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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-27-2017, 05:38 PM

Proposal would establish California as separate nation
[Associated Press]
Associated PressJanuary 26, 2017

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Another attempt is underway to establish California as a separate nation.

Election officials announced Thursday that a proposal has been submitted to the Secretary of State's Office that would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the United States.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether California should break away from the U.S.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

Similar attempts to establish California as a nation, or break it into multiple states, have failed.

The election of President Donald Trump in November rekindled talk of California seceding from the union. The proposal makes no mention of Trump, who was trounced by Hillary Clinton in California by more than 4 million votes.

The proposed constitutional amendment, titled California Nationhood, would also ask voters to repeal language that states the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law. If approved, it calls for scheduling a vote in 2019 to ask voters, "Should California become a free, sovereign and independent country?"

Threats to secede from the United States have been a part of American politics almost since the nation was founded. The most serious attempt came before and during the Civil War, when 11 Southern states left to form the Confederacy.

Another hurdle would be the U.S. Constitution, which does not provide for state secession.

The campaign must submit the valid voter signatures by July 25 to qualify for the November 2018 ballot.

I say good riddance to the land of fruit-loops and nuts.
If only we could be so blessed! -Tyr

01-27-2017, 06:04 PM
Do we have a wave goodbye emoticon? They don't even have their own water.

Black Diamond
01-27-2017, 06:05 PM
If they leave, can we give the popular vote to trump?

01-27-2017, 07:02 PM
I always have to wonder about all the secession Movements.
They often seem pretty superficial and caused by some emotional or "tribal" mindset.

One of my 1st questions is OK so what happens to all the U.S. military bases in your new nation . And are you going to start your own army navy and air force from scratch? Is your new nation sending troops to Afghanistan etc?
I mean the U.S. military should NOT be used for your protection.
Also all military members from the seceding State would suddenly become Foreigners... and likely ILLEGAL Aliens.

For California there are several other issues
Gunny Mentioned Water.
Then there are all the PORTS. California is the U.S. Gate to the Asian goods by Sea. Are the ports U.S. property? Private? So do we have an extra set of tariffs and passports/papers China/Korea/Japan/etc to California then to the U.S.?

And then I guess Trump would have to build a wall along the California boarder as well... and make California pay for it!!

01-27-2017, 07:04 PM
I say good riddance to the land of fruit-loops and nuts.
If only we could be so blessed! -Tyr

Let the Peoples Republic of California go as long as they take their debt with them.

01-27-2017, 07:30 PM
Just think how sorry they would be when they send HOLDER to negotiate with TRUMP, asking for Foreign Aid, or assistance after an Earthquake, Fire season, Mudslides, and thousands of people in THAN FRAN THISCO..peeing, and crapping in the streets, causing DYSENTERY for all of the people who HATES AMERICA???:laugh:

And, Who's Military would they need to fight off any attacks from Mexico, or ISIS?

Maybe....CALIFORNIANS will need to BUILD A WALL TOO! Between all of the other U.S. States to their EAST????

Bottom line. Let's ask gabby. Did you ever hear the statement:
Be careful what you ask for?

01-27-2017, 11:08 PM
January 26th, 2017
The State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft federal constitutional law "On the procedure for the adoption of the Russian Federation and the formation within it of a new subject of the Russian Federation."

For the adoption of the bill voted 301 MP (when 300 votes are necessary for the Federal Constitutional Law) against - was not, abstained - one. The bill sent to the relevant committee for revision to prepare it for the second reading. ...
"Happenstance is one of the forms of consistent pattern" (c) :laugh:

01-27-2017, 11:09 PM
Sorry folks, not gonna happen. California will forever be in its own state of mind, but never its own state.


...the process required to make Calexit a reality is not just daunting: It’s basically impossible. The first part is the easiest: If Yes California can get its initiative onto the 2018 ballot, it needs only 50-percent-plus-one approval to amend the state constitution. But then the 2019 referendum it authorizes is on shaky legal ground, and according to Yes California’s own ground rules, it would only “pass” if 50 percent of registered voters participated and 55 percent voted for independence.
If a Calexit referendum in California succeeded, of course, it would only take effect if the rest of the country went along with it. That would mean a constitutional amendment requiring two-thirds votes in Congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states, or the first constitutional convention since 1787.

01-28-2017, 04:46 AM
Sorry folks, not gonna happen. California will forever be in its own state of mind, but never its own state.


Ever hear of "Brexit"?

never say never.

01-28-2017, 06:56 PM
Think of the savings for the rest of the U.S., and Puerto Rico can become the 50th star on the flag.

Imagine the savings when Trump doesn't need to worry about the COSTLY California stupidity.

By the way. It IS Legal for them to secede: http://www.constitution-billofrights.com/conclusions-recommendations/secession/

01-28-2017, 08:14 PM
I would so love to see this happen. Only so that the entire world could see them flounder and flop and fail. But truth is, even if they were granted this status, the fruits and nuts would still be there. With that said, I don't see the point.

01-28-2017, 08:38 PM
I would so love to see this happen. Only so that the entire world could see them flounder and flop and fail. But truth is, even if they were granted this status, the fruits and nuts would still be there. With that said, I don't see the point.
You've omitted Hollywood - Dream Factory. This may be a great loss for the remaining USA. (semi-joke)

01-28-2017, 10:45 PM
You've omitted Hollywood - Dream Factory. This may be a great loss for the remaining USA. (semi-joke)

It will never happen.

That is just liberal whiners insisting to get their way.
There are plenty of Republicans in that state that will fight
such a stupid move.

01-28-2017, 10:58 PM
It will never happen.

That is just liberal whiners insisting to get their way.
There are plenty of Republicans in that state that will fight
such a stupid move.

Frankly speaking I don't care. I'm just enjoying this liberal schizophrenia. Yours resemble ours so much as if all they were made according to the same templates. :laugh:

01-29-2017, 12:06 PM
It's the same type of malcontents that keep bringing the issue up in Texas. The vast majority of California residents are proud to be Americans. We will continue to run our state the way we see fit. It's the California way. Anyone who doesn't like it can move to Alaska. :cool:

01-29-2017, 12:22 PM
It's the same type of malcontents that keep bringing the issue up in Texas. The vast majority of California residents are proud to be Americans. We will continue to run our state the way we see fit. It's the California way.

Your state?

Which one - California or Texas?

Anyone who doesn't like it can move to Alaska. :cool:

Moonbats generally have no say in anything up here and are relentlessly mocked. Besides, this is no land for sissy crybabies.

01-29-2017, 02:54 PM
It's the same type of malcontents that keep bringing the issue up in Texas. The vast majority of California residents are proud to be Americans. We will continue to run our state the way we see fit. It's the California way. Anyone who doesn't like it can move to Alaska. :cool:

Exactly right gabby. So, when will the rest of you finally get the picture, and understand how those Malcontents, from the San Diego border with Mexico, all the way up to San Francisco, with the ELITES in Hollywood, and your butterfly Gov. that THEY ARE IN CHARGE?

I personally hope the malcontents OVERRULE the rest of you. The Liberal Sickness needs to be separated from the honest, truthful people who can't safely express themselves in CALIFORNICATION, because they fear retribution.Would you like to explain that?

01-29-2017, 03:35 PM
I always have to wonder about all the secession Movements.
They often seem pretty superficial and caused by some emotional or "tribal" mindset.

One of my 1st questions is OK so what happens to all the U.S. military bases in your new nation . And are you going to start your own army navy and air force from scratch? Is your new nation sending troops to Afghanistan etc?
I mean the U.S. military should NOT be used for your protection.
Also all military members from the seceding State would suddenly become Foreigners... and likely ILLEGAL Aliens.

For California there are several other issues
Gunny Mentioned Water.
Then there are all the PORTS. California is the U.S. Gate to the Asian goods by Sea. Are the ports U.S. property? Private? So do we have an extra set of tariffs and passports/papers China/Korea/Japan/etc to California then to the U.S.?

And then I guess Trump would have to build a wall along the California boarder as well... and make California pay for it!!

Many very good questions, revelarts.

What would they do without USCG presence? I know in the far NW of the state the
locals would be hard pressed to assist mariners, swimmers, surfers, kayakers, and coastal
hikers in distress.

These loons proposing this always fail to look at the 'Big Picture'. Until about 1987, San Fran did
not even have it's own marine patrol except for squad cars, and refused to take drunken boaters into
custody, leaving our boat crews to release them in spite of state law.

Long Beach was the same way. We'd have to get the Sheriff's out of Marina Del Rey or
the LA Port Police to respond.

San Fran is one up-f***ed city.

01-29-2017, 03:43 PM
Many very good questions, revelarts.

What would they do without USCG presence? I know in the far NW of the state the
locals would be hard pressed to assist mariners, swimmers, surfers, kayakers, and coastal
hikers in distress.

These loons proposing this always fail to look at the 'Big Picture'. Until about 1987, San Fran did
not even have it's own marine patrol except for squad cars, and refused to take drunken boaters into
custody, leaving our boat crews to release them in spite of state law.

Long Beach was the same way. We'd have to get the Sheriff's out of Marina Del Rey or
the LA Port Police to respond.

San Fran is one up-f***ed city.

Elessar. There's a good reason I call it "THAN FRAN THISCO". But, you nailed it.:laugh:

01-29-2017, 08:41 PM
It's the same type of malcontents that keep bringing the issue up in Texas. The vast majority of California residents are proud to be Americans. We will continue to run our state the way we see fit. It's the California way. Anyone who doesn't like it can move to Alaska. :cool:

Move to Alaska...Right!

When it got under 60F in Long Beach I would see people bundled up in winter overcoats,
mittens, scarves, wool hats.

Silly premise you posted.

01-29-2017, 10:11 PM
It's the same type of malcontents that keep bringing the issue up in Texas. The vast majority of California residents are proud to be Americans. We will continue to run our state the way we see fit. It's the California way. Anyone who doesn't like it can move to Alaska. :cool:
No chance! Even don't think so!
After the Crimea returned back to Russia, Putin's wife asked him to think about Alaska for a forthcoming winter season. :laugh: