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01-24-2017, 10:39 PM
Looking like tomorrow is the day Trump will get the ball rolling on building the wall and dealing with the illegals.

Exciting stuff!

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump will begin rolling out executive actions on immigration Wednesday, beginning with steps to tighten border security -- including his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border -- and other domestic immigration enforcement measures, according to two administration officials.

Later in the week, the president is expected to restrict the flow of refugees to the United States. The proposed plans include at least a four-month halt on all refugee admissions, as well as temporary ban on people coming from some Muslim majority countries, according to a representative of a public policy organization that monitors refugee issues. The person was briefed on the details of that proposed action by a government official and outlined the expected steps for The Associated Press.

The officials and the public policy organization's representative insisted on anonymity in order to outline the plans ahead of Trump's official announcements. The president is expected to sign the first actions Wednesday during a trip to the Department of Homeland Security, with additional actions being rolled out over the next few days, according to one official.

It appeared as though the refugee restrictions were still to be finalized. The person briefed on the proposals said they included a ban on entry to the U.S. for at least 30 days from countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, though the person cautioned the details could still change.

There is also likely to be an exception in the refugee stoppage for those fleeing religious persecution if their religion is a minority in their country. That exception could cover Christians fleeing Muslim-majority nations.
Trump campaigned on pledges to tighten U.S. immigration policies, including beefing up border security and stemming the flow of refugees. He also called for halting entry to the U.S. from Muslim countries, but later shifted the policy to a focus on what he called "extreme vetting" for those coming from countries with terrorism ties.

As president, Trump can use an executive order to halt refugee processing. President George W. Bush used that same power in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Refugee security vetting was reviewed and the process was restarted several months later.

While the specific of Trump's orders were unclear, both administration officials said Wednesday's actions would focus in part on the president's plans to construct a wall along the southern border with Mexico. Trump's insistence that Mexico would pay for the wall was among his most popular proposals on the campaign trail, sparking enthusiastic cheers at his raucous rallies.

More : http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/24/trump-to-take-executive-action-on-border-security-including-wall.html

01-24-2017, 10:50 PM
I am deeply convinced that no illegal immigrants should be on the territory of any country. They should be deported.

01-24-2017, 11:16 PM
I am deeply convinced that no illegal immigrants should be on the territory of any country. They should be deported.

Exactly right.

It's going to be a massive undertaking, but it's well worth it.

It will be interesting to see what the actual numbers are - some say as high as 20 million illegals here. I'm thinking it's over 15 million.

01-25-2017, 05:05 AM
Why no plans on legislative actions regarding this? I think most are in agreement that it's still, 'live by the pen, die by the pen.'

Is it me, but why no mention of DACA? They are still issuing these 2 year permits.


01-25-2017, 09:06 AM
Never going to work without arming and isolating the border with a No Man's Land. You deport them and they're back over here before the ink is dry on the deportation papers.
Kathianne I agree with you in principle' however, it's the only way to get anything done. Congress does nothing in real time except stonewall over crap that doesn't matter creating paper to feed the bureaucratic machine and justify their existence. Then they can vote themselves a pay raise.

01-25-2017, 09:06 AM
Never going to work without arming and isolating the border with a No Man's Land. You deport them and they're back over here before the ink is dry on the deportation papers.
Kathianne I agree with you in principle' however, it's the only way to get anything done. Congress does nothing in real time except stonewall over crap that doesn't matter creating paper to feed the bureaucratic machine and justify their existence. Then they can vote themselves a pay raise.

01-25-2017, 09:35 AM
Looking like tomorrow is the day Trump will get the ball rolling on building the wall and dealing with the illegals.

Exciting stuff!

No prez will ever be perfect, and I don't expect Trump to change that. I have expectations, but not along the lines of 'best ever', that's for sure.

But seeing him attack the very things he said he would is refreshing. As soon as he appoints that USSC judge I will feel much much better. Even knowing the final 3 makes me feel much better. :)

The supreme court, and it NOT changing for the next 30-40 years. Knowing that what Chelsea spoke of on the campaign trail, about her mother and gun regulations and other changes to gun laws. Changes to illegal immigration issues, from enforcing laws to beginning the process of building up a wall.

Again, no one is perfect, and Trump will have his share of faults, but 4 days in and this seems like a decent start!

01-25-2017, 09:50 AM
No prez will ever be perfect, and I don't expect Trump to change that. I have expectations, but not along the lines of 'best ever', that's for sure.

But seeing him attack the very things he said he would is refreshing. As soon as he appoints that USSC judge I will feel much much better. Even knowing the final 3 makes me feel much better. :)

The supreme court, and it NOT changing for the next 30-40 years. Knowing that what Chelsea spoke of on the campaign trail, about her mother and gun regulations and other changes to gun laws. Changes to illegal immigration issues, from enforcing laws to beginning the process of building up a wall.

Again, no one is perfect, and Trump will have his share of faults, but 4 days in and this seems like a decent start!

I didn't mean my comment as a slam on Trump. With his undisciplined big mouth I will have plenty of opportunity. But remember, I live down here in real time. I don't sit up behind a desk in DC or NYC. I think enforcing the laws we have is fine. De-funding sanctuary cities is fine. Stopping the immigration flow into an already overloaded country is fine.

Now he's got to figure out how to make it work.

01-25-2017, 10:12 AM
I didn't mean my comment as a slam on Trump. With his undisciplined big mouth I will have plenty of opportunity. But remember, I live down here in real time. I don't sit up behind a desk in DC or NYC. I think enforcing the laws we have is fine. De-funding sanctuary cities is fine. Stopping the immigration flow into an already overloaded country is fine.

Now he's got to figure out how to make it work.

I didn't see it as such, all's cool. :) Even if, I'm sure there will be things that he deserves to be questioned or slammed about. No doubt it will probably be his blabbermouth on twitter! Presidency aside, I don't get the fascination, I think twitter sucks.

I think building up ANY security along the border is a step in the positive direction. Each and every person arrested and prosecuted is a step in the right direction. Starting to deport criminals is a step in the right direction. Fining employers that hire illegals and/or shutting them down, of course all good steps in the right direction.

I think it's a process over time, that if done properly, we'll see results over time.

01-25-2017, 10:30 AM
I didn't see it as such, all's cool. :) Even if, I'm sure there will be things that he deserves to be questioned or slammed about. No doubt it will probably be his blabbermouth on twitter! Presidency aside, I don't get the fascination, I think twitter sucks.

I think building up ANY security along the border is a step in the positive direction. Each and every person arrested and prosecuted is a step in the right direction. Starting to deport criminals is a step in the right direction. Fining employers that hire illegals and/or shutting them down, of course all good steps in the right direction.

I think it's a process over time, that if done properly, we'll see results over time.

No, ANY security is NOT a step in the right direction. It" wasting time and money if it doesn't work. Do you realize they have a tunnel system under the border better built than any WV coal mine? It's how the cartels smuggle in their drugs. And we got more back roads around here than you got sewers.

We already have a "wall". Doesn't slow them down a bit. They take these peoples' money, cram them into U-Hauls or march them across the desert and half end up in sweat shops because whoever is paying wants cheap labor. What I DON'T see some serious punishment for the people bringing them over/hiring them. The fines are token.

This little plan needs to include nailing some wallets HARD.

01-25-2017, 10:59 AM
No, ANY security is NOT a step in the right direction. It" wasting time and money if it doesn't work. Do you realize they have a tunnel system under the border better built than any WV coal mine? It's how the cartels smuggle in their drugs. And we got more back roads around here than you got sewers.

We already have a "wall". Doesn't slow them down a bit. They take these peoples' money, cram them into U-Hauls or march them across the desert and half end up in sweat shops because whoever is paying wants cheap labor. What I DON'T see some serious punishment for the people bringing them over/hiring them. The fines are token.

This little plan needs to include nailing some wallets HARD.

You know what I mean and no need to nitpick fucker. On one side you have someone stating not to enforce the law. Now we have someone who intends on enforcing our laws regarding illegal immigration. There are various ways to attack the problem. Pretty much doing ANYTHING is a step in the right direction, in comparison to ignoring the issue, is all I meant.

01-25-2017, 11:00 AM
Why no plans on legislative actions regarding this? I think most are in agreement that it's still, 'live by the pen, die by the pen.'

Is it me, but why no mention of DACA? They are still issuing these 2 year permits.


Definitely agree on making things permanent with Congress. I believe he's going to secure the border first, concentrate on the criminals and then address the DACA problem.

Pretty big undertaking all the way around.

The biggest hurdle IMO is GOP waffling.

01-25-2017, 11:07 AM
No, ANY security is NOT a step in the right direction. It" wasting time and money if it doesn't work. Do you realize they have a tunnel system under the border better built than any WV coal mine? It's how the cartels smuggle in their drugs. And we got more back roads around here than you got sewers.

It's not going to be just a wall - the Israelis have perfected tunneling detection that pinpoint underground activity. The terrorists love their tunnels under walls, too. A small bunker buster fixes that effort quickly.

We already have a "wall". Doesn't slow them down a bit. They take these peoples' money, cram them into U-Hauls or march them across the desert and half end up in sweat shops because whoever is paying wants cheap labor. What I DON'T see some serious punishment for the people bringing them over/hiring them. The fines are token.

This little plan needs to include nailing some wallets HARD.

We have a hodgepodge of fences that aren't continuous and are easily defeated by detouring around. The wall is going to seriously help stem the flow.

But, yeah... taking the book and throwing it at the people employing the illegals needs to be a priority with very harsh penalties - that removes most of the carrot. But you've still got the welfare carrot.

Congress has a lot of work to do.

01-25-2017, 01:19 PM
You know what I mean and no need to nitpick fucker. On one side you have someone stating not to enforce the law. Now we have someone who intends on enforcing our laws regarding illegal immigration. There are various ways to attack the problem. Pretty much doing ANYTHING is a step in the right direction, in comparison to ignoring the issue, is all I meant.

It is not nitpicking wanting a plan that works. Otherwise, I may as well convert my paychecks to coins and throw them in the Rio Grande one at a time. And speaking of .... I don't know who came up with this rule we can't pursue past our side of the river. Far as I'm concerned we should pursue to THEIR side of the Rio. That alone would stop a LOT of crap from coming to our side.

01-25-2017, 04:20 PM


01-25-2017, 06:26 PM
Definitely agree on making things permanent with Congress. I believe he's going to secure the border first, concentrate on the criminals and then address the DACA problem.

Pretty big undertaking all the way around.

The biggest hurdle IMO is GOP waffling.

What really impresses me is the breakneck speed of all this. With 'normal' politicians, you'd expect them to keep their word weeks or months later (or later than that). We're not even one week forward from the Inauguration, and already, such progress in at least getting things rolling !

Brilliant stuff. It truly is.

01-25-2017, 06:33 PM


“A nation without borders is not a nation,” Trump declared after signing the measures, while speaking to employees at the Department of Homeland Security. “Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders.”

He is absofuckinglutely right!
I wonder, what could have happened if we didn't control our borders. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/umnik2.gif
Please be informed, the length of Russian land borders is 24,625.3 km and maritime borders - 37,636.6 km.(To compare - The length of the equator - 40,075.7 km) Then you can imaging how much it costs taking into account climate and geographical conditions. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/yes.gif

01-25-2017, 06:42 PM
Call the wall whatever anybody wants. JUST BUILD IT!
For anyone that wonders, or asks why we need a wall on our border to the South.

If you own property of any kind, DO YOU....have a fence? Lock your doors? Keep your car doors locked? Have a bank account where you keep your money?
IF you say there is no need for anything listed above. Please send everything you have to me, or any other member of DP.
Personally. As an American. I am tired of being told I OWE ANYBODY ELSE what I have TOO MUCH OF, and that WHAT IS MINE....should be somebody else's because I HAVE TOO MUCH. That's why we need walls, locks, and banks too!
Honorable Americans are willing to WORK HARD for what they have. And working for someone else to take whatever they want....IS THE DEMOCRAT-SOCIALIST WAY.

01-25-2017, 07:34 PM
The Roman Empire was once the greatest power on the face of the Earth...

So what happened?

Illegal immigration, so to speak... they were over run by the Vandals, the Goths, the Ostrogoths, and a host of barbarians until in 410 AD, Rome was sacked....

There is a saying about ignoring the mistakes the past and being cursed to repeat them. Many who want this current situation, i.e. unchecked immigration, into this country, for whatever reasons they have, are helping to bring our country to suffer the same fate as Rome. They are also helping to bring down the Middle Class, the lifeblood and backbone of our country and of Democracy.

When the Roman Empire fell, it was the Middle Ages equivalent of nuclear war. Society ceased to exist, learning ceased, we descended into the Dark Ages... it took nearly a millennium for us to climb out of it.

If America falls, it will be no less calamitous, and likely much worse. For this time, the entire world will descend into oblivion, not just the West, the end of freedom, the end of Western civilization, no doubt.

Build that wall...

01-25-2017, 08:10 PM
The Roman Empire was once the greatest power on the face of the Earth...

So what happened?

Illegal immigration, so to speak... they were over run by the Vandals, the Goths, the Ostrogoths, and a host of barbarians until in 410 AD, Rome was sacked....

There is a saying about ignoring the mistakes the past and being cursed to repeat them. Many who want this current situation, i.e. unchecked immigration, into this country, for whatever reasons they have, are helping to bring our country to suffer the same fate as Rome. They are also helping to bring down the Middle Class, the lifeblood and backbone of our country and of Democracy.

When the Roman Empire fell, it was the Middle Ages equivalent of nuclear war. Society ceased to exist, learning ceased, we descended into the Dark Ages... it took nearly a millennium for us to climb out of it.

If America falls, it will be no less calamitous, and likely much worse. For this time, the entire world will descend into oblivion, not just the West, the end of freedom, the end of Western civilization, no doubt.

Build that wall...

Don't get me wrong ... was up to me I'd have troops on the border. A wall is just something to crawl over or tunnel under. Address the actual problem.

01-25-2017, 10:14 PM
I have some questions for you peoples about this "Great Wall of America."

**Would you be willing to accept either a tax increase or a substantial addition to the national debt in order to build the wall?

**Approximately 65 percent of the U.S. side of the Mexican border is private property. How many people are you willing to evict in order to build the wall?

**Much of the problem with the border is that there are not enough Border Patrol agents. And the current agents are poorly paid and often under trained. This is what makes them susceptible to bribes from narcos and smugglers.

**Trump makes great fanfare about the harm done by illegal immigrants, but says nothing about punishing companies that hire them. If there were no jobs, immigrants would have no reason to cross the border.

**Who is going to build the wall? And who is going to protect the people who build the wall? The is a good turnover of border agents because narcos threaten them and their families.

01-25-2017, 10:24 PM
I have some questions for you peoples about this "Great Wall of America."

**Would you be willing to accept either a tax increase or a substantial addition to the national debt in order to build the wall?

**Approximately 65 percent of the U.S. side of the Mexican border is private property. How many people are you willing to evict in order to build the wall?

**Much of the problem with the border is that there are not enough Border Patrol agents. And the current agents are poorly paid and often under trained. This is what makes them susceptible to bribes from narcos and smugglers.

**Trump makes great fanfare about the harm done by illegal immigrants, but says nothing about punishing companies that hire them. If there were no jobs, immigrants would have no reason to cross the border.

**Who is going to build the wall? And who is going to protect the people who build the wall? The is a good turnover of border agents because narcos threaten them and their families.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. :laugh:

01-25-2017, 10:27 PM
I have some questions for you peoples about this "Great Wall of America."

**Would you be willing to accept either a tax increase or a substantial addition to the national debt in order to build the wall?

**Approximately 65 percent of the U.S. side of the Mexican border is private property. How many people are you willing to evict in order to build the wall?

**Much of the problem with the border is that there are not enough Border Patrol agents. And the current agents are poorly paid and often under trained. This is what makes them susceptible to bribes from narcos and smugglers.

**Trump makes great fanfare about the harm done by illegal immigrants, but says nothing about punishing companies that hire them. If there were no jobs, immigrants would have no reason to cross the border.

**Who is going to build the wall? And who is going to protect the people who build the wall? The is a good turnover of border agents because narcos threaten them and their families.

If you had any intention of actually learning - or even debating - I would gladly educate you. However, we all know you have no intention or capability to do such things.

Instead, watch the video of Trump's press conference today and you'll have all the answers you seek.

01-25-2017, 11:07 PM
I think that a step voltage can be of great help. :laugh:

01-26-2017, 03:56 AM
I have some questions for you peoples about this "Great Wall of America."

**Would you be willing to accept either a tax increase or a substantial addition to the national debt in order to build the wall?

**Approximately 65 percent of the U.S. side of the Mexican border is private property. How many people are you willing to evict in order to build the wall?

**Much of the problem with the border is that there are not enough Border Patrol agents. And the current agents are poorly paid and often under trained. This is what makes them susceptible to bribes from narcos and smugglers.

**Trump makes great fanfare about the harm done by illegal immigrants, but says nothing about punishing companies that hire them. If there were no jobs, immigrants would have no reason to cross the border.

**Who is going to build the wall? And who is going to protect the people who build the wall? The is a good turnover of border agents because narcos threaten them and their families.

I'd rather my taxes pay for a deterrent than support people who DON'T pay taxes.

01-26-2017, 12:55 PM
Some of what has been signed off of in the past day. This was huge, and he's keeping his promise. Appoint a good conservative SC judge and I'm a happy camper!


Trump orders construction of border wall and dramatic measures to block illegal immigration

President Trump signed a pair of executive orders on Wednesday stepping up immigration enforcement efforts and calling for “the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border.” Trump touted the actions in a speech at the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday afternoon.

“As I’ve said repeatedly to the country, we are going to get the bad ones out, the criminals, and the drug deals, and gangs, and gang members, and cartel leaders. The day is over when they can stay in our country and wreak havoc. We are going to get them out. We are going to get them out fast,” Trump said.

In his speech, Trump argued that the U.S. is “in the middle of a crisis on our southern border” owing to “the unprecedented surge of illegal migrants from Central America” and drug cartel activity. He also stressed that his immigration reform measures would improve the U.S.’s relationship with Mexico and help both nations by “deterring illegal immigration from Central America and by disrupting violent cartel networks.”

“I believe the steps we will take starting right now will improve the safety in both our countries, going to be very, very good for Mexico,” Trump said. “A nation without borders is not a nation. Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders, gets back its borders.”

One of Trump’s executive orders called for the immediate construction of a “contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier” on the border with Mexico. The border wall — and having Mexico pay for it — was one of Trump’s signature campaign promises.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer discussed the order in his daily press briefing earlier in the day. He called it “a commonsense first step to really securing our porous border” and insisted that “Mexico will pay for it,” as Trump had vowed. Trump has called for construction of the wall to begin before any money comes in from Mexico, which has said it will not finance the project.

When he took questions from reporters, Spicer was asked specifically how Mexico would pay for the wall and whether he believes Republicans in Congress would fund the project in the meantime. Spicer suggested that there are multiple “mechanisms” through which Mexico could finance wall construction and indicated that, just days after taking office, Trump has had multiple discussions with congressional leaders in which he urged them to “make sure” there is funding.


01-26-2017, 03:11 PM
Mexico’s President Cancels White House Visit After Trump Hits Cartels

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has cancelled his planned visit to the U.S. where he was expected to meet with President Donald J. Trump. The cancellation comes after Mexico’s government denounced Trump’s new border security measures aimed at interfering with the cash flow of the very Mexican cartels believed to have financed the current Mexican president’s campaign.
On Thursday morning, Peña Nieto took to Twitter to announce that his staff had notified the White House that he would not be going to the scheduled meetings with Trump.

On Wednesday, Trump signed two executive orders dealing with enforcing current immigration laws and the construction of a border wall. Trump specifically called out Mexican cartels in the executive order. In response to the anti-cartel measures, Peña Nieto took to social media, as Breitbart Texas reported.

In addition to denouncing the measure, Peña Nieto announced that he would be ordering the 50 Mexican Consulates in the U.S. to step up their efforts to protect “migrants”. The Mexican president made no mention of the fact that the migrants are one of the largest funding mechanisms for the cartels who reportedly helped him gain his office.

In response to Peña Nieto’s announcement, Trump responded on Twitter that it would be better to cancel the meeting. According to Trump, the U.S.- Mexico relation has been one sided with the current $60 billion trade deficit with Mexico in connection with the current North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Mexican President Peña Nieto has been the subject of immaculate investigative reporting in his own country, though his reported ties to Mexican cartels received little attention from the U.S. during the presidency of Barack Obama.

As Breitbart Texas previously reported:

An in-depth investigation has revealed that through the use of shell companies, members of the Juarez Cartel financed the political campaign of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. The cartel members appear to have also used government programs to launder money and profit form their networks of contacts.

The bombshell revelation was made this week by the independent news outlet Aristegui Noticias who claim that top officials of the Juarez Cartel financed thousands of cash cards that were handed out by Mexico’s Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) during the 2012 political campaign that resulted in the victory of Enrique Pena Nieto. According to the Mexican journalists, the cash cards were provided by a company called Monex. They were reported to be financed through a series of shell corporations by key players with the Juarez Cartel.

Through a three part series, the Mexican news organization identified Rodolfo David “El Consul” Avila Cordero as a key figure in the financial scandal that implicates the leading figures in Mexico’s ruling party the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI).

Avila Cordero was arrested in 2005 in Mexico City in connection with the seizure of almost $750,000 in cash. At the time authorities had identified him as a top tier operative with the Juarez (Carrillo Fuente) Cartel who worked as their financial operator an a key figure in their connections with Colombian drug lords. Avila Cordero had earned the nickname “The Consul” because of his links to high ranking officials within the Mexican government and acted as an ambassador of sorts, Aristegui Noticias reported.

Eight years after his arrest, Avila Cordero became a contractor for a government funded program called Crusade Against Hunger. Using a company called Conclave SA de CV and Prodasa SA de CV, Cordero was able to secure more than $396 million pesos or $25 million in government contracts through rigged bidding processes by government officials.

The Crusade Against Hunger is a pet project of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto who claimed that with that program he would improve the quality of life for his people.

According to the investigation by the Mexican journalists, Conclave and Prodasa are shell companies that do not have real offices or staff.

As previously reported by Breitbart Texas, Carmen Aristegui, the founder of Aristegui Noticias, was a top rated radio journalists in Mexico, however her investigation into properties given to Pena Nieto as bribes led to her news outlet firing her and her staff. Despite being off the air, Aristegui continues reporting through her website.

As part of the investigation Aristegui Noticias also confirmed that Conclave was involved in the trading of soccer players with European soccer clubs.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2017/01/26/mexican-president-cancels-u-s-trip/

01-26-2017, 03:15 PM
This was kinda my take as well. Some thought that he meant Mexico would overnight us a check. :)


Krikorian: Mexico ‘Obviously Not Going to Write Us a Check’ but Likely Will Pay for Wall

Asked by Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow on Thursday how Mexico is going to pay for Trump’s border wall, Mark Krikorian, the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies said, “They’re obviously not going to write us a check. I think Trump thought that up as kind of a way to troll Mexico.”
“What I think is likely to happen,” he continued, “is a tax on remittances that immigrants send home. And Mexico depends on that money a lot. So, taxing that is a way for having Mexico pay for it. And it’s not some crazy idea because Oklahoma already does it.”

Krikorian and Marlow had a far-ranging discussion involving President Trump’s executive actions on the border and immigration.

While calling Trump’s early actions on immigration “outstanding,” Krikorian added “the border wall is going to be less problematic” as compared to efforts to push back against “sanctuary cities.” Trump “has all the authority he needs” as regards building the wall, said Krikorian.

“Bringing sanctuary cities to heel is going to be much more difficult because cutting off some of their Justice Department grants is not going to do it for at least a lot of the big ones, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. They’ve already said they don’t care, they’ll take the hit. Their first goal is protecting illegal aliens.”


01-26-2017, 03:21 PM
Nieto is in a tough spot.

He knows Trump holds all the cards, but he doesn't want to look weak... pretty much the same position that the Auto CEOs were in.

I'm thinking he'll cave. He knows that an unfriendly U.S. President can wreck any possible future beneficial trade deals - and it's not like they're in good shape presently, anyway.

01-26-2017, 03:29 PM
Nieto is in a tough spot.

He knows Trump holds all the cards, but he doesn't want to look weak... pretty much the same position that the Auto CEOs were in.

I'm thinking he'll cave. He knows that an unfriendly U.S. President can wreck any possible future beneficial trade deals - and it's not like they're in good shape presently, anyway.

The wall is off to a good start. I have no doubt that it will start in a few months or so as stated. I also have no doubt that Trump will find various ways to have them pay over time. I don't mind ponying up some $$ myself to see this happen!!

01-26-2017, 03:33 PM
The wall is off to a good start. I have no doubt that it will start in a few months or so as stated. I also have no doubt that Trump will find various ways to have them pay over time. I don't mind ponying up some $$ myself to see this happen!!


I was heartened by Ryan confirming that Congress will foot the bill and is willing to be reimbursed however Trump manages to do it.

Seems to me the only thing holding up the project is the actual logistics - and I think Trump just might know people who build big concrete structures.

01-26-2017, 05:13 PM
Get ready to have all your Mexican products cost 20% more.

01-26-2017, 05:15 PM
Get ready to have all your Mexican products cost 20% more.

All set here, Skipper! :salute:

01-26-2017, 05:16 PM
Get ready to have all your Mexican products cost 20% more.

However it's done I'm cool with it. I don't buy much Mexican myself. But keep in mind it's the plurality, as we ALL will be footing the bill. I'm more than happy to give my share.

Black Diamond
01-26-2017, 05:20 PM
Get ready to have all your Mexican products cost 20% more.
Yeah. I will be sure to stock up on my dos Equis and mezcal before this goes into effect.

Abbey Marie
01-26-2017, 05:27 PM
Get ready to have all your Mexican products cost 20% more.

Even if this happens, it's a small price to pay, Pete.

And our illegals will cost 100% less.

01-26-2017, 05:28 PM


We had a bottle of that stuff up at the cabin for about 10 years with a worm in the bottom. Visitors came and went, ran out of booze lots of times - but no one took more than a small sip before shoving that horrible stuff back up on the shelf. It turned into an experiment with me to see if anyone would actually drink the stuff, but no takers past the first taste.

Then we got snowed in and stuck up there in a surprise blizzard for 5 days... and we only had 2 days worth of beer. The guy from California finally got up the nerve and got to the worm... he was mighty miserable the next day. He actually shuddered and turned green when I brought that story up a few years later. :laugh:

01-26-2017, 05:43 PM
Even if this happens, it's a small price to pay, Pete.

And our illegals will cost 100% less.
He is very funny this pete311. To remain on the US market they WILL HAVE to reduce the contract prices. As simple as this.
You see, he even doesn't know the difference between contract and retail prices. :laugh:

01-26-2017, 06:16 PM
Get ready to have all your Mexican products cost 20% more.

Sounds like a great idea to me, and I'm not worried. After all. Most of the Mexican products you seem to think, will scare us, and increase 20%, are mostly products that were formerly made in the USA, but taken to Mexico..where the labor is still cheap.

You should learn what A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD....in economics really means.

01-26-2017, 07:55 PM
Like I said before, about 65 percent of the land on the American side of the border is in private hands. How will the Trumpers acquire it?

Donald Trump’s proposed border wall could face a major obstacle in Arizona, where an indigenous tribe has vowed to oppose construction on its land, paving the way for potential mass resistance following the model of Standing Rock.

The Tohono O’odham Nation, a federally recognized tribe with a reservation that spans 75 miles of the US-Mexico border, announced on Thursday that it does not support the wall and criticized the White House for signing an executive order without consulting the tribe.


Abbey Marie
01-26-2017, 08:00 PM
Like I said before, about 65 percent of the land on the American side of the border is in private hands. How will the Trumpers acquire it?


So then we put checkpoints and 24 hr border patrol in those areas. That is if eminent domain doesn't do it.

01-26-2017, 08:00 PM
However it's done I'm cool with it. I don't buy much Mexican myself. But keep in mind it's the plurality, as we ALL will be footing the bill. I'm more than happy to give my share.

You don't think so? According to the U.S. trade commission, the most used consumer products made in Mexico include food, electronics, shoes, apparel, furniture, chemical products, automotive equipment and accessories, tools, toys and sporting goods.
Mexico was the number one partner with the United States in the electronics business and third overall, trailing only Canada and China. About 25 percent of imported U.S. automotive parts were from Mexico.
The country’s manufacturing industry accounted for more textiles and apparel supplied to the United States than any other nation.

01-26-2017, 08:19 PM
You don't think so? According to the U.S. trade commission, the most used consumer products made in Mexico include food, electronics, shoes, apparel, furniture, chemical products, automotive equipment and accessories, tools, toys and sporting goods.
Mexico was the number one partner with the United States in the electronics business and third overall, trailing only Canada and China. About 25 percent of imported U.S. automotive parts were from Mexico.
The country’s manufacturing industry accounted for more textiles and apparel supplied to the United States than any other nation.
So, this will be Mexican problems to remain at the USA market if they are so much depending on it.
There are two foreign trade terms: The Seller's market and the Buyer's market. All the items enumerated by you are the items of the Buyer's market and can be easily substituted if Mexicans are not prepared to act under new conditions 'Diamond cut diamond' should it will occur. :laugh:

01-26-2017, 08:26 PM
You don't think so? According to the U.S. trade commission, the most used consumer products made in Mexico include food, electronics, shoes, apparel, furniture, chemical products, automotive equipment and accessories, tools, toys and sporting goods.
Mexico was the number one partner with the United States in the electronics business and third overall, trailing only Canada and China. About 25 percent of imported U.S. automotive parts were from Mexico.
The country’s manufacturing industry accounted for more textiles and apparel supplied to the United States than any other nation.

Right you are gabby. Mexico is the number one partner because...most of the jobs, American companies who moved there...didn't require higher pay, medical benefits, or retirement programs. If things are so great in Mexico, why do so many Illegals have a need to come HERE?

01-26-2017, 08:50 PM
You don't think so? According to the U.S. trade commission, the most used consumer products made in Mexico include food, electronics, shoes, apparel, furniture, chemical products, automotive equipment and accessories, tools, toys and sporting goods.
Mexico was the number one partner with the United States in the electronics business and third overall, trailing only Canada and China. About 25 percent of imported U.S. automotive parts were from Mexico.
The country’s manufacturing industry accounted for more textiles and apparel supplied to the United States than any other nation.

I don't give a crap either way. I know what the numbers are, and what the total numbers of what our entire trade deals are worth. again - I don't mind if I end up paying a little more, or if I have to pay some more taxes, if that's what it takes to get a border wall into place.

01-26-2017, 09:09 PM
I don't give a crap either way. I know what the numbers are, and what the total numbers of what our entire trade deals are worth. again - I don't mind if I end up paying a little more, or if I have to pay some more taxes, if that's what it takes to get a border wall into place.

The peso is tanking... and what's going to happen when all the American companies that employ over a million Mexicans pull out?

Nieto would be wise to swallow his pride, pony up $10 billion and avert economic disaster... or we'll be seeing him dragged through the streets by a mob of pissed off Mexicans.

01-26-2017, 09:49 PM
Like I said before, about 65 percent of the land on the American side of the border is in private hands. How will the Trumpers acquire it?


Ranchers don't want the illegals crossing their land so will probably welcome some type of deterrent.

01-27-2017, 10:25 AM
Like I said before, about 65 percent of the land on the American side of the border is in private hands. How will the Trumpers acquire it?


Misleading. Most of that land is uninhabitable and uninhabited.

01-27-2017, 10:31 AM
You don't think so? According to the U.S. trade commission, the most used consumer products made in Mexico include food, electronics, shoes, apparel, furniture, chemical products, automotive equipment and accessories, tools, toys and sporting goods.
Mexico was the number one partner with the United States in the electronics business and third overall, trailing only Canada and China. About 25 percent of imported U.S. automotive parts were from Mexico.
The country’s manufacturing industry accounted for more textiles and apparel supplied to the United States than any other nation.

And how much of that is US corporations working out of Mexico to save money with cheap labor and to escape the EPA? We have all the resources right here to make all that crap.

01-29-2017, 05:46 PM
Well, damn.


Looks like they got smart.

They kinda have us over a barrel here.

01-29-2017, 07:36 PM

Time for everyone on both sides of the border to learn the Difference between LEGAL, and ILLEGAL.
If you arrive in the USA without permission, and stay. YOU ARE ILLEGAL, and BREAKING THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
