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View Full Version : Mr. Trump won elections and NATO (Belgium) started acting?

12-22-2016, 08:57 AM
In Andenne in the Belgian Ardennes, was found dead the chief auditor Yves Shandelon NATO, said the publication Sudinfo.

Yves Shandelon, the main Auditor of Nato, was found dead in the Andenne town in Belgian Ardennes, according to media.
In concordance with them, an official, probably shot himself, but family rejects this version.
NATO official's body was found in 140 kilometers from his place of work, and 100 kilometers from the city of Lens, where he lived.

Three firearms were registered in the name of 60-years-old Shandelon. However, unregistered weapons were found beside the body of , from which he was shot in the head.

Shandelon was involved in the countering of financing terrorism.

People from his surrounding claims that he informed them on getting "strange" phone calls.



12-22-2016, 09:00 AM
In Andenne in the Belgian Ardennes, was found dead the chief auditor Yves Shandelon NATO, said the publication Sudinfo.

Yves Shandelon, the main Auditor of Nato, was found dead in the Andenne town in Belgian Ardennes, according to media.
In concordance with them, an official, probably shot himself, but family rejects this version.
NATO official's body was found in 140 kilometers from his place of work, and 100 kilometers from the city of Lens, where he lived.

Three firearms were registered in the name of 60-years-old Shandelon. However, unregistered weapons were found beside the body of , from which he was shot in the head.

Shandelon was involved in the countering of financing terrorism.

People from his surrounding claims that he informed them on getting "strange" phone calls.



Not sure what the connection is to Trump....

12-22-2016, 09:29 AM
Not sure what the connection is to Trump....

You've already forgotten his words concerning supporting NATO at the USA account?
Do always remember that ANY businessmen starting ANY project begins from REVISING the balance of income and expenses of his predecessor with all the corresponding consequences. I do not think that he is eager in further financing those who are robbing.http://s19.rimg.info/aee19e2775457d135efdf745e7d94e15.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1224821991.html)

12-22-2016, 09:39 AM
You've already forgotten his words concerning supporting NATO at the USA account?
Do always remember that ANY businessmen starting ANY project begins from REVISING the balance of income and expenses of his predecessor with all the corresponding consequences. I do not think that he is eager in further financing those who are robbing.http://s19.rimg.info/aee19e2775457d135efdf745e7d94e15.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1224821991.html)

Quite a stretch you are making there. I'm going to go with "the Russians did it!"

12-22-2016, 09:42 AM
Quite a stretch you are making there. I'm going to go with "the Russians did it!"

A good piece of joke! http://s4.rimg.info/3dac96de6803d637fcc72bc4d0603195.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-473366055.html)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-22-2016, 09:46 AM
You've already forgotten his words concerning supporting NATO at the USA account?
Do always remember that ANY businessmen starting ANY project begins from REVISING the balance of income and expenses of his predecessor with all the corresponding consequences. I do not think that he is eager in further financing those who are robbing.http://s19.rimg.info/aee19e2775457d135efdf745e7d94e15.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1224821991.html)

Well, that is a can of worms most are loath to open. For despite the many hundreds of billions we've spent protecting Europe, most here think it is still in our best interests to maintain that relationship.
I think it is in our best interests to make European nations share a larger portion of the costs and stop bilking us , as they also vote against our national interests so often in the damn UN!
For my money, I think we need to leave the stinking UN and force it to headquarters elsewhere!

12-22-2016, 10:31 AM
Well, that is a can of worms most are loath to open. For despite the many hundreds of billions we've spent protecting Europe, most here think it is still in our best interests to maintain that relationship.
I think it is in our best interests to make European nations share a larger portion of the costs and stop bilking us , as they also vote against our national interests so often in the damn UN!
For my money, I think we need to leave the stinking UN and force it to headquarters elsewhere!

I'm in broad agreement. Certainly when it comes to the UN.

On NATO ... well, I just offer the basic thought that it's naturally in Russia's interests (and always has been, of course) if NATO is weakened by anything. Anything at all. Balu can no doubt be expected to obey the Party line on that one ....

12-22-2016, 10:47 AM
...Balu can no doubt be expected to obey the Party line on that one ....
I wonder. When have you deigned to wake up from lethargy?
There are FOUR Parties in Russian Parament which were elected from 55(!!!) Parties, participated in the latest elections October, 2016.
Which Party do you mean, dormouse? :laugh:

12-22-2016, 07:29 PM
I wonder. When have you deigned to wake up from lethargy?
There are FOUR Parties in Russian Parament which were elected from 55(!!!) Parties, participated in the latest elections October, 2016.
Which Party do you mean, dormouse? :laugh:

'Dormouse', eh ?

Your use of that insult is in itself instructive. I think I 'earn' that scorn because I have the shocking temerity to come from a country that isn't a military world leader any more.

That's the point, isn't it ? You respect strength, and see everything in terms of it. Those lacking the might you personally approve of, earn scorn. No qualifying, or even 'mitigating', factors matter to you. I doubt they even register with you.

... Ukraine, for example ... they'll earn scorn right up until Russia fully takes it over ....

Well, anyway; yes, there are four Parties. The Party line I refer to is the one which predominates in your country at present, courtesy of the ruling elite who push the propaganda they choose, when and how they choose.

I found this interesting. Wikipedia shows an analysis of the 'grade' of democratic system countries have. They do so according to the following categories, obviously shown according to diminishing worth AS democracies --

1. Full democracy
2. Flawed democracy
3. Hybrid regime
4. Authoritarian

You'll be 'pleased' to know that Russia is counted as well within the 'Authoritarian' (bottom) category on the world stage. It ranks 132nd in the list provided.

From the link I'm about to post, comes this Wiki comment:

In nine countries there was a change in regime type between 2010 and 2011; in four of these there was regression. Russia was downgraded from a hybrid regime to an authoritarian regime, which the report attributes to concerns over the December 4 legislative election and Vladimir Putin's decision to run again in the 2012 presidential election.

It is clear that the Russian political situation is regressing (I'm sure you will never agree, Balu, though the evidence is clear).


Both the US and UK are 'Full democracies', of course, each with a ranking putting your country to shame.

See also THIS ...


The president is elected by popular vote for a six-year term (eligible for a second term, but not for a third consecutive term)

Now tell me, Balu. How many times has Putin served as President ?

-- Regressive, indeed ...

Here Balu, see this on Putin.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin#Third_presidential_term_.282012.E2. 80.93present.29

According to Human Rights Watch since May 2012, when Putin was reelected as president, Russia has enacted many restrictive laws, started inspections of nongovernmental organizations, harassed, intimidated, and imprisoned political activists, and started to restrict critics. The new laws include the so-called “foreign agents” law, which is widely regarded as overbroad by including Russian human rights organizations which receive some international grant funding, the treason law, and the assembly law which penalizes many expressions of dissent.

Since 1999 Putin has reportedly punished journalists who challenge his official point of view. Maria Lipman says, "The crackdown that followed Putin's return to the Kremlin in 2012 extended to the liberal media, which had until then been allowed to operate fairly independently."The Internet has attracted Putin's attention because his critics have tried to use it to challenge his control of information. Marian K. Leighton says, "Having muzzled Russia's print and broadcast media, Putin focused his energies on the Internet." Robert W. Orttung and Christopher Walker report:

Reporters Without Borders, for instance, ranked Russia 148 in its 2013 list of 179 countries in terms of freedom of the press. It particularly criticized Russia for the crackdown on the political opposition and the failure of the authorities to vigorously pursue and bring to justice criminals who have murdered journalists. Freedom House ranks Russian media as “not free,” indicating that basic safeguards and guarantees for journalists and media enterprises are absent.

But never mind, Balu. 'Might is right'. Eh, Balu ... ?

12-22-2016, 07:36 PM
NATO is quite vital to many treaties we have.

UN has become as worthless as teats on a slab of bacon.