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View Full Version : Another poem published at Whispers.com

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-09-2017, 11:09 AM
Received an email notifying me of this poem being published at Whispers.com.
I had hoped that it would be accepted, knowing that she gets so many and that many are denied ..
I am honored and truly appreciative that she thought this poem worthy enough to be published this month....


Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Wide Eyes Absorbing That Magical Scene--By Robert Lindley--United States

Wide Eyes Absorbing That Magical Scene

Upon night's clear sky, moon glowing its best
Soft breeze, swirling gently in silent tune
That gleaming star shining high in the West
Companion for Heaven's striking big moon!

Wide eyes absorbing true magical scene
With its proof we are souls wanting to fly
Earthen ground reflecting brightest moon-sheen
Tears born of pure joy, not a sad, sad cry

As dawn comes to wipe, to give us new views
We may feel pains of sorrow losing this
Should we not celebrate having the two
For surely either lost, we'd dearly miss!

Should mankind ponder why such great, bright gifts
Tis Heaven's view to earth that so uplifts!

Robert Lindley is poet from the Southern USA. He has been writing poetry since 1969. Robert writes with the intent to offer others words to enjoy and with high hopes he may inspire and brighten lives in some way.
Posted by Karen O'Leary at 5:49 PM

From <http://whispersinthewind333.blogspot.com/2017/02/wide-eyes-absorbing-that-magical-scene.html#comment-form>

02-09-2017, 01:09 PM
Rated your poem at Whispers.com


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-09-2017, 03:00 PM
Rated your poem at Whispers.com

Thanks my friend. I think you should submit one of your poems there.
Pick which one you like/think is best and submit it. I know they are good enough to present there!-Tyr

02-09-2017, 03:03 PM
Congrats, Tyr!! I wish I could get something of mine published somewhere. Wasn't likely going to happen, so now I have this place and can publish my own stuff. :) :)

Seriously, very good!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-06-2017, 05:38 AM
Another of my poems has been published at Whispers.com.


In A Sad Blindness, One May Yet Find Hope

Rain falls, thunder crashes, fierce winds blow, trees sway
I pray not for all this, on some other black and dreary day
With dark blue shadows plotting my early demise
I seek deep wisdom from sages, worldly and wise
Not just some clever words to soothe this shattered heart
Instead, sweet hope, a bright path leading to this life restart
With power to waken these weary, blinded eyes
and stop salty tears falling from splintered skies.

On this day, life should see beyond blackened storms
find solace in love and hope in my wife's loving arms
Yet, the wall of clouds yields to nothing in its great power
far more strength than this broken soul musters this hour
When thus lost, can one ever find again that ray of Light
healer of stab wounds from daggers, found on this dark night
I pray for the gift of wisdom to walk that brightly lit path
and release this saddened soul from the evil, wicked wrath.

Rain falls, thunder crashes, fierce winds blow trees away
I pray in supplication that tomorrow might be a gentler day.

Robert Lindley is poet from the Southern USA. He has been writing poetry since 1969.
Robert writes with the intent to offer others words to enjoy and with high hopes he may inspire and brighten lives in some way.
Posted by Karen O'Leary at 6:06 PM

04-06-2017, 06:31 AM
Excellent poem, Robert, and heartfelt congratulations on seeing another one of your works published!