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red states rule
07-31-2007, 04:47 AM
We all know libs want to surrender to terrorists, but is Hillary about to surrender to Obama?

Bill Clinton sands edges of Obama 'spat'

By: David Paul Kuhn and John F. Harris
Jul 30, 2007 04:05 PM EST
Updated: July 30, 2007 07:27 PM EST

Bill Clinton said Monday that he had no interest in wading into “that little spat” that broke out last week between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama over whether the next president should commit to meeting with the leader of several U.S. adversaries.

Then, in the next sentence, the former president waded right in -- in a way that sounded like the Clintons might be seeking a truce with Obama in the debate over the proper role of presidential diplomacy when dealing with assorted bad guys on the world stage.

While Hillary Clinton and her team pounced on Obama’s pledge to meet with leaders of such countries as Iran, Syria and Cuba as “naïve,” her husband took pains in a speech to centrist Democrats to emphasize that all the candidates basically agree on the big picture.

“We have to get back to more diplomacy,” Clinton said, adding, “I’ve heard no fewer than four of our candidates say in the last month, remind us that in the middle of the cold war, in the darkest hours, we never stopped talking to the Soviets at some level. So no one disputes that.

Advisers to both Bill and Hillary Clinton bridled at an early version of this story, which stated that the 42nd president’s remarks might be a sign that Obama had succeeded in his pushback last week against Hillary Clinton. In response to her criticism that it was “irresponsible” to give the foreign leaders a propaganda victory by meeting with a U.S. president without forcing concessions in advance, Obama said Clinton sounded like President Bush in refusing to practice diplomacy with adversaries.

Bill Clinton, according to an aide, was speaking extemporaneously about the Obama controversy, trying to strike a conciliatory tone but not with a message coordinated through his wife’s campaign.

In his Nashville remarks, Clinton said people could interpret the candidates’ answers for themselves but indicated he did not see much disagreement on “the big question, and that is: Should we have more diplomacy? The answer is yes. Then you can parse their answers to the specific questions and decide who you think is right.”

In his speech in Nashville to the Democratic Leadership Council, a group of moderate Democrats he once headed and that served as a launching pad for his 1992 campaign, Clinton mostly avoided overt references to 2008 politics. While his wife and other 2008 candidates stayed away from this year’s conference, Clinton lavished praise on the group and said the DLC remains relevant to helping the party come up with new ideas.

In what might be a sign that Democratic candidate John Edwards is getting on Clinton’s nerves -- though he did not mention Edwards by name -- Clinton said it “galls” him that fighting poverty is now seen as a voguish issue, and that people assume he and the DLC cared only about the middle class and not the poor.

Edwards has made fighting poverty a centerpiece of his campaign. Clinton said his administration, using DLC ideas such as the earned income tax credit, deserve credit for tackling the issue.

“The only way you can expand the middle class is to move poor people into it -- unless you are trying to make the rich poor,” Clinton said, adding, “We had the most successful antipoverty program in a generation and it still works.”


07-31-2007, 05:42 AM
We all know libs want to surrender to terrorists, but is Hillary about to surrender to Obama?

never a good idea to do too much damage to your vice presidential running mate......

red states rule
07-31-2007, 05:43 AM
never a good idea to do too much damage to your vice presidential running mate......

With that ticket, there will three boobs running for office

red states rule
07-31-2007, 07:25 AM
The liberal media has been trying to paint Hillary as a moderate - now they say Obama is a "centrist"

Why are they afriad to tell the truth and say they are liberals?

Newsweek's Wolffe: Obama a 'Centrist'
By Mark Finkelstein | July 31, 2007 - 08:06 ET
What would you call a candidate with the following interest group ratings, among others:

100% rating from Planned Parenthood
100% from NARAL
0% from the Illinois Association for Right to Life
0% from Americans for Tax Reform
100% from the NAACP
8% from the American Conservative Union
100% from the NEA [teachers union]
100% from Children's Defense Fund [Hillary's old group]
100% from NOW
88% from the American Immigration Lawyers Association
0% from the Federation for American Immigration Reform
100% from the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees
100% from Americans for Democratic Action [gold-standard of old lefty groups]
Again, what would you call such a candidate? Well, if he's Barack Obama, and you're Richard Wolffe, you'd call him a "centrist."

View video here.

Wolffe is Newsweek’s Senior White House Correspondent. The Keith Olbermann fave turned up on "Morning Joe" today to discuss his Newsweek story on the Hillary-Obama dust-up. Wolffe argues that experience in presidential candidates is generally over-rated and that Hillary's in particular isnt all it's played up to be. He observes that whereas Hillary touts the number of countries she's visited, Laura Bush has also visited 68 countries and no on is mentioning her name as a potential Commander-in-Chief.

Wolffe certainly seems to have something for Obama. Not only did he downplay Hillary's experience, he also categorized the Illinois senator's politics this way:

He's basically a centrist politician. He's annoyed the teachers union. He went to Detroit and annoyed the car industry. But [his record of opposing] the war gives him a lot of cover to take very centrist positions.

It's true that Obama did express support for merit pay, anathema to the teachers unions. But he has otherwise toed the teachers' line, as reflected in his 100% NEA rating. And when it comes to annoying the car industry, he did so from the left. An article in Wolffe's own Newsweek noted that Obama:

castigat[ed] Motown's big wheels for driving our dependence on foreign oil. "For years, while foreign competitors were investing in more fuel-efficient technology for their vehicles, American automakers were spending their time investing in bigger, faster cars," Obama told an audience stunned into silence after greeting him with a standing ovation."Whenever an attempt was made to raise our fuel efficiency standards, the auto companies would lobby furiously against it, spending millions to prevent the very reform that could've saved their industry. Even as they've shed thousands of jobs and billions in profits over the last few years, they've continued to reward failure with lucrative bonuses for CEOs."

How does that make Obama a centrist?

But Wolffe's characterization fits the pattern. While the MSM regularly labels Republicans as "conservative," "hard-right," etc., there is virtually no Dem the MSM can't declare "centrist" or "moderate," from Al Gore, to John Kerry, and now to Obama.


07-31-2007, 11:09 AM
I said back in 04, when obama was the key speaker at the dem convention that clinton would run for prez and obama would be her VP. I still stand by that.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 07:48 PM
I said back in 04, when obama was the key speaker at the dem convention that clinton would run for prez and obama would be her VP. I still stand by that.

Well not everyone is always right on their predictions.

Please do not decide to try and make a living as a bookie

07-31-2007, 07:51 PM
I said back in 04, when obama was the key speaker at the dem convention that clinton would run for prez and obama would be her VP. I still stand by that.

Why the hell down you stand by those deuche bags?:poke::slap:

red states rule
07-31-2007, 07:52 PM
Why the hell down you stand by those deuche bags?:poke::slap:

I don't feel he is standing by them - he thinks they will win

07-31-2007, 07:54 PM
I don't feel he is standing by them - he thinks they will win

They don't stand a chance in hell!

red states rule
07-31-2007, 08:00 PM
They don't stand a chance in hell!

Rudy and Fred are the ones I am hoping for right now

They will destroy the myth of the Clintons

07-31-2007, 08:02 PM
Rudy and Fred are the ones I am hoping for right now

They will destroy the myth of the Clintons

:pee: Fred Thompson

red states rule
07-31-2007, 08:05 PM
:pee: Fred Thompson

Why do you say that?

I have heard him speak and I have no problem with what he has said

07-31-2007, 08:08 PM
Why do you say that?

I have heard him speak and I have no problem with what he has said

He's a bloody Liberal in disguise. He has way to many Liberal tendancies.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 08:11 PM
He's a bloody Liberal in disguise. He has way to many Liberal tendancies.

We are talking about Fred Thomspon, The guy who has made a few movies

What did he say that makes you say he is a lib?

07-31-2007, 08:14 PM
We are talking about Fred Thomspon, The guy who has made a few movies

What did he say that makes you say he is a lib?

Lobbing for Pro Abortion groups is a big one.................

red states rule
07-31-2007, 08:14 PM
Lobbing for Pro Abortion groups is a big one.................

Can you give some more info please?

07-31-2007, 08:16 PM
Can you give some more info please?

I posted all the info I had under the Fred Thompson thread I started on USMB.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 08:17 PM
I posted all the info I had under the Fred Thompson thread I started on USMB.

I will check it out