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View Full Version : ABCNews: Will Hollywood Be in the Mood to Party at Golden Globes?

01-07-2017, 10:07 PM
A new cold war, the estrangement of our only real ally in the Middle East, the lies and deceit of the DNC laid bare for the world, and ABC News spends time wondering if Hollywood is going to be in the mood to party at the Golden Globes after the election of someone the snowflake culture doesn't like.

The election of Donald Trump has loomed over this year's awards season, where the movie industry's usual self-congratulatory toasting has been mixed with a foreboding sense of dread.

"We are living in very troubled times," Kenneth Lonergan, writer and director of one of the season's favorites, "Manchester by the Sea," said Wednesday at the National Board of Review Awards. "How troubled, we don't know yet. It's going to be a lot of trouble, or it might be bad trouble like we've never seen." (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/hollywood-mood-party-golden-globes-44621159)

In all of my short 50 years on this earth I have never seen such a weak willed group of simpletons who simply stamp their feet and cry if they don't get their way. The idea of ambivalence, or holding two opposing and competing views about something, is a feeling this culture does not seem to be able to cope with.

America has lost standing in the world due to weak and feckless leadership and a wimpish and unlearned press that slavishly heaps praise on such "guidance" by the political elite, but lets cry about our mood. Egads.

01-08-2017, 06:32 PM
TV is about money. Like all award shows, the Golden Globes are a reliable source of income. Hollywood will always party. It is a different world than everything else.

01-08-2017, 07:52 PM
Honest answer and opinion:

I could not care less what the Hollywood elites think do or say.

Most all are high school or college drop-outs who think their
celebrity 'status' makes them important. Mentality of a groundhog.

How many have left the country so far after the election results, Hmmmm?
So many said they would...Has Ginsberg left yet?