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View Full Version : Trump senior staff members hold private e-mail accounts

01-25-2017, 10:43 PM
The swamp is sure getting crowded these days. :cool:


Making use of separate political email accounts at the White House is not illegal...But after then-candidate Donald Trump and the Republicans repeatedly called for “locking up” Hillary Clinton for handling government work with a private server while secretary of state, the new White House staff risks repeating the same mistake that dogged the Democrat’s presidential campaign. They also face a security challenge: The RNC email system, according to U.S. intelligence, was hacked during the 2016 race.

01-25-2017, 10:46 PM
Weird! Personal email accounts?

How many illegal servers is the Trump Admin using?

01-25-2017, 11:46 PM
Weird! Personal email accounts?
How many illegal servers is the Trump Admin using?

I guess we need to wait for WikiLeaks to tell us. :cool:

01-26-2017, 05:25 AM
I guess we need to wait for WikiLeaks to tell us. :cool:

Stupid. You can't do sh*t on the net and in most of life without an e-mail account.

01-26-2017, 07:33 AM
Not surprised that Gabby and others would equate private email accounts with the issues HRC foisted on the country with her email accounts and server. After all Gabby and her ilk confuse LEGAL immigration with ILLEGAL entry all the time....

01-26-2017, 07:39 AM
The swamp is sure getting crowded these days. :cool:


This is that latest outrage from a dishonest political party and it's boot licking media morons that has no legs to stand on its own. Hillary had a private system that was practically unprotected and was being used to send confidential State business communications. Trump's people are being excoriated for simply having an account. How dishonest can the left actually be? I bet some of them own firearms as well, Gabs. When will you call them murderers?

01-26-2017, 08:41 AM
Not surprised that Gabby and others would equate private email accounts with the issues HRC foisted on the country with her email accounts and server. After all Gabby and her ilk confuse LEGAL immigration with ILLEGAL entry all the time....

Her ilk use subterfuge foisted by the MSM as weapon. Until we the people quit listening, it works. They flip and deflect on every topic. Wht happens when you stand for nothing.

01-26-2017, 08:48 AM
Her ilk use subterfuge foisted by the MSM as weapon. Until we the people quit listening, it works. They flip and deflect on every topic. Wht happens when you stand for nothing.

Yep. That and a lack of integrity, honor and principles.

01-26-2017, 09:39 AM
Newsweek has learned that senior staffers in the Trump administration are using a private RNC email server. This is the same private email server used by the Bush administration that claimed it lost 22 million emails. “Senior Trump administration staffers including Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon have active accounts on a Republican National Committee email system,” Newsweek (http://www.newsweek.com/trump-emails-rnc-reince-priebus-white-house-server-548191) reported Wednesday. Newsweek noted dryly “… after then-candidate Donald Trump and the Republicans repeatedly called for ‘locking up’ Hillary Clinton for handling government work with a private server while secretary of state, the new White House staff risks repeating the same mistake that dogged the Democrat’s presidential campaign. They also face a security challenge: The RNC email system, according to U.S. intelligence, was hacked during the 2016 race. ‘They better be careful after making such a huge ruckus over the private email over at the State Department,’ says former Bush administration lawyer Richard Painter.”Well yes, that’s awkward. But here’s betting you won’t see the media getting hysterical over the Trump administration’s use of a private email server.

But it's soooo different, NOTHING at all like what Hillary and her staff were doing.:rolleyes:

Look Instead of making excuses and dodging and huffing like they're outraged at the very accusations, the Trump admin needs to FIX IT and and set an example of how to do it right. Bush and his crew didn't do it right Obama and Hillary didn't do it right either.
If you guys are just going pretend that if Trump does it that means it IS LEGAL on everything that he does then... well... I feel sorry you.


01-26-2017, 10:14 AM

But it's soooo different, NOTHING at all like what Hillary and her staff were doing.:rolleyes:

Look Instead of making excuses and dodging and huffing like they're outraged at the very accusations, the Trump admin needs to FIX IT and and set an example of how to do it right. Bush and his crew didn't do it right Obama and Hillary didn't do it right either.
If you guys are just going pretend that if Trump does it that means it IS LEGAL on everything that he does then... well... I feel sorry you.


Get your head in the game, Rev. The RNC using a private server that gets hacked is a whole nother world than the Secretary of State using an unsecure server out of her closet for official, classified business. So someone allegedly hacked the RNC.. Big deal. Hope they didn't lose their balls from that.

Try again.

01-26-2017, 10:22 AM
Get your head in the game, Rev. The RNC using a private server that gets hacked is a whole nother world than the Secretary of State using an unsecure server out of her closet for official, classified business. So someone allegedly hacked the RNC.. Big deal. Hope they didn't lose their balls from that.

Try again.

It's not different. It's still outside the overwatch of the gov. You have absolutely no idea how secure anything is.

"The “Disclosure Requirement for Official Business Conducted Using Electronic Messaging Accounts” stipulates that if White House staffers have already used private accounts like the RNC ones, they must copy or forward those communications into the government system within 20 days."

Do this or I want an investigation and people put behind bars

01-26-2017, 10:25 AM
It's not different. It's still outside the overwatch of the gov. You have absolutely no idea how secure anything is.

Read the Newsweek article. The author is building a scenario because the accounts simply exist. There is no evidence they are being used at all. As a matter of fact, to shut down the dishonest left and the propagandist media the accounts are now closed.

It takes a serious amount of dishonesty to compare simply having an account to what Secretary Clinton did.

01-26-2017, 10:33 AM

But it's soooo different, NOTHING at all like what Hillary and her staff were doing.:rolleyes:

Look Instead of making excuses and dodging and huffing like they're outraged at the very accusations, the Trump admin needs to FIX IT and and set an example of how to do it right. Bush and his crew didn't do it right Obama and Hillary didn't do it right either.
If you guys are just going pretend that if Trump does it that means it IS LEGAL on everything that he does then... well... I feel sorry you.


Rev, I expect this kind of crap from Gabby, but you're better that this.

From the article :

(Since this story was published, the RNC has deleted the emails of Bannon, Kushner and Conway. Newsweek is waiting for further comment.)

It’s not clear whether or how Trump staffers are using the RNC email addresses. If they are using them, they are subject to the “Disclosure Requirement For Official Business Conducted Using Electronic Messaging Accounts," a law, 44 U.S.C. 2209, that went into effect in 2014. If White House staffers have already used the RNC emails system for White House work, they must copy or forward those communications into the government system within 20 days.

We're 6 days into this administration - at the very least the moonbats should have waited until Day 21 to begin hoisting the GOTCHA Flag. :rolleyes:

01-26-2017, 10:36 AM
We're 6 days into this administration - at the very least the moonbats should have waited until Day 21 to begin hoisting the GOTCHA Flag. :rolleyes:

That is fair. But we'll be back on this.

01-26-2017, 10:42 AM
It's not different. It's still outside the overwatch of the gov. You have absolutely no idea how secure anything is.

"The “Disclosure Requirement for Official Business Conducted Using Electronic Messaging Accounts” stipulates that if White House staffers have already used private accounts like the RNC ones, they must copy or forward those communications into the government system within 20 days."

Do this or I want an investigation and people put behind bars

It's altogether different. I know at least 4 people on this board that had to have at minimum a secret clearance. Most of us had TS clearances. You may here us talk in general, but we don't discuss business and we don't put it on the board. WE are on an unsecure server and we know it.

National security is one thing. A bunch of politicians on a server is another. Your political strategy for winning the next election is one of those "Who cares"? moments. There's nothing classified about that.

I'm way more up to snuff on comsec than you'll ever be.

01-26-2017, 10:47 AM

But it's soooo different, NOTHING at all like what Hillary and her staff were doing.:rolleyes:

Look Instead of making excuses and dodging and huffing like they're outraged at the very accusations, the Trump admin needs to FIX IT and and set an example of how to do it right. Bush and his crew didn't do it right Obama and Hillary didn't do it right either.
If you guys are just going pretend that if Trump does it that means it IS LEGAL on everything that he does then... well... I feel sorry you.


Hillary and her staff were responsible for the lives of others. The RNC is not. Hillary let people die. The RNC has not. So yeah, BIG difference.

01-26-2017, 10:48 AM
It's altogether different. I know at least 4 people on this board that had to have at minimum a secret clearance. Most of us had TS clearances. You may here us talk in general, but we don't discuss business and we don't put it on the board. WE are on an unsecure server and we know it.

National security is one thing. A bunch of politicians on a server is another. Your political strategy for winning the next election is one of those "Who cares"? moments. There's nothing classified about that.

I'm way more up to snuff on comsec than you'll ever be.

That's great... but if you haven't looked at the email server you don't know how secure it is....

01-26-2017, 10:53 AM
Rev, I expect this kind of crap from Gabby, but you're better that this.

From the article :

We're 6 days into this administration - at the very least the moonbats should have waited until Day 21 to begin hoisting the GOTCHA Flag. :rolleyes:

look at the post BEFORE mine NO ONE here even acknowledged that there was even a potential problem. It's just dismissive comments.
So Yes, THANK YOU, it IS in fact a real potential legal and security problem. That's a rational response, As I said Trump needs to Set an example of how to do it right.

and let's be fully honest on what Hillary was accused of doing wrong. She wasn't just accused of having a private server in the house but her and her staff was caught using SEVERAL private phones, iPads and other devices for gov't purposes (classified and unclassified).
So trying to narrow the comparison to the server in her closet is a disingenuous dodge.

That is fair. But we'll be back on this.

01-26-2017, 11:02 AM
look at the post BEFORE mine NO ONE here even acknowledged that there was even a potential problem. It's just dismissive comments.
So Yes, THANK YOU, it IS in fact a real potential legal and security problem. That's a rational response, As I said Trump needs to Set an example of how to do it right.

and let's be fully honest on what Hillary was accused of doing wrong. She wasn't just accused of having a private server in the house but her and her staff was caught using SEVERAL private phones, iPads and other devices for gov't purposes (classified and unclassified).
So trying to narrow the comparison to the server in her closet is a disingenuous dodge.


The elephant in the room is the fact that Hellary skirted the rules to avoid FOIA requests by using the private server, to include classified emails.

The classified emails on that Secret Squirrel server she had going was the big problem. And, yeah, deliberately avoiding normal channels to hide from FOIA is a problem too, but that's a small issue compared to allowing worldwide access to our intelligence.

So, now that the RNC has deleted 3 email accounts on the RNC server, this is all academic, right?

01-26-2017, 11:07 AM
That's great... but if you haven't looked at the email server you don't know how secure it is....

If it's in your closet at your house, it's not secure. I'd no more post classified info on this board, or talk over a phone than cut my own n*ts off. We have secure means of communication for a reason. Not getting off your lazy ass and using them is NOT one of those reasons.

The focus here is the lame comparison. A political party out to get votes doesn't fall under the USC and really who cares? The RNC is a total failure. What are you going to learn from them? How to not figure out what's going on?

A US Govt official putting classified material on an unsecure line is a crime under the USC.

01-26-2017, 11:25 AM
The elephant in the room is the fact that Hellary skirted the rules to avoid FOIA requests by using the private server, to include classified emails.

The classified emails on that Secret Squirrel server she had going was the big problem. And, yeah, deliberately avoiding normal channels to hide from FOIA is a problem too, but that's a small issue compared to allowing worldwide access to our intelligence.

So, now that the RNC has deleted 3 email accounts on the RNC server, this is all academic, right?

look at the post BEFORE mine NO ONE here even acknowledged that there was even a potential problem. It's just dismissive comments.
So Yes, THANK YOU, it IS in fact a real potential legal and security problem. That's a rational response, As I said Trump needs to Set an example of how to do it right.
and let's be fully honest on what Hillary was accused of doing wrong. She wasn't just accused of having a private server in the house but her and her staff was caught using SEVERAL private phones, iPads and other devices for gov't purposes (classified and unclassified).
So trying to narrow the comparison to the server in her closet is a disingenuous dodge.

But it's soooo different, NOTHING at all like what Hillary and her staff were doing.:rolleyes:
Look Instead of making excuses and dodging and huffing like they're outraged at the very accusations, the Trump admin needs to FIX IT and and set an example of how to do it right. Bush and his crew didn't do it right Obama and Hillary didn't do it right either.
If you guys are just going pretend that if Trump does it that means it IS LEGAL on everything that he does then... well... I feel sorry you.

That's all we can expect and hope for here.

01-26-2017, 11:44 AM
That's all we can expect and hope for here.

Yes, Rev, I agree completely 100% that Trump needs to ensure that he and every single one of his subordinates utilize the proper channels.

I'm quite sure that's already been done, especially after he famously told Hillary she'd have been in jail if he'd been in charge in that debate. I still laugh about that zinger.

3 email accounts left over from the 2 year campaign with no evidence they've even been used in these last 6 days doesn't seem to warrant the hysterical Newsweek article, but nevertheless I'm glad they pointed it out so it could be remedied.

That is fair. But we'll be back on this.

Please do. The law needs to be adhered to, no matter who is behind the wheel. Trump and his personnel are no different.

Just keep in mind that every time you guys breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS! and there isn't anything, you lose credibility.

A good example of this is Alex Jones - undoubtedly a smart guy, but after several thousand false alarms, no one except his handful of nutters takes him seriously.

01-26-2017, 12:00 PM
Yes, Rev, I agree completely 100% that Trump needs to ensure that he and every single one of his subordinates utilize the proper channels.

I'm quite sure that's already been done, especially after he famously told Hillary she'd have been in jail if he'd been in charge in that debate. I still laugh about that zinger.

3 email accounts left over from the 2 year campaign with no evidence they've even been used in these last 6 days doesn't seem to warrant the hysterical Newsweek article, but nevertheless I'm glad they pointed it out so it could be remedied.

Please do. The law needs to be adhered to, no matter who is behind the wheel. Trump and his personnel are no different.

Just keep in mind that every time you guys breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS! and there isn't anything, you lose credibility.

A good example of this is Alex Jones - undoubtedly a smart guy, but after several thousand false alarms, no one except his handful of nutters takes him seriously.

Guess we better bust Jim. Hosting e-mails on an unsecure server.:laugh:

Abbey Marie
01-26-2017, 12:37 PM
Yes, Rev, I agree completely 100% that Trump needs to ensure that he and every single one of his subordinates utilize the proper channels.

I'm quite sure that's already been done, especially after he famously told Hillary she'd have been in jail if he'd been in charge in that debate. I still laugh about that zinger.

3 email accounts left over from the 2 year campaign with no evidence they've even been used in these last 6 days doesn't seem to warrant the hysterical Newsweek article, but nevertheless I'm glad they pointed it out so it could be remedied.

Please do. The law needs to be adhered to, no matter who is behind the wheel. Trump and his personnel are no different.

Just keep in mind that every time you guys breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS! and there isn't anything, you lose credibility.

A good example of this is Alex Jones - undoubtedly a smart guy, but after several thousand false alarms, no one except his handful of nutters takes him seriously.

Exactly, NT.

01-26-2017, 12:57 PM
Yes, Rev, I agree completely 100% that Trump needs to ensure that he and every single one of his subordinates utilize the proper channels.
I'm quite sure that's already been done, especially after he famously told Hillary she'd have been in jail if he'd been in charge in that debate. I still laugh about that zinger.
3 email accounts left over from the 2 year campaign with no evidence they've even been used in these last 6 days doesn't seem to warrant the hysterical Newsweek article, but nevertheless I'm glad they pointed it out so it could be remedied.
Please do. The law needs to be adhered to, no matter who is behind the wheel. Trump and his personnel are no different.
Just keep in mind that every time you guys breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS! and there isn't anything, you lose credibility.
A good example of this is Alex Jones - undoubtedly a smart guy, but after several thousand false alarms, no one except his handful of nutters takes him seriously.

"hysterical Newsweek article" seriously NT? I must have missed that one please post a link to that one too.

Seems the newweek article didn't "breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS!" . what it did was brought up a points that were true:
Some of Trump's admin-
had Unsecure email accounts-
on unofficial non gov't private servers-
Similarity to what Hillary and crew had -
And the Law says XYZ

And it seems that as a result of those disclosers those items have been corrected.
that's the best of the 4th estate and gov't positive reaction to critics in my book.

But when you guys go into knee jerk denials of any and all accusation, Starting with it's ONLY evidence of "butt hurt" and partisan "hate" etc then i'd say you folks lose credibility.

I think i've posted 2 threads were I think Trump has done good things since his inauguration.
and i've posted in maybe 2 threads just QUESTIONING the legality of items he's got on his plate.
I suspect that just the fact that I've question Trump AT ALL makes me and others, "lose credibility" in the eye's of most here.

And um... Hey, BTW I'd like to see a copy of Trump's Birth Certificate.... and i think Trump might be closet Muslim and homosexual.

01-26-2017, 01:12 PM
Simple - Hillary went over the line into "illegal" server activity. Is Trump or members of his administration currently doing the same? Are they doing something illegal in regards to email activity, or having an illegal server?

01-26-2017, 01:14 PM
"hysterical Newsweek article" seriously NT? I must have missed that one please post a link to that one too.

Seems the newweek article didn't "breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS!" . what it did was brought up a points that were true:
Some of Trump's admin-
had Unsecure email accounts-
on unofficial non gov't private servers-
Similarity to what Hillary and crew had -
And the Law says XYZ

And it seems that as a result of those disclosers those items have been corrected.
that's the best of the 4th estate and gov't positive reaction to critics in my book.

But when you guys go into knee jerk denials of any and all accusation, Starting with it's ONLY evidence of "butt hurt" and partisan "hate" etc then i'd say you folks lose credibility.

I think i've posted 2 threads were I think Trump has done good things since his inauguration.
and i've posted in maybe 2 threads just QUESTIONING the legality of items he's got on his plate.
I suspect that just the fact that I've question Trump AT ALL makes me and others, "lose credibility" in the eye's of most here.

And um... Hey, BTW I'd like to see a copy of Trump's Birth Certificate.... and i think Trump might be closet Muslim and homosexual.

Whoa, calm down and take a breath for a moment.

If you'll look closely, you'll see that I was talking to TWO different people in my response, separated by the relevant quotes.

My response to you was the top paragraph under your quote.

My response to Petey was the bottom paragraph under his quote.


Black Diamond
01-26-2017, 02:14 PM
"hysterical Newsweek article" seriously NT? I must have missed that one please post a link to that one too.

Seems the newweek article didn't "breathlessly declare SHENANIGANS!" . what it did was brought up a points that were true:
Some of Trump's admin-
had Unsecure email accounts-
on unofficial non gov't private servers-
Similarity to what Hillary and crew had -
And the Law says XYZ

And it seems that as a result of those disclosers those items have been corrected.
that's the best of the 4th estate and gov't positive reaction to critics in my book.

But when you guys go into knee jerk denials of any and all accusation, Starting with it's ONLY evidence of "butt hurt" and partisan "hate" etc then i'd say you folks lose credibility.

I think i've posted 2 threads were I think Trump has done good things since his inauguration.
and i've posted in maybe 2 threads just QUESTIONING the legality of items he's got on his plate.
I suspect that just the fact that I've question Trump AT ALL makes me and others, "lose credibility" in the eye's of most here.

And um... Hey, BTW I'd like to see a copy of Trump's Birth Certificate.... and i think Trump might be closet Muslim and homosexual.

Somewhere the smallest violin is playing for Obama. Especially after bush stole an election and then blew up the World Trade Center in order to steal oil for his cronies.

01-26-2017, 02:29 PM
Somewhere the smallest violin is playing for Obama. Especially after bush stole an election and then blew up the World Trade Center in order to steal oil for his cronies.

All that free oil we stole sure came in handy, didn't it?

Black Diamond
01-26-2017, 02:31 PM
All that free oil we stole sure came in handy, didn't it?
I just paid 30 cents per gallon to fill up my F150. :)

01-26-2017, 02:34 PM
I just paid 30 cents per gallon to fill up my F150. :)

You ran out already? I've still got 98,000 barrels of Iraqi Crude behind the toolshed.

I ran out of all the Afghani natural gas stockpiles last month, though. I should have taken more. :bang3:

Black Diamond
01-26-2017, 02:36 PM
You ran out already? I've still got 98,000 barrels of Iraqi Crude behind the toolshed.

I ran out of all the Afghani natural gas stockpiles last month, though. I should have taken more. :bang3:
Get Marvin Bush on the phone....

01-26-2017, 03:38 PM
Get Marvin Bush on the phone....
