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View Full Version : Are you disgusted?

Abbey Marie
02-08-2017, 08:32 PM
I sure am. The partisan craziness since Trump was elected is getting to me. It feels like sanity and decency has left our nation. All the protesting and screaming and destructiveness. And lying by the media. Women using words and symbols that would make a sailor blush. People wanting improperly vetted Muslims to flood our country. People wanting illegals flooding our country and then using up our taxpayer funded benefits. People wanting unrestricted abortion on demand. People who don't care one bit about abortionists selling aborted baby parts. And on and on it goes.

If it wasn't for my family and DP, I think I might totally give up.

Seriously, how do you all cope?

Black Diamond
02-08-2017, 08:41 PM
I have lost respect for people I had previously respected. People have gone in directions I never thought possible.

It is unbelievable.

02-08-2017, 08:46 PM
If any of things you listed were actually happening, I would be disgusting. But since they aren't, I'm not. Trump is president and that is the only thing that matters.

02-08-2017, 08:48 PM
If any of things you listed were actually happening, I would be disgusting. But since they aren't, I'm not. Trump is president and that is the only thing that matters.

No, rest assured, you're quite disgusting.

Abbey Marie
02-08-2017, 08:55 PM
If any of things you listed were actually happening, I would be disgusting. But since they aren't, I'm not. Trump is president and that is the only thing that matters.

Everything I mentioned is happening or about to happen. It must be so much easier to be liberal in a way. It certainly it is where I live.

Black Diamond
02-08-2017, 08:57 PM
If any of things you listed were actually happening, I would be disgusting. But since they aren't, I'm not. Trump is president and that is the only thing that matters.
You were disgusting before trump announced his candidacy, you were disguting during the campaign, and you're disgusting now. At least you are consistent.

Black Diamond
02-08-2017, 08:59 PM
Everything I mentioned is happening or about to happen. It must be so much easier to be liberal in a way. It certainly it is where I live.
I don't know if it's easier. They lost.

02-08-2017, 09:20 PM
I sure am. The partisan craziness since Trump was elected is getting to me. It feels like sanity and decency has left our nation. All the protesting and screaming and destructiveness. And lying by the media. Women using words and symbols that would make a sailor blush. People wanting improperly vetted Muslims to flood our country. People wanting illegals flooding our country and then using up our taxpayer funded benefits. People wanting unrestricted abortion on demand. People who don't care one bit about abortionists selling aborted baby parts. And on and on it goes.

If it wasn't for my family and DP, I think I might totally give up.

Seriously, how do you all cope?

I find it disheartening reading a lot of people just won't let it go, Trump won. Then again, I find it's not helping that no matter what he says or how he says it, his supporters get behind it. I've been reading about his opinion on property forfeiture, I mean who needs due process, right? The left is for a more rigorous 10th and the right is saying the hell with due process. Neither is listening to each other.

Yeah, I'm disgusted.

02-08-2017, 09:46 PM
I sure am. The partisan craziness since Trump was elected is getting to me. It feels like sanity and decency has left our nation. All the protesting and screaming and destructiveness. And lying by the media. Women using words and symbols that would make a sailor blush. People wanting improperly vetted Muslims to flood our country. People wanting illegals flooding our country and then using up our taxpayer funded benefits. People wanting unrestricted abortion on demand. People who don't care one bit about abortionists selling aborted baby parts. And on and on it goes.

If it wasn't for my family and DP, I think I might totally give up.

Seriously, how do you all cope?

I tend to laugh at them is my way of coping. They got so used to being pampered with Obama in the lead
and the last two years of GWB's term under Democratic control of the Congress that they grew spoiled.

Cry-babies that have not yet pulled up their adult briefs and ditched the Pampers, Huggies, and Pull-ups.

Black Diamond
02-08-2017, 09:53 PM
I tend to laugh at them is my way of coping. They got so used to being pampered with Obama in the lead
and the last two years of GWB's term under Democratic control of the Congress that they grew spoiled.

Cry-babies that have not yet pulled up their adult briefs and ditched the Pampers, Huggies, and Pull-ups.
This is pretty much my reaction to them. But I think the element of surprise has them reeling.

02-08-2017, 10:04 PM
This is pretty much my reaction to them. But I think the element of surprise has them reeling.

Add to that the element of being shown they are not automatically entitled to anything that
other LEGAL citizens are not allowed.

02-08-2017, 10:12 PM
But, the laughing, and always trying to make others smile, instead of being negative all the time is...HEALTHY. It's still easier to smile than Frown.
When everybody learns to remember...NOBODY ELSE really cares what you think. The better it will be, and we can enjoy life.:saluting2:

02-08-2017, 10:14 PM
I sure am. The partisan craziness since Trump was elected is getting to me. It feels like sanity and decency has left our nation. All the protesting and screaming and destructiveness. And lying by the media. Women using words and symbols that would make a sailor blush. People wanting improperly vetted Muslims to flood our country. People wanting illegals flooding our country and then using up our taxpayer funded benefits. People wanting unrestricted abortion on demand. People who don't care one bit about abortionists selling aborted baby parts. And on and on it goes.

If it wasn't for my family and DP, I think I might totally give up.

Seriously, how do you all cope?

Well, I would say that I cope by not being an American citizen in the first place !!

If only it were that simple, though. We may not have our version of a Donald Trump, but we DO have a pernicious Left which fights tooth and nail to get its way. Brexit is a fairly good example. Our Left would've denied us the Referendum on EU membership, if they'd had their way. But they didn't, so, Brexit happened. The main source of opposition to the democratic vote of Brexit, since it occurred, has come from the Left.

Your Lefties hate losing to a democratic vote that doesn't go their way. Ours are the same. Both yours and ours will show a disgusting lack of respect for democratic decision-making when they think it suits them.

They want to get their way, be it on abortion, Muslim appeasement, Referenda, you-name-it. They're happy when they manage it. Deny Lefties their preferred social outcomes, though, and the truly ANTI democratic nature of them surfaces, sometimes in the ugliest of ways.

Lefties have disgusted me for a very long while, though. The sooner Socialist thinking is consigned to the same dustbin of history that NATIONAL Socialism (Nazism) now is, the better.

02-08-2017, 10:26 PM
Master Drummond, I used to consider myself a moderate. But the last 10 years have
really hardened me against liberals and their childish ways.

Not a Tea Party fan, either. I don't go along with tagging like that. I't is just that
some spoiled liberals cannot accept that others oppose their views of mastering
a whole nation under RULE rather than Govern-ship.

You do not 'Rule' a Democratic Republic. You Govern it.

Let them cry in their safe places.

02-09-2017, 09:40 AM
Master @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287), I used to consider myself a moderate. But the last 10 years have
really hardened me against liberals and their childish ways.

Not a Tea Party fan, either. I don't go along with tagging like that. I't is just that
some spoiled liberals cannot accept that others oppose their views of mastering
a whole nation under RULE rather than Govern-ship.

You do not 'Rule' a Democratic Republic. You Govern it.

Let them cry in their safe places.

I identify with that very readily.

In my case, I initially WAS a Leftie .. when I was a teenager. What they said, looked fine .. in theory. Trouble was, the reality never did meet the vision (.. to put it mildly). What I saw, in my society, was Left-led Unions meting out havoc to businesses, public services, making life hell for the ordinary citizen. Try looking up 'Winter of Discontent', and you'll learn of the wave after wave of crippling strikes we suffered, in 1979-1980.

THAT was the reality (and the backdrop to Margaret Thatcher being elected). She did the only thing possible, passed tough new laws to curb their activities, then backed it with an iron will to never submit to their militancy.

Had the Unions won out, had Mrs Thatcher never been elected, today we'd be a basket case of a country, very possibly with our entire manufacturing infrastructure smashed. So, today, I'm a staunch Conservative. I actually KNOW better than to be anything else.

None of this is theory for me. I KNOW I'm right. There's absolutely no question about it. In my world, it isn't a case of moderation versus militancy, but sheer decent commonsense overcoming deluded, possibly even mentally ill positions (in some cases I think that's true .. the Labour leader always looks barking mad ... !).

02-09-2017, 11:01 AM
I sure am. The partisan craziness since Trump was elected is getting to me.

Yes, but not because of partisanship.

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 11:02 AM
Yes, but not because of partisanship.

Why don't you start a thread to express your opinion?

02-09-2017, 11:04 AM
Why don't you start a thread to express your opinion?

Why? I just expressed my opinion in this one.

02-09-2017, 11:51 AM
Why don't you start a thread to express your opinion?

Much safer to passive-aggressive snipe via insinuation without really stating a position.

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 11:52 AM
Why? I just expressed my opinion in this one.

Let me help you- this is a thread about being disgusted with current events. Apparently what you want is a thread about how it isn't logical to be disgusted by things as described. Go on, fj- start a thread! Tell us how you feel about something. Anything.

02-09-2017, 02:06 PM
Let me help you- this is a thread about being disgusted with current events. Apparently what you want is a thread about how it isn't logical to be disgusted by things as described. Go on, fj- start a thread! Tell us how you feel about something. Anything.

I don't need any help. I already told you that I was disgusted. No new thread necessary. :)

What you folks apparently like is threads whose only purpose is to be disgusted, in this case, very specifically which is apparently why there are a multitude of virtually similar topics.

02-09-2017, 02:07 PM
Much safer to passive-aggressive snipe via insinuation without really stating a position.

I like my passive-aggressiveness grounded in fact. ;)

02-09-2017, 02:23 PM
I like my passive-aggressiveness grounded in fact. ;)

Bro, you got called out. By a chick. Man your line. I'm LMAO. When you decide to step in it, you sure as Hell step in it. And here I thought you were smart.

When Abs actually gets ticked off, you just find a place to hide, Einstein. But N-O-O-O you have to go poking the mama bear. I'm STILL laughing. Luck. Dork.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

02-09-2017, 02:33 PM
Bro, you got called out. By a chick. Man your line. I'm LMAO. When you decide to step in it, you sure as Hell step in it. And here I thought you were smart.

When Abs actually gets ticked off, you just find a place to hide, Einstein. But N-O-O-O you have to go poking the mama bear. I'm STILL laughing. Luck. Dork.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

You too can join the club - just post something FACTUAL and positive about Trump. :)

02-09-2017, 02:50 PM
You too can join the club - just post something FACTUAL and positive about Trump. :)

I'm not even concerned about Trump. He hasn't done anything to piss me off yet; which. differentiates him from Obama's first week in office. I'm just LMAO at the inability to read people. Abbey never says anything about anything. She's a girl. She posts a thread making a definitive statement.

Let's pick a pissed off chick to screw with. I'd rather fight a dragon. Girls are mean when they're mad.

02-09-2017, 02:54 PM
I'm not even concerned about Trump. He hasn't done anything to piss me off yet; which. differentiates him from Obama's first week in office. I'm just LMAO at the inability to read people. Abbey never says anything about anything. She's a girl. She posts a thread making a definitive statement.

Let's pick a pissed off chick to screw with. I'd rather fight a dragon. Girls are mean when they're mad.

I'll give Trump a B- thus far - only because of the way the ban was presented, the leaks & his odd comments at times.

But, with that said, I STILL want a non-pc president... It's possible that announcing the ban may have created as much chaos if folks knew it was coming....

02-09-2017, 03:20 PM
I'll give Trump a B- thus far - only because of the way the ban was presented, the leaks & his odd comments at times.

But, with that said, I STILL want a non-pc president... It's possible that announcing the ban may have created as much chaos if folks knew it was coming....

I actually have paid little attention to Trump. Try dying and being brought back to life. I just try to look at the bright and funny side of things. The countless hours of laughter the left had provided me with all their BS is priceless. You can't take THAT away. Crying and whining -- making up sh*t. You GOT to be doing something right to get that reaction.:laugh2:

I'm just laughing at FJ. Let's see ... how do I get to get the entire male membership to rain down on my ass? Oh, I'll pick a fight with Abs. Mission accomplished. Dumbass. Don't pick on our ladies. They are my friends and I WILL take it personally.

Black Diamond
02-09-2017, 03:24 PM
I'll give Trump a B- thus far - only because of the way the ban was presented, the leaks & his odd comments at times.

But, with that said, I STILL want a non-pc president... It's possible that announcing the ban may have created as much chaos if folks knew it was coming....
I think trump learns quickly. I.e. He will learn from the mistake of the travel ban rollout. People continue to underestimate him, which puts trump at an advantage imo

02-09-2017, 03:26 PM
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q2R2btO4MEo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-09-2017, 03:39 PM
I think trump learns quickly. I.e. He will learn from the mistake of the travel ban rollout. People continue to underestimate him, which puts trump at an advantage imo

I will agree with that assessment. I still am waiting to see the numbers or opinions on how how he won. He had no chance and I supported almost everyone else except him. Best I can figure, people just hated Hitlery more.

Be that as it may, he's President. And not a lefty. The left is going to lie about and malign his ass at every chance. Too bad they won't just leave the country like they keep threatening to. Hell, that would get rid of more people that don't deserve to be here than deporting illegals.

Trump gets his chance with me. Period. Same as anyone else. All the crybabies can go do something anatomically incorrect to themselves. BUT .. I AM getting countless hours of entertainment out of watching these so called "superior" thinking babies toss their little ba-ba's around.:laugh:

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 03:46 PM
I don't need any help. I already told you that I was disgusted. No new thread necessary. :)

What you folks apparently like is threads whose only purpose is to be disgusted, in this case, very specifically which is apparently why there are a multitude of virtually similar topics.

Well, gee, eff, when the thread TITLE is "Are you disgusted?", I would say yes, that is the purpose of the thread. Any members who feel similarly can and did contribute. Or they can feel free to opine that they are not disgusted with the left and current events, and we can discuss why. This is not rocket science.

What I prefer they not do is nit pick one word or sentence, miss the entire forest for the trees and derail the discussion. And if that one goal is truly important, one can, as I've suggested, always start a thread about it. Maybe something titled like, I dunno, "Trump is an ass and those who hate him are not hating him because they are partisan".

Whether or not there are "virtually similar" topics is of no concern to me when I start a thread. And shouldn't be of concern to you, either. Anything truly identical is merged by staff.

Perhaps you are suggesting that I first re-read the whole board, and not post on a topic that has been covered in any similar way?

As a wise Asian ruler once said, I will consider it forever. :poke:

02-09-2017, 03:51 PM
Still cannot figure out why some need to pick at one scab and not open their own thread.

It's not like an Admin cannot express an opinion.

Open your own board FJ and pack it with similar people that prefer cut and paste
and one line retorts with no substance

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 03:54 PM
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q2R2btO4MEo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Dear lord, *it acts like that, and I have to have the heart attack?

(*I seriously cannot tell the gender of this fool)

Black Diamond
02-09-2017, 03:55 PM
Dear lord, *it acts like that, and I have to have the heart attack?

(*I seriously cannot tell the gender of this fool)
I wondered the same thing.

02-09-2017, 04:00 PM
Still cannot figure out why some need to pick at one scab and not open their own thread.

Last thread? Nitpicking in favor of Shrillary, that the electoral college is antiquated. Anyone surprised?

02-09-2017, 04:12 PM
Still cannot figure out why some need to pick at one scab and not open their own thread.

It's not like an Admin cannot express an opinion.

Open your own board FJ and pack it with similar people that prefer cut and paste
and one line retorts with no substance

THAT annoys the sh*t out of me. We're staff members so we can't post? We aren't entitled to an opinion? Gee. So what we can do is babysit, right? I'm a contributing member of this board. So is the rest of the staff. If you look, we post more than anyone else. And how many of us do you see running around threatening others? Oh yeah ... none.

We act and react the same as everyone else. If Abs wants a thread, she's as as entitled as any other member to start one. It doesn't say "I'm Abbey the Admin and you have to agree with me". If it came down to disagreement and being staff, I'd have already run over Jim in my truck and kathianne would have shot me by now.

And anyone that wants to argue this point with me? Feel free to start your own thread. Otherwise, stick to the topic of this one.

Black Diamond
02-09-2017, 04:15 PM
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q2R2btO4MEo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Midway through election night:


02-09-2017, 04:27 PM
Dear lord, *it acts like that, and I have to have the heart attack?

(*I seriously cannot tell the gender of this fool)

Does it matter? :laugh:

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 04:36 PM
Does it matter? :laugh:

I guess not much, lol. Only in order to use the correct pronoun. :cool:

Black Diamond
02-09-2017, 04:47 PM
I guess not much, lol. Only in order to use the correct pronoun. :cool:

02-09-2017, 04:52 PM
I guess not much, lol. Only in order to use the correct pronoun. :cool:

I think the proper nomenclature for said topic is "it". It must be sad to be both fugly and dumber than a brick. And I bet the loser's got a date. :bang3: It'll probably procreate outside the abortion clinic in the parking lot where it works. The gene pool is trying to hide.:laugh:

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 05:03 PM
So, back to the topic at hand- are you disgusted.

Our local ABC news affiliate now includes a day time cut away to an ABC National news "correspondent" for the sole purpose of discussing whatever Trump did that day.
This is done every day, and is always in such a way as to make Trump look bad. Strictly negative, critical comments are presented, usually by some Dem politician. How can any young person maintain a fair and open attitude about Trump?

Is this happening on your local news station too? I do not recall it being done when Obama was Prez. This level of one-sided ( best turn away now, fj) "partisan" news seems just a couple of steps away from that of a Communist regime's choke-hold on the news. Thank goodness we still have the Internet.

Black Diamond
02-09-2017, 05:07 PM
So, back to the topic at hand- are you disgusted.

Our local ABC news affiliate now includes a day time cut away to an ABC National news "correspondent" for the sole purpose of discussing whatever Trump did that day.
This is done every day, and is always in such a way as to make Trump look bad. Strictly negative, critical comments are presented, usually by some Dem politician. How can any young person maintain a fair and open attitude about Trump?

Is this happening on your local news station too? I do not recall it being done when Obama was Prez. This level of one-sided ( best turn away now, fj) "partisan" news seems just a couple of steps away from that of a Communist regime's choke-hold on the news. Thank goodness we still have the Internet.
I don't watch local television. There is going to be squealing for 8 years.

02-09-2017, 05:09 PM
Bro, you got called out. By a chick. Man your line. I'm LMAO. When you decide to step in it, you sure as Hell step in it. And here I thought you were smart.

When Abs actually gets ticked off, you just find a place to hide, Einstein. But N-O-O-O you have to go poking the mama bear. I'm STILL laughing. Luck. Dork.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

That post wasn't direct at her. :slap:

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 05:14 PM
I don't watch local television. There is going to be squealing for 8 years.

The problem, there is no escaping it, at least in my blue state.

At my recent heart health support group one of the group leaders, while running the lecture, mocked Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts" comment. And then one of the other women in the group told a story about knitting "pussycat hats", and how she marched in the D.C. womens' march.

And here I thought we were all there to talk about our heart issues. Silly me.

I believe I have earned my right to be disgusted, though some here may say I haven't.

02-09-2017, 05:15 PM
Well, gee, eff, when the thread TITLE is "Are you disgusted?", I would say yes, that is the purpose of the thread. Any members who feel similarly can and did contribute. Or they can feel free to opine that they are not disgusted with the left and current events, and we can discuss why. This is not rocket science.

What I prefer they not do is nit pick one word or sentence, miss the entire forest for the trees and derail the discussion. And if that one goal is truly important, one can, as I've suggested, always start a thread about it. Maybe something titled like, I dunno, "Trump is an ass and those who hate him are not hating him because they are partisan".

Whether or not there are "virtually similar" topics is of no concern to me when I start a thread. And shouldn't be of concern to you, either. Anything truly identical is merged by staff.

Perhaps you are suggesting that I first re-read the whole board, and not post on a topic that has been covered in any similar way?

As a wise Asian ruler once said, I will consider it forever. :poke:

I snipped the OP for brevity, not to nit pick. I answered your question; why the complaints?

Still cannot figure out why some need to pick at one scab and not open their own thread.

It's not like an Admin cannot express an opinion.

Open your own board FJ and pack it with similar people that prefer cut and paste
and one line retorts with no substance

You do realize that this particular board seems to be populated with a majority who share a similar opinion and who prefer to cut and paste don't you? I expect that you don't.

Last thread? Nitpicking in favor of Shrillary, that the electoral college is antiquated. Anyone surprised?

You do know that the thread you reference was satire don't you?

02-09-2017, 05:19 PM
THAT annoys the sh*t out of me. We're staff members so we can't post?

Who is even making this argument. :dunno:

So, back to the topic at hand- are you disgusted.

Our local ABC news affiliate now includes a day time cut away to an ABC National news "correspondent" for the sole purpose of discussing whatever Trump did that day.
This is done every day, and is always in such a way as to make Trump look bad. Strictly negative, critical comments are presented, usually by some Dem politician. How can any young person maintain a fair and open attitude about Trump?

Is this happening on your local news station too? I do not recall it being done when Obama was Prez. This level of one-sided ( best turn away now, fj) "partisan" news seems just a couple of steps away from that of a Communist regime's choke-hold on the news. Thank goodness we still have the Internet.

You seem confused. I like partisanship.

Black Diamond
02-09-2017, 05:37 PM
The problem, there is no escaping it, at least in my blue state.

At my recent heart health support group one of the group leaders, while running the lecture, mocked Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts" comment. And then one of the other women in the group told a story about knitting "pussycat hats", and how she marched in the D.C. womens' march.

And here I thought we were all there to talk about our heart issues. Silly me.

I believe I have earned my right to be disgusted, though some here may say I haven't.
Oh I have run into things with church members. Worship pastor spent time in prayer this morning and wants us to consider what Jesus would do with refugees and is saying what white evangelicals should be doing better. (This is all on Facebook). Now if he hadn't mocked trump the last two years I may not have seen right through it, but I probably would have. Church and candidate bashing don't mix. You'll piss off half the congregation.

02-09-2017, 06:15 PM
I find I am more disgusted with every day that passes, how our entire nation seems to be headed for the GREAT TOILET FLUSH, when it comes to the lower, if any, educational standards being preached on College campuses, and even K thru 12 today.

I am disgusted to realize..far too many Adults, and Children are so uninformed, and UNDER-educated today. Few of them even know what Benjamin Franklin once said about OUR NATION, and how it Will, or Won't survive....
And, if many of them even understand, or comprehend what Franklin said.

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Abbey Marie
02-09-2017, 07:02 PM
Who is even making this argument. :dunno:

You seem confused. I like partisanship.

Yes, fj, you like everything. I always think that you are the most agreeable person on the board. :)

02-09-2017, 07:38 PM
I think trump learns quickly. I.e. He will learn from the mistake of the travel ban rollout. People continue to underestimate him, which puts trump at an advantage imo

He might learn a form of lesson ... one grounded in a newly-perceived reality of the strength and extent of opposition possible against him.

But in my view, in this case, he has nothing else to learn. You have a dynamic President in charge, one who'll do all it takes to represent the best interests of the American people.

You just couldn't wish for better ... especially as Trump is absolutely correct in his thinking !!

02-09-2017, 08:05 PM
THAT annoys the sh*t out of me. We're staff members so we can't post? We aren't entitled to an opinion? Gee. So what we can do is babysit, right? I'm a contributing member of this board. So is the rest of the staff. If you look, we post more than anyone else. And how many of us do you see running around threatening others? Oh yeah ... none.

We act and react the same as everyone else. If Abs wants a thread, she's as as entitled as any other member to start one. It doesn't say "I'm Abbey the Admin and you have to agree with me". If it came down to disagreement and being staff, I'd have already run over Jim in my truck and kathianne would have shot me by now.

And anyone that wants to argue this point with me? Feel free to start your own thread. Otherwise, stick to the topic of this one.

You know full well where I am coming from, Gunny.

Staff can comment and do as they wish opening topics. To do otherwise
restricts them as members.

I just hate to see people thinking that staff cannot participate or comment according to some
narrow-minded members.

02-09-2017, 08:10 PM
So, back to the topic at hand- are you disgusted.

Our local ABC news affiliate now includes a day time cut away to an ABC National news "correspondent" for the sole purpose of discussing whatever Trump did that day.
This is done every day, and is always in such a way as to make Trump look bad. Strictly negative, critical comments are presented, usually by some Dem politician. How can any young person maintain a fair and open attitude about Trump?

Is this happening on your local news station too? I do not recall it being done when Obama was Prez. This level of one-sided ( best turn away now, fj) "partisan" news seems just a couple of steps away from that of a Communist regime's choke-hold on the news. Thank goodness we still have the Internet.

I cannot stand the liberal MSM...they do not report news. They report opinion, thinking they are almost all
some brilliant political genius. No humility in them.

02-10-2017, 10:01 AM
Yes, fj, you like everything. I always think that you are the most agreeable person on the board. :)

I don't like everything. I said I like partisanship especially when it is combined with logical argument and reasoned discussion.

You know full well where I am coming from, Gunny.

Staff can comment and do as they wish opening topics. To do otherwise
restricts them as members.

I just hate to see people thinking that staff cannot participate or comment according to some
narrow-minded members.

Who is making this argument? :confused:

02-10-2017, 10:12 AM
You know full well where I am coming from, Gunny.

Staff can comment and do as they wish opening topics. To do otherwise
restricts them as members.

I just hate to see people thinking that staff cannot participate or comment according to some
narrow-minded members.

Sure I know where you are coming from. I was commenting on the situation, not what you posted. I just tend to hit the respond button as a default.

Abbey Marie
02-10-2017, 10:16 AM
I don't like everything. I said I like partisanship especially when it is combined with logical argument and reasoned discussion.

The definition of logical argument and reasoned discussion being whatever you happen to believe. :)

02-10-2017, 10:20 AM
The definition of logical argument and reasoned discussion being whatever you happen to believe. :)

:confused: No. Logical argument and reasoned discussion would be universally defined... I would hope. IMO that is the best way to take down liberal/big-government arguments. :)

02-10-2017, 10:22 AM
Who is even making this argument. :dunno:

You seem confused. I like partisanship.

Don't EVEN try to cherrypick my words. f*cker. You're not even smart enough to let a woman vent. I will bow down in homage to you though. I thought I was dumb about chicks. I'm handing over the title belt. You got me beat, knucklehead. Even I am smart enough to walk away from that.

02-10-2017, 10:27 AM
Don't EVEN try to cherrypick my words. f*cker. You're not even smart enough to let a woman vent. I will bow down in homage to you though. I thought I was dumb about chicks. I'm handing over the title belt. You got me beat, knucklehead. Even I am smart enough to walk away from that.

I get it now. Me asking you questions regarding phantom arguments is heretofore defined as "cherrypicking." :thumb:

02-10-2017, 10:39 AM
I get it now. Me asking you questions regarding phantom arguments is heretofore defined as "cherrypicking." :thumb:

No, you DON'T get it. One, taking words out of context is dishonest. You know that as well as do. Don't try stripping MY sentences. You're screwing with the wrong person.

Two, you're a dumbass when it comes to people. How long have you been on this board? How many times have you see Abbey vent since you have been on this board? Add in the girl factor.

Yeah, you're just s f-ing genius. You going to re-invent the wheel sometime today? The one I have is round and works fine but I await with baited breath for your new creation.

02-10-2017, 10:42 AM
No, you DON'T get it. One, taking words out of context is dishonest. You know that as well as do. Don't try stripping MY sentences. You're screwing with the wrong person.

Two, you're a dumbass when it comes to people. How long have you been on this board? How many times have you see Abbey vent since you have been on this board? Add in the girl factor.

Yeah, you're just s f-ing genius. You going to re-invent the wheel sometime today? The one I have is round and works fine but I await with baited breath for your new creation.

I have no idea where that rant came from so whatevs. :)

02-10-2017, 10:53 AM
I have no idea where that rant came from so whatevs. :)

I see you wanted to be right about something. You are correct. You have no idea. As I said, the title is yours. I thought I was dumb about girls but you have achieved a higher level than I could never not understand. You got me feeling like a genius right now.

02-10-2017, 11:00 AM
I see you wanted to be right about something. You are correct. You have no idea. As I said, the title is yours. I thought I was dumb about girls but you have achieved a higher level than I could never not understand. You got me feeling like a genius right now.

It doesn't seem to take much. I never suggested that she couldn't rant and I never suggested that mods can't start threads or have opinions. Those are two things you somehow think I said. :dunno:

02-10-2017, 11:19 AM
It doesn't seem to take much. I never suggested that she couldn't rant and I never suggested that mods can't start threads or have opinions. Those are two things you somehow think I said. :dunno:

I believe it's likely because of you many times commenting about "similar threads" and what not, and usually towards a staff member, as if there is something wrong with what or how they posted.

02-10-2017, 11:47 AM
It doesn't seem to take much. I never suggested that she couldn't rant and I never suggested that mods can't start threads or have opinions. Those are two things you somehow think I said. :dunno:

I never suggested any such thing. If you look, my response was to elessar and is situational, not personal. I knew he'd know where I was coming from because he had his own board and a leadership positions. Then you had to stick your d*ck in and prove you are dumber about girls than I am. That's going some, bubba. Being dumber about girls than me is like being Neil Armstrong -- 1st man on the moon.

Now THAT you can take personally because it's directed solely at you. I comment on what is there and I don't run peoples' threads/comments through the chop shop when I do. And I don't try to prove what I don't know trying to play brain games with my betters. Seriously, I've just been LMAO at you. You hosed yourself here. Did you think for a second I wasn't sitting around waiting for you to f*ck up? I play your game better than you do.

02-10-2017, 02:27 PM
I believe it's likely because of you many times commenting about "similar threads" and what not, and usually towards a staff member, as if there is something wrong with what or how they posted.

Then they would be wrong because that was a response to a comment on there apparently being something wrong with what or how I post.

I play your game better than you do.

OK. Have a great day G.

02-10-2017, 03:37 PM
Then they would be wrong because that was a response to a comment on there apparently being something wrong with what or how I post.

OK. Have a great day G.

Don't be so forlorn sounding. I'm getting a total chuckle from this. I've been laughing at you for 2 days. This is better than those Red Skelton videos I was going to order. Well maybe. Hard to beat Red. But you're pegging the goof meter, dude. And I am not the one that stepped in the kimche bubba. You're damned right I'm going to laugh at you being the one trouble.:slap:

That means it's not me. For now.

02-10-2017, 04:23 PM
I never suggested any such thing. If you look, my response was to elessar and is situational, not personal. I knew he'd know where I was coming from because he had his own board and a leadership positions.

If I take something as being personal, the individual will be the first to know.

FJ...you are always all over the map. Never definite, rarely specific, and rarely back up your one-liners.
My point is that this staff has an equal right to open a topic or respond just as any other member.

Some do tend to lay back and watch the fur fly. That's what Mods and Admins do. I've been put in my
place a couple of times, and I accept that. It's not that hard.

02-12-2017, 12:38 PM
Don't be so forlorn sounding. I'm getting a total chuckle from this. I've been laughing at you for 2 days. This is better than those Red Skelton videos I was going to order. Well maybe. Hard to beat Red. But you're pegging the goof meter, dude. And I am not the one that stepped in the kimche bubba. You're damned right I'm going to laugh at you being the one trouble.:slap:

That means it's not me. For now.

Still not entirely sure what you think you're seeing but I might have put my finger on the issue; My purpose here is not to foment harmony and agreement. ;)

If I take something as being personal, the individual will be the first to know.

FJ...you are always all over the map. Never definite, rarely specific, and rarely back up your one-liners.
My point is that this staff has an equal right to open a topic or respond just as any other member.

Some do tend to lay back and watch the fur fly. That's what Mods and Admins do. I've been put in my
place a couple of times, and I accept that. It's not that hard.

Clearly you do not pay attention to what is posted. Perhaps if you would actually engage in discussion as opposed to seeking out those who reinforce your preconceived notions. And I'll repeat, no one has suggested that staff does not have an equal right to open a topic or respond to any other member; that is fiction you've created.

02-12-2017, 01:30 PM
Still not entirely sure what you think you're seeing but I might have put my finger on the issue; My purpose here is not to foment harmony and agreement. ;)

Clearly you do not pay attention to what is posted. Perhaps if you would actually engage in discussion as opposed to seeking out those who reinforce your preconceived notions. And I'll repeat, no one has suggested that staff does not have an equal right to open a topic or respond to any other member; that is fiction you've created.THAT would be my WHOLE point you douchenoodle. When chicks start venting. I got 600 lbs of weight in the basement and I ran my own cable to it. All the girls toys were down there. Cool having a hideout. I could watch Hiliander, lift weights and the girls could play Barbie.

You want to stand around and argue with a pissed off woman? You go right ahead. Power to ya, bro. You're going to lose. All you can do is damage control. You must be a lot younger than me if you think you're going to win that battle.:laugh:

02-13-2017, 09:54 AM
nvm :thumbsup: