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View Full Version : Skowhegan-area propane dealer won’t deliver to Trump voters

12-18-2016, 07:41 PM
I verified this myself at 207-474-7556 .

I left a message suggesting that he move his Communist ass to Canada because he's certainly NOT an American.


On the coldest day of the season, a Skowhegan-area propane dealer has a pointed message for would-be customers.
“If you voted for Donald Trump for President, I will no longer be delivering your gas, please find someone else,” is the message left for customers that call Turner LP Gas Service, on Canaan Road in Skowhegan.

12-18-2016, 07:48 PM
I verified this myself at 207-474-7556 .

I left a message suggesting that he move his Communist ass to Canada because he's certainly NOT an American.


Good on You! That is certainly an ignorant stance...torpedoing his own business.

12-18-2016, 07:55 PM
I verified this myself at 207-474-7556 .

I left a message suggesting that he move his Communist ass to Canada because he's certainly NOT an American.


Just further proof that the loony left has NO conception of reality

12-19-2016, 11:21 AM
I verified this myself at 207-474-7556 .

I left a message suggesting that he move his Communist ass to Canada because he's certainly NOT an American.


He/she is acting like a baby, and no doubt harming the business.

12-23-2016, 08:30 AM
And in the "Here's Your Sign" category

Skowhegan propane dealer with anti-Trump message is not licensed to sell fuel

Michael Turner, who said he would not sell fuel to anyone who voted for President-elect Donald Trump, has not been licensed since 2012.

SKOWHEGAN — A local propane dealer who said in a recent message that he won’t sell to anyone who voted for President-elect Donald Trump has been delivering and dispensing gas without a state license for at least two years, state officials said this week.
