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View Full Version : The BIG "E" Now retired. Greatest ship I ever saw, or served on.

12-30-2016, 10:49 PM

12-30-2016, 11:00 PM

They retired the Enterprise? Wow. I didn't see that one coming.

12-30-2016, 11:16 PM
They retired the Enterprise? Wow. I didn't see that one coming.

Yeah...it was coming.

Majestic ship she was.

12-31-2016, 05:30 PM
I remember the first time I saw the BIG E in Norfolk, at Pier 12. I was straight out of boot camp. It was August of 1964, and hot, really really hot in my Dress Blue, wool uniform. That was the proper uniform we were instructed to wear when we left boot camp.
Anyhow...I remember getting out of the taxi at the foot of the pier, and looking up at the biggest thing I had ever seen as a 17 year old.
It looked like the flight deck was taller than our biggest bank building, back at home in Pennsylvania, and..IT WAS!
I will never, ever forget that feeling when I realized...JUST HOW SMALL I was, and insignificant to the new world before me on that day.

To all who have served on ANY NAVY SHIP, at ANY TIME. You know how sad it is to learn...your home is going to become RAZOR BLADES, or be SUNK.

12-31-2016, 05:48 PM
I remember the first time I saw the BIG E in Norfolk, at Pier 12. I was straight out of boot camp. It was August of 1964, and hot, really really hot in my Dress Blue, wool uniform. That was the proper uniform we were instructed to wear when we left boot camp.
Anyhow...I remember getting out of the taxi at the foot of the pier, and looking up at the biggest thing I had ever seen as a 17 year old.
It looked like the flight deck was taller than our biggest bank building, back at home in Pennsylvania, and..IT WAS!
I will never, ever forget that feeling when I realized...JUST HOW SMALL I was, and insignificant to the new world before me on that day.

To all who have served on ANY NAVY SHIP, at ANY TIME. You know how sad it is to learn...your home is going to become RAZOR BLADES, or be SUNK.

Don;t know about you, but that;s losing a friend to me. Please tell me O-Asswipe wasn't behind this .....

12-31-2016, 06:40 PM
Why would they retire this ship? I smell an Obama-scented rat here. Is that idiot just looking for other ways to muck things up for Trump?

12-31-2016, 07:09 PM
Though I'd like to blame Obama for this. That wouldn't be true. The ENTERPRISE had reached it's designed usability. It was built in the 60's, and whether you know it or not, unless you are a sailor in the navy. Ships grow old, tired, and modernization replaces what was designed in the 60's. It was getting too expensive, like other ships, to maintain, rework, and then send into Harms Way.
So. NOBAMA had nothing to do with it.
All of the ships, except one I served on, have now been decommissioned, stripped, then either sold for scrap, parked in bone yards, sunk, or have been sold to other navies.

Don't know whether anybody can tell from my words here, but Watching, or Learning that a ship I once called my home...at sea for several years; actually become part of our lives. We respect them. Honor them. Cherish them, and have fond memories that took us around the world...on the sea's. Like part of our family. Sailors always love going to sea. That's what we were trained to do.:saluting2:

12-31-2016, 07:24 PM

Grand old lady.

Coasties are budget constrained to keep ours going for 30 years past their 'zero' time. Navy is lucky!

12-31-2016, 07:37 PM
We were once moored at Long Beach CA Naval Station for a 'Fleet Week' on our 210 fott cutter.

The USS Missouri (Big!) was anchored off the pier, then the USS Carl Vinson came chugging by.
Freaking thing is huge!

12-31-2016, 08:09 PM

Grand old lady.

Coasties are budget constrained to keep ours going for 30 years past their 'zero' time. Navy is lucky!

Just pullin' your leg here Elessar, but...HOW MANY COASTIE ships are NUKES?

Fifty years for a ship like the Enterprise is a work of art, and savings.

As for the Carl Vinson. I was in the Med when that ship came to relieve the now, decommissioned Coral Sea CVA-43. The Vinson had to steam around Africa at the time, because they didn't want a Nuke to get trapped in the Suez Canal. That was in the 80's, when Reagan ordered our planes to BOMB Kadafi in Libya.

12-31-2016, 08:17 PM
Just pullin' your leg here Elessar, but...HOW MANY COASTIE ships are NUKES?

Fifty years for a ship like the Enterprise is a work of art, and savings.

As for the Carl Vinson. I was in the Med when that ship came to relieve the now, decommissioned Coral Sea CVA-43. The Vinson had to steam around Africa at the time, because they didn't want a Nuke to get trapped in the Suez Canal. That was in the 80's, when Reagan ordered our planes to BOMB Kadafi in Libya.

Actually, the polar icebreakers Polar Star and Polar Sea were originally designed to be nukes
in the 60's.

Then someone in their brilliance changed that around and shot the cost another 50% to reconfigure
them to diesel-electric drives.

12-31-2016, 09:27 PM
Though I'd like to blame Obama for this. That wouldn't be true. The ENTERPRISE had reached it's designed usability. It was built in the 60's, and whether you know it or not, unless you are a sailor in the navy. Ships grow old, tired, and modernization replaces what was designed in the 60's. It was getting too expensive, like other ships, to maintain, rework, and then send into Harms Way.
So. NOBAMA had nothing to do with it.
All of the ships, except one I served on, have now been decommissioned, stripped, then either sold for scrap, parked in bone yards, sunk, or have been sold to other navies.

Don't know whether anybody can tell from my words here, but Watching, or Learning that a ship I once called my home...at sea for several years; actually become part of our lives. We respect them. Honor them. Cherish them, and have fond memories that took us around the world...on the sea's. Like part of our family. Sailors always love going to sea. That's what we were trained to do.:saluting2:

A-men, bro. Some people don't know what home means,

Abbey Marie
01-01-2017, 10:03 AM
Though I'd like to blame Obama for this. That wouldn't be true. The ENTERPRISE had reached it's designed usability. It was built in the 60's, and whether you know it or not, unless you are a sailor in the navy. Ships grow old, tired, and modernization replaces what was designed in the 60's. It was getting too expensive, like other ships, to maintain, rework, and then send into Harms Way.
So. NOBAMA had nothing to do with it.
All of the ships, except one I served on, have now been decommissioned, stripped, then either sold for scrap, parked in bone yards, sunk, or have been sold to other navies.

Don't know whether anybody can tell from my words here, but Watching, or Learning that a ship I once called my home...at sea for several years; actually become part of our lives. We respect them. Honor them. Cherish them, and have fond memories that took us around the world...on the sea's. Like part of our family. Sailors always love going to sea. That's what we were trained to do.:saluting2:

AT, if you don't blame Obama, it must be true! :cool:

01-01-2017, 10:41 AM

Russian destroyer on duty.


01-01-2017, 10:45 AM
The ship USSR - US destroyer rammed Battle !!!
Literally - Piss off, and change your pampers, 'uniques'!!! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dirol.gif ( A fresh example. You remember your escaping in panic 'Donald Cook' crew with as brave as you are, 'Funny Girlie Gunny') Russians ARE NOT Papua you used to fight agsinst. But, frankly speaking, with no result. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dirol.gif


01-01-2017, 11:20 AM
I noticed a very interesting pattern...
Before the Russian Cossacks appeared in Paris, the most popular and known foreign language in Russia was French.
Before Russian soldiers took Berlin and signed on the walls of the Reichstag, the most popular language was German.
Nowadays the most popular language in Russia is English.
I wonder, what does it mean? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/blush2.gif

01-01-2017, 08:01 PM
Russian destroyer on duty.


Balu. You really have a great deal of catching up to do, when it comes to reality.

Those photo's of the Destroyer, and the one challenging the U.S. Ship, are OLD, and nothing new. I served at least 17 years of my Naval career on SHIPS that also crossed the same oceans, seas, and rough weather points around the World.
When I say catching up. I mean to tell you. Your information may be new to you, but most of us have seen that stuff, either in person, or many years ago....at the beginnings of the Internet.

I have personal photo's (pre-internet/youtube/electronic camera phones) that would make some people PUKE. I've seen GREEN WATER, and BLUE WATER higher than most standard four, or five story buildings.
In fact. On one of my duty ships, later in the 1960's. I saw the USS Enterprise DISAPPEAR behind many huge WAVES at sea. Thanks for the photo's anyhow.

01-01-2017, 08:22 PM
Balu. You really have a great deal of catching up to do, when it comes to reality.

Those photo's of the Destroyer, and the one challenging the U.S. Ship, are OLD, and nothing new. I served at least 17 years of my Naval career on SHIPS that also crossed the same oceans, seas, and rough weather points around the World.
When I say catching up. I mean to tell you. Your information may be new to you, but most of us have seen that stuff, either in person, or many years ago....at the beginnings of the Internet.

I have personal photo's (pre-internet/youtube/electronic camera phones) that would make some people PUKE. I've seen GREEN WATER, and BLUE WATER higher than most standard four, or five story buildings.
In fact. On one of my duty ships, later in the 1960's. I saw the USS Enterprise DISAPPEAR behind many huge WAVES at sea. Thanks for the photo's anyhow.

You use a board to spank that ass or what?

01-01-2017, 08:33 PM
Balu. You really have a great deal of catching up to do, when it comes to reality.

Those photo's of the Destroyer, and the one challenging the U.S. Ship, are OLD, and nothing new. I served at least 17 years of my Naval career on SHIPS that also crossed the same oceans, seas, and rough weather points around the World.
When I say catching up. I mean to tell you. Your information may be new to you, but most of us have seen that stuff, either in person, or many years ago....at the beginnings of the Internet.

I have personal photo's (pre-internet/youtube/electronic camera phones) that would make some people PUKE. I've seen GREEN WATER, and BLUE WATER higher than most standard four, or five story buildings.
In fact. On one of my duty ships, later in the 1960's. I saw the USS Enterprise DISAPPEAR behind many huge WAVES at sea. Thanks for the photo's anyhow.

33 to 38 foot confused seas were no picnic on that 210 foot cutter!:laugh:

01-01-2017, 08:57 PM
You use a board to spank that ass or what?

Yeah, Gunny. Guess you could call it that? I deal in truth. Can't help it. Not impressed with people who always think, or believe...only they Live a life, while everybody else they TALK DOWN TO, must be ignorant.:laugh:

01-01-2017, 09:36 PM
Yeah, Gunny. Guess you could call it that? I deal in truth. Can't help it. Not impressed with people who always think, or believe...only they Live a life, while everybody else they TALK DOWN TO, must be ignorant.:laugh:

Nice pic he's got there. Wonder how many boats he's been bow under on .....

I was lucky. I always had good pilots. They'd run in front of any storm. I hated the smoke deck when we were in soup. Thought about quitting.:laugh:

Just sad to see the "E" go. I remember I thought the Boxer was big until the Enterprise pulled up alongside. I was like "damn". Little fish in a big ocean.:laugh:

01-01-2017, 10:18 PM
Used to do Ocean Station "Bravo" Patrols back in the 70's. Some trips we had more scuff marks on the bulkheads than on the decks (lol)
