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View Full Version : An incredible boy

01-28-2017, 12:30 AM
This is a 6 y.o. Russian boy who was born in China in Russian family. He knows 5 languages: Russian, Chinese, English, French and Spanish and is a member of Russian Chess team among Juniors. Besides, he is so versed in the intricacies of Chinese linguistics, that even has beaten the judges. He knows more than 500 Chinese idioms, so no wonder that he was a Prizewinner at the Chinese 'Show of Talents'. Yes, he is lucky to have such parents who so much simplified his future life. No translation is required. It is enough to follow the reaction of the audience. I really enjoyed this clip. Hope you will do too.
(It looks as if he has snake genes. He doesn't wink)


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2017, 10:35 AM
This is a 6 y.o. Russian boy who was born in China in Russian family. He knows 5 languages: Russian, Chinese, English, French and Spanish and is a member of Russian Chess team among Juniors. Besides, he is so versed in the intricacies of Chinese linguistics, that even has beaten the judges. He knows more than 500 Chinese idioms, so no wonder that he was a Prizewinner at the Chinese 'Show of Talents'. Yes, he is lucky to have such parents who so much simplified his future life. No translation is required. It is enough to follow the reaction of the audience. I really enjoyed this clip. Hope you will do too.
(It looks as if he has snake genes. He doesn't wink)


Truly amazing!!!
I wish this was translated into English.
In the late 1700's and early 1800's here in America , children in wealthy families, often were by age 10, if home schooled(by private tutors)were far more educated (often were by age 10), in Literature, the Arts , Math, History , Foreign languages, Philosophy than are the average college graduates of today..
Sad but true.........
Our public school system is now hellbent on producing government sanctioned, mind-controlled bots(thanks libs/dems), instead of intellectually advanced and mature adults that serve to better this nation and the world!--Tyr