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View Full Version : Donnie's troubles getting worse

01-13-2017, 07:08 AM
It seems that with all the turmoil surrounding the revelations of Donnie's ties to Russia, and his butt-buddy Vladimir, Israeli intelligence services fear sharing intel with a Trump administration because "until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians".
So, this whole sordid affair needs to be investigated before the septuagenarian degenerate ever takes the oath of office. And for those timid souls who fear a constitutional crisis that such an investigation might precipitate, well that crisis is already upon us with the most corrupt, venal, self-serving and compromised man ever to stand ready to assume the office of POTUS ready to take the oath of office.

01-13-2017, 11:45 AM
It seems that with all the turmoil surrounding the revelations of Donnie's ties to Russia, and his butt-buddy Vladimir, Israeli intelligence services fear sharing intel with a Trump administration because "until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians".
So, this whole sordid affair needs to be investigated before the septuagenarian degenerate ever takes the oath of office. And for those timid souls who fear a constitutional crisis that such an investigation might precipitate, well that crisis is already upon us with the most corrupt, venal, self-serving and compromised man ever to stand ready to assume the office of POTUS ready to take the oath of office.

posted already dumbass. And he's going into office whether you give approval or not.

Oh, and THANKS in advance for helping pay for the wall that's soon to come!!

01-13-2017, 11:54 AM
posted already dumbass. And he's going into office whether you give approval or not.

Oh, and THANKS in advance for helping pay for the wall that's soon to come!!

You know what annoys the hell out of me? Turdball calling Trump Donnie. What the hell is up with that BS? I don't even like Trump but I don't feel the need to make up childish little names for him.

Got a nice list of stuff to call Mr Lefty though...:laugh:

01-13-2017, 12:00 PM
You know what annoys the hell out of me? Turdball calling Trump Donnie. What the hell is up with that BS? I don't even like Trump but I don't feel the need to make up childish little names for him.

Got a nice list of stuff to call Mr Lefty though...:laugh:

Donnie, septuagenarian.... he thinks he's smart while looking like a dummy at the same time. He thinks he bugs us by talking crap about Trump. What he doesn't know, which he now will, is that the MORE things bug him and his fellow liberals, the MORE joy I personally get out of it. :)

01-13-2017, 12:04 PM

01-13-2017, 01:26 PM
Donnie, septuagenarian.... he thinks he's smart while looking like a dummy at the same time. He thinks he bugs us by talking crap about Trump. What he doesn't know, which he now will, is that the MORE things bug him and his fellow liberals, the MORE joy I personally get out of it. :)

Just a spoiled crybaby, Jim. He's just like dog shit in the lawn...lays there and stinks up the place.

01-13-2017, 01:28 PM
Just a spoiled crybaby, Jim. He's just like dog shit in the lawn...lays there and stinks up the place.
You are teaching me some of your common word combinations. Thank you! :clap:

01-13-2017, 06:50 PM
You know what annoys the hell out of me? Turdball calling Trump Donnie. What the hell is up with that BS? I don't even like Trump but I don't feel the need to make up childish little names for him.

Got a nice list of stuff to call Mr Lefty though...:laugh:

What, calling the whiny, orange, thin-skinned man-baby "Donnie" is bad? After all, the anus-mouthed, yellow-haired shit-gibbon does act like a spoiled child. So, "Donnie" is one of the least offensive things I can call him. But hey, y'all are as easily distracted as a toddler with something jingling and shiny, and that's how the useless cock-splat snuck into the White House.

01-13-2017, 07:20 PM
It seems that with all the turmoil surrounding the revelations of Donnie's ties to Russia, and his butt-buddy Vladimir, Israeli intelligence services fear sharing intel with a Trump administration because "until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians".
So, this whole sordid affair needs to be investigated before the septuagenarian degenerate ever takes the oath of office. And for those timid souls who fear a constitutional crisis that such an investigation might precipitate, well that crisis is already upon us with the most corrupt, venal, self-serving and compromised man ever to stand ready to assume the office of POTUS ready to take the oath of office.

Bully. What's-a-matter? Not enough turds in your cereal this morning?
After laughing at your stupid rant above. I need to say THANK YOU for showing all of us WHO, and WHERE the TROUBLES really are. Namely....YOU, and YOURS.
Must be really miserable to be you today. Frustrated, mystified, obnoxious, arrogant, and personally, desperately stupid as you are...is really, very entertaining.

If you hadn't posted above. I wouldn't have had any fun writing this.

01-13-2017, 08:01 PM
What, calling the whiny, orange, thin-skinned man-baby "Donnie" is bad? After all, the anus-mouthed, yellow-haired shit-gibbon does act like a spoiled child. So, "Donnie" is one of the least offensive things I can call him. But hey, y'all are as easily distracted as a toddler with something jingling and shiny, and that's how the useless cock-splat snuck into the White House.

But calling that Curious George looking half chocolate half vanilla swirl you voted for is racist, right? Grow the f*ck up. Your hypocrisy is glowing and can be seen from space.

I could give a rat's ass about Trump. Except he screwed you losers over. But if we can't call that moron loser in chief anything, I'm going to throw your sh*t right back in your face when you do it.

01-13-2017, 08:32 PM
What, calling the whiny, orange, thin-skinned man-baby "Donnie" is bad? After all, the anus-mouthed, yellow-haired shit-gibbon does act like a spoiled child. So, "Donnie" is one of the least offensive things I can call him. But hey, y'all are as easily distracted as a toddler with something jingling and shiny, and that's how the useless cock-splat snuck into the White House.

You're deluded. A thin-skinned person does not fire back with both barrels, and then reloads, welcoming more..

liberal cry babies like you are the thin-skinned ones. Throwing tantrums and insults because you didn't get your way.

You're a disgrace to call yourself a Vet.

01-13-2017, 08:42 PM
You're deluded. A thin-skinned person does not fire back with both barrels, and then reloads, welcoming more..

liberal cry babies like you are the thin-skinned ones. Throwing tantrums and insults because you didn't get your way.

You're a disgrace to call yourself a Vet.

Elessar. I am still convinced Bully wasn't even in any U.S. Armed Services. Garbage collection, and Sewerage Work do not count as Federally Funded Military Service.

01-13-2017, 08:42 PM
You're deluded. A thin-skinned person does not fire back with both barrels, and then reloads, welcoming more..

liberal cry babies like you are the thin-skinned ones. Throwing tantrums and insults because you didn't get your way.

You're a disgrace to call yourself a Vet.
Bully's a veterinarian? I'd hate to any doggie he works on.

Bet he was on the track team though. Dude can run.

01-13-2017, 10:14 PM

So, this whole sordid affair needs to be investigated before the septuagenarian degenerate ever takes the oath of office. And for those timid souls who fear a constitutional crisis that such an investigation might precipitate, well that crisis is already upon us with the most corrupt, venal, self-serving and compromised man ever to stand ready to assume the office of POTUS ready to take the oath of office.

Chill out man. He can't be impeached until he takes office. :420:

01-13-2017, 10:49 PM
Thin-skinned? You present us with thin-skinned after 8 years of the weeping child-president? A president so feckless and weak that it took hundreds of media outlet boot-lickers to carry his water and run cover so that he could have a "legacy?" Say what you will about Mr. Trump, I have plenty of things to say about him, but weak and feckless are not on that list.

What, calling the whiny, orange, thin-skinned man-baby "Donnie" is bad? After all, the anus-mouthed, yellow-haired shit-gibbon does act like a spoiled child. So, "Donnie" is one of the least offensive things I can call him. But hey, y'all are as easily distracted as a toddler with something jingling and shiny, and that's how the useless cock-splat snuck into the White House.

01-13-2017, 10:57 PM
Elessar. I am still convinced Bully wasn't even in any U.S. Armed Services. Garbage collection, and Sewerage Work do not count as Federally Funded Military Service.

I'm getting to see the same damn thing of late

Bully's a veterinarian? I'd hate to any doggie he works on.

Bet he was on the track team though. Dude can run.

I was one of the three fastest white boys on our college football team.
This guy cannot outrun an aardvark.