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View Full Version : Miami mayor orders jails to comply with crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties

02-03-2017, 02:28 PM
I saw a few of these around the country already, and it will continue. The snowflakes hope and act like the illegals will just stay put, and these cities will hold them at bay and it all has a happy ending. NOT! The money will rule the day, as will the LAW.


Miami-Dade mayor orders jails to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties

Fearing a loss of millions of dollars for defying immigration authorities, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez on Thursday ordered county jails to comply with federal immigration detention requests — effectively gutting the county’s position as a “sanctuary” for immigrants in the country illegally.

Gimenez cited an executive order signed Wednesday by President Donald Trump that threatened to cut federal grants for any counties or cities that don’t cooperate fully with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Since 2013, Miami-Dade has refused to indefinitely detain inmates who are in the country illegally and wanted by ICE — not based on principle, but because the federal government doesn’t fully reimburse the county for the expense.

“In light of the provisions of the Executive Order, I direct you and your staff to honor all immigration detainer requests received from the Department of Homeland Security,” Gimenez wrote Daniel Junior, the interim director of the corrections and rehabilitation department, in a brief, three-paragraph memo.

Unlike cities like San Francisco, Miami-Dade never declared itself a “sanctuary” and has resisted the label ever since the Justice Department listed the county as one in a May 2016 report. Foreseeing Trump’s crackdown on “sanctuary” jurisdictions, the county asked the feds to review its status last year. A decision is still pending.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article128984759.html#storylink=cpy

02-03-2017, 02:50 PM
Once the first round of withheld funds to these sanctuary cities goes out, we'll see a mad rush to help enforce federal law.

And that will be Grade A entertainment!