

12-15-2016, 11:44 AM
President-elect Donald Trump has promised to shake up the office and do away with some of the more staid conventions. One of the traditions that will fall by the wayside is "Hail To The Chief," which has been the official introductory music that precedes the president's appearance.

Trump has decided to replace "Hail To The Chief" with a Joe Walsh song that better fits his life and times.


12-15-2016, 12:05 PM
This doesn't even rate a f*ck you. What a waste of bandwith.

12-15-2016, 06:23 PM
President-elect Donald Trump has promised to shake up the office and do away with some of the more staid conventions. One of the traditions that will fall by the wayside is "Hail To The Chief," which has been the official introductory music that precedes the president's appearance.

Trump has decided to replace "Hail To The Chief" with a Joe Walsh song that better fits his life and times.


Gee gabby. Your jealousy is showing. Wishful thinking will never help you either. As if you would respect anyone, anyway?

12-16-2016, 08:51 PM
Trump got a mandate from the people he wanted a mandate from. And they are still celebrating.


But once Trump takes office, it will be back to business for the loyal Trumpites and Trumpettes.


12-16-2016, 08:56 PM
Where the hell did I say that? Do yourself a favor and don't put words in my mouth.

That would take time from what is normally in your mouth. Which you and Jim enjoy discussing.
When you aren't out eating the yellow snow, of course.

12-16-2016, 09:27 PM
Trump got a mandate from the people he wanted a mandate from. And they are still celebrating.


But once Trump takes office, it will be back to business for the loyal Trumpites and Trumpettes.


Gee gabby. Thanks for posting all of YOUR family photo's. You're not as bad as many of us thought. Which one are you in the photo?

02-12-2017, 10:21 PM
I see Donald Trump as a wannabe "Big Brother" trying to put together a Ministry of Truth.


02-12-2017, 10:58 PM
Will Trump order an immediate investigation by the FBI?


Frank Ancona, the outspoken imperial wizard of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was found shot to death Saturday near Belgrade, Mo.

The body of the 51-year-old Leadwood, Mo., resident was discovered near the Big River by a family fishing in the area, according to Washington County Sheriff Zach Jacobsen in southeast Missouri.
Washington County coroner Brian DeClue told The Kansas City Star that Ancona died of a gunshot wound to the head.

02-13-2017, 01:08 PM
For once, Gabby made her posts in the appropriate section at least.

Or am I wrong and posts were moved?

02-13-2017, 02:00 PM
For once, Gabby made her posts in the appropriate section at least.

Or am I wrong and posts were moved?

I had to help her along.

You know how she is about following rules and such.

02-13-2017, 06:30 PM
I had to help her along.

You know how she is about following rules and such.

Should have known, I thought for once she trolled where she is supposed to. I should have known better.

02-13-2017, 08:24 PM
Will Trump order an immediate investigation by the FBI?


gabby. This song by Barbra is dedicated to you. The photo should make you feel all warm, and cozy as you listen.....http://icansayit.com/images/troll.jpg


The Once, wonderful singer has sunken to her Liberal trolling levels. Politics Lost.

02-13-2017, 10:40 PM
Will Trump order an immediate investigation by the FBI?


gabby. Let us know what you think about Trump now....


02-19-2017, 05:19 PM
Meanwhile, Trump put in a call to the Swedish government, expressing his concerns over the safety of ABBA and the Miss Sweden competition.

02-19-2017, 05:22 PM
Trump's biggest accomplishment so far is the spiraling interest in (and sales of) "1984" and "The Handmaid's Tale." Both of which should be required reading for everyone.

02-19-2017, 05:27 PM
Like most loyal Trumpers, Nightrain only sees what he wants to see and hears what he wants to hear. If a story is not pro-Trump, it is "fake news." And remember, Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia. :cool:

Black Diamond
02-19-2017, 05:31 PM
Like most loyal Trumpers, Nightrain only sees what he wants to see and hears what he wants to hear. If a story is not pro-Trump, it is "fake news." And remember, Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia. :cool:
As opposed to you, Miss Texas, who believes cnn that we are headed for 1984 or Nazi America?

Black Diamond
02-19-2017, 05:32 PM
Trump's biggest accomplishment so far is the spiraling interest in (and sales of) "1984" and "The Handmaid's Tale." Both of which should be required reading for everyone.
And the butthurt continues.

02-19-2017, 07:31 PM
I love how you guys change the subject when a thread doesn't go to your like. Not to mention your habit of exiling posts you disagree with to the dungeon. That is when you know that you have got the best of someone who is unable to respond in an intelligent and appropriate manner. Some people's permanently operate in the land of the midnight sun. :cool:

02-20-2017, 12:41 AM
I love how you guys change the subject when a thread doesn't go to your like. Not to mention your habit of exiling posts you disagree with to the dungeon. That is when you know that you have got the best of someone who is unable to respond in an intelligent and appropriate manner. Some people's permanently operate in the land of the midnight sun. :cool:

Your trollings will get moved here to your special trolling thread as I come across them.

And the next time you question my actions as a mod, you'll find yourself banned.

This will serve as your first and only warning; from here you'll get vacations that go up incrementally as deemed appropriate.

02-20-2017, 07:48 PM
I love how you guys change the subject when a thread doesn't go to your like. Not to mention your habit of exiling posts you disagree with to the dungeon. That is when you know that you have got the best of someone who is unable to respond in an intelligent and appropriate manner. Some people's permanently operate in the land of the midnight sun. :cool:

gabby. For someone like you, who claims to be so ALL KNOWING, and Highly Intelligent (if we ask you). I wonder why you intentionally are constantly DOING what your claim above asks about all of us?
You have been using, and practicing the liberal tactics, as instructed by the DNC, for so long. You seem incapable of recognizing how YOU are doing exactly what YOU accuse others of doing. Your accusations, and phony whining when someone confronts you with the truth is LAUGHABLE.
By the way. That Midnight Sun you speak of isn't so far from YOUR LEFT FIELD thinking, where Lies are Boss.

02-23-2017, 05:27 PM
Dear gabby. Get a hold of yourself.

03-09-2017, 11:50 PM
I have been told to never be intimidated by men. Since there is not a man alive who can't be leveled by a good kick in the balls. :cool:

03-09-2017, 11:53 PM
Balu, tell us how Chernobyl contributed to the betterment of Russian society.

03-10-2017, 10:57 AM
Eating those frozen dicks again, eh Nightrain? :rolleyes:

03-10-2017, 11:12 AM
Eating those frozen dicks again, eh Nightrain? :rolleyes:

You need to learn when to just the Hell up. That is totally inappropriate. I'll slam your ass. Behave.

03-10-2017, 11:46 AM
Eating those frozen dicks again, eh Nightrain? :rolleyes:

Oh, I'm sipping some premium coffee and riding herd on trolls. A most enjoyable morning.
How are you doing? :coffee:

03-10-2017, 02:58 PM
Eating those frozen dicks again, eh Nightrain? :rolleyes:

Sure thing gabby. But ONLY the ones YOU SPIT OUT first. :rolleyes:

When you open yourself up by trying to ruin someone else...YOU PAY.:laugh:

03-10-2017, 03:00 PM
I have been told to never be intimidated by men. Since there is not a man alive who can't be leveled by a good kick in the balls. :cool:

Sure gabby. But you also forget. When men get kicked in the balls.

03-10-2017, 10:40 PM
.......If we taxed liberal stupidity....we could finally pay off the national debt.

05-22-2017, 11:00 AM
Trump supporters, conservative voices, are being trampeled upon The only "trampeling" will come when ignorant neo-Nazis lead their families to drink the Kool-Aid after they finally figure out that Trump is a sham and a fraud.

05-22-2017, 12:36 PM
Looks like Gabby skipped her meds again. Moved to the appropriate Gabby trolling thread.

It was an appropriate and measured response. Perhaps you should stop being a prick and misusing your administrative powers. YOU are the troll who needs meds.

05-22-2017, 12:43 PM
It was an appropriate and measured response. Perhaps you should stop being a prick and misusing your administrative powers. YOU are the troll who needs meds.

STOP with thinking you're above the rules and can address any such issues on-board. Any such issues always have and continue to be expected to be via PM aka private. Do again, long time member or not, you'll get a vacation.

You quite often start trouble with folks, then not like what you get in return, and then ultimately it leads to questioning staff. You know the drill, but I'mm happy to give a reminder ban if you want to play dumb.

05-22-2017, 06:01 PM
The only "trampeling" will come when ignorant neo-Nazis lead their families to drink the Kool-Aid after they finally figure out that Trump is a sham and a fraud.

gabby. Is pete your brother, sister, husband, son, daughter or Liberal Advisor?

Please respond, as I share your photo here, for the members to see again!http://icansayit.com/images/troll.jpg

06-06-2017, 11:25 AM
The end game is to bog the administration down by forcing them to concentrate on forcing appointments over the democrats objections.
The result is less time spent on other important things, like leading the country and filling needed appointments.

As is often the case, you are intentionally choosing to miss the point. You need to go back to stringing telephone lines in Nuiqsut and quit pretending you know what is happening in the real world. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
06-06-2017, 11:31 AM
As is often the case, you are intentionally choosing to miss the point. You need to go back to stringing telephone lines in Nuiqsut and quit pretending you know what is happening in the real world. :rolleyes:
And you need to go back to texas. Oh wait.

07-05-2017, 12:39 AM
That would take time from what is normally in your mouth. Which you and Jim enjoy discussing.
When you aren't out eating the yellow snow, of course.

Only through ONE page...& I gotta respond x's 2..sigh

Ms gabby...Why so bitter?

Go on a diet, get some mental health care.


07-05-2017, 12:42 AM
gabby. So...that must make you the poster child for the ALT-LEFT. And DO NOT look into any mirrors. That would be SEVEN YEARS BAD LUCK for you, sweeping up the pieces of broken glass.

The "2nd" shoe! Effing hilarious!

07-05-2017, 12:52 AM
I love how you guys change the subject when a thread doesn't go to your like. Not to mention your habit of exiling posts you disagree with to the dungeon. That is when you know that you have got the best of someone who is unable to respond in an intelligent and appropriate manner. Some people's permanently operate in the land of the midnight sun. :cool:

<b style="color: rgb(62, 62, 62); background-color: rgb(229, 229, 229);">
"I love how you guys change the subject when a thread doesn't go to your like. Not to mention your habit of exiling posts you disagree with to the dungeon. That is when you know that you have got the best of someone who is unable to respond in an intelligent and appropriate manner."

I call for a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR!:clap:

</b><b style="color: rgb(62, 62, 62); background-color: rgb(229, 229, 229);">

</b><b style="color: rgb(62, 62, 62); background-color: rgb(229, 229, 229);">


07-08-2017, 06:51 PM
No problemo. What's YOUR problem with Gabby?