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12-19-2016, 04:10 PM


Truck Drives Through Crowded Christmas Market In Berlin, 9 Killed
JOHN SEXTONPosted at 4:01 pm on December 19, 2016

Nine people have been killed and at least 50 injured in what police are now saying looks like an attack similar to the one that took place in Nice, France earlier this year.


12-19-2016, 05:30 PM
An ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACK. Another shocker, this season has been full of them.


UPDATE 17:18 EST — French Front Nationale politician Marion Le Pen has expressed solidarity with the German people via Twitter and has called the incident an “Islamic terror attack.”


Abbey Marie
12-19-2016, 06:05 PM
How they truly hate Christians.

Black Diamond
12-19-2016, 06:23 PM
An ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACK. Another shocker, this season has been full of them.


UPDATE 17:18 EST — French Front Nationale politician Marion Le Pen has expressed solidarity with the German people via Twitter and has called the incident an “Islamic terror attack.”


Obama skipping the word Islamic in 5...4...3...2

12-19-2016, 08:28 PM
Obama skipping the word Islamic in 5...4...3...2

He's too busy trying to establish a legacy.:laugh:

12-19-2016, 08:32 PM
Obama skipping the word Islamic in 5...4...3...2

Trump has already blamed "Islamist terrorists" and also added they target "innocent Christians".

Some don't like to use the word Islam when speaking of terrorism. Some don't want to mention or discuss that Christians are being targeted.

Black Diamond
12-19-2016, 08:36 PM
Trump has already blamed "Islamist terrorists" and also added they target "innocent Christians".

Some don't like to use the word Islam when speaking of terrorism. Some don't want to mention or discuss that Christians are being targeted.

He is such a bigot.

12-20-2016, 01:28 AM
My sincere condolences to all who have suffered. http://s16.rimg.info/eacdae94cbc34f40f823e78158bcf758.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-932047047.html)

12-20-2016, 04:01 AM
The german people have the government they elected. These will get worse before they get better.

12-20-2016, 06:21 AM
The german people have the government they elected. These will get worse before they get better.

Glad you are ok.

12-20-2016, 07:42 AM
it looks like the arrested man, may be the wrong man:


...German police are yet to comment directly on the claims of Die Welt's senior source, but have just published a series of Tweets.

"The temporarily arrested suspect denies the offence. Therefore we are particularly alert. Please also be alert," reads the statement.

26 minutes ago
German newspaper Die Welt is quoting a senior police source as saying that officers have the "wrong man".

"We have the wrong man. And thus a new situation. For the real culprit is still armed at large and can cause new damage," the source told the newspaper.
29 minutes ago

The truck attack suspect is a Pakistan national whose asylum application was being processed, but there is no link to Isis - Germany's Interior minister has confirmed.

Thomas de Maiziere has taken questions from the floor in a press conference in Berlin, where he also said the arrested man entered Germany on 31 December, 2015, and arrived in Berlin in February.

Mr Maiziere also said authorities have "no doubt" that the lorry crash at the Christmas market was an "attack".

The politician, who earlier this morning was reluctant to brand the tragedy as an attack, also said 18 of the 48 injured were severely hurt.

12-20-2016, 07:42 AM
I just heard the latest news. One report has Angela Merkel going on air to say how 'sickening' it'd be 'if' the perpetrator tuned out to be a refugee (.. nothing quite like a leader sweating at the prospect that she could've helped bring this on to her people herself, because she somehow needed to do the'politically correct' thing, in defiance of sheer commonsense ..).

Well, surprise surprise ... another report says he's a Pakistani refugee, taken in by Germany ! Prepare to be 'sickened' Angela .. I look forward to your displays of self-blaming sorrow (if not actually your resignation - of course !!) in the days ahead.

Just seen ... take a look at this ...


The Pakistani asylum seeker arrested after the Berlin Christmas market massacre was allegedly held for a sex attack in July and was already on the Interpol crime database, it was revealed today.

Naved B, 23, was not on Germany's terror watchlist but had been held by police for several crimes and freed before he may have hijacked a 25-tonne lorry and used it to murder 12 people and injure 48 more last night.

But security sources have told one German newspaper that after questioning him for 12 hours there are fears they have arrested the wrong man and the real killer - or an accomplice - could still be on loose with a gun.

At 7pm last night the juggernaut laden with steel cargo turned off its lights and ripped through stalls and shoppers at 40mph on Breitscheidplatz Square, outside the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in the German capital's main shopping area.

Witnesses said victims including children were sent flying like bowling pins and sucked under the wheels leaving 'rivers of blood' as the killer driver steered at them before jumping out of the cab and racing from the scene.

Police managed to take the masked terror suspect alive at a nearby zoo after a 'hero' witness in the Christmas market gave chase on foot while giving officers second-by-second updates on his phone.

The lorry's original Polish driver, who was transporting steel beams into Germany, was last heard from at around 4pm yesterday and was found shot dead in the cab in an apparent murder hijacking. The gun has not been found.

Arrested suspect Naved B, is believed to have entered the country under a false name on New Year's Eve 2015, and may have been radicalised by an ISIS handler after arriving in Germany.

Germany's Defence Minister Thomas de Maizière today confirmed that the suspect was not on Germany's terror list but was on the Interpol list of criminals. He was also allegedly arrested in Berlin for a sex attack in July and other petty crimes.

The minister also revealed that the suspect had failed to attend his first asylum hearing and then appeared at a second but claimed he spoke no German and required an interpreter so it was adjourned.

The terror attack could be a political disaster for Angela Merkel, who will seek a historic fourth term as German Chancellor next year. The German leader has staked much of her political capital in opening up Germany's doors to refugees and in doing so divided a reunited land.

So there's a possibility that he's not the 'right' man. EVEN SO ... he's someone who should've been watched, kept tabs on by the security services, regardless, I'd suggest ...

12-20-2016, 08:20 AM
it looks like the arrested man, may be the wrong man:


Confusing reports, as the guy caught, was chased by someone a bit over a mile, then police arrested. Now they're not sure if he was the driver or an accomplice or what. Seems he had several forms of ID on him, so looks like he's something.

The original driver of the truck, from Poland, was killed. Thus it appears the truck was hijacked.

12-20-2016, 11:08 AM

The truck attack suspect is a Pakistan national whose asylum application was being processed

Why is he roaming around the country if it's still "being processed"? Fuckers shouldn't be entering countries if they can't be vetted - and this is why.

12-20-2016, 11:22 AM
Merkel should now be replaced or step down. These nitwits are only enabling the terrorists, IMO. "Sure, come here, we are terror friendly".

12-20-2016, 11:42 AM
The latest ...


A second terror attack in Berlin could be imminent after police admitted the Christmas market killer lorry driver who mowed down 12 people is on the loose, armed with a gun and currently have no idea where he is.

Police believed Pakistani asylum seeker Naved B, 23, was behind the attacks only to rule him out 12 hours later, with a senior source telling Bild they have been unable to 'track' the wanted man.

Prosecutor Holger Münch has warned of a 'serious threat' of another 'significant' terror attack as it emerged an asylum seeker from Pakistan arrested last night was the wrong man.

Berlin's police chief Klaus Kandt said the 'dangerous criminal' behind a deadly truck rampage at a Christmas market may still be on the run, urging 'heightened vigilance'. Interior minister Klaus Bouillon said that Germany is 'in a state of war' after the massacre on Breitscheidplatz Square last night - the seventh in the country this year.

Detectives interrogating chief suspect Naved B, 23, have said he has no blood on his clothes, no injuries and denies hijacking a 25-tonne lorry and using it to murder 12 people and injured 48 more last night.

A security services source, a senior police officer, told die Welt newspaper: 'We have the wrong man. The true perpetrator is still armed, at large and can cause further damage.'

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2016, 12:28 PM
Exactly what would these members here that defend the muzzies be saying now, if DMP AND HIS DAUGHTER HAD BEEN IN THAT CROWD AND HURT OR KILLED?
He is or else he was in Germany recently. And may have not known the true extent of the danger he was in...
Thank god that he and his child were not there and were hurt or killed!

You see, folks- these scum are commanded by their bible- the Koran- to do exactly as that insane muzzy truck driver did!
That is the truth the muzzy scum and their allies(liberal western media morons) keep as suppressed as possible!
Invite in murdering predators expect to become walking talking meals!--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2016, 12:32 PM

The truck attack suspect is a Pakistan national whose asylum application was being processed

Why is he roaming around the country if it's still "being processed"? Fuckers shouldn't be entering countries if they can't be vetted - and this is why.
The traitor obama has already brought in many tens of thousands of these --ever so peaceful people here and spread them across this nation into key areas to promote Islam's agenda...
Seeding the herd for future conquering--that is what he did.. A damn fact..-Tyr

12-20-2016, 01:21 PM
Looks like the man arrested was released.


The man detained after a Christmas market attack that killed 12 people in Berlin was released from custody today because of insufficient evidence, the federal prosecutor said, increasing the likelihood that other suspects may still be at large.

12-21-2016, 01:56 PM
And now we learn this guy was a known quantity. you know he's a scumbag, you know he's perhaps in an ISIS cell, and he does this anyway? :rolleyes: It's a good thing he APPLIED for amnesty, and then a year later he commits the attack.

And that's what some of us think about refugees coming into the USA. They need to be PROPERLY vetted. If they can't be, then they don't come in. It's as simple as that. Or you are risking a potential attack as we see here.


Suspect Sought for Deadly Berlin Terror Attack, Anis Amri, Yet Another 'Known Wolf'

A manhunt is underway in Germany for 23-year old Tunisian Anis Amri, sought for his possible connection to this week's horrific terror attack on a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people and injured dozens more.

Amri was already known to German police for involvement in an ISIS cell, and had been under police surveillance.

If Amri's involvement is confirmed, this would make the Berlin attack the most recent case of what I have termed "Known Wolf" terrorism, and would mark the eighth such incident this year:


The Wall Street Journal reports:

Authorities on Wednesday were seeking a 23-year-old Tunisian man who had been on the radar of intelligence services since last year as a suspect in the deadly truck attack at Berlin’s Christmas market, a German security official said.

The man, identified as Anis A., had entered Germany in July 2015 and applied for asylum, the official said. He got temporary approval to stay in Germany even though his asylum application was rejected, the official said.

German authorities had classified him as a potentially violent follower of the fundamentalist Salafi strain of Islam, and suspected ties to Islamic State, the official said.

Another security official confirmed police were seeking the man. Investigators pinpointed him as their suspect after finding his residency permit in the cab of the truck used in the attack, they said. But the document was only found on Tuesday, during a more thorough search of the truck than the one that took place in the aftermath of the attack the previous night, according to one of the officials.

The Tunisian man had used a number of different identities while in Germany, also claiming on some occasions that he was Egyptian or Lebanese, officials said.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2016/12/21/suspect-sought-for-deadly-berlin-terror-attack-anis-amri-yet-another-known-wolf/

Abbey Marie
12-21-2016, 02:26 PM
And now we learn this guy was a known quantity. you know he's a scumbag, you know he's perhaps in an ISIS cell, and he does this anyway? :rolleyes: It's a good thing he APPLIED for amnesty, and then a year later he commits the attack.

And that's what some of us think about refugees coming into the USA. They need to be PROPERLY vetted. If they can't be, then they don't come in. It's as simple as that. Or you are risking a potential attack as we see here.

Suspect Sought for Deadly Berlin Terror Attack, Anis Amri, Yet Another 'Known Wolf'

A manhunt is underway in Germany for 23-year old Tunisian Anis Amri, sought for his possible connection to this week's horrific terror attack on a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people and injured dozens more.

Amri was already known to German police for involvement in an ISIS cell, and had been under police surveillance.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2016/12/21/suspect-sought-for-deadly-berlin-terror-attack-anis-amri-yet-another-known-wolf/

Regarding the bolded, unless they were closely tracking him (and they obviously were not) to try to catch the terrorists he is reporting to, why on earth did they not deport him? Has Merkel tied their hands this much?
I can see the same reluctance to deport happening here under a Dem White House. Thank goodness Trump won.

12-21-2016, 05:58 PM
Many asked - why wasn't this guy deported? Well...

This will leave many scratching their heads. And another reason for me to further state - don't even take them in at all if they cannot be properly vetted.

Suspected killer wasn’t deported because he had no papers

Ralf Jäger, the controversial left-wing home affairs minister for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has spoken in a press conference this afternoon on the background of suspected killer Anis A, who lived at least part of the time in the state.

When asked by a journalist why the Tunisian migrant hadn’t been deported despite having failed in his application for asylum, the politician responded: “the man could not be deported because he had no valid identity papers”. This refers to a common paradox in German immigration policy, where asylum seekers have their claims rejected for not being from a sufficiently dangerous country but can’t be returned because they have lost or destroyed their legitimate identity papers en-route to Europe.

Without these papers, their countries of origin refuse to take the failed asylum seekers back as it can’t be proven the individuals did come from that country in the first place. In this common situation, migrants are then issued with papers of tolerance, which signify the fact their claims have failed but while they have nowhere else to go they are permitted to remain in Germany.

Ralf Jäger gained international prominence earlier this year during the aftermath of the Cologne sexual assaults, which happened on his watch as home affairs minister for the state. Minister Jäger managed to hang on to his own position after firing his chief of police to boost public confidence in the force. It later transpired that the police chief had appealed to Minister Jäger for reinforcements on the night of the mass sex assaults but was turned down.


12-21-2016, 07:14 PM
This guy shouldn't have even been roaming anywhere, IMO, let alone the streets of Germany.


German security services face difficult questions after it emerged that Amris, a lifelong criminal, should have been deported months ago.

The 23-year-old, who has a 100,000 euro reward on his head, was under close surveillance of German intelligence for several months following his arrival in the country last year. He was arrested three times this year and his asylum application was rejected, but deportation papers were never served and he disappeared.

The Tunisian radical was known to be a supporter of Islamic State and to have received weapons training. He tried to recruit an accomplice for a terror plot – which the authorities knew about – but still remained at large.

He was under investigation for planning a ‘serious act of violence against the state’ and counter-terrorism officials had exchanged information about him last month.

Last night it emerged the fugitive spent four years in an Italian prison for acts of violence and vandalism inside a migrant centre where he was being kept following his arrival in Europe. The prison in Palermo, Sicily, is where mafia bosses and gangsters are locked up. Tunisian security officials also revealed he was convicted in absentia for aggravated theft with violence in his home country.

A senior foreign German politician today blamed the atrocity on 'institutional political correctness', arguing that Amri would not have been free to act if police had enforced the law.


12-21-2016, 07:21 PM
How they truly hate Christians.

Attrition. They're killing us off and our idiot PC types might as well be loading their weapons. They've been at it since the 7th century. They aren't going away. It must really suck to be so full of hate.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2016, 08:50 PM
This guy shouldn't have even been roaming anywhere, IMO, let alone the streets of Germany.


German security services face difficult questions after it emerged that Amris, a lifelong criminal, should have been deported months ago.

The 23-year-old, who has a 100,000 euro reward on his head, was under close surveillance of German intelligence for several months following his arrival in the country last year. He was arrested three times this year and his asylum application was rejected, but deportation papers were never served and he disappeared.

The Tunisian radical was known to be a supporter of Islamic State and to have received weapons training. He tried to recruit an accomplice for a terror plot – which the authorities knew about – but still remained at large.

He was under investigation for planning a ‘serious act of violence against the state’ and counter-terrorism officials had exchanged information about him last month.

Last night it emerged the fugitive spent four years in an Italian prison for acts of violence and vandalism inside a migrant centre where he was being kept following his arrival in Europe. The prison in Palermo, Sicily, is where mafia bosses and gangsters are locked up. Tunisian security officials also revealed he was convicted in absentia for aggravated theft with violence in his home country.

A senior foreign German politician today blamed the atrocity on 'institutional political correctness', arguing that Amri would not have been free to act if police had enforced the law.


German security services face difficult questions after it emerged that Amris, a lifelong criminal, should have been deported months ago.

The 23-year-old, who has a 100,000 euro reward on his head, was under close surveillance of German intelligence for several months following his arrival in the country last year. He was arrested three times this year and his asylum application was rejected, but deportation papers were never served and he disappeared.

The Tunisian radical was known to be a supporter of Islamic State and to have received weapons training. He tried to recruit an accomplice for a terror plot – which the authorities knew about – but still remained at large.

He was under investigation for planning a ‘serious act of violence against the state’ and counter-terrorism officials had exchanged information about him last month.

Last night it emerged the fugitive spent four years in an Italian prison for acts of violence and vandalism inside a migrant centre where he was being kept following his arrival in Europe. The prison in Palermo, Sicily, is where mafia bosses and gangsters are locked up. Tunisian security officials also revealed he was convicted in absentia for aggravated theft with violence in his home country.

A senior foreign German politician today blamed the atrocity on 'institutional political correctness', arguing that Amri would not have been free to act if police had enforced the law.

^^^^^^^^ Folks, can you fathom how much protection, coddling this muzzy bastard got after reading all that was ignored to let him roam free, to do as he pleased?
Surely, we must ask why muzzies get this treatment!
They get it in every host country they infect..
Where does it come from , as it defies logic, common sense and just about every norm known to mankind.

They get the same thing in this country, only to a lesser degree but its there and IT IS INCREASING every year!



