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12-23-2016, 05:46 AM
This is significant. While there cannot be '2 presidents' at a given time, Obama seems determined to cause as many problems for the new administration as possible. In this case, it appears that a foreign leader, Sisi, came to the same conclusion and stepped up.


WORLD NEWS | Thu Dec 22, 2016 | 9:26pm EST
U.S. intended to allow passage of U.N. draft critical of Israel: officials

By Michelle Nichols and Lesley Wroughton | UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON

The United States intended to allow the U.N. Security Council to approve a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, two Western officials said on Thursday, a major reversal of U.S. practice, which prompted Israel to ask President-elect Donald Trump to apply pressure.

In a day of intense diplomatic wrangling on one of the thorniest Middle East conflicts, Egypt, which had proposed the draft resolution, abruptly put off a vote that had been scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Diplomats said Cairo had acted under pressure from Israel and to avoid alienating Trump, who spoke to the Egyptian president and urged the White House to use its veto.

By late Thursday, four Security Council members had given Egypt an ultimatum and threatened to put the draft resolution to a vote.

The two Western officials said President Barack Obama had intended to abstain from the vote, a relatively rare step by the United States to register criticism of the building on occupied land that Palestinians want for a state.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had an acrimonious relationship with Obama, believes the Obama administration had long planned the council vote in coordination with the Palestinians, the senior Israeli official said.

"It was a violation of a core commitment to protect Israel at the U.N.," the official said.

The White House had no immediate comment.


President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, which in 1979 became the first Arab nation to make peace with Israel, called Trump on Thursday, a Trump transition official said, saying they spoke broadly about laying the ground for Middle East peace.

Sisi's office said the two leaders spoke.

"The presidents agreed on the importance of affording the new U.S. administration the full chance to deal with all dimensions of the Palestinian case with a view of achieving a full and final settlement," presidency spokesman Alaa Yousef said.

The resolution would demand Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem" and said the establishment of settlements by Israel has "no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law."

Egypt, currently a Security Council member, worked with the Palestinians to draft the text.


12-23-2016, 07:34 AM
A bit more:


Krauthammer’s Take: Trump Opposing U.N. Israel Resolution ‘Extremely Effective and Extremely Daring’

The U.N. was expected to vote today on a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, and reports indicate that Obama was ready to allow the resolution to pass until Egypt put off the vote. President-elect Donald Trump put pressure on Egypt not to go forward with the resolution, and it seems to have had an effect. Charles Krauthammer said that the resolution could have done serious damage to Israel, making Trump’s involvement daring and effective:

More than a slap on the wrist, I think it would have done permanent damage to Israel, which is why even Obama himself several years ago vetoed the resolution, because it sets conditions that take away all of Israel’s bargaining chips. In other words, it gives everything over to the Palestinians in advance in return for nothing from the Palestinians, no recognition of a Jewish state, no concessions at all. And I think what happened today was very important. The reason is that had Obama done what it looks like he was going to do, which is to have the U.S. abstain, the resolution then passes. And it will never be reversed. Because in order to be reversed, you’ve got to get the Security Council to vote to reverse it, and the Chinese and Russians would exercise a veto.

So this would have been one last shot at Israel, and particularly at Israel’s prime minister from Obama. An act of kind of — I don’t know if it’s ideological, but a lot of personal revenge. What Trump did was unprecedented. For a president-elect to step in, to publicly oppose it, and essentially to tell Egypt that introduced the resolution, “You better withdraw this or you won’t have a friend in the white House” at a time when Egypt needs a friend in the White House. So it was extremely effective, and extremely daring. You don’t normally get that from a president-elect.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-23-2016, 01:16 PM
A bit more:


Just now saw this thread, been kinda distracted as of late my friend.
Trump showed true metal and did what a real President should do-had hillary been chosen she would have agreed with the obama and yet again
hit Israel hard!
Best thing that has every happened to this nation in this century, is for that piece of scum to finally make his exit from his dictatorial rule over this nation..
Trump has done the right thing..
While obama did as he always does, whatever favors our enemies and weakens us!--Tyr

12-23-2016, 09:27 PM
Well the measure condemning Israel went through because of co-sponsors. The administration abstained, so it passed. Going to be lots of ill will now I'm guessing between the incoming and outgoing administrations.


Black Diamond
12-23-2016, 09:36 PM
Well the measure condemning Israel went through because of co-sponsors. The administration abstained, so it passed. Going to be lots of ill will now I'm guessing between the incoming and outgoing administrations.


28 days.

Black Diamond
12-23-2016, 09:39 PM
Genesis 12:3

12-24-2016, 10:23 PM
Well the measure condemning Israel went through because of co-sponsors. The administration abstained, so it passed. Going to be lots of ill will now I'm guessing between the incoming and outgoing administrations.


AND between the US/Israel and the UN:


More Blowback After Stunning U.N. Resolution Vote
Jason Hopkins Jason Hopkins |Posted: Dec 24, 2016 8:55 PM


Netanyahu has already ordered a big cut on what they are paying to the UN. Graham has said that US will consider the same, as well as cutting other aid to countries that supported this. Ryan said the incoming Republican Congress will be looking at how they can work at getting this rescinded-which actually backs up Graham's statements. Trump said UN will be facing 'change' after 1/20.

Black Diamond
12-25-2016, 01:29 AM
Seriously. Any Jew who voted for this Obama ass clown needs to have their head examined.

12-25-2016, 02:17 AM
This is what you get with a lame duck commie in office.

Trust me, there will be many more stupid rules/regulations before 1/20/17.

This can be fixed via defunding the UN. The shitbag countries that voted in favor of this need to be zero funded.

In fact, defund every country other than Israel.

Black Diamond
12-25-2016, 02:20 AM
This is what you get with a lame duck commie in office.

Trust me, there will be many more stupid rules/regulations before 1/20/17.

This can be fixed via defunding the UN. The shitbag countries that voted in favor of this need to be zero funded.

In fact, defund every country other than Israel.

Ryan seems to be leaning that way.

12-25-2016, 02:42 AM
Ryan seems to be leaning that way.

I am.

Black Diamond
12-25-2016, 02:50 AM
I am.
Yeah. Trump is a wrecking ball. I can't wait until he smashes everything Obama has created

12-27-2016, 11:55 PM
Seems this is gaining credence, indeed questions were getting heated in press conference.


<hgroup style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: none; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 10px; line-height: inherit; font-family: Georgia, &quot;Times New Roman&quot;, Times, serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Transcript claims to show US worked with Palestinians on UN resolution

Report published in Egypt has Kerry and Rice advising senior Palestinians on strategy at UN and after Trump takes power

</hgroup>BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF (http://www.timesofisrael.com/writers/times-of-israel-staff/)December 27, 2016, 10:56 pm


Now Kerry is going 'to lay out his vision' in speech tomorrow, pretty much following what the above article said.


WORLD NEWS (http://www.reuters.com/news/archive/worldNews) Tue Dec 27, 2016 | 7:24pm EST Kerry to lay out vision for Israeli-Palestinian peace ​By Lesley Wroughton (http://www.reuters.com/journalists/lesley-wroughton) and Matt Spetalnick (http://www.reuters.com/journalists/matt-spetalnick)| WASHINGTON

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will lay out his vision for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a speech on Wednesday, days after the United States cleared the way for a U.N. resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements.

The speech, less than a month before President Barack Obama leaves office, is expected to be the administration's last word on a decades-old dispute that Kerry had hoped to resolve during his four years as America's top diplomat.

It could also be seen in Israel as another parting shot at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had an especially acrimonious relationship with Obama since they both took office in 2009.


Kerry will discuss the abstention when he speaks at the State Department at 11 a.m. ET (1600 GMT), a senior State Department official told reporters.

"We believe that with the two-state solution in peril, it is important to share the deeper understanding we have developed of both sides' bottom lines during intensive consultations in recent years," the official said.

The speech will also address what the official called "misleading" accusations by Israeli officials that the Obama administration drafted and forced the resolution to a vote.


12-28-2016, 12:16 AM
As to US voting for the resolution.
I think that Obama is doing his best when shitting Good-Bye.
He is trying to complicate the Trump's position as much as possible.