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01-24-2017, 01:41 PM
"When they go low, we go high" :rolleyes:


Idaho Dems Exec Director: DNC Should Train People In ‘How to Shut Their Mouths If They’re White’

During Monday’s Democracy in Color DNC debate, Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director and DNC Chair candidate Sally Boynton Brown stated that “my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, oh, no, I’m not prejudiced. I’m a Democrat. I’m accepting.’ My job is to make sure that they get that they have privilege.” And argued the DNC should have training for people in “how to shut their mouths if they’re white.”

Brown said, “Black lives matter, and it makes me sad that we’re even having that conversation, and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed. we have to accept that there is prejudice that exists within our own party, and we have to able to have that conversation. We cannot sweep that under the rug. We cannot continue to hide it. We cannot smash voices down when they are trying to scream, ‘Listen to me, you don’t get it.’ I’m a white woman. I don’t get it. I am pleased and honored to be here today to have the conversation. I am so excited that we’re here, and I’m listening, because that’s my job. My job is to listen to the issues.”

She added, “My job is to listen and be a voice, and my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, oh, no, I’m not prejudiced. I’m a Democrat. I’m accepting.’ My job is to make sure that they get that they have privilege. And until we shut our mouths, and we listen to those people who don’t, and we lift our people up, so that we all have equity in this country, so that we’re all fighting alongside each other, so that we are all on the same page, and we clearly get where we’re going, we’re not going to break through this. This is not just rhetoric. This is life or death. This moment in our country, the Democratic Party has the opportunity to do something different. We have the opportunity to really confront the fact that we have not been in alignment with our values. We’ve been talking a lot of smack. We need to make sure that our actions and our words and our values all match, and around the issue of race, we are so far out of alignment, I don’t even know the way back.”


01-24-2017, 01:51 PM
That was bizarre.

"Her Job" to shut white people off? Silence them?

Whoa....major 1st Amendment problem. Everyone has a voice, as long as it is used legally and
with due respect.

What nut tree do people like her sprout from?

01-24-2017, 05:16 PM
If Democrats are still wondering WHY Hillary lost. They should pick this racist woman to lead them. BLM deserves her, along with the NEW BLACK PANTHERS, CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS, and the NAACP.

What they always fail to recognize is....The Rest of America is watching, and listening.

Wonder if she has ever read, or heard of the 1st Amendment? Probably not, if she got a Democrat education in Ebonics.

01-24-2017, 07:07 PM
I created a thread on this one last night. It is mind boggling.


"When they go low, we go high" :rolleyes:


Idaho Dems Exec Director: DNC Should Train People In ‘How to Shut Their Mouths If They’re White’

During Monday’s Democracy in Color DNC debate, Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director and DNC Chair candidate Sally Boynton Brown stated that “my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, oh, no, I’m not prejudiced. I’m a Democrat. I’m accepting.’ My job is to make sure that they get that they have privilege.” And argued the DNC should have training for people in “how to shut their mouths if they’re white.”

Brown said, “Black lives matter, and it makes me sad that we’re even having that conversation, and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed. we have to accept that there is prejudice that exists within our own party, and we have to able to have that conversation. We cannot sweep that under the rug. We cannot continue to hide it. We cannot smash voices down when they are trying to scream, ‘Listen to me, you don’t get it.’ I’m a white woman. I don’t get it. I am pleased and honored to be here today to have the conversation. I am so excited that we’re here, and I’m listening, because that’s my job. My job is to listen to the issues.”

She added, “My job is to listen and be a voice, and my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, oh, no, I’m not prejudiced. I’m a Democrat. I’m accepting.’ My job is to make sure that they get that they have privilege. And until we shut our mouths, and we listen to those people who don’t, and we lift our people up, so that we all have equity in this country, so that we’re all fighting alongside each other, so that we are all on the same page, and we clearly get where we’re going, we’re not going to break through this. This is not just rhetoric. This is life or death. This moment in our country, the Democratic Party has the opportunity to do something different. We have the opportunity to really confront the fact that we have not been in alignment with our values. We’ve been talking a lot of smack. We need to make sure that our actions and our words and our values all match, and around the issue of race, we are so far out of alignment, I don’t even know the way back.”
