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01-22-2017, 01:19 PM
What do we think trump (and his supporters) are going to say of Wikileaks/Assange when they publish his Tax Returns?
Which I think is highly likely over time.

01-22-2017, 01:40 PM
What do we think trump (and his supporters) are going to say of Wikileaks/Assange when they publish his Tax Returns?
Which I think is highly likely over time.

I couldn't care less on that one either, as his returns make no difference in his ability to perform the job. Whether he has 1 billion, or 10 billion, whether he paid massive taxes, or avoided a shitload based on the bankruptcy or whatever. I have no idea what was in Obama's, nor really anyone prior to him either, as it never mattered to me.

01-22-2017, 01:43 PM
What do we think trump (and his supporters) are going to say of Wikileaks/Assange when they publish his Tax Returns?
Which I think is highly likely over time.

In any case ... what, right now, is the nature of your point ? Do I correctly understand that you're assuming something about them that you cannot back up with supporting fact ?

01-22-2017, 02:22 PM
Another promise he won't keep. big surprise

01-22-2017, 02:23 PM
Another promise he won't keep. big surprise

And who cares.

The promises that "I" care about are all on track!!

01-22-2017, 02:26 PM
And who cares.

The promises that "I" care about are all on track!!

When you disregard ethics and transparacy you are rolling the dice. That is what you are doing. You are just hoping he does the right thing even when he has things to hide. Hope your gamble works out. Trump might even be playing with loaded dice.

01-22-2017, 02:29 PM
When you disregard ethics and transparacy you are rolling the dice. That is what you are doing. You are just hoping he does the right thing even when he has things to hide. Hope your gamble works out. Trump might even be playing with loaded dice.

I couldn't care less. I have 100% faith in his abilities and zero concern about his own taxes.

And speaking of transparency - point me to just TWO posts of yours in the past 8 years where you complained about the Obama administration - after they said they would be the most transparent ever, and that things would be able to be reviewed by the public and what not.... did that not bother you about THEIR lack of transparency, and never backing up what they said they would do for the people?

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 02:35 PM
Another promise he won't keep. big surprise
Yeah if you like your health plan, keep it. Guantanamo closed. Oh wait.

01-22-2017, 02:36 PM
I couldn't care less. I have 100% faith in his abilities and zero concern about his own taxes.
100% faith is not a rational stance. It makes you a mindless drone. Always be suspicious or you will be taken advantage of. It's in the realm of possibility that Trump may end up being a good president, but he's no saint.

As far as obama there is no equivalence here, not even close.

01-22-2017, 02:37 PM
Yeah if you like your health plan, keep it. Guantanamo closed. Oh wait.
Those are extremely complicated issues that require many people's support. Putting out your taxes takes only his approval. Not even close to the same thing.

01-22-2017, 02:40 PM
100% faith is not a rational stance. It makes you a mindless drone. Always be suspicious or you will be taken advantage of. It's in the realm of possibility that Trump may end up being a good president, but he's no saint.

As far as obama there is no equivalence here, not even close.

The link us up to where you complained when he went back on his transparency claim, and his claim of having things up for public view before voting. SURELY if you have an issue about transparency it had bothered you no matter who wasn't open, or did what they promised... I'll be waiting

01-22-2017, 02:42 PM
The link us up to where you complained when he went back on his transparency claim, and his claim of having things up for public view before voting. SURELY if you have an issue about transparency it had bothered you no matter who wasn't open, or did what they promised... I'll be waiting

I don't remember much about it, I'll have to research. If it is egregious then I'll call him on that too.

01-22-2017, 02:50 PM
I don't remember much about it, I'll have to research. If it is egregious then I'll call him on that too.

It was his own promise to the people....


A signature promise of President Obama was to run the “most transparent” administration in U.S. history. His pledge to create an “unprecedented level of openness” still stands proudly at the top of the White House’s open government Web page. But critics of the president have pointed out how the administration has not upheld this standard.


As was this promise to the people.... and as usual, there was never much transparency, no public viewings, just excuses.


The 5-Day Online Bill Pledge

During the campaign, Barack Obama promised to post every bill that passed Congress online for five days before signing the legislation, to give the public a chance to comment.

Five months into his presidency, the White House hasn’t followed through on that five-day pledge. The issue is a bit more complex than a simple broken campaign promise, as you can see in our video of the issue.


01-22-2017, 02:51 PM
Probable hypothetical...

If your aunt had balls she'd be your _____...

You know, you asked your asinine question by making an assumption, making an ass out of yourself. The assumption? That there is something wrong with his taxes. Now, I am no fan of the man, but give it a rest. Wait until something actually happens before you ask another idiotic question like this.

01-22-2017, 02:53 PM
If your aunt had balls she'd be your _____...


01-22-2017, 02:53 PM
Probable hypothetical...

If your aunt had balls she'd be your _____...

You know, you asked your asinine question by making an assumption, making an ass out of yourself. The assumption? That there is something wrong with his taxes. Now, I am no fan of the man, but give it a rest. Wait until something actually happens before you ask another idiotic question like this.

I have said nothing about his taxes being 'wrong' etc.

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 03:12 PM
Those are extremely complicated issues that require many people's support. Putting out your taxes takes only his approval. Not even close to the same thing.
I don't give a flying fuck about whether or not a candidate releases his taxes. And promises are promises. Every candidate has made promises and every candidate who won has broken some or even most of them.

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 03:14 PM
What do we think trump (and his supporters) are going to say of Wikileaks/Assange when they publish his Tax Returns?
Which I think is highly likely over time.
I don't give a flying fuck.

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 03:18 PM
I have said nothing about his taxes being 'wrong' etc.
So you created this thread for no reason at all?

01-22-2017, 03:20 PM
When you disregard ethics and transparacy you are rolling the dice. That is what you are doing. You are just hoping he does the right thing even when he has things to hide. Hope your gamble works out. Trump might even be playing with loaded dice.

An ethics complaint from someone who secretly reads other people's email.

How touching.

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 03:21 PM
When you disregard ethics and transparacy you are rolling the dice. That is what you are doing. You are just hoping he does the right thing even when he has things to hide. Hope your gamble works out. Trump might even be playing with loaded dice.
Ethics and transparency... The Chicago way. :laugh:

01-22-2017, 04:00 PM
So you created this thread for no reason at all?

The contents of the tex returns are independent of the publishing of documents Trump doesn't want published. Or do you think otherwise?

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 04:09 PM
The contents of the tex returns are independent of the publishing of documents Trump doesn't want published. Or do you think otherwise?
He lost money and didn't pay taxes and didn't have to. And where are obamas grades at Harvard? Or is it racist to request those?

01-22-2017, 04:15 PM
He lost money and didn't pay taxes and didn't have to. And where are obamas grades at Harvard? Or is it racist to request those?

Sighhh, as I said It's not the contents that I'm commenting on as interesting.

01-22-2017, 04:30 PM
What do we think trump (and his supporters) are going to say of Wikileaks/Assange when they publish his Tax Returns?
Which I think is highly likely over time.

I think it will depend heavily on how dishonestly the media covers the release. I am almost certain that the hardcore Trump folks will be incensed but the broader context will be created by a media that has sold it's collective soul as well as the public down the river.

Black Diamond
01-22-2017, 04:44 PM
Sighhh, as I said It's not the contents that I'm commenting on as interesting.
And what is it you think will make it interesting when they are released if not that you think there's dishonesty on the returns?

I don't fucking care if they release them. Be it trump or wikileaks.

01-22-2017, 04:51 PM
And what is it you think will make it interesting when they are released if not that you think there's dishonesty on the returns?

I don't fucking care if they release them. Be it trump or wikileaks.

The mode by which they are released is of most interest, second most is the reaction when they are released as apparently Trump is not going to release them himself, having previously said that he would.
I doubt many trump supporters will be irked that he's reneging on the releasing them, because the contents of the tax returns 'aren't a big deal' what I do think they should think is a big deal is the old 'yeah I'll do this...actually no, I won't' but I guess that's just him being a good businessman smh.

01-22-2017, 05:19 PM
The kind of people that still are calling for Trump to release his tax returns (even though the election is over and there's no valid reason to care anymore) are the kind of people that are screaming "not my President" and would never be satisfied no matter what was in the tax returns. They want to be mad at Trump and will continue to look for another reason to be mad. They will just stomp around from one manufactured outrage to another until they run out of money from their last George Soros check and have to go do the next thing to get another check from him.

As someone whose paycheck does not come from George Soros, I do not care about Donald Trumps tax returns, as long as he paid what he owed. I care primarily about him 1) improving our economy, 2) saving American jobs, 3) saving our health care system from the damage Obama was doing to it, 4) protecting us from terrorism, and 5) creating some kind of orderly and secure immigration process on our border. And I would think that those should be the top 5 issues for any American, except maybe for terrorists, illegal immigrants, or the 2% of the population that is better off with Obamacare.

Abbey Marie
01-22-2017, 07:57 PM
The kind of people that still are calling for Trump to release his tax returns (even though the election is over and there's no valid reason to care anymore) are the kind of people that are screaming "not my President" and would never be satisfied no matter what was in the tax returns. They want to be mad at Trump and will continue to look for another reason to be mad. They will just stomp around from one manufactured outrage to another until they run out of money from their last George Soros check and have to go do the next thing to get another check from him.

As someone whose paycheck does not come from George Soros, I do not care about Donald Trumps tax returns, as long as he paid what he owed. I care primarily about him 1) improving our economy, 2) saving American jobs, 3) saving our health care system from the damage Obama was doing to it, 4) protecting us from terrorism, and 5) creating some kind of orderly and secure immigration process on our border. And I would think that those should be the top 5 issues for any American, except maybe for terrorists, illegal immigrants, or the 2% of the population that is better off with Obamacare.

Great list. I would just add, appointing a Conservative USSC Justice or three.

01-22-2017, 08:07 PM
Sighhh, as I said It's not the contents that I'm commenting on as interesting.

You're all over the map again.

I don't give a hoot in hell whose tax returns are released. Why should it
make any difference to you? You don't live or vote here.

01-22-2017, 08:12 PM
The kind of people that still are calling for Trump to release his tax returns (even though the election is over and there's no valid reason to care anymore) are the kind of people that are screaming "not my President" and would never be satisfied no matter what was in the tax returns. They want to be mad at Trump and will continue to look for another reason to be mad. They will just stomp around from one manufactured outrage to another until they run out of money from their last George Soros check and have to go do the next thing to get another check from him.

As someone whose paycheck does not come from George Soros, I do not care about Donald Trumps tax returns, as long as he paid what he owed. I care primarily about him 1) improving our economy, 2) saving American jobs, 3) saving our health care system from the damage Obama was doing to it, 4) protecting us from terrorism, and 5) creating some kind of orderly and secure immigration process on our border. And I would think that those should be the top 5 issues for any American, except maybe for terrorists, illegal immigrants, or the 2% of the population that is better off with Obamacare.

Good one Russ!

01-22-2017, 08:23 PM
The mode by which they are released is of most interest, second most is the reaction when they are released as apparently Trump is not going to release them himself, having previously said that he would.
I doubt many trump supporters will be irked that he's reneging on the releasing them, because the contents of the tax returns 'aren't a big deal' what I do think they should think is a big deal is the old 'yeah I'll do this...actually no, I won't' but I guess that's just him being a good businessman smh.

Noir. Just for your information, and if you care to, tell the other liberally uninformed here in America the actual facts about Income Tax forms being made public to appease idiots.

Truth is, and I suppose, you won't understand this, but. As a Retired U.S Military veteran. I can honestly tell you, and anyone who is equally as uninformed...I PROBABLY PAY HIGHER, and MORE INCOME TAXES than Donald Trump, or any number of other Multimillionaires, or Billionaires...BECAUSE...THEY DO NOT WORK, and Therefore...DO NOT NEED TO PAY INCOME TAXES.
Democrats here in the USA only use that as a LURE to enhance their Ignorance.

01-23-2017, 12:19 PM
The kind of people that still are calling for Trump to release his tax returns...

i see you didn't include 'people who expect him to do what he said he was going to do' in that. Is that not an expectation of yours?

01-23-2017, 12:59 PM
I couldn't care less on that one either, as his returns make no difference in his ability to perform the job. Whether he has 1 billion, or 10 billion, whether he paid massive taxes, or avoided a shitload based on the bankruptcy or whatever. I have no idea what was in Obama's, nor really anyone prior to him either, as it never mattered to me.

And who cares.
The promises that "I" care about are all on track!!

I couldn't care less. I have 100% faith in his abilities and zero concern about his own taxes.
And speaking of transparency - point me to just TWO posts of yours in the past 8 years where you complained about the Obama administration - after they said they would be the most transparent ever, and that things would be able to be reviewed by the public and what not.... did that not bother you about THEIR lack of transparency, and never backing up what they said they would do for the people?

Someone has replaced Jim with the caricature of Joy Behar


01-23-2017, 02:04 PM
i see you didn't include 'people who expect him to do what he said he was going to do' in that. Is that not an expectation of yours?

TPP and NAFTA are not on the same level as his tax returns apparently.

01-23-2017, 02:07 PM
TPP and NAFTA are not on the same level as his tax returns apparently.

Yeah because there is a LAW requiring him to publicize his tax return...oh wait... no, there isn't.

Really FJ, equating the two is a stretch even for you!

01-23-2017, 02:12 PM
Yeah because there is a LAW requiring him to publicize his tax return...oh wait... no, there isn't.

Really FJ, equating the two is a stretch even for you!

I never said there was a law to release tax returns, there isn't a law to withdraw from TPP or renegotiate NAFTA either. I'm equating someone's word and selective vision.

01-23-2017, 02:17 PM
I never said there was a law to release tax returns, there isn't a law to withdraw from TPP or renegotiate NAFTA either. I'm equating someone's word and selective vision.


01-23-2017, 02:48 PM
When you disregard ethics and transparacy you are rolling the dice. That is what you are doing. You are just hoping he does the right thing even when he has things to hide. Hope your gamble works out. Trump might even be playing with loaded dice.

And you love to speculate, insisting on it being true.

You are weak and slowly slipping down the rain gutter.

01-23-2017, 05:05 PM
Obama never released his college records. Why should Trump release his tax records?????

When did all of that start anyway and WHY does it make a difference?

01-23-2017, 05:16 PM
Obama never released his college records. Why should Trump release his tax records?????

When did all of that start anyway and WHY does it make a difference?

Personally I don't think either matter by this point in either election, for Trump or for Obama. Enough folks decided that their tax or education records, birth certificates, past lawsuits, choice in ministers and/or associates, were of no consequence.

Each won.

Enough people decided that 'these issues and possible questions' were of no import.

01-23-2017, 05:55 PM
Obama never released his college records. Why should Trump release his tax records?????

When did all of that start anyway and WHY does it make a difference?

Did Obama say he would release them and then refuse to?
If Trump was a hardline 'no' to releasing the forms consistently then that's one thing, changing his position posses the question 'why the change'.

Black Diamond
01-23-2017, 06:10 PM
Did Obama say he would release them and then refuse to?
If Trump was a hardline 'no' to releasing the forms consistently then that's one thing, changing his position posses the question 'why the change'.
I didn't believe trump when he said he would release his taxes after XYZ point. I knew he would never do it and I didn't care. Just like you leftists didn't care when Clinton committed a felony by lying under oath about his sex life.

01-23-2017, 06:19 PM
I didn't believe trump when he said he would release his taxes after XYZ point. I knew he would never do it and I didn't care. Just like you leftists didn't care when Clinton committed a felony by lying under oath about his sex life.

I wasn't quite old enough to care about Clinton at the time, but I am very much concerned about it now (and more over - the women he abused in the process).
Whether not believing trump when he says something is pessimistic or realistic idk.

Black Diamond
01-23-2017, 06:23 PM
I wasn't quite old enough to care about Clinton at the time, but I am very much concerned about it now (and more over - the women he abused in the process).
Whether not believing trump when he says something is pessimistic or realistic idk.
People lie to get elected. It happens. And kudos for caring about the women Clinton allegedly abused, as they were vilified here.

01-23-2017, 06:31 PM
People lie to get elected. It happens. And kudos for caring about the women Clinton allegedly abused, as they were vilified here.

I wouldn't say there's any "allegedly" about it, there is proof enough of the abuse he committed. Abuse victims being vilified is usually the default.

Black Diamond
01-23-2017, 06:33 PM
I wouldn't say there's any "allegedly" about it, there is proof enough of the abuse he committed. Abuse victims being vilified is usually the default.
I don't think there is anything alleged either. Unless I have my own show or something.

Then i I can get sued.

01-24-2017, 10:24 AM
Obama never released his college records. Why should Trump release his tax records?????

When did all of that start anyway and WHY does it make a difference?

He does things he says he'll do? :dunno:

01-24-2017, 10:27 AM
He will. He won't. He will. Politics as normal.
