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View Full Version : Will Obama go down in history as Chamberlain only worse?

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 02:18 AM
If the world explodes... Metaphorically.

12-28-2016, 04:01 AM
If the world explodes... Metaphorically.

Obama is a bigger sell-out than Chamberlain, IMO. If that's possible. You couldn't get a pair between the two of them and John Kerry if you could invent them. If I had all 3 in a ring I'd just start picking sheep.

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 10:37 AM
Obama is a bigger sell-out than Chamberlain, IMO. If that's possible. You couldn't get a pair between the two of them and John Kerry if you could invent them. If I had all 3 in a ring I'd just start picking sheep.
Interesting thing about chamberlain is when he came back from Munich, he was incredibly popular. Like a hero or something.

12-28-2016, 10:43 AM
Interesting thing about chamberlain is when he came back from Munich, he was incredibly popular. Like a hero or something.

and the French, English, even the Germans were shocked when the Maginot Line fell immediately. Made Dunkirk possible. People throughout Europe were still exhausted and yes, still tending the wounds from WWI. Anything but war! Which of course, made war inevitable.

12-28-2016, 02:54 PM
and the French, English, even the Germans were shocked when the Maginot Line fell immediately. Made Dunkirk possible. People throughout Europe were still exhausted and yes, still tending the wounds from WWI. Anything but war! Which of course, made war inevitable.

Patton said it best: "Fixed fortifications are a monument to man's stupidity".

Meaning that in the era of mechanized infantry after WWI...they were worthless.

The Nazi's bypassed the line.

12-28-2016, 02:56 PM
If the world explodes... Metaphorically.

He would not know common sense if it bit him in the ass.:laugh:

12-28-2016, 03:51 PM

Birds of a feather, go DOWN together...

12-28-2016, 05:03 PM
Obama is a bigger sell-out than Chamberlain, IMO. If that's possible. You couldn't get a pair between the two of them and John Kerry if you could invent them. If I had all 3 in a ring I'd just start picking sheep.

It's incredible but true, Obama actually invented a way of being an even bigger sell-out than Chamberlain. Chamberlain actually had the danger of an enemy at the gates that was demanding a sell-out. Obama, on the other hand, had to go looking for adversaries to sell out to. He managed to sell out to Fidel Castro just under the wire before Castro expired, he begged the Iranians to take our millions just so he could get a treaty for them to not live up to, and he traded five Al Qaida generals out of Gitmo for one deserter in Afghanistan who will probably just be going on trial for treason within a few months. Obama has less of a spine that the average jellyfish.

12-28-2016, 06:10 PM
It's incredible but true, Obama actually invented a way of being an even bigger sell-out than Chamberlain. Chamberlain actually had the danger of an enemy at the gates that was demanding a sell-out. Obama, on the other hand, had to go looking for adversaries to sell out to. He managed to sell out to Fidel Castro just under the wire before Castro expired, he begged the Iranians to take our millions just so he could get a treaty for them to not live up to, and he traded five Al Qaida generals out of Gitmo for one deserter in Afghanistan who will probably just be going on trial for treason within a few months. Obama has less of a spine that the average jellyfish.

You trying to get me wound up, or what? I'd bust my ass looking for a case of treason against him. He has not acted in the interest of the US. He has aided and abetted our enemies. He has been derelict in his duties as CinC. He's interfered with the DOJ.

O-blah-blah, Hitlery and John I've been lying since my 4 months in Nam, sold out my bro's and am the second biggest pussy in history better hope nobody ever elects me as anything.

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 06:29 PM
It's incredible but true, Obama actually invented a way of being an even bigger sell-out than Chamberlain. Chamberlain actually had the danger of an enemy at the gates that was demanding a sell-out. Obama, on the other hand, had to go looking for adversaries to sell out to. He managed to sell out to Fidel Castro just under the wire before Castro expired, he begged the Iranians to take our millions just so he could get a treaty for them to not live up to, and he traded five Al Qaida generals out of Gitmo for one deserter in Afghanistan who will probably just be going on trial for treason within a few months. Obama has less of a spine that the average jellyfish.

Either that or he is just a plain traitor.

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 06:32 PM
If the world explodes... Metaphorically.

I have a bad feeling the bill for Obama's ridiculous behavior is going to come due.

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 06:45 PM

Birds of a feather, go DOWN together...

Yes. Chamberlain was the king of the world when he made that deal. Now? Well.....

12-28-2016, 07:28 PM
I think Chamberlain was deluded. To what extent he deluded himself, I don't know. But, deluded, he was.

I believe Chamberlain meant well. He was a well meaning fool.

But, Obama ? I think it's been said. He went out of his way to play a Chamberlain-like role, but very purposefully so. For my money, Obama is a traitor to the US (and the West), and was provably so from the outset. Consider ... his publicising of an intention to pull troops out of Iraq, literally YEARS before he completed such plans. Now, just how much of a help was that to America's terrorist enemies, who were fighting your troops and killing them every chance they could ?

Obama set the stage for ISIS. He created a power vacuum, from which the US had departed. We have seen what that's led to, Obama included. But Obama has never shown clear regret for his, ahem, 'blunder'. It hasn't caused him to toughen up his policies against terrorists.

Indeed ... he's done Iran an enormous favour during his time in Office ... Iran, reportedly the leading world power when it comes to terrorist enabling !!!

12-28-2016, 07:33 PM
I think Chamberlain was deluded. To what extent he deluded himself, I don't know. But, deluded, he was.

I believe Chamberlain meant well. He was a well meaning fool.

But, Obama ? I think it's been said. He went out of his way to play a Chamberlain-like role, but very purposefully so. For my money, Obama is a traitor to the US (and the West), and was provably so from the outset. Consider ... his publicising of an intention to pull troops out of Iraq, literally YEARS before he completed such plans. Now, just how much of a help was that to America's terrorist enemies, who were fighting your troops and killing them every chance they could ?

Obama set the stage for ISIS. He created a power vacuum, from which the US had departed. We have seen what that's led to, Obama included. But Obama has never shown clear regret for his, ahem, 'blunder'. It hasn't caused him to toughen up his policies against terrorists.

Indeed ... he's done Iran an enormous favour during his time in Office ... Iran, reportedly the leading world power when it comes to terrorist enabling !!!

I see Chamberlain as more the Jimmy Carter type as well. Deluded. I respect the Hell out of him as a man. He sucked as President.

I see Obama as anti-American. Totally different.

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 07:38 PM
I see Chamberlain as more the Jimmy Carter type as well. Deluded. I respect the Hell out of him as a man. He sucked as President.

I see Obama as anti-American. Totally different.

I fear, aside from intentions, Obama's actions may be far worse than Chamberlain's.

Israel has nukes. Iran?? Who knows.

Black Diamond
12-28-2016, 07:40 PM
I fear, aside from intentions, Obama's actions may be far worse than Chamberlain's.

Israel has nukes. Iran?? Who knows.

I don't know what's around the corner.

But I fear it isn't good.

And Obama's chickens... Well ask his pastor for the rest.

12-28-2016, 08:07 PM
I have a bad feeling the bill for Obama's ridiculous behavior is going to come due.

Black Diamond. Knowing how Bibi Netanyaho has operated in the past, remembering his brother, and father...both Proud Israeli war hero's who gave their lives for Israel.
Hate to say...It's not nice to fool with Bibi...but Obama may hope the secret service protection he has, stays as attentive. Who knows what the Israeli Secret Service...Called MASSAD, might be up to when it comes to PAYBACKS???
Not suggesting it could happen. But being a realist, and pragmatist, and seeing how the World is churning. I put nothing out of the realm of Possible.

12-28-2016, 09:27 PM
You trying to get me wound up, or what?

I was not trying to get you wound up, but how'd I do? :)

12-28-2016, 09:43 PM
I was not trying to get you wound up, but how'd I do? :)

I'll refrain from saying what I think should happen to that ass. Ain't a whole lot of guesswork required.