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View Full Version : Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal

01-05-2017, 12:04 AM
At first my nostrils flared enough to fit a quarter in them, but after I thought about it... he did help destroy the democrats, so I'm good with it.

That was a very fine service, indeed.

On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.Secretary Carter awarded his boss with the medal on January 4 during the Armed Forces Full Honor Farewell Review for the President held at Conmy Hall, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia.

Carter insisted that the medal was a token of appreciation for Obama’s service as commander in chief, the Associated Press reported.




01-05-2017, 12:13 AM
Good Lord...another undeserved 'honor' bestowed on him?

It cheapens it....makes it insignificant.

His Nobel prize was a sham...he didn't do anything to warrant that,
now this? His racist behavior over 8 years, cutting the military and
disrespecting our forces? Disrespected and tried to tear down our local LE?
Would and could not salute a flag or a Marine
Guard when he was first elected?

Get rid of his ass fast...countdown......

01-05-2017, 12:54 AM
What an ultimate cheesed*ck. Awarding yourself a medal. Just when you think that complete waste of oxygen can sink no lower. he proves us wrong.

Abbey Marie
01-05-2017, 11:05 AM
I find this funny. :laugh:

Someone please give this man a Participation trophy.

01-05-2017, 11:24 AM
Self aggrandizing sons of b****s.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2017, 11:50 AM
I find this funny. :laugh:

Someone please give this man a Participation trophy.

They did in advance-- Nobel Peace Prize, United States Presidency, falsified images of being a genius, a great leader, an honorable man(all of which were absolute lies)!
Perhaps we should be afraid of what next the morons, the lib/dem/lefists ass-clowns will bestow upon the low-bred, lying, America -hating , socialist scum!-Tyr

01-05-2017, 12:12 PM
Don't know how many of you watch NCIS, but I TOTALLY have Gunny Gibbs syndrome. I don't even know where my medals are beyond in a box in the garage. Had a Col once tell me to write myself up for a medal. With all due respects sir, Hell will freeze over before that happens.

It is absolutely correct he has devalued the awards. If a total, colossal f*ckup like Obama can get one, what are they worth?

Abbey Marie
01-05-2017, 01:25 PM
Self aggrandizing sons of b****s.


Lol, the post equivalent of saying, "I'M not, YOU are!"

01-05-2017, 01:38 PM
Lol, the post equivalent of saying, "I'M not, YOU are!"

More like fallacy identification. ;)

01-05-2017, 01:46 PM
I find this funny. :laugh:

Someone please give this man a Participation trophy.

By this step Obama resembles very much Leonid Brezhnev with all his awards at the end of his political carrier trajectory.
But Brezhnev was much older than Obama.

01-05-2017, 01:50 PM
More like fallacy identification. ;)

I don't get it. And yes, I have a different perspective than you. Why put yourself in for a medal? Supposed to be some value in that? Maybe he thinks because Kerry did it, it'll work for him.

Those of us that busted our asses for any and every award don't appreciate jackasses turning them into junk metal.

01-05-2017, 01:53 PM
They did in advance-- Nobel Peace Prize, United States Presidency, falsified images of being a genius, a great leader, an honorable man(all of which were absolute lies)!
Perhaps we should be afraid of what next the morons, the lib/dem/lefists ass-clowns will bestow upon the low-bred, lying, America -hating , socialist scum!-Tyr
And the outcome of all these advances was Obama's immortal - ''We, Americans, are unique.'
He succeeded to make the rest of the World laughing at this statement. Especially Russians and Chinese. :clap:

01-05-2017, 02:02 PM
I don't get it. And yes, I have a different perspective than you. Why put yourself in for a medal? Supposed to be some value in that? Maybe he thinks because Kerry did it, it'll work for him.

Those of us that busted our asses for any and every award don't appreciate jackasses turning them into junk metal.

I didn't see where one puts themselves in for this medal. It's awarded by DOD.

01-05-2017, 02:04 PM
And the outcome of all these advances was Obama's immortal - ''We, Americans, are unique.'
He succeeded to make the rest of the World laughing at this statement. Especially Russians and Chinese. :clap:

Where did he say that?

Black Diamond
01-05-2017, 02:10 PM
Where did he say that?

Yeah you'd think he'd say something like "There's nothing special about us. Nothing"

01-05-2017, 02:10 PM
I didn't see where one puts themselves in for this medal. It's awarded by DOD.

It's called a "gimme" medal. None of us with balls want one. DoD doesn't award shit. There's a process. DoD signs off on it.

Think about it. Why would the Department of Defense award Obama anything but a kick in his ass? He's destroyed our military.

Black Diamond
01-05-2017, 02:15 PM
It's called a "gimme" medal. None of us with balls want one. DoD doesn't award shit. There's a process. DoD signs off on it.

Think about it. Why would the Department of Defense award Obama anything but a kick in his ass? He's destroyed our military.
Shouldn't ISIS be presenting him with an award?

01-05-2017, 02:24 PM
It's called a "gimme" medal. None of us with balls want one. DoD doesn't award shit. There's a process. DoD signs off on it.

Think about it. Why would the Department of Defense award Obama anything but a kick in his ass? He's destroyed our military.

Because someone somewhere likes him. Don't know who or why but there it is.

01-05-2017, 02:26 PM
Shouldn't ISIS be presenting him with an award?

Hell. every psycho in the ME should. He destabilize the entire region so the nutcases can run wild.

01-05-2017, 02:32 PM
Shouldn't ISIS be presenting him with an award?

Now that would be more fitting.

Carter : Hey, boss, would you like me to award you a medal?

Obama : Gosh, I don't know. What did I do for the U.S. Military?

Carter : Well, we now have gays openly serving in it. Also, we removed our military from Iraq which created ISIS.

Obama : It would add to my awesome legacy and Trump won't be able to take it from me... so, sure. Make it so.

Carter : Great thinking, boss! You're really a genius! And brave! Let me get that medal ordered up stat! Be sure to strike a noble, heroic pose when I pin that baby on you! Also, do you have any work for me in a week?

01-05-2017, 02:44 PM
Because someone somewhere likes him. Don't know who or why but there it is.

"There it is" is what I said. I know how the award process works. I have an issue from an integrity standpoint. Why accept an award you didn't earn? And yes, I HAVE turned them down.

Obama probably thinks he deserves it. Like his Nobel Peace Prize for selling out the US. His award from me is I'd drum his ass out the gate old school cavalry style. Take all his stripes first, break his sword in half and kick him in the ass on the way out.

That's my award for him.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-05-2017, 02:51 PM
And the outcome of all these advances was Obama's immortal - ''We, Americans, are unique.'
He succeeded to make the rest of the World laughing at this statement. Especially Russians and Chinese. :clap:

Yes he did and true, and honorable Americans hold nothing but immense and utter contempt for the fraud and all his kind (his Dem party and its arrogant egotistical lib loons).

We are unique in many respects but his claiming such can only represent negative aspects IMHO.
Napoleon complex on steroids , IMHO.....

Russia, that I've studied (its rich history, literature and authors/poets) has no shortage of such superior and massively talented artists, singers, sculptors, musicians, authors, military heroes, and leaders.

In that aspect -the obama ranks as spit on the sidewalk and perhaps even that is not low enough , IMHO.. --Tyr

Abbey Marie
01-05-2017, 02:56 PM
More like fallacy identification. ;)
Did Bush give himself the pictured award? You didn't post a story.

And if so, that does not negate Obama's actions.

01-05-2017, 09:34 PM
At first my nostrils flared enough to fit a quarter in them, but after I thought about it... he did help destroy the democrats, so I'm good with it.

That was a very fine service, indeed.




How did Carter and Obama maintain straight faces during this award? Elessar is right - Obama has never won a prestigious award simply because any award stops being prestigious the second it is given to Obama.

How about "Pusillanimous Putz Potus of the Year"? He is eminently qualified for that.

01-05-2017, 09:38 PM
Wonder if JOHN KERRY secretly told Obama to PRETEND to be honored...just like Kerry was, http://icansayit.com/images/kerrypurple.jpg

when he threw Somebody else's Medals over the W/H fence?

If there was an award for LIARS. Obama deserved the HIGHEST Honor possible.

01-06-2017, 06:42 AM
meh....I have seen this kind of crap too many times. More than one military genius awarded himself a medal for flying over a "combat zone" and never touching down. Heck, I am surprised HRC didn't get the Medal of Honor for "dodging sniper fire" ....

01-06-2017, 08:43 AM
meh....I have seen this kind of crap too many times. More than one military genius awarded himself a medal for flying over a "combat zone" and never touching down. Heck, I am surprised HRC didn't get the Medal of Honor for "dodging sniper fire" ....

All due respects, Sergeant Major, while I agree your assessment is correct, it still doesn't make it right. Was looking at my alphas last night. I got 5 rows. We always called them fruit salad and a major pain in the ass. I haven't touched the damned things since the day I retired 16 years ago. This is my daughter's stuff and she wants it. Had a GF like that once too. Why are they prouder of my medals than I am? Honestly, they mean nothing to me.

But I earned every damned one of those stupid little things and hate them being rendered meaningless trash by some idiot that is a mockery to everything they mean.

01-06-2017, 08:57 AM
All due respects, Sergeant Major, while I agree your assessment is correct, it still doesn't make it right. Was looking at my alphas last night. I got 5 rows. We always called them fruit salad and a major pain in the ass. I haven't touched the damned things since the day I retired 16 years ago. This is my daughter's stuff and she wants it. Had a GF like that once too. Why are they prouder of my medals than I am? Honestly, they mean nothing to me.

But I earned every damned one of those stupid little things and hate them being rendered meaningless trash by some idiot that is a mockery to everything they mean.

Oh I don't disagree with you at all. I was merely pointing out that Obama is not the first to receive something he neither deserved nor earned in any way.

01-06-2017, 09:10 AM
Oh I don't disagree with you at all. I was merely pointing out that Obama is not the first to receive something he neither deserved nor earned in any way.

No, we had a John Kerry in Desert Storm. Put himself in for PH because the hatch slammed on his thumb. I've had zero respect for awards since then. But I know they mean something to the troops.

Btw ,, we all turned our backs nd walked out of formation on that LT. And I don't mean the troops. I'm talking all the Tops.

01-06-2017, 09:33 AM
"There it is" is what I said. I know how the award process works. I have an issue from an integrity standpoint. Why accept an award you didn't earn? And yes, I HAVE turned them down.

I don't really care about all that. Do you just all by the same standard?

Did Bush give himself the pictured award? You didn't post a story.

And if so, that does not negate Obama's actions.

Was there a functional difference in how Bush and BO got the award? I haven't seen BO's actions laid out. Please tell, I'd love to be wrong here; BO sucks.

01-06-2017, 01:12 PM
Was there a functional difference in how Bush and BO got the award? I haven't seen BO's actions laid out. Please tell, I'd love to be wrong here; BO sucks.

W is a former Fighter Pilot. So there's that.

01-06-2017, 02:26 PM
I would like to see the Citation to Accompany the Award!

Yeah, Gunny...I turned down a couple, one because I was not gonna kiss some lying
and manipulative BMC or LCDR's asses.

The other one I turned down because it was not my case.

Abbey Marie
01-06-2017, 03:47 PM
I don't really care about all that. Do you just all by the same standard?

Was there a functional difference in how Bush and BO got the award? I haven't seen BO's actions laid out. Please tell, I'd love to be wrong here; BO sucks.

Well, since you posted the Bush pic, it is incumbent upon you to tell us. :)

01-06-2017, 03:55 PM
I would like to see the Citation to Accompany the Award!

Yeah, @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30)...I turned down a couple, one because I was not gonna kiss some lying
and manipulative BMC or LCDR's asses.

The other one I turned down because it was not my case.You looking for some comic relief or just something else to get pissed about?:laugh:

Abbey Marie
01-06-2017, 04:04 PM
Is there an award for setting back race relations 60 years? I'd gladly pin that one on his lapel. We could call it the Al Sharpton Medal of Rubbish.


01-06-2017, 04:07 PM
I don't really care about all that. Do you just all by the same standard?

Was there a functional difference in how Bush and BO got the award? I haven't seen BO's actions laid out. Please tell, I'd love to be wrong here; BO sucks.

There is no single standard. If you are referring to branches of service, getting an award as an enlisted person in the Navy/USMC is a bitch. There are requirements that have to be met for each award. The Air Force was handing them out like candy last I saw. I don't really know abut the Army and assume the Coast Guard follows Navy regs.

And I hate to sound like a military snob, but here goes ... people die for those trinkets and no civilian should be wearing one in my book unless they are a first responder and meet the criteria. Especially someone who hasn't done one damned bit of service to anyone like Obama. I'd strip Kerry of his. Plain and simple. He is a disgrace to the US Armed Forces.

01-06-2017, 04:32 PM
Get a clue guys

01-06-2017, 05:28 PM
Get a clue guys

Everyone is well aware of how it went down, Petey.

If Oblahblah had an ounce of decency he would have told his toady, Carter, that it was a stupid idea and inappropriate. Even Oblahblah has to recognize what an utter failure he's been with regard to the U.S. Military.

01-06-2017, 05:48 PM
Get a clue guys

Here's a clue genius ... I watched people die and their family got a medal. It means something to THEM. Ever think about anyone but yourself?

Then some jackass that never did anything in his life comes along and turns them into cheap trinkets. Obama is a bastard military brat who has never done a damned thing in his life. Unless you consider usurping the Constitution an accomplishment.

01-06-2017, 06:18 PM
Get a clue guys

petey. Since you claim Obama is such a deserving, wonderful person for such an award. IF Obama had any realistic feelings of honor, and personal responsibility. HE WOULD HAVE TURNED THE AWARD DOWN.
So...the clue only proves..You are as dishonorable as Obama.

01-06-2017, 07:20 PM
W is a former Fighter Pilot. So there's that.

He didn't get it for being a former fighter pilot. EDIT: Presumably.

Well, since you posted the Bush pic, it is incumbent upon you to tell us. :)

He was nominated and approved. BO was nominated and approved.

There is no single standard.

Apparently regarding this issue either.

Everyone is well aware of how it went down, Petey.

Seems not.

01-06-2017, 07:23 PM
Self aggrandizing sons of b****s.


Get a clue guys

I didn't visit the link, and it may very well be accurate. But so you know, snopes is HUGELY a left leaning website.

01-06-2017, 07:24 PM
I didn't visit the link, and it may very well be accurate. But so you know, snopes is HUGELY a left leaning website.

I didn't link Snopes.

EDIT: But you don't have to believe Snopes, the OP made the same comment.

EDIT #2: My bad, no it didn't.

01-06-2017, 07:27 PM
I didn't link Snopes.

That much was clear from the "Originally posted by Pete311" header of the quoted part.

Are there any other items that need clearing up, Captain Obvious?

01-06-2017, 07:28 PM
He didn't get it for being a former fighter pilot. EDIT: Presumably.

I see. What did he get it for, then?

01-06-2017, 07:31 PM
That much was clear from the "Originally posted by Pete311" header of the quoted part.

Are there any other items that need clearing up, Captain Obvious?

Then my post was quoted because???

Apparently this thread needed some fact. :)

01-06-2017, 07:33 PM
I didn't visit the link, and it may very well be accurate. But so you know, snopes is HUGELY a left leaning website.

Facts don't lean and your comment is ironic coming from a breitbart super fanboy

01-06-2017, 07:33 PM
Then my post was quoted because???

Apparently this thread needed some fact. :)

A thorough inspection of the quote in question reveals there were, indeed, two posts quoted in the selection.

The really cool thing about a board like this is that an enterprising person can turn back the hands of time and review such things.

01-06-2017, 07:34 PM
Facts don't lean and your comment is ironic coming from a breitbart super fanboy

My, Petey. You are especially snarly today... are you extra butthurt from Congress certifying President Trump's victory?

01-06-2017, 07:35 PM
I see. What did he get it for, then?

Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service
The Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service is the highest honorary award presented by DOD to private citizens.


Any private citizen may be nominated for this award.


Nominations for this award will demonstrate distinguished or meritorious service of significance to DOD or Army; personal sacrifice and inconvenience in the performance or assistance of such service; and motivation by patriotism, good citizenship, and a sense of public responsibility


01-06-2017, 07:36 PM
A thorough inspection of the quote in question reveals there were, indeed, two posts quoted in the selection.

The really cool thing about a board like this is that an enterprising person can turn back the hands of time and review such things.

Yeah. Cool.

01-06-2017, 07:38 PM


But then you dismissed the fact that being a former Fighter Pilot had nothing to do with it.

So, since you have all the answers, tell me what W got that award for. Enlighten me.

01-06-2017, 07:41 PM
I didn't link Snopes.

EDIT: But you don't have to believe Snopes, the OP made the same comment.

EDIT #2: My bad, no it didn't.

My comment about Snopes was directed to Pete, underneath what I quoted from him. I went to post something in reply about that photo, not to you, but then deleted it - but I guess I didn't. But anyway, the snopes comment wasn't to you.

01-06-2017, 07:41 PM

But then you dismissed the fact that being a former Fighter Pilot had nothing to do with it.

So, since you have all the answers, tell me what W got that award for. Enlighten me.

I don't know. I don't care. I don't think he awarded himself a medal. I'm not sure if flying over Alabama as a member of the military (not a private citizen I think) would qualify though.

EDIT: Oh, and I don't have all the answers. I just strive to have the right answers. :)

01-06-2017, 07:42 PM
I didn't link Snopes.

EDIT: But you don't have to believe Snopes, the OP made the same comment.

EDIT #2: My bad, no it didn't.

Additionally, I never said anything about not believing Snopes. Hell, I even said it very well may be accurate. I wasn't disputing the link.

01-06-2017, 07:43 PM
My comment about Snopes was directed to Pete, underneath what I quoted from him. I went to post something in reply about that photo, not to you, but then deleted it - but I guess I didn't. But anyway, the snopes comment wasn't to you.


01-06-2017, 07:45 PM
I don't know. I don't care. I don't think he awarded himself a medal. I'm not sure if flying over Alabama as a member of the military (not a private citizen I think) would qualify though.

EDIT: Oh, and I don't have all the answers. I just strive to have the right answers. :)

If you don't know and don't care, then why in the world would you dismiss the fact that W was a Fighter Pilot and that it may have had something to do with it?

I think I know, but I want to hear you say it.

01-06-2017, 07:45 PM
Facts don't lean and your comment is ironic coming from a breitbart super fanboy

You know what, Pete, I'm done with you. I keep trying to have a normal conversation, and you keep being a dick. I was polite in my response.

Here, when you're done with your boyfriends dick, go suck on this, liberal idiotic piece of shit.


Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Popular myth-busting website Snopes originally gained recognition for being the go-to site for disproving outlandish urban legends -such as the presence of UFOs in Haiti or the existence of human-animal hybrids in the Amazon jungle.

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/17/fact-checking-snopes-websites-political-fact-checker-is-just-a-failed-liberal-blogger/#ixzz4V23gHga8

01-06-2017, 07:47 PM
My, Petey. You are especially snarly today... are you extra butthurt from Congress certifying President Trump's victory?

Pete has no idea how to communicate with people. Only one mode. Not worthy of any reasonable discussion I suppose. I tried several times today and keep getting nothing but garbage from him.

01-06-2017, 07:47 PM
You know what, Pete, I'm done with you. I keep trying to have a normal conversation, and you keep being a dick. I was polite in my response.

Here, when you're done with your boyfriends dick, go suck on this, liberal idiotic piece of shit.


Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Popular myth-busting website Snopes originally gained recognition for being the go-to site for disproving outlandish urban legends -such as the presence of UFOs in Haiti or the existence of human-animal hybrids in the Amazon jungle.

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/17/fact-checking-snopes-websites-political-fact-checker-is-just-a-failed-liberal-blogger/#ixzz4V23gHga8


01-06-2017, 07:49 PM
If you don't know and don't care, then why in the world would you dismiss the fact that W was a Fighter Pilot and that it may have had something to do with it?

I think I know, but I want to hear you say it.

You're more than welcome to be wrong but I don't dismiss it. Just not sure it qualifies given the parameters.

01-06-2017, 07:49 PM
Pete has no idea how to communicate with people. Only one mode. Not worthy of any reasonable discussion I suppose. I tried several times today and keep getting nothing but garbage from him.

He's very butthurt about something.

Maybe we should send him a Richard Simmons Sweatin' To The Oldies dvd or something.

01-06-2017, 07:51 PM

I didn't dispute his POV for one second either. I believed it for the most part. I simply wanted to point out in addition how that site leans. I simply thought of that as I had posted something about it not too long ago. My post was obviously not meant to insult, and I thought it was rather clear that I wasn't disputing the link.

01-06-2017, 07:51 PM
You're more than welcome to be wrong but I don't dismiss it. Just not sure it qualifies given the parameters.

I was hoping to hear something more honest... like : Yeah, NT, I was being a prick and have no basis for blapping what I blapped about other than I wanted to be a prick.

01-06-2017, 07:54 PM
I was hoping to hear something more honest... like : Yeah, NT, I was being a prick and have no basis for blapping what I blapped about other than I wanted to be a prick.

Called that one.

You're more than welcome to be wrong...

So do you have anything factual to support your assertion in the thread title?

01-06-2017, 07:57 PM
So do you have anything factual to support your assertion in the thread title?

I don't know. I don't care.

Wow, this FJ method of debate is fucking easy! :thumb:

01-06-2017, 07:59 PM
So do you have anything factual to support your assertion in the thread title?

I do.

Boss is in charge, other guys responds to him. Employee gives boss an award, which he clearly doesn't deserve. And yes, the same would in fact apply to GWB. Folks under their command shouldn't be giving their boss any prestigious awards. So IMO, the title is correct. You weren't happy with the continued bashing of Obama, and had to point out that GWB received the same award under similar circumstances. (kinda like Gabby continually bringing up Bush whenever someone had a valid complaint about Obama). And I see this no differently. Folks can argue over who really deserved it, I really don't care. But he did more or less give himself this award. And as others pointed out about themselves, he could just as easily have turned down any award he didn't deserve, as he should have done with the nobel prize as well.

01-06-2017, 08:00 PM
I was hoping to hear something more honest... like : Yeah, NT, I was being a prick and have no basis for blapping what I blapped about other than I wanted to be a prick.

Seriously? fj, and petey don't happen to see, or notice that Whereby: Obama chose Ashton Carter to be his SECRETARY OF DEFENSE...and:

Inasmuch as Carter decided to award HIS BOSS a medal.

What are the odds? If he hadn't picked Carter...Would Obama have gotten a medal to ENHANCE HIS PERSONAL OPINION ABOUT HIMSELF...AND HIS PHONY LEGACY??

Just wondering.

01-06-2017, 08:07 PM
I don't know. I don't care.

Wow, this FJ method of debate is fucking easy! :thumb:

It's hard when you're actually debating the relevant stuff though. ;)

I do.

Boss is in charge, other guys responds to him. Employee gives boss an award, which he clearly doesn't deserve. And yes, the same would in fact apply to GWB. Folks under their command shouldn't be giving their boss any prestigious awards. So IMO, the title is correct. You weren't happy with the continued bashing of Obama, and had to point out that GWB received the same award under similar circumstances. (kinda like Gabby continually bringing up Bush whenever someone had a valid complaint about Obama). And I see this no differently. Folks can argue over who really deserved it, I really don't care. But he did more or less give himself this award. And as others pointed out about themselves, he could just as easily have turned down any award he didn't deserve, as he should have done with the nobel prize as well.

I guess you get to be wrong too. But I'll agree it's not really kosher for the POTUS to be getting this type of award but given the lack of outrage over W...

There are plenty of DoD sycophants that were panting over being the one to nominate than for him to have to give it to himself.

01-06-2017, 08:09 PM
It's hard when you're actually debating the relevant stuff though. ;)

I guess you get to be wrong too. But I'll agree it's not really kosher for the POTUS to be getting this type of award but given the lack of outrage over W...

There are plenty of DoD sycophants that were panting over being the one to nominate than for him to have to give it to himself.

This thread is about Obama. I already stated it was lame and the same for GWB to have gotten the award. But we don't need to revisit Bush EVERY time someone bashes Obama, even if it's something bush did too.

01-06-2017, 08:12 PM
It's hard when you're actually debating the relevant stuff though. ;)

Nope. You're wrong.

I think I'm really getting the hang of this shit! I'm horrified when I think of all the countless, wasted hours scouring the internet when all I had to do was say someone was wrong and leave it at that. Silly me.

01-06-2017, 08:22 PM
This thread is about Obama. I already stated it was lame and the same for GWB to have gotten the award. But we don't need to revisit Bush EVERY time someone bashes Obama, even if it's something bush did too.

Petty, and fundamentally incorrect, threads are pointless.

Nope. You're wrong.

I think I'm really getting the hang of this shit! I'm horrified when I think of all the countless, wasted hours scouring the internet when all I had to do was say someone was wrong and leave it at that. Silly me.

Says the one debating the irrelevant stuff. :shrug:

01-06-2017, 08:28 PM
Says the one debating the irrelevant stuff. :shrug:

Hey, when all you have to do is fling a quick bit of poo at something and then declare you don't know and don't care, one suddenly has all sorts of time to debate any topic at all. Fast.

I'm digging the FJ Method™ of debate.

Now I just need to find a Quantum Physics thread and apply my new strategies to winning debates. I'll leave the fuckers speechless.

01-06-2017, 08:39 PM
Hey, when all you have to do is fling a quick bit of poo at something and then declare you don't know and don't care, one suddenly has all sorts of time to debate any topic at all. Fast.

I'm digging the FJ Method™ of debate.

Now I just need to find a Quantum Physics thread and apply my new strategies to winning debates. I'll leave the fuckers speechless.

When you give up you go big. Thumbs up man.

01-06-2017, 08:45 PM
Petty, and fundamentally incorrect, threads are pointless.

If not interested in purposely bringing up the past, and thinking the thread pointless and petty, why not just ignore it and not participate in it? And if one must, why not just prove it wrong and move along then? Folks bringing in the past non-stop annoys me, at least just me anyway. And yeps, It irritates me if a liberal points out something good about Obama, and another changes it to Bush as well. And after Trump has established himself in office for awhile, it'll be annoying if folks keep referring back to Obama.

Personally, if someone posts something, and I don't believe it, my first thought is to gather facts to prove what is in front of me as incorrect. I know sometimes for reference it's needed, but far too many times it's used as "but so and so did it too" which really doesn't address the current day.

01-06-2017, 08:48 PM
When you give up you go big. Thumbs up man.

Here's hoping my point got across. Time will tell.

01-06-2017, 08:53 PM
If not interested in purposely bringing up the past, and thinking the thread pointless and petty, why not just ignore it and not participate in it? And if one must, why not just prove it wrong and move along then? Folks bringing in the past non-stop annoys me, at least just me anyway. And yeps, It irritates me if a liberal points out something good about Obama, and another changes it to Bush as well. And after Trump has established himself in office for awhile, it'll be annoying if folks keep referring back to Obama.

Personally, if someone posts something, and I don't believe it, my first thought is to gather facts to prove what is in front of me as incorrect. I know sometimes for reference it's needed, but far too many times it's used as "but so and so did it too" which really doesn't address the current day.

I made a point, people challenged it, I defended it. Sounds like the debate process to me. :)

01-06-2017, 08:56 PM
Here's hoping my point got across. Time will tell.

To who? Those who agree with you and fail to look critically? I expect no change.

01-06-2017, 08:57 PM
I made a point, people challenged it, I defended it. Sounds like the debate process to me. :)

Have a great night, fj. Admittedly I'm a glutton for punishment, and continue to think folks will change, and continue to attempt certain dialogue. My bad. Anyway, as I said, enjoy.

01-06-2017, 09:00 PM
Have a great night, fj. Admittedly I'm a glutton for punishment, and continue to think folks will change, and continue to attempt certain dialogue. My bad. Anyway, as I said, enjoy.

You're more of an optimist than me. I don't think that anymore. But I like to try. ;)

01-06-2017, 09:07 PM
To who? Those who agree with you and fail to look critically? I expect no change.


Holy. Shit.

Nevermind, FJ. Carry on.

Abbey Marie
01-06-2017, 09:08 PM
This thread is about Obama. I already stated it was lame and the same for GWB to have gotten the award. But we don't need to revisit Bush EVERY time someone bashes Obama, even if it's something bush did too.

Is it the same? I'm skimming, but as far as I can see, we still know no details about the Bush photo. Did I miss it?

01-06-2017, 09:09 PM

Holy. Shit.

Nevermind, FJ. Carry on.

Live in the real world? Sure no problem. :)

01-06-2017, 09:10 PM
Is it the same? I'm skimming, but as far as I can see, we still know no details about the Bush photo. Did I miss it?

He got the same medal.

Outrage. :shakesfist:

01-06-2017, 09:11 PM
Is it the same? I'm skimming, but as far as I can see, we still know no details about the Bush photo. Did I miss it?

Nope. But we do know that he doesn't know and doesn't care. That much we do know.

Abbey Marie
01-06-2017, 09:13 PM
He got the same medal.

Outrage. :shakesfist:

Same medal, ok, but for what circumstances? Not to mention that Bush had integrity and really acted like CIC.

01-06-2017, 09:16 PM
Same medal, ok, but for what circumstances? Not to mention that Bush had integrity and really acted like CIC.

Same process as BO.

Outrageous. :shakesfist:

01-06-2017, 09:22 PM
I don't know. I don't care.

Wow, this FJ method of debate is fucking easy! :thumb:

Hahahahahahhahhahaaa! I love it! :thumb:

01-06-2017, 09:22 PM
Is it the same? I'm skimming, but as far as I can see, we still know no details about the Bush photo. Did I miss it?

I'm sure it is. Back then someone gave it to their boss as well. I don't agree with going that route. But Bush still has NOTHING to do with this thread anyway. It's a form of deflecting and lack of current facts, so go to the past.

01-06-2017, 09:24 PM
Same medal, ok, but for what circumstances? Not to mention that Bush had integrity and really acted like CIC.

But so did Reagan, so Bush gets no credit. And Bush also started an unfavorable war, but so did Truman and Kennedy, so that's no biggie.

01-06-2017, 09:32 PM
But so did Reagan, so Bush gets no credit. And Bush also started an unfavorable war, but so did Truman and Kennedy, so that's no biggie.

Who said Bush gets no credit? Standards should be consistent.

01-06-2017, 09:33 PM

01-06-2017, 09:40 PM
Hahahahahahhahhahaaa! I love it! :thumb:

Hey, join the party. It's all fun.

01-06-2017, 10:31 PM
Hey, join the party. It's all fun.

Hey FJ, no offense, you are a smart guy. But let's face it, you posted that photo of Bush receiving an award, clearly implying he was giving the award to himself the same as Obama. But then after multiple proddings from various board members you could not / would not explain the background of the photo of Bush's award, or else you're saying you don't know.

So okay, I'll bite: where did you get the photo? The must be some information explaining it. Just sayin'. :D

01-06-2017, 10:42 PM
Never mind - I found a link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_090106-F-6655M-124_Secretary_of_Defense_Robert_M._Gates_awards_th e_Department_of_Defense_Medal_for_Distinguished_Pu blic_Service_to_President_George_W._Bush.jpg#globa lusage

It does have some similarities, but Bush got the award in the middle of his Presidency, whereas Obama told Ashton Carter to give him the award in the last few days of his final term. Plus, Obama has never done a single thing with the military, other than order drone bombings. Oh well.

01-06-2017, 10:57 PM
Never mind - I found a link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_090106-F-6655M-124_Secretary_of_Defense_Robert_M._Gates_awards_th e_Department_of_Defense_Medal_for_Distinguished_Pu blic_Service_to_President_George_W._Bush.jpg#globa lusage

It does have some similarities, but Bush got the award in the middle of his Presidency, whereas Obama told Ashton Carter to give him the award in the last few days of his final term. Plus, Obama has never done a single thing with the military, other than order drone bombings. Oh well.

In fairness, he did appoint the first openly gay Secretary of the Army. I'm sure the troops were thrilled with that.

01-06-2017, 11:05 PM
In fairness, he did appoint the first openly gay Secretary of the Army. I'm sure the troops were thrilled with that.

Yeah cuz there's NOTHING like having a fag in berthing.

01-06-2017, 11:23 PM
You looking for some comic relief or just something else to get pissed about?:laugh:

Well...it could be both!:laugh:

01-06-2017, 11:27 PM
Get a clue guys

Get a clue? Are you for real?

Did you EVER serve? Did you hold a government position on a federal level?

I did both. You are blowing smoke up your own ass.

01-06-2017, 11:30 PM

He didn't meet the criteria, PERIOD!

01-06-2017, 11:40 PM
Is it the same? I'm skimming, but as far as I can see, we still know no details about the Bush photo. Did I miss it?

He got the same medal.

Outrage. :shakesfist:

Same medal, ok, but for what circumstances? Not to mention that Bush had integrity and really acted like CIC.

No comparison at all.

I said before, I would like to the the "Citation to Accompany the Award" for Obama.

Then we can fight over who deserved and did not. GWB was a Commander-in-Chief, Obama was a
denier-in-chief (no Caps is intentional).

01-06-2017, 11:52 PM
No comparison at all.

I said before, I would like to the the "Citation to Accompany the Award" for Obama.

Then we can fight over who deserved and did not. GWB was a Commander-in-Chief, Obama was a
denier-in-chief (no Caps is intentional).

I used to love the lefty story that F-102s didn't exist. Gee, what the Hell was that thing I was sitting in in 68 and who was the Denmother's hubby that flew it? Figments of my imagination, I'm sure. I wanted to be a pilot so bad if anyone thinks I've forgotten THAT moment needs head replacement surgery. I got to sit in the cockpit of a 102. 1967 for you bonehead lefties.

And planes don't fly themselves.

Black Diamond
01-06-2017, 11:54 PM
I used to love the lefty story that F-102s didn't exist. Gee, what the Hell was that thing I was sitting in in 68 and who was the Denmother's hubby that flew it? Figments of my imagination, I'm sure. I wanted to be a pilot so bad if anyone thinks I've forgotten THAT moment needs head replacement surgery. I got to sit in the cockpit of a 102. 1967 for you bonehead lefties.

And planes don't fly themselves.

Denmother haven't heard that term in 30 years. I made it to wolf. Never got any arrowheads.

01-07-2017, 12:03 AM
Denmother haven't heard that term in 30 years. I made it to wolf. Never got any arrowheads.

I actually did better. Then on day, I'm sitting with all these gay guys at Homesetead AFB and I'm wathcing these girls walk by and batting eyelashes. Last Boy Scout meeting ever. I was like "I got better things to chase". :2up:

01-07-2017, 12:55 AM
Denmother haven't heard that term in 30 years. I made it to wolf. Never got any arrowheads.


01-07-2017, 01:09 AM
I used to love the lefty story that F-102s didn't exist. Gee, what the Hell was that thing I was sitting in in 68 and who was the Denmother's hubby that flew it? Figments of my imagination, I'm sure. I wanted to be a pilot so bad if anyone thinks I've forgotten THAT moment needs head replacement surgery. I got to sit in the cockpit of a 102. 1967 for you bonehead lefties.

And planes don't fly themselves.

Yeah, I love the libtard allegations of that!

1970, off the coast of Iceland - F-102 escorts a Soviet Bear back to whence it came :


Usually the mouth-breathing stops at this point and they turn to Cheney Shenanigans.

01-07-2017, 01:10 AM

The denmother is the mom who runs the pack. Cub Scouts are called a den. You can go from bobcat to something. It was Lion when I was in. I think you can get to Bear nowadays. I made it to First class before I discovered girls. I think I had only two steps to go --Life and Eagle and I discovered girls.

You choose. I did. Never got past 1st Class.:laugh2:

01-07-2017, 02:59 AM
I used to love the lefty story that F-102s didn't exist. Gee, what the Hell was that thing I was sitting in in 68 and who was the Denmother's hubby that flew it? Figments of my imagination, I'm sure. I wanted to be a pilot so bad if anyone thinks I've forgotten THAT moment needs head replacement surgery. I got to sit in the cockpit of a 102. 1967 for you bonehead lefties.

And planes don't fly themselves.

My Dad was a mechanic and crew chief on f-86's, F-100's, and F-101's. He said the F-102 was the most unstable
in the air fleet. THAT is why they were not sent to 'Nam. They were kept in the USA as a defense force.
Too bad the F-4 was still in it's infancy.

GWB volunteered to go to training in the F-105, but was turned down because he had already
accumulated enough career points to retire.

01-07-2017, 03:54 AM
My Dad was a mechanic and crew chief on f-86's, F-100's, and F-101's. He said the F-102 was the most unstable
in the air fleet. THAT is why they were not sent to 'Nam. They were kept in the USA as a defense force.
Too bad the F-4 was still in it's infancy.

GWB volunteered to go to training in the F-105, but was turned down because he had already
accumulated enough career points to retire.

I've read that the F-4 Phantom airframe was an absolute pig.. but it had a ton of power, and the pilots used that to win the fights.

It was first fighter that you could ram the throttle from idle to full afterburner without the engines choking. Our pilots learned to use that to their advantage; the airframe itself was a dog, but those twin J79s powered them through some weird situations.

01-07-2017, 09:37 AM
My Dad was a mechanic and crew chief on f-86's, F-100's, and F-101's. He said the F-102 was the most unstable
in the air fleet. THAT is why they were not sent to 'Nam. They were kept in the USA as a defense force.
Too bad the F-4 was still in it's infancy.

GWB volunteered to go to training in the F-105, but was turned down because he had already
accumulated enough career points to retire.

I knew the part about the 102. We were at NAS Key West at the time. Did not know GWB tried to be a Thud pilot.

01-07-2017, 02:19 PM
I knew the part about the 102. We were at NAS Key West at the time. Did not know GWB tried to be a Thud pilot.

Yeah, he volunteered for the training, hoping to go overseas. But his points were almost up, so
he was turned down.

The Thunderchief was a beast of a plane, though!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-07-2017, 03:12 PM
meh....I have seen this kind of crap too many times. More than one military genius awarded himself a medal for flying over a "combat zone" and never touching down. Heck, I am surprised HRC didn't get the Medal of Honor for "dodging sniper fire" ....

How right on target you are! :beer: :salute: :beer:
Well, imagined, slickly contrived liberal - "snipper" fire-- can be an awesome menace..
As such, perhaps she should get the Medal of Honor and the Nobel Peace Prize.- :rolleyes:
I am just shocked that she didn't get both....--Tyr

01-07-2017, 05:15 PM
How right on target you are! :beer: :salute: :beer:
Well, imagined, slickly contrived liberal - "snipper" fire-- can be an awesome menace..
As such, perhaps she should get the Medal of Honor and the Nobel Peace Prize.- :rolleyes:
I am just shocked that she didn't get both....--Tyr

Hypothetical words, but understood the meaning.
I would puke if she got anything from her MIS-service to this nation!

01-07-2017, 05:34 PM
I've read that the F-4 Phantom airframe was an absolute pig.. but it had a ton of power, and the pilots used that to win the fights.

It was first fighter that you could ram the throttle from idle to full afterburner without the engines choking. Our pilots learned to use that to their advantage; the airframe itself was a dog, but those twin J79s powered them through some weird situations.

We could go this one all day. The best fighter, pound for pound was the P-51 Mustang. Then tere's the P-38, P-47, F-86. The F-4 was exactly what you said ... a beast. The Thud was a bigger beast. The problem they had back then was clowns designed aircraft.

IIRC, it was Robin Olds that got himself a gatling gun and strpped it to his plane. Our planes sucked in the late-50s-early sixties. Limited maneuverability and they tried to replace the guns with sh*tty missiles.

The Navy was actually the service that brought dogfighting back. The Air Force is strategic. The Navy/USMC is tactical. They support us on the ground. I have all the respect in the world for a CAS Naval aviator. I've never been so happy in my life as when they came wheeling in.

BTW, unless I am mistaken, that pic is of an F106 Delta Dagger, not an F102 Delta Dart.

01-07-2017, 07:42 PM
We could go this one all day. The best fighter, pound for pound was the P-51 Mustang. Then tere's the P-38, P-47, F-86. The F-4 was exactly what you said ... a beast. The Thud was a bigger beast. The problem they had back then was clowns designed aircraft.

IIRC, it was Robin Olds that got himself a gatling gun and strpped it to his plane. Our planes sucked in the late-50s-early sixties. Limited maneuverability and they tried to replace the guns with sh*tty missiles.

The Navy was actually the service that brought dogfighting back. The Air Force is strategic. The Navy/USMC is tactical. They support us on the ground. I have all the respect in the world for a CAS Naval aviator. I've never been so happy in my life as when they came wheeling in.

BTW, unless I am mistaken, that pic is of an F106 Delta Dagger, not an F102 Delta Dart.

According to the pic credentials, it's a 102.

Ever read Chuck Yeager's autobiography? If you haven't, you should.. the Mustang was just a so-so aircraft until someone bolted a 12 cylinder Rolls Royce Merlin engine into it with the supercharger... that turned it into one kickass fighter.

And, yeah.. initially the F-4 didn't have any guns on them because the thought was that they were obsolete and all fighter engagements would be done with missiles. The pilots hated not having guns and that was changed.

Black Diamond
01-07-2017, 07:49 PM
According to the pic credentials, it's a 102.

Ever read Chuck Yeager's autobiography? If you haven't, you should.. the Mustang was just a so-so aircraft until someone bolted a 12 cylinder Rolls Royce Merlin engine into it with the supercharger... that turned it into one kickass fighter.

And, yeah.. initially the F-4 didn't have any guns on them because the thought was that they were obsolete and all fighter engagements would be done with missiles. The pilots hated not having guns and that was changed.

The right stuff?

01-07-2017, 08:33 PM
Don't mean to be rude here. Far from it. But...I thought this thread was about Obama, having the SECDEF giving him a parting award for COWARDICE, and bragging rights to show his Muslim Brotherhood Lovers...how much he ADMIRES himself?

Change the picture to OBAMA, and this is really what Obama WISHED he could earn for nothing...
just like his NOBEL Boobie Prize. http://icansayit.com/images/kerrypurple.jpg
If it's good enough for one PRETENDER, it must be good for the Other.

01-07-2017, 08:33 PM
We could go this one all day. The best fighter, pound for pound was the P-51 Mustang. Then tere's the P-38, P-47, F-86. The F-4 was exactly what you said ... a beast. The Thud was a bigger beast. The problem they had back then was clowns designed aircraft.

Those are my two favorite prop jobs.

I saw a B-17 and an F-4 Phantom by side at Tulare Airport up the SR 99 in Central Ca.
That F-4 was near as big as the B-17! I toured a B-17, and going through it, I could stretch out
my arms and come close to touching both sides of the fuselage. Those guys that flew
them had bronze balls.

01-07-2017, 08:41 PM
Don't mean to be rude here. Far from it. But...I thought this thread was about Obama, having the SECDEF giving him a parting award for COWARDICE, and bragging rights to show his Muslim Brotherhood Lovers...how much he ADMIRES himself?

Change the picture to OBAMA, and this is really what Obama WISHED he could earn for nothing...
just like his NOBEL Boobie Prize. http://icansayit.com/images/kerrypurple.jpg
If it's good enough for one PRETENDER, it must be good for the Other.

Obama's should be a Pink Heart, not Purple, because he's been such a pussy.

01-07-2017, 08:56 PM
Another fake news story by Breitbart. Which has a habit of doing such.
I have to wonder how many gullible fools are taken in by this American version of TASS. :rolleyes:


01-07-2017, 08:57 PM
Another fake news story by Breitbart. Which has a habit of doing such.
I have to wonder how many gullible fools are taken in by this American version of TASS. :rolleyes:


GABBY. Your jealousy is showing again.

01-07-2017, 09:02 PM
According to the pic credentials, it's a 102.

Ever read Chuck Yeager's autobiography? If you haven't, you should.. the Mustang was just a so-so aircraft until someone bolted a 12 cylinder Rolls Royce Merlin engine into it with the supercharger... that turned it into one kickass fighter.

And, yeah.. initially the F-4 didn't have any guns on them because the thought was that they were obsolete and all fighter engagements would be done with missiles. The pilots hated not having guns and that was changed.

Bubba, I can dial you right in on the P-51. It was a POS with it's original Allison engine. That engine was originally on te P-39. It stalled at altitude. Sicking that Rolls Royce/Merlin engine in and getting rid of that razorback canopy worked like a charm. Until that came out, we did not have the range to escort our bombers to Germany and back.

Tactically, the Germans would try to engage them as soon as possible. The Mustangs would have to drop their external fuel tanks to engage in battle which would decrease their range.

01-07-2017, 11:38 PM
Another fake news story by Breitbart. Which has a habit of doing such.
I have to wonder how many gullible fools are taken in by this American version of TASS. :rolleyes:


He did NOTHING to deserve that award!

Just liked the faked Nobel Prize. Did NOTHING to merit it.

01-08-2017, 04:18 AM
He did NOTHING to deserve that award!

Just liked the faked Nobel Prize. Did NOTHING to merit it.

And here I thought I'd turned this into a WW II fighter airplane topic. :laugh:

01-08-2017, 03:29 PM
Hey FJ, no offense, you are a smart guy. But let's face it, you posted that photo of Bush receiving an award, clearly implying he was giving the award to himself the same as Obama. But then after multiple proddings from various board members you could not / would not explain the background of the photo of Bush's award, or else you're saying you don't know.

So okay, I'll bite: where did you get the photo? The must be some information explaining it. Just sayin'. :D

Where that picture came from was never a secret. Bush got the same award.

Never mind - I found a link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_090106-F-6655M-124_Secretary_of_Defense_Robert_M._Gates_awards_th e_Department_of_Defense_Medal_for_Distinguished_Pu blic_Service_to_President_George_W._Bush.jpg#globa lusage

It does have some similarities, but Bush got the award in the middle of his Presidency, whereas Obama told Ashton Carter to give him the award in the last few days of his final term. Plus, Obama has never done a single thing with the military, other than order drone bombings. Oh well.

I see you've stumbled across the issue in question. Do you have any evidence of the claim?

He didn't meet the criteria, PERIOD!

Apparently he did.

No comparison at all.

I said before, I would like to the the "Citation to Accompany the Award" for Obama.

Then we can fight over who deserved and did not. GWB was a Commander-in-Chief, Obama was a
denier-in-chief (no Caps is intentional).

You are merely stating your opinion. I like Bush and see no problem with the award, I don't like BO and see no problem with the award. Awaiting presentment of actual facts and all. Although I am curious as to why the POTUS would be considered a "private citizen."

01-08-2017, 03:40 PM
Where that picture came from was never a secret. Bush got the same award.

I see you've stumbled across the issue in question. Do you have any evidence of the claim?

Apparently he did.

You are merely stating your opinion. I like Bush and see no problem with the award, I don't like BO and see no problem with the award. Awaiting presentment of actual facts and all. Although I am curious as to why the POTUS would be considered a "private citizen."

We military types have a different view of awards than you civvies. You don't have to get the theme to run with it. There IS unfairness in the awards process, THAT is not in dispute.

But lower than low to us is putting yourself in for one. And before you try and start on ME, I don't give a rat's a$$ who does it and it is not political to me. Until some dumbass politician does it.

We earned those things at the cost of blood, sweat and tears. Obama did nothing but create more of those as CinC.

Obama needs to be awarded a trial by court martial.

01-08-2017, 03:43 PM
We military types have a different view of awards than you civvies. You don't have to get the theme to run with it. There IS unfairness in the awards process, THAT is not in dispute.

But lower than low to us is putting yourself in for one. And before you try and start on ME, I don't give a rat's a$$ who does it and it is not political to me. Until some dumbass politician does it.

We earned those things at the cost of blood, sweat and tears. Obama did nothing but create more of those as CinC.

Obama needs to be awarded a trial by court martial.

Link? Consistent standards?

01-08-2017, 03:58 PM
Link? Consistent standards?

Dude, I like you and all that, but look up awards yourself. There is a set standard. How each branch awards them is determined by them. I know the system. Think anyone is going to confess? Officers get higher awards than enlisted. The BS on the paper is wrote. You basically have to die in battle to get MOH if you're enlisted. The Navy/USMC make you dig a lot of dirt to get jack.

My link is hanging in my closet. I ate a lot of dirt for that sh*t.

01-08-2017, 04:02 PM
Dude, I like you and all that, but look up awards yourself. There is a set standard. How each branch awards them is determined by them. I know the system. Think anyone is going to confess? Officers get higher awards than enlisted. The BS on the paper is wrote. You basically have to die in battle to get MOH if you're enlisted. The Navy/USMC make you dig a lot of dirt to get jack.

My link is hanging in my closet. I ate a lot of dirt for that sh*t.

I did look up the award; Spielberg got one. Nevertheless nobody else has offered a link either. I'd love to see the thread title proved out though; BO sucks.

01-08-2017, 04:22 PM
I did look up the award; Spielberg got one. Nevertheless nobody else has offered a link either. I'd love to see the thread title proved out though; BO sucks.

I don't need a link. You're trying to play semantics with the wrong person. I have ribbons/medals up the ass. Who cares? They hang in my closet where I hung my uniform 16 0r 17 years ago. The medals are in the garage in a box somewhere. All they remind me of is misery and watching people die.

And puss bob who hasn't done shit his entire life wants to degrade them by honoring himself? F*ck him.

01-08-2017, 04:41 PM
I did look up the award; Spielberg got one. Nevertheless nobody else has offered a link either. I'd love to see the thread title proved out though; BO sucks.

I don't need a link. You're trying to play semantics with the wrong person. I have ribbons/medals up the ass. Who cares? They hang in my closet where I hung my uniform 16 0r 17 years ago. The medals are in the garage in a box somewhere. All they remind me of is misery and watching people die.

And puss bob who hasn't done shit his entire life wants to degrade them by honoring himself? F*ck him.

I said twice that I would love to see the Citation to Accompany the Award, mostly to see
how much bullshit was put into it.

All military awards come with a guide as to how to write them - a template, so to speak. You just have to
cite instances, add some adjectives and adverbs, then send it up the chain.

Mine are in my shadow box, Gunny - but have a full spare set in case I go to a formal gathering where being
in uniform is appropriate.

01-08-2017, 05:12 PM
I don't need a link. You're trying to play semantics with the wrong person. I have ribbons/medals up the ass. Who cares? They hang in my closet where I hung my uniform 16 0r 17 years ago. The medals are in the garage in a box somewhere. All they remind me of is misery and watching people die.

And puss bob who hasn't done shit his entire life wants to degrade them by honoring himself? F*ck him.

Fact and consistent standards are not semantics.

I said twice that I would love to see the Citation to Accompany the Award, mostly to see
how much bullshit was put into it.

All military awards come with a guide as to how to write them - a template, so to speak. You just have to
cite instances, add some adjectives and adverbs, then send it up the chain.

Mine are in my shadow box, Gunny - but have a full spare set in case I go to a formal gathering where being
in uniform is appropriate.

This is not a military award. But so far no link supporting the thread title. :)

01-08-2017, 05:28 PM
I said twice that I would love to see the Citation to Accompany the Award, mostly to see
how much bullshit was put into it.

All military awards come with a guide as to how to write them - a template, so to speak. You just have to
cite instances, add some adjectives and adverbs, then send it up the chain.

Mine are in my shadow box, Gunny - but have a full spare set in case I go to a formal gathering where being
in uniform is appropriate.
If I had to wear medals anywhere I'd be screwed. Have a shadow box that is incorrect (thanks dumbass Lance Coolies). It's against the wall. I just don't care about them. They remind me of loss. I'm not allowed to watch war movies either. Gunny will have bad dreams and the other folks in the house are not appreciative.

I destroyed the interior of the garage once. Ever tell you that one?:laugh: Tore it up and almost burned it down. Had to basically beg to get to see Avengers movies.

But I carry on. I don't want to here about a pussy from hell putting himself in for jack damned shit.

01-08-2017, 06:23 PM
We military types have a different view of awards than you civvies. You don't have to get the theme to run with it. There IS unfairness in the awards process, THAT is not in dispute. If you look up the award, it has normally been awarded to outgoing presidents. No president has awarded it to themselves.
Obama needs to be awarded a trial by court martial. So did GW Bush, but it never happened

01-08-2017, 07:38 PM
If you look up the award, it has normally been awarded to outgoing presidents. No president has awarded it to themselves. So did GW Bush, but it never happened

Wrong. It is given after they are out, with the exception of GWB who earned his directly from 9/11, Katrina,
and chasing down Saddam (who had hatched a plot to kill a sitting U.S. President). His establishment of
a better Intel network is what got Bin Laden - not anything Obama did.

You are in over your head with this Gabby.

01-08-2017, 10:22 PM
Wrong. It is given after they are out, with the exception of GWB who earned his directly from 9/11, Katrina, and chasing down Saddam (who had hatched a plot to kill a sitting U.S. President). His establishment of a better Intel network is what got Bin Laden - not anything Obama did. You are in over your head with this Gabby. No way can you be serious about this. GW Bush totally botched Katrina through acts of passive idiocy. He was negligent in failing to stop 9-11 and completely clueless in handling, except to start an illegal war. And Saddam was too stupid to plot anything. I suggest you stop placing so much faith in mindless right-wing garbage sites.

01-08-2017, 10:49 PM
No way can you be serious about this. GW Bush totally botched Katrina through acts of passive idiocy. He was negligent in failing to stop 9-11 and completely clueless in handling, except to start an illegal war. And Saddam was too stupid to plot anything. I suggest you stop placing so much faith in mindless right-wing garbage sites.

YOU are ignorant and do NOT know the facts, idiot!

Want to hear from someone that experienced both?

Katrina was botched by the state of Louisiana. After 9/11, the GWB administration declared that ALL levels of government would comply
with the ICS standard. LA did NOT. The Federal government, unless they choose to declare martial law, cannot go in and forcefully
evacuate citizens. The NWS gave warnings and watches to New Orleans. The White House implored them to heed the warnings.
The state government and New Orleans did NOTHING to support their people. The USCG and Air Force were able to go in fast as outlined
in the National Search and Rescue Plan. The Pentagon was approached by both USCG and USAF to send Marines, Navy, and Army to assist.
GWB's administration allowed it, thus the shame LA State did to it's citizens was somewhat lessened. Your'e full of crap, Gabby...fighting
someone who knows far better than a 'secure' person in whatever county you claim.

After 9/11, it was found that the NYC Government did not have a unified Command Center. GWB fixed that with the creation of HLS, using
the ICS model. Prior to 9/11, the various Intel agencies kept their info close to the vest, often refusing to share information to solve the puzzle.
Had there been a similar structure before, 9/11 might not have happened. NYC had two different Command Centers...one for NYFD and one for NYPD.
One got destroyed in the Trade Center. Don't worry...that previous structure existed for decades.

The Iraq puzzle was bad intel, but was supported by everyone else but the UN and France - both compliant with the 'Oil for Food' scam.
The UN would not act. GWB acted on the Intel, plus the fact Saddam had a plot to kill a sitting president for booting him out of Kuwait - an act
of aggression and war on the USA.

Don't you dare preach to me about something I know fully well, Gabby. I worked it for many long years, and your liberal whinings over it
are both sickening and amusing. Your blind ignorance is disappointing.

01-09-2017, 01:31 AM
YOU are ignorant and do NOT know the facts, idiot!

Want to hear from someone that experienced both?

Katrina was botched by the state of Louisiana. After 9/11, the GWB administration declared that ALL levels of government would comply
with the ICS standard. LA did NOT. The Federal government, unless they choose to declare martial law, cannot go in and forcefully
evacuate citizens. The NWS gave warnings and watches to New Orleans. The White House implored them to heed the warnings.
The state government and New Orleans did NOTHING to support their people. The USCG and Air Force were able to go in fast as outlined
in the National Search and Rescue Plan. The Pentagon was approached by both USCG and USAF to send Marines, Navy, and Army to assist.
GWB's administration allowed it, thus the shame LA State did to it's citizens was somewhat lessened. Your'e full of crap, Gabby...fighting
someone who knows far better than a 'secure' person in whatever county you claim.

After 9/11, it was found that the NYC Government did not have a unified Command Center. GWB fixed that with the creation of HLS, using
the ICS model. Prior to 9/11, the various Intel agencies kept their info close to the vest, often refusing to share information to solve the puzzle.
Had there been a similar structure before, 9/11 might not have happened. NYC had two different Command Centers...one for NYFD and one for NYPD.
One got destroyed in the Trade Center. Don't worry...that previous structure existed for decades.

The Iraq puzzle was bad intel, but was supported by everyone else but the UN and France - both compliant with the 'Oil for Food' scam.
The UN would not act. GWB acted on the Intel, plus the fact Saddam had a plot to kill a sitting president for booting him out of Kuwait - an act
of aggression and war on the USA.

Don't you dare preach to me about something I know fully well, Gabby. I worked it for many long years, and your liberal whinings over it
are both sickening and amusing. Your blind ignorance is disappointing.

Damn Gabby, that had to ouch.

01-09-2017, 01:16 PM
Damn Gabby, that had to ouch.

I get fed up with having to repeat myself and FACTS to ignorant and hard-headed liberals.

01-09-2017, 02:22 PM
Wrong. It is given after they are out, with the exception of GWB who earned his directly from 9/11, Katrina,
and chasing down Saddam (who had hatched a plot to kill a sitting U.S. President). His establishment of
a better Intel network is what got Bin Laden - not anything Obama did.

You are in over your head with this Gabby.

As near as I can tell that, including BO, the last 3 POTI have received them in the last month or so of office. I'm not aware of the "whys" that they're awarded, perhaps you can enlighten.

01-09-2017, 03:09 PM
As near as I can tell that, including BO, the last 3 POTI have received them in the last month or so of office. I'm not aware of the "whys" that they're awarded, perhaps you can enlighten.

As I said 3 times previously, I would love to see the words
in The Certificate to Accompany The Award.

01-09-2017, 04:25 PM
I get fed up with having to repeat myself and FACTS to ignorant and hard-headed liberals.

That just calls for decision time, bubs. First, don't have a stroke. You'll be repeating yourself all over the place.:laugh: Second, a famous tactic on the net is pretend you don't see what someone said and start a new thread, same subject, modified title.

You have to use logic arguing with FJ. That's how he processes info.

01-09-2017, 05:15 PM
The only difference that I find with GWB & BO receiving the award is a Breitbart story saying: BO gave it to himself and the amount of dislike for BO.

01-09-2017, 05:34 PM
The only difference that I find with GWB & BO receiving the award is a Breitbart story saying: BO gave it to himself and the amount of dislike for BO.

And perhaps quite a few other media outlets, not just Breitbart. I'll be the first to say, which I have already, that I agree it's no different than when GWB got the award.

01-09-2017, 07:13 PM
That just calls for decision time, bubs. First, don't have a stroke. You'll be repeating yourself all over the place.:laugh: Second, a famous tactic on the net is pretend you don't see what someone said and start a new thread, same subject, modified title.

You have to use logic arguing with FJ. That's how he processes info.

Ohhh...FJ isn't so bad to speak to.

Others are like talking to a walnut.

By the way, I did search for that Certificate to Accompany...and could not locate one.
It should be a matter of public record.

01-09-2017, 07:32 PM
Any, and all awards that have been presented to, or given to Obama...IMO as a Veteran....are cheapened by whoever presents them, and by Obama for accepting them.
There are THOUSANDS of Honorable Americans who have done far more, and remained SILENT, who should also be awarded such Recognition. But in todays Selfish Society. EVEN THE LOSERS GET TROPHY'S FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING.

01-09-2017, 07:50 PM
Any, and all awards that have been presented to, or given to Obama...IMO as a Veteran....are cheapened by whoever presents them, and by Obama for accepting them.
There are THOUSANDS of Honorable Americans who have done far more, and remained SILENT, who should also be awarded such Recognition. But in todays Selfish Society. EVEN THE LOSERS GET TROPHY'S FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING.

Naah...you are correct with this day's society. Participation Trophy for being along for the ride.

01-09-2017, 08:19 PM
That just calls for decision time, bubs. First, don't have a stroke. You'll be repeating yourself all over the place.:laugh: Second, a famous tactic on the net is pretend you don't see what someone said and start a new thread, same subject, modified title.

You have to use logic arguing with FJ. That's how he processes info.

Ohhh...no stroke from me! I am fine. Just the ignorant fools that need educating.
I could open a whole new thread on these issues, and they would refuse to play.

01-09-2017, 11:03 PM
Ohhh...no stroke from me! I am fine. Just the ignorant fools that need educating.
I could open a whole new thread on these issues, and they would refuse to play.

Yeah, there was no stroke for me until I had 2 of them. Had several concussions so don't remember a damned thing. I know I weighed 50 more pounds from going down to waking up.

As far as your point goes, agree. Leftwingnuts will not man the line.

01-10-2017, 02:17 PM
As I said 3 times previously, I would love to see the words
in The Certificate to Accompany The Award.

Then why did you say, "GWB earned his..."?

That just calls for decision time, bubs. First, don't have a stroke. You'll be repeating yourself all over the place.:laugh: Second, a famous tactic on the net is pretend you don't see what someone said and start a new thread, same subject, modified title.

You have to use logic arguing with FJ. That's how he processes info.

I'm confused as to why we all don't. :confused: Can you logically explain it to me? :poke:

01-10-2017, 02:42 PM
I get fed up with having to repeat myself and FACTS to ignorant and hard-headed liberals.

Typical liberal snowflake mindset


01-10-2017, 02:44 PM
Ohhh...FJ isn't so bad to speak to.

Others are like talking to a walnut.

By the way, I did search for that Certificate to Accompany...and could not locate one.
It should be a matter of public record.

Did you just try to link "El Jefe" with the term "Public Record" :laugh2:

01-10-2017, 04:04 PM
If you look up the award, it has normally been awarded to outgoing presidents. No president has awarded it to themselves. So did GW Bush, but it never happened

You are missing the point, Gabriella. I know the criteria for getting an award without looking. Bush has nothing to do with this. Throwing his name out is a deflection. He was a fighter pilot right up the road from where I live. What has Obama done? Kissed Putin's ass, made a deal with the devil (Iran) and covered up for a felony crime for a fellow crony. He never served a damned thing but himself. This is just another example.

Those of us that serve HATE that sh*t.

01-10-2017, 04:08 PM
Not that lots of folks haven't had a lot of fun in this thread, but to me it's right there with the Meryl Streep one: pointless.

This award is given to 'civilians' by the Secretary of Defense. It seems presidents qualify as having upheld and supported the military, even Obama, at least according to the DOD, which he appointed.

Enough time.

01-10-2017, 04:14 PM
Not that lots of folks haven't had a lot of fun in this thread, but to me it's right there with the Meryl Streep one: pointless.

This award is given to 'civilians' by the Secretary of Defense. It seems presidents qualify as having upheld and supported the military, even Obama, at least according to the DOD, which he appointed.

Enough time.

I know but I got to do something. I just wish I could still keep up. I see all these posts I would have hammered back in the day.

01-10-2017, 04:25 PM
I know but I got to do something. I just wish I could still keep up. I see all these posts I would have hammered back in the day.

Ah, not to be bitchy, but 'work with what you got.' So many times I've thought, 'If only I could hear, dammit!" Well I can't, never could, so I step up with what I do have.

01-10-2017, 04:35 PM
Ah, not to be bitchy, but 'work with what you got.' So many times I've thought, 'If only I could hear, dammit!" Well I can't, never could, so I step up with what I do have.

I am working with what I got. sis. Just not used to it. And I'm sure I can say dammit more than you can.

If you weren't being bitchy to me I wouldn't know how to act.:laugh: