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12-14-2016, 03:08 PM
Are you kidding me? LOL


Whitewashing the Black President's Legacy

As President Barack Obama's White House days run out, it's time for his obsequious courtiers in the liberal media to announce his glorious "legacy."

On Dec. 7, CNN devoted a two-hour prime-time special to the Obama legacy. It was hosted by Fareed Zakaria, a journalist whom Obama had invited to the White House so he could soak in Zakaria's wisdom and expertise — in other words, so he could flatter a journalist into giving him softball coverage.

Mission accomplished.

Just as it began nine years ago, Zakaria started by celebrating the president's race, the gauzy references to Kenya and Kansas fusing into one glorious body. Forget what Obama did. The first legacy was simply who he represented.

And for that he'd been victimized. In CNN's eyes, Obama's central crisis was the "fierce, unrelenting opposition" of Republicans and their latent racism. Obama's former senior adviser David Axelrod claimed, "It's indisputable that there was a ferocity to the opposition and a lack of respect to him that was a function of race." CNN pundit Van Jones agreed, saying, "I can't name one thing that this Congress supported this president on in eight years!" The left never had the intellectual nuance (or the political decency) to acknowledge that one could oppose Obama because he's a socialist. Period.

At the show's end, Zakaria concluded: "Presidential legacies also exist above and beyond laws and policies. We remember John F. Kennedy for energy, vitality, elegance and intelligence that he brought to the White House. And in that sense, Obama has left an indelible mark.

"He and his family occupied the White House with dignity, grace and good humor. He ran an administration that was largely scandal-free ... and did it all the while under a microscope because he looked different."

At a time when liberals are warning about the democracy-gutting potential of fake news, there is no faker news than the declaration that Obama's time in office was largely scandal-free. In the two-hour special there was no mention of Benghazi or IRS harassment, and no time given to Solyndra or Operation Fast and Furious. Some scandals — the failure of Obamacare, the courting of Islamist Iran — were cast as "signature (achievements)."

Rest here - http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/l-brent-bozell-iii/whitewashing-black-presidents-legacy

12-14-2016, 03:19 PM
Check this out:

Obama: A virtual museum of his presidency

Through a collection of deeply reported stories, videos, photographs, documents and graphics, experience Barack Obama’s historic time in office: as the first black president, as commander in chief, as a domestic and foreign policymaker, and as a husband and father. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/obama-legacy/the-first-family.html)

12-14-2016, 03:23 PM
Check this out:

Obama: A virtual museum of his presidency

Through a collection of deeply reported stories, videos, photographs, documents and graphics, experience Barack Obama’s historic time in office: as the first black president, as commander in chief, as a domestic and foreign policymaker, and as a husband and father. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/obama-legacy/the-first-family.html)

Oh my! Now I can go visit him without having to travel, that's AWESOME, hj!!!

Does it have a table of contents? I think it might be missing a couple of things, or a few hundred.

Abbey Marie
12-14-2016, 03:35 PM
This right here:
and did it all the while under a microscope because he looked different." is a total fabrication for all but the tiniest segment of our society.

12-14-2016, 07:51 PM
Are you kidding me? LOL


Fiction is an art!

Not a lot of fact in that scrap of rubbish.