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View Full Version : WTF? City Pledges to ‘Welcome’ Illegal Aliens

12-15-2016, 02:27 PM
Look, I can understand the sympathy for "dreamers", even other illegals that crossed and have busted their asses here in paid into out tax system somehow. I'll save my own "laws are laws" for another thread. But damn, this is a city, just not only outright stating they will be a sanctuary city, but that they will defy any laws, and also ban their own police from working with federal officials. And we wonder why there are problems in our country? I can understand if they want to work against any such laws and fighting against the government, but ignoring the laws and refusing to work together and then banning their own police? The same goes for the other places mentioned, but I don't recall those places banning things. This would be the first place I would cut off federal funding to.


City Pledges to ‘Welcome’ Illegal Aliens

A municipality just outside Chicago, Illinois has now pledged itself to be a home for illegal aliens who want to be shielded from federal immigration law, officially claiming the mantle as a sanctuary city.
The aldermen of Evanston, Illinois unanimously adopted a policy which will ban local police from being able to share information with federal immigration officials from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, according to Evanston Now.

Opponent of the sanctuary policy, Madelyn Ducre, said the city should not be purposefully seeking to violate federal immigration law, saying “Illegal people in America are illegal.”

Supporters of the sanctuary city policy like Michelle Vazquez from Evanston Township High School said the public schools and universities in the area support illegal immigrants, therefore Evanston should do the same.

The sanctuary city policy adopted is similar to others that have been adopted in cities like Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco.

Under the ordinance, local police are not allowed to hold an illegal alien solely on immigration status. Likewise, when ICE asks police to hold an individual for their illegal immigration status, police are expected not to cooperate.

Local police will also be banned from giving federal immigration officials access to anyone in police custody and they cannot allow ICE officials into their police headquarters.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/12/15/city-pledges-welcome-illegal-aliens/