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View Full Version : The hypocrisy of the anti-abortion movement...

02-03-2017, 06:28 AM
Sister Joan Chittister perfectly summed up the utter hypocrisy of the anti-abortion movement in 2004 interview with Bill Moyers.

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

I will believe the GOP, and their religious right base, are genuinely anti-abortion when age appropriate sex education is funded in schools. I will believe their rhetoric when women's access to birth control and emergency contraception is made easier, not more difficult under the false flag of "religious freedom". I will believe them when they stop trying to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, Head Start, WIC and other programs designed to ensure the children, out future, have the best chance possible for success.

02-03-2017, 07:32 AM
I will believe the GOP, and their religious right base, are genuinely anti-abortion when age appropriate sex education is funded in schools. I will believe their rhetoric when women's access to birth control and emergency contraception is made easier, not more difficult under the false flag of "religious freedom". I will believe them when they stop trying to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, Head Start, WIC and other programs designed to ensure the children, out future, have the best chance possible for success.

Flog that strawman, Bully! When you misrepresent those who disagree with you in order to make a failed and stereotypical "point" that is called logical fallacy.

You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack. (https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman)
By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate. (https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman)

Abbey Marie
02-03-2017, 08:18 AM
Flog that strawman, Bully! When you misrepresent those who disagree with you in order to make a failed and stereotypical "point" that is called logical fallacy.


Me: anti-abortion, and anti-feeding children. Yup, that's it. I won't be satisfied unless you starve those kids.

02-03-2017, 11:07 AM
Sister Joan Chittister perfectly summed up the utter hypocrisy of the anti-abortion movement in 2004 interview with Bill Moyers.

I will believe the GOP, and their religious right base, are genuinely anti-abortion when age appropriate sex education is funded in schools. I will believe their rhetoric when women's access to birth control and emergency contraception is made easier, not more difficult under the false flag of "religious freedom". I will believe them when they stop trying to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, Head Start, WIC and other programs designed to ensure the children, out future, have the best chance possible for success.

Funny so it's, 'I won't believe them Until they DO IT EXACTLY THE WAY I LIKE , and IN THE PROPORTION I LIKE IT.'
um Sure, thats a reasonable and realistic standard to hold people too. :rolleyes:

I'm reminded here of a minister that was on local radio call in show. He's Pro-Life and has worked for pro-life Laws.
A women called and made similar argument against his view. But he then Asked her , That Since he had personally adopted some kids, who were going to be aborted does she now believe he was sincere? She said that'd was nice but it's not enough.
Basically there's NO pleasing the left to make them believe that many on the right are sincere on this issue. No matter the number adoptions, single mom ministries, orphanages children's homes, foster care, baby clothing and food charity, Free day care services, counseling services, job training, Direct CASH gifts, Christian hospitals etc etc. It will never be enough to satisfy those that believe in GOV't instead of God.

Seems the lefts Idea is that the GOV'T is the ONLY REAL way to take care of troubled women and babies. And outside of that the ONLY other good option is to KILL the babies. a final solution.

Sorry It's not Hypocrisy to think that those aren't the only REAL options.
Shockingly some people DO sincerely believe that killing innocent children is wrong as a general principal in virtually ALL cases.
If some on the left can't understand that then they have a bigger problem than hypocrisy.

But Bully Seems to me it's hypocrisy that many on the left say they believe in science over religion and yet will pretend that a baby isn't a human for the sake of abortion.
Seems It's Hypocrisy to say they care for women and thelr human rights but promote the legality of killing innocent young women in the womb.
Seems It's Hypocrisy for some to say they care for women but won't speak out against or restrict low life abortion butchery of women that leave them, maimed, infertile or dead when it's discovered.
Seems It's hypocrisy for some to say that they care for women but don't speak out against abortion based on the sex of the child.
Seems It's hypocrisy for some to say they care for women but don't tell women of the studies that show that there is in fact an increased risk of breast cancer after abortions.
Seems it's hypocrisy for abortion providers to say they care for women but lie to them about selling their baby's body parts for profit.
Seems it's hypocrisy for abortion providers to say they care for women but lie to them about providing other women's services including pre-natal care when what they are primarily geared to do is provide abortions.

when they stop all that, and Abortions outright THEN i'll believe the rhetoric that left really cares about women.

02-03-2017, 11:11 AM
Damn, Rev, that was beautiful.
Nicely done! :clap:

02-03-2017, 11:40 AM
Damn, Rev, that was beautiful.
Nicely done! :clap:

Agreed. Had to rep him for it. Any drill instructor would be proud of that dressing down.

Abbey Marie
02-03-2017, 01:29 PM
Same here- rep for that post!