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View Full Version : Eric Holder to the pre-emptive rescue?

01-07-2017, 09:41 PM
The Peoples Republic of California has hired Eric Holder to protect them from PEOTUS Trump? I will admit freely to not being a Trump fan, but this fear mongering and pre-emptive stupidity is a rather grand view of all that is wrong with snowflake whiney baby culture. It is going to be an interesting time in American history. (http://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-ol-le-eric-holder-california-20170106-story.html)

De León and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon began contemplating hiring outside legal counsel for the Legislature almost immediately after Trump’s election, in hopes of protecting existing state policies that are at odds with the president-elect’s stated positions. Legislators have already signaled an emphasis on protecting people in the country illegally, proposing legal aid in anticipation of stepped-up deportation action by Trump. They have also indicated that fights are on the horizon over expanded healthcare coverage through the Affordable Care Act and policies to combat climate change, two issues that mark a major departure from Trump’s positions.

“While we don’t yet know the harmful proposals the next administration will put forward, thanks to Donald Trump’s campaign, cabinet appointments and Twitter feed, we do have an idea of what we will be dealing with,” Rendon said in a statement. (http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-california-legislature-eric-holder-donald-trump-20170104-story.html)

01-07-2017, 09:54 PM
State's Rights baby.