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View Full Version : Democrats : Living Stupidly in 2017

01-02-2017, 12:20 PM
This article is a must-read!

Gunny, call me and I'll read it for you over the phone.

Now, I bet the discussions in the Michigan union halls and the Pennsylvania VFWs went something like this: “You know Mitch, with the economy so good and America so respected in the world, I was totally going to support Hillary continuing Obama’s work, but then I found out that Donna Brazile was feeding her CNN’s debate questions. Also, until Comey reminded me, I had totally forgotten Hillary was under FBI investigation for doing what would have gotten me sent to Leavenworth if I had done it when I was in the Navy. So, despite loving all the Democrat policies that have made my life a paradise, especially the idea of a law allowing grown men in dresses to loiter in my tween daughter’s restroom, I’m voting for Trump. Oh, also I’m a deplorable racist and hate science. Also, sexism.”

Sure, I think the Russians’ truthful revelations of true stuff that showed the true depth of Democratic corruption in a true way hurt Hillary. I just think that the left is deluding itself when it tells normal people that they were somehow suckered by the Russians’ truthful revelations of true stuff that showed the true depth of Democratic corruption. “You flyover rubes are so stupid that you can be manipulated by the facts that we were too incompetent to effectively hide from you!” is probably not a great way to win hearts and minds, but hey progs, feel free to go with it.

It’s also hilarious to watch the sputtering rage of the Vox and Vox-like online lib thought leaders as Trump simply refuses to allow Obama to sucker him into a distracting fight with Putin. Crimea? Meh? Syria? Doh-de-doh. Embarrass the Democrats? This means war! America needs to keep the Bear down with our boot on its throat, but not through fussy fits inspired by sad feelz.

That Trump laughs at how a creaky ex-superpower is so relentlessly trolling the feckless Obama – President Faily McWorsethancarter even makes acting butch seem super femme – draws cries of “Treason!” and “Traitor!” from the same set who never saw a flag they didn’t want to burn, mourned Castro, and who know damn well it isn’t them or their gender indeterminate children who would get to fight and die in the war they seem so eager to provoke to close out Obama’s pathetic reign.

Much more : http://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2017/01/02/for-democrats-2017-will-be-the-year-of-living-stupidly-n2265749

This Kurt Schlichter is my new favorite author.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2017, 12:33 PM
This article is a must-read!

Gunny, call me and I'll read it for you over the phone.

Much more : http://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2017/01/02/for-democrats-2017-will-be-the-year-of-living-stupidly-n2265749

This Kurt Schlichter is my new favorite author.

Do not be fooled into ever thinking those ffing leeches, lying bastards and moronic crybaby liberal asses will think it important to do an introspective assessment of their past- "divinely godlike actions" and treatment of we lowly and backward, ignorant savages... no sir,
for they are never to blame for anything..
Its always we peons, we low-bred, bible thumping, gun toting, redneck ingrates and our spawn that is to blame...:rolleyes:-Tyr