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12-16-2016, 08:04 PM
So Facebook as I had mentioned is one of those taking the lead on getting rid of this so called fake news. How ever so kind of them. But outside of the obvious, which is "why not let the reader decide themselves", it's also obvious of some other issues. Politifact was included, and I posted about them earlier, and their proven liberal slant.


Facebook Empowers Far-Left Group to Bury "Fake News"

Facebook has announced it will empower Snopes, an organization with a clear left-wing bias, to bury so-called “fake news” on its news feed, a move that clearly opens the door for the outright censorship of conservative content and opinion.

“To combat fake news, Facebook has partnered with a shortlist of media organizations, including Snopes and ABC News, that are part of an international fact-checking network lead by Poynter, a nonprofit school for journalism located in St. Petersburg, Florida,” reports Business Insider. This network will identify stories it deems to be “fake news” and then flag the URL, ensuring the story is buried in users’ news feeds and seen by significantly less people.

One of the organizations on the list tasked with burying “fake news” is Snopes, which represents a clear conflict of interest given that Snopes is clearly not impartial.

As the Daily Caller reported, Kim Lacapria, Snopes’ main political “fact checker,” describes herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She has previously equated Tea Party conservatives with jihadists. Lacapria “regularly plays defense for her fellow liberals,” according to Peter Hasson, and has betrayed her partisan bias on numerous occasions by defending Hillary Clinton and claiming that Orlando nightclub terrorist Omar Mateen wasn’t a Democrat when he was actually a registered Democrat.

Lacapria even denied that Facebook’s burying of trending news topics was an issue after Facebook employees admitted it was happening and Facebook subsequently vowed to change the policy.

Rest here - http://www.infowars.com/facebook-empowers-far-left-group-to-bury-fake-news/

And just how about Snopes?

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Popular myth-busting website Snopes originally gained recognition for being the go-to site for disproving outlandish urban legends -such as the presence of UFOs in Haiti or the existence of human-animal hybrids in the Amazon jungle.

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

Rest here - http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/17/fact-checking-snopes-websites-political-fact-checker-is-just-a-failed-liberal-blogger/

And who is dropping $$$ into this?

George Soros Finances Group Helping Facebook Flag ‘Disputed’ Stories

TEL AVIV — The organization partnered with Facebook to help determine whether a certain story is “disputed” is financed by billionaire George Soros and a slew of other left-wing funders.
The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) drafted a code of five principles for news websites to accept, and Facebook yesterday announced it will work with “third-party fact checking organizations” that are signatories to the code of principles.

Facebook says that if the “fact checking organizations” determine that a certain story is fake, it will get flagged as disputed and, according to the Facebook announcement, “there will be a link to the corresponding article explaining why. Stories that have been disputed may also appear lower in News Feed.”

IFCN is hosted by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. A cursory search of the Poynter Institute website finds that Poynter’s IFCN is openly funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/12/16/soros-finances-group-helping-facebook-flag-disputed-stories/

12-17-2016, 02:12 PM
More shocks!! It's odd that folks on the left would want to even get involved? Why in the world would they want to somehow work with the news, and find ways to hide or get rid of certain news stories?


Facebook Fact-Checker PolitiFact Funded by Clinton Foundation Donor

Alberto Ibarguen, president and CEO of the Knight Foundation, one of PolitiFact’s largest contributors, donated $200,000 to support the 8th annual Clinton Global Initiative University meeting in February 2015.
The President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton-hosted event was held in Miami, Florida where the the Knight Foundation is based.

The Knight Foundation also gave between $10,000 and $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, Politico reports.

Ibarguen’s Knight Foundation has funded the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, a major financier to PolitiFact, Facebook’s newly announced “fake news” fact-checker. PolitiFact, according to its website, “is a project of the Tampa Bay Times.”

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/12/16/facebook-fact-checker-politifact-funded-by-clinton-foundation-donor/

12-21-2016, 01:21 PM
It's truly odd that we suddenly need authorities to help us read the news. I guess they figure we are all too stupid to figure out things on our own. I have NO DOUBT that this will be abused, and politically abused...


Facebook ‘Fact-checker’ Poynter Partnered with Obama State Department to Train Journalists

TEL AVIV — The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, which is helping Facebook determine whether certain news stories are “disputed,” recently partnered with the Obama State Department to host a training workshop for reporters.
Poynter has also a partner of the State Department for an annual three-week exchange that describes itself as aiming to “examine the essential role of independent media in fostering and protecting freedom of expression and democracy.”

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which is a project of the Poynter Institute, drafted a code of five principles for news websites to accept, and Facebook last week explained it will work with “third-party fact-checking organizations” that are signatories to the code of principles.
