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View Full Version : Secret Service Special Agent : Won't Take Bullet for Trump

01-24-2017, 02:45 PM
Something I've always admired about the Secret Service agents is their willingness to take a bullet for the boss. That takes a special kind of courage.

Apparently the Special Agent in charge of the Denver area has changed her mind due to the new POTUS and has gone full moonbat, complete with Anti-Trump slogans on Facebook and comments on such noble sites as HuffPo.

Pretty dangerous stuff! I anticipate an immediate savings of $143,000 annually via the Denver USSS force reduction.

A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him.

She explained herself saying she viewed his presidential candidacy as a "disaster" for the country, and especially for women and minorities.

Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, oversees coordination with Washington-based advance teams for all presidential candidate and presidential trips to the area, including all upcoming or future trips by the president, vice president or Trump administration officials.

Despite her senior security role, she has made her disdain for Trump and his incoming administration clear to her Facebook followers, who included current and former Secret Service agents and other people who were employees at the time of the posts. O'Grady's posts triggered at least one complaint to the office that oversees investigations into Secret Service misbehavior, two knowledgeable sources told the Washington Examiner.

In one Facebook post O'Grady wrote at 11:07 p.m. on a Sunday in October, she endorsed Hillary Clinton and said she would endure "jail time" rather than "taking a bullet" for what she regarded as a "disaster" for America.

The post didn't mention Trump by name but clearly referred to him.

In the same post, she mentioned the Hatch Act, which bars executive branch staff, except the president, vice president and some other senior executive officials, from engaging in certain political activities.

"As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median," she wrote. "To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides.

"But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her."

More : http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/senior-secret-service-agent-suggests-she-wouldnt-take-a-bullet-for-trump/article/2612814

01-24-2017, 02:49 PM
And, she might like to remember. TRUMP also has a FIRST Amendment right to say: You're Fired!

01-24-2017, 03:00 PM
I'm glad she was an honest idiot, and now it will be quite easy to dismiss her. I hope she's not too awfully bitter!!

Black Diamond
01-24-2017, 03:04 PM
Something isn't right with her. I will do my duty until I disagree with the boss.

This warrants more discussion imo.

01-24-2017, 03:13 PM
She's backpedaling to beat hell, now. Nuked her posts, locked down her facebook page and said she'll be professional - honest!

Seems like a no-brainer to me, at least 2 of her Secret Service coworkers reported her but nothing has been done as of yet.

$10 paid to the board says she resigns before she gets fired. Takers?

01-24-2017, 03:15 PM
Her facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/kerry.ogrady1

Abbey Marie
01-24-2017, 03:52 PM
She's backpedaling to beat hell, now. Nuked her posts, locked down her facebook page and said she'll be professional - honest!

Seems like a no-brainer to me, at least 2 of her Secret Service coworkers reported her but nothing has been done as of yet.

$10 paid to the board says she resigns before she gets fired. Takers?

This is a no-brainer; she must be fired.

Black Diamond
01-24-2017, 03:53 PM
This is a no-brainer; she must be fired.
I think they are waiting for people to forget about it.

01-24-2017, 04:00 PM
By taking her Facebook page down. She was following the typical, Liberal, DNC directives where making dumb statements, and calling them accidents, or instantly apologizing for intentional Stupidity IS the only way Liberal Liars Survive.

Just like all the Ooop's from the left, after they incite trouble, make intentionally false statements, or accusations. They instantly follow the DNC Codes, and Say "I'm sorry"

The only people they manage to fool, are fellow idiots, with Liberal brain diseases.

01-24-2017, 06:42 PM
Just spent the last few minutes reading what I could find on this in news.

She certainly made her feelings known, I must agree with Abbey, she must be fired.

The Secret Service has had major problems for years now, Congress really needs to increase their oversight.

01-24-2017, 08:09 PM
Secret Service agent with her statements in a Facebook?! 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark' (c) (Hamlet. Shakespeare.)http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/shok.gif

01-24-2017, 08:16 PM
If she is not relieved of the post or fired, she will be lucky to be allowed
to guard the doors at the Treasury or one of the U.S. Mints.

What a ding-bat.

01-24-2017, 08:35 PM
Agreed. Saying she wouldn't take a bullet for someone she's vowed to protect is the same thing as saying "I quit this job". If she doesn't leave on her own, she should be fired.

How about all the Secret Service agents that protected Hillary, even though she talked down to them? If one of them had said the same thing, they would have been fired.

01-24-2017, 09:07 PM
Agreed. Saying she wouldn't take a bullet for someone she's vowed to protect is the same thing as saying "I quit this job". If she doesn't leave on her own, she should be fired.

How about all the Secret Service agents that protected Hillary, even though she talked down to them? If one of them had said the same thing, they would have been fired.

A vast majority of career military would do the same thing, for officials
and comrades in arms.

She's a disgrace to the to the Secret Service.