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View Full Version : FAKE NEWS: CNN Ties MILO to White Nationalists Despite Explicit Rejection of Racism

02-03-2017, 04:05 PM
They are doing the same with Bannon. It's been rejected and proven wrong many times over, but the left media doesn't care.


FAKE NEWS: CNN Ties MILO to White Nationalists Despite Explicit Rejection of Racism

CNN published an article and video about Breitbart Senior editor MILO Thursday which associated MILO with the alt-right and “white nationalist” and “anti-Semitic” activists despite his explicit rejection of them.
In a video piece accompanying an article headlined, “Milo Yiannopoulos is trying to convince colleges that hate speech is cool,” CNN states that MILO is on a mission to “take on the liberal college establishment, and he’s not the only one” before cutting to an interview with white nationalist Nathan Damigo. The video then shows clips from white nationalist Richard Spencer’s rallies and claims that Spencer’s planned college tour is inspired directly by MILO.

“Why are you seeking to associate me with these people?” MILO asked the CNN interviewer, who replied, “They associate themselves with you.”

“What you are seeking to do, by associating me with people who have odious and disgusting opinions, is suggest that I somehow in some way tacitly enable these people,” MILO replied. “I don’t. I don’t have unsavory opinions about skin color. F*ck you.”

CNN asked some of the students that invited MILO to UC Berkeley about their opinion on what MILO is doing in trying to “take down the ivory tower” of hyper-partisan college campuses, “they’re finally learning from the Democrats.” One student added, “it’s been years and years that they’ve controlled the university.”

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2017/02/02/fake-news-cnn-ties-milo-to-white-nationalists-despite-explicit-rejection-of-racism/

02-04-2017, 08:12 PM
Time for more laughs....?


02-04-2017, 11:36 PM
You are accusing CNN of "fake news" and using Breitbart as the source? :laugh2: That's like telling the victim of a dog attack that dogs don't bite. :rolleyes:
Meanwhile, Trump stands up for his misogynist, racist, anti-Semitic buddy by threatening Cal for choosing not to endorse hate speech.


Yiannopoulos is a disgusting, perverse, evil person who deserves to get hit by a truck. Respectable people hold him in contempt. Which explains why Trumpers and the alt-right love him so much.


02-04-2017, 11:41 PM
I find it absolutely hilarious that Milo is a raving homosexual and is the lead editor for Breitbart. Jim did you know you get your news from a flamboyant gay man?

02-04-2017, 11:44 PM
You are accusing CNN of "fake news" and using Breitbart as the source? :laugh2: That's like telling the victim of a dog attack that dogs don't bite. :rolleyes:
Meanwhile, Trump stands up for his misogynist, racist, anti-Semitic buddy by threatening Cal for choosing not to endorse hate speech.


Yiannopoulos is a disgusting, perverse, evil person who deserves to get hit by a truck. Respectable people hold him in contempt. Which explains why Trumpers and the alt-right love him so much.


Commondreams and Vox?? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Such a moonbat.

Oh, and when did you become homophobic, you bigot?

02-04-2017, 11:45 PM
I find it absolutely hilarious that Milo is a raving homosexual and is the lead editor for Breitbart. Jim did you know you get your news from a flamboyant gay man?

Well, at least that homo can still think straight.

What's your excuse?

02-04-2017, 11:47 PM
Oh, and when did you become homophobic, you bigot?

The fact that converse civilly with you proves I am not homophobic. :cool:

02-05-2017, 12:11 AM
The fact that converse civilly with you proves I am not homophobic. :cool:

Years of raging at conservatives because we're all automatically homophobic and gay bashers, and here you are bashing a conservative homo.

Seriously, is there anything you moonbats really stand for?

Gays good! Gays bad.

EOs good! EOs bad.

Checks and balances good! Checks and balances bad.

Electoral college good! Electoral college bad.

Banning terrorists good! Banning terrorists bad.

Judge Gorsuch good! Judge Gorsuch bad.

Droning terrorists good! Droning terrorists bad.

Presidential overreach good! Presidential overreach bad.

Filibuster good! Filibuster bad.

SCOTUS pick in election year good! SCOTUS pick in election year bad.

Seriously, you bunch of knuckleheads have no spine and flip flop according to the latest stupid college craze when it becomes fashionable in your bubbles. And those idiots are led by Soros.

Both of you, Gabby and Petey, should be old enough by now to have a couple of adult breakers kicking in. What the fuck, over?

Black Diamond
02-05-2017, 12:13 AM
Years of raging at conservatives because we're all automatically homophobic and gay bashers, and here you are bashing a conservative homo.

Seriously, is there anything you moonbats really stand for?

Gays good! Gays bad.

EOs good! EOs bad.

Checks and balances good! Checks and balances bad.

Electoral college good! Electoral college bad.

Banning terrorists good! Banning terrorists bad.

Judge Gorsuch good! Judge Gorsuch bad.

Droning terrorists good! Droning terrorists bad.

Presidential overreach good! Presidential overreach bad.

Seriously, you bunch of knuckleheads have no spine and flip flop according to the latest stupid college craze when it becomes fashionable in your bubbles. And those idiots are led by Soros.

Both of you, Gabby and Petey, should be old enough by now to have a couple of adult breakers kicking in. What the fuck, over?
They didn't see trump coming.

02-05-2017, 12:20 AM
They didn't see trump coming.

No question.

But I want to know how a functioning adult can get out of bed in the morning and go through the day with no inner sense of what they truly believe. These fuckers are all over the map.

Take Petey and Bully. They should have at least some amount of testosterone that demands masculine pride instead of going through life perpetually offended like some 12 year old girl - and those offenses that twist their panties so much have no effect from politician to politician.

Gabby is just plain psycho, and you can't apply logic to someone like that. I get that. But men behaving like preteen girls with no inner code is completely alien.

Black Diamond
02-05-2017, 12:37 AM
No question.

But I want to know how a functioning adult can get out of bed in the morning and go through the day with no inner sense of what they truly believe. These fuckers are all over the map.

Take Petey and Bully. They should have at least some amount of testosterone that demands masculine pride instead of going through life perpetually offended like some 12 year old girl - and those offenses that twist their panties so much have no effect from politician to politician.

Gabby is just plain psycho, and you can't apply logic to someone like that. I get that. But men behaving like preteen girls with no inner code is completely alien.
Snowflake is as snowflake does? I am sure they would be ok with Hillary's executive orders, had she won.

02-05-2017, 07:30 PM
I find it absolutely hilarious that Milo is a raving homosexual and is the lead editor for Breitbart. Jim did you know you get your news from a flamboyant gay man?

You're really funny pete. We all know..you are simply Jealous of Milo for getting more attention than you do, while hiding in your closet.
Who cares where the news comes from IF IT IS HONEST and FACTUAL?
Obviously....YOU DO!

02-05-2017, 07:43 PM
Yes, Pete, I'm quite aware of who Milo is, and have listened and read his stuff many times. I don't agree with him being a queer, but he's pretty much dead on with his political beliefs. Why, am I supposed to see him as a liar, because he is gay? Or that because he is gay - he doesn't fit the mold that many on the left have made up about Breitbart?

And then folks don't like what he has to say - so the "safe space" tolerating Berkeley idiots need to riot instead of letting him speak. Tolerant little snowflakes. They couldn't handle seeing a gay conservative coming to speak.

Black Diamond
02-05-2017, 07:47 PM
Yes, Pete, I'm quite aware of who Milo is, and have listened and read his stuff many times. I don't agree with him being a queer, but he's pretty much dead on with his political beliefs. Why, am I supposed to see him as a liar, because he is gay? Or that because he is gay - he doesn't fit the mold that many on the left have made up about Breitbart?

And then folks don't like what he has to say - so the "safe space" tolerating Berkeley idiots need to riot instead of letting him speak. Tolerant little snowflakes. They couldn't handle seeing a gay conservative coming to speak.
First trump beats crooked hillary, now a queer republican. They are like a four year old in the cereal aisle.

02-05-2017, 07:48 PM
I don't care about his sexuality, it's not my problem.

He was loudly anti-PC way before anyone else in public arena. His views are very inline with most of those that are in 'Log Cabin Republicans.'

What bothers Pete and other 'progressives' is that minorities that hold to most conservative principles are not vilified by the right, but embraced. While not embracing minority progressives, they are not denigrated for their minority status by most, but their ideas are. Just like the whites that espouse progressive agendas.

02-05-2017, 08:08 PM
Munches popcorn watching the flaming liberals throw their fits and spill their oatmeal.:popcorn: