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View Full Version : Romney: No regrets about criticizing Trump, but time to recognize his 'strong start'

02-05-2017, 06:14 PM
I have to wonder what he is sucking up to, and why and for what? I'm personally in favor of the start to this administration, but it just doesn't seem like the time is there for Romney to be stating as much, if you take into account his comments of last year of course.


Mitt Romney: No regrets about criticizing Trump, but time to recognize his 'strong start'

PARK CITY — Mitt Romney said Friday he has no regrets about criticizing then candidate Donald Trump in a stinging speech last year but now sees the new president as having "obviously gotten off to a very strong start."

Romney, the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2012, told the Deseret News that he wishes Trump well despite having labeled him a "fraud" and a "phony" in a University of Utah speech last March.

"I expressed honestly what my belief was with regards to temperament and character. Now the time has come for us to recognize we have a new president and we have hopes he will be successful leading our country," Romney said.

He declined to comment on whether his views of Trump's "personal nature" have changed during an interview before speaking at an event marking the 15th anniversary of the 2002 Winter Games at the Utah Olympic Park.

Romney, who took over Salt Lake City's Winter Games amid an international bribery scandal and helped make the two-week event one of the most successful Olympics ever, hinted he may not be done with politics yet.

"I don't have any predictions on what I might do. I'm not going to open a door and I'm not going to close a door. All doors are open," Romney said after mentioning the 2018 Senate race.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, first elected in 1976, has not yet said whether he will run for re-election, but other potential candidates, including former Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., have already surfaced.

One of Romney's five sons, Josh, has also been mentioned as a possible Senate candidate, although Josh Romney has said he is "strongly considering" a run for Utah governor in 2020.

"I'm not looking forward to anything political at the national level," Mitt Romney said. "We've got some races coming up here in Utah that are going to be interesting. We'll see what happens on that front."

Romney said Trump may not have been his pick for president, but shouldn't be judged just yet.

"The campaign is over," Romney said. "I think we come together with hope. And there are encouraging signs on a number of fronts and I’m holding on to those at this stage."

While there have been "some bumps in the road" for Trump, Romney said the new president has stayed true to the commitments he made as a candidate, signing a slew of executive orders on immigration and other issues.

"We're all watching with interest. He’s obviously gotten off to a very strong start in terms of making a series of executive orders and making the changes that he promised during the campaign," Romney said.

Trump is proving wrong those who "wondered whether he would abandon his agenda. He has not. He has pursued it with vigor," Romney said. He added at this point he is hopeful America's interests will be enhanced by the new president.

And so far, Romney said, Trump has appointed "good people" to serve in his administration. He praised the president's choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch, as "superb."

Romney also said he didn't regret being considered by the president to serve as secretary of state. The job went to former Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson after a high-profile search that included a dinner meeting between Romney and Trump.

Rest here - http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865672567/Mitt-Romney-No-regrets-about-criticizing-Trump-but-time-to-recognize-his-strong-start.html

02-06-2017, 01:02 AM
Mittens is getting ready to run for the Senate.

The first order of business is to see if he can erase his indiscretions... he's dipping a toe in the water to see how many people are still pissed at him for the attempted torpedoing.