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View Full Version : Special thread for a new special poem( used titles from my other poems as verses)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2017, 02:31 PM
Thee, Fairest of Fair, Where Hast Thy Spirit Flown

Thee, Fairest of Fair, Where Hast Thy Spirit Flown

Before me, there a beautiful lady stood
Pray I, my eternal love you see
Fair maiden, forever this true love hold
In thy love-realm I would gladly live and die

You stood there in shimmering light, no shoes
Lost in love's ancient echoes
Graced by skies with multi-colored blues
Resting under my favorite old tree

I beg to yet again kiss thy sweet precious lips
Never greater shall ever come again
From thy soul, thy true romantic passion drips
Upon misty morning's fast fading glow

In dreams, we danced in flowered meadows
Place beyond the horizon, dwelling in sunset's red
Across earthen sky and mystical realms
Find in our eternity, sweet love

Stones in the honeyed ring of time
Her tears fell like drops of Spring Rain
She a princess God hath made
Angel with a red rose blowing in her hair

Myself, armed only with dying flame
Her smile, the quest to once again embrace
Nature's Goddess came to greet
Disappearing ship with shadow at the prow

O' I wept, tears shattering broken souls
Love truly lost, forever vanishes
Into each night I now endure
Gasping stars look down upon my tired soul

Robert J. Lindley, 1-11- 2017

Note- My thanks for the inspiration to compose this poem goes to The Seeker. For he asked me why I didn't compose a new poem using my titles of the poems I've posted here as the verses.
This I have done, ever verse in the poem above, is a title of one of my poems posted here at this great poetry site.
Naturally, I came up with a new title for this poem..

The new title came to me , only after finishing this poem and proof reading it a few times.
I think it too shall make a fine verse in some future poem I may write!-Tyr

O' That New Desire, Wouldst Be Welcoming Flame
(Part One), (The Agony of Not Knowing If Forgiven)

When the night sky begs you to come away
Pleading night-winds say, yes, we will fly far
Into paradise just above the fray,
Flee with us, into starlit skies so blue!

O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

Softest whispers to sad and wanting soul
Treasures offered to a hard beaten man
Yet fleeing this world never was my goal,
Oft hiding away tis not a good plan!

O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

In such a sad state what else could I do
Life and love had previously let me down
I sought a deep romance, true and anew,
No longer a fool, her defeated clown!

O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

In this miserable soul hope yet remains
Small spark burns, wanting her gentle touch still
Tho' my sins caused her unforgivable pains
I cried out, begged I, not to pay that full bill!

O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

Sunday, her promised answer will arrive
Will this lonely and lost-heart find relief
Such a great gift would prove I am alive,
Free this tortured soul from its epic grief!

O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

Part Two (The Reply)

Dear our dust has well enough now settled
That the stars have returned to guide our way
Brighter than before our love was meddled
When by your vices you were led astray

That this heart should come to life and beat again
When the star's light leads us homeward to Eden

My tears did pool a sea of misery
Upon which the heart you took for granted
Lay adrift amid doldrums and debris
Still beneath a thick and starless blanket

That this heart should come to life and beat again
When the star's light leads us homeward to Eden

Long ago I forgave, waited for thy call
Nights spent watching our moon shining so bright
As I gazed at our picture on the wall
I could see you and your true love in hindsight

That this heart should come to life and beat again
When the star's light leads us homeward to Eden

I decided to write of this, my deep desires
Touch thy aging heart with my famished soul
Embrace future life and renew our hot-fires
Tho' time we lost has taken a heavy toll

That this heart should come to life and beat again
When the star's light leads us homeward to Eden

Tomorrow's new dawn I shall be at your side
As we watch glorious sunrise once did
Thus our true love will conquer our false pride
Destroying dark secrets we once both hid

That this heart should come to life and beat again
When the star's light leads us homeward to Eden

Robert J. Lindley and Maureen collaboration


new with Lin Lane, 12-11-2017

That Bright Dawn, Sweet Goddess Came To Find Me

An early morn mist that fadeth away
revealeth the goddess that stole this heart.
In radiance, her hair as blazing gold
soft-born winds welcomed her that fine day.

Her approach held me silent and steadfast
earth and sky both envied her elegance.
Nothing on earth could her power dispel
nothing could her love's depth ever outlast.

Transfixed, my frozen legs refused to act
for her magnificent beauty brought me fear.
Fear of not knowing, why at me she gazed
I wished my lustful thoughts, I could retract.

O' Blessed day, when I saw that loving smile
her warmth cast forth to calm this lonely soul.
Suddenly, my heart relieved, soul stripped bare
I saw love's truth, in it was no human guile.

Then, she took my shaking hand and said
words that will forever burn in this glad heart,
"I chose you for thy spirit needs true love's gift
and with it comes relief from all thou dost dread."

She led the way to paradise through beacons of gold.
Emerald eyes sparkling, brighter than rays of the sun.
I watched as mischief grew within the vixen's orbs
until she woke this heart that long ago had grown cold.

Alas, she spoke to me in a gentle lilting voice,
sweet symphonies she crooned in my willing ear.
Beyond the realm of all opulent Utopian dreams
my spirit rose aloft with her. In love, I rejoice.

Up to the stars then to the dark side of the moon.
Ere long we rested where no eyes could intrude
upon tender kisses she bequeathed to my lips.
My lovely goddess surrendered to me in a swoon.

O' what depth of passion between us doth lie.
Breath mingled with breath until the sun rose.
Within my arms she stirred, but for a moment
then snuggled closer with a soft angelic sigh.

She chose me to love in that early morn mist.
From dawn to dawn she endowed her glorious gift;
the gift of love, 'twas like no other I had ever known.
My golden haired goddess always longing to be kissed.

Robert Lindley and Lin Lane

************************************************** **
Collab started with SilentOne

178 months, 129940 hours,
now only 10 minutes remain.
He sits in eerie darkness,
listening to the sound of a dripping tap,
wipe away streams of sweat with his
withered trembling hands.
That aching fear, gnawing in his fevered brain,
spasms of fear demanding flight
yet none to be had,
his inner soul asking why he had lost his way
why had his sad life came to this?
What lay in the caverns of darkness ahead!

That aching fear, gnawing in his fevered brain,
spasms of fear demanding flight
yet none to be had,
his inner soul asking why he had lost his way
why had his sad life come to this?
What lay in the caverns of darkness ahead!
Wardens pace up and down like wolves,
stopping to stare with compassion less eyes.
Waiting for the clock to chimes 12 times,
and to shout, 'dead man walking.'
He sits savouring every last breath,
rapidly repenting for all his past mistakes.

Flashes past seen, his crimes, girls and drugs, what a blast!
Pretty girls, each taking a slice, of his hoarded treasures
and he indulging in theirs with total abandonment.
O' glorious were those dead and ancient days!
Then reality came back to bite and bite hard,
saying, " such foolishness was a dream and soon comes Death"!
To hard to bear such truth, he rushes back into fleeting dreams.

new collaboration start with Teppo Gren..

If Only, Thy Light Should Return To Thee

If there were light and sweet love in thy heart
graciousness and warmth in thy pretty smile.
No darkness growing within thy life's chart
we could waltz gaily, go that extra mile.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-13-2017, 09:23 PM
My second poem , created from titles of my other poems previously posted both here and elsewhere.-Tyr

Come To Me Love, So That Tender Heart Swells

Gone, our days dancing in the splashing rain
Awaiting the great mists of transcending time
My love, you taught me to ride a hurricane
Within the mind, a storm blasts out flashes
Consider the moment you wake this coming morn
Walking streets paved with nameless stones
Grains of sand, pretending to be boulders
Cool winds grace the soft emerging twilight
Memories of crossing fires and true romance
Hold my loving hand gently in your hand
Your gold hair hung just right on your shoulders
Thou art bright crimson-in rose red-lit bloom

Those sounds that now arrive in early morn
Those were golden days of splendor
Sit beside this gentle flowing stream
Morning dew glistens in anticipation
When I slumber where rushing waters play
River laps softly, a rainbow sings
Once I sought but love ran away
Climbing that hill, your heart within my soul
Hears that whisper, lovers in epic romance
You are my life, longing for you
The view, where led that path not taken
Who knew your forever was, a lover's query

Yet hope promises a new dawn each day
Dawn burst forth, earth was drinking its new rain
Goddess of my passion two hearts a'praying
Sunshine embraces my soul, drinking from mercy's cup
In sky's thundering heart, weeping for your sweet hand
We are but a mere blink, Fall sets to turn
Huge blue eyes that speak, seek fairness and love
On the high mountaintop I see the stars
We walked the night sands, moon shining down
Nights so love-locked in your arms, fill up a scroll
Caressing virgin soil, with soft caring hands
I am laid bare, naked with nothing to hide

Robert J. Lindley, 1-13-2017
