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02-14-2017, 12:09 AM
Just in case this hasn't been announced on breitbart yet. :cool:


02-14-2017, 12:41 AM
It sucks, but we will see.

02-14-2017, 10:42 AM
I've seen the text of his resignation letter.

He ends with acknowledging President Trump as being a great leader .. he says he believes that his Presidency will go down as one of the all time 'greats' in American history. He has faith (he says as much) that President Trump and his team will Make America Again.

At least he did the right thing ... in the end ...

Here's a partial quotation from that letter - you'll see what I mean ...

.... I am also extremely honored to have served President Trump, who in just three weeks, has reoriented American foreign policy in fundamental ways to restore America’s leadership position in the world.

As I step away once again from serving my nation in this current capacity, I wish to thank President Trump for his personal loyalty, the friendship of those who I worked with throughout the hard fought campaign, the challenging period of transition, and during the early days of his presidency.

I know with the strong leadership of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the superb team they are assembling, this team will go down in history as one of the greatest presidencies in U.S. history, and I firmly believe the American people will be well served as they all work together to help Make America Great Again.

02-14-2017, 12:53 PM
When was the president/executive made aware that he was lying?

02-14-2017, 01:04 PM
The good news is that he resigned and is being held accountable. If it were a liberal - no resignation would have happened and the various agencies would have covered for him/her.

Interesting that the FBI/CIA is committing espionage against the CiC. I'm glad Flynn resigned, don't get me wrong, but covertly listening to the administrations calls is BS.

Hopefully now someone else will be moved into the position that the democrats don't like even more.

Black Diamond
02-14-2017, 01:26 PM
When was the president/executive made aware that he was lying?

02-14-2017, 02:37 PM
Yeah, too bad HRC didn't do the right thing after all the lies she got CAUGHT telling the American citizen.... no double standards n the left (sarcasm).

02-14-2017, 03:20 PM

Really? Well they sat on that for quite some time!

Black Diamond
02-14-2017, 03:38 PM
I heard Petraeus is being considered as a replacement. May be risky though.

02-14-2017, 04:52 PM
Glad he's gone. Of all of the cabinet and staff that i've got concerns about he was in the the top 5.

If Rex Tillerson, Steven Mnuchin, Jeff Sessions, Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon would resign and be replaced with better choices that'd be a few steps out the hole he's in with the group he's surrounded himself with.

But you know this sets a good precedence.
So the next time Trump lies he's got to resign... right?

so like before the weekend most likely.

annnd before someone says "he doesn't lie!" :rolleyes: "it's the media and you're just biased blah blah" ...please explain these to me 1st.
Trump/White house lies:
•Iran attacked U.S. Ships...
•"the murder rate in our country is the highest it's been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? 47 years."
•Biggest crowd ever for inauguration...
•" I have already saved more than 700 million dollars when I got involved in the negotiation on the F35. (http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-lockheed-martin-600-million-f-35-2017-1)..."

just to start

Bill Clinton didn't inhaled either

Black Diamond
02-14-2017, 05:04 PM
Glad he's gone. Of all of the cabinet and staff that i've got concerns about he was in the the top 5.

If Rex Tillerson, Steven Mnuchin, Jeff Sessions, Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon would resign and be replaced with better choices that'd be a few steps out the hole he's in with the group he's surrounded himself with.

But you know this sets a good precedence.
So the next time Trump lies he's got to resign... right?

so like before the weekend most likely.

annnd before someone says "he doesn't lie!" :rolleyes: "it's the media and you're just biased blah blah" ...please explain these to me 1st.
Trump/White house lies:
•Iran attacked U.S. Ships...
•"the murder rate in our country is the highest it's been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? 47 years."
•Biggest crowd ever for inauguration...
•" I have already saved more than 700 million dollars when I got involved in the negotiation on the F35. (http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-lockheed-martin-600-million-f-35-2017-1)..."

just to start

Bill Clinton didn't inhaled either

You believe the picture of the crowd the media put out for trumps inauguration? And i bet it was the most watched ever, considering there are far more folks with mobile devices today than in 2009 or any time before it.

flynn isn't being fired for simply lying.

Black Diamond
02-14-2017, 06:26 PM
You believe the picture of the crowd the media put out for trumps inauguration? And i bet it was the most watched ever, considering there are far more folks with mobile devices today than in 2009 or any time before it.

flynn isn't being fired for simply lying.
In fact he resigned

02-14-2017, 07:19 PM
O.K. Fine. He resigned. Where was all of this concern with Hillary's lies and

Covered up is where.

02-14-2017, 07:22 PM

02-14-2017, 07:25 PM
I look forward to the day that "Well, they did it too!" is no longer a fucking defense for shitty behavior...

Black Diamond
02-14-2017, 07:34 PM
I look forward to the day that "Well, they did it too!" is no longer a fucking defense for shitty behavior...
The defense will endure as long as hypocrisy.

02-14-2017, 08:06 PM
The defense will endure as long as hypocrisy.

Right you are. Just like DENIABILITY will always be the defense.

02-14-2017, 09:14 PM
I look forward to the day that "Well, they did it too!" is no longer a fucking defense for shitty behavior...

I kind of look at it this way. Gen Flynn admitted wrong and stepped aside.
When was the last time you ever saw a liberal Democrat do that? Hmmmm?

They should have been dropping like frozen flies under Obama's watch; but no,
they were protected.

02-14-2017, 11:11 PM
You almost have to feel sorry for Flynn. He was doing Trump's bidding in Russia, got caught and now has to fall on his sword to protect the boss. Trump's people even praised Trump in the resignation letter they wrote for Flynn while hanging him out to dry.

I have to wonder who will be sacrificed next. My guess is Kellyanne Conway. Since she has made herself into a liability.

02-15-2017, 12:37 AM
Doesn't it bother anyone that a US intelligence agency ILLEGALLY wire-tapped a US citizen then released the information (complete with the citizen's name) to the press?? Where are all the SJWs expressing their outrage...especially some of the members here who ranted and raved about such possibilities happening BEFORE Trump took office? Isn't it odd that though the name was released, the context was not? Are our own intelligence agencies engaged in trying to influence political events in this country outside of the law? Isn't that far more dangerous than supposed Russian interference in the election process?

When US intelligence personnel work against the citizens of their own country, that nation is doomed....

02-15-2017, 02:03 AM
You almost have to feel sorry for Flynn. He was doing Trump's bidding in Russia, got caught and now has to fall on his sword to protect the boss. Trump's people even praised Trump in the resignation letter they wrote for Flynn while hanging him out to dry.

I have to wonder who will be sacrificed next. My guess is Kellyanne Conway. Since she has made herself into a liability.

You are easily the stupidest person I have ever met online.

Oh - and you're a lying piece of crap too :)

02-15-2017, 05:28 AM
The defense will endure as long as hypocrisy.

Seems they are not alone.

02-15-2017, 05:32 AM
Doesn't it bother anyone that a US intelligence agency ILLEGALLY wire-tapped a US citizen then released the information (complete with the citizen's name) to the press?? Where are all the SJWs expressing their outrage...especially some of the members here who ranted and raved about such possibilities happening BEFORE Trump took office? Isn't it odd that though the name was released, the context was not? Are our own intelligence agencies engaged in trying to influence political events in this country outside of the law? Isn't that far more dangerous than supposed Russian interference in the election process?

When US intelligence personnel work against the citizens of their own country, that nation is doomed....

I'm pretty certain the wiretap was legal. Leaking it though seems more of a problem. What's confusing though is that it seems that the WH was clued in weeks ago, but did nothing until the leak. That does seem problematic on both fronts.


02-15-2017, 07:21 AM
I'm pretty certain the wiretap was legal. Leaking it though seems more of a problem. What's confusing though is that it seems that the WH was clued in weeks ago, but did nothing until the leak. That does seem problematic on both fronts.


I have a sneaking suspicion there is a LOT more behind this than we are being told. If the wiretap was legal (possible) then it had to be ordered by Sally Yates (the same woman who refused to enforce the law). The leak of the information obtained had to come from that same intelligence organization, perhaps in an effort to undermine Trump's presidency (very possible and I believe likely). That implies that there are some personnel within the intelligence agencies putting political agenda ahead of national security. If our intelligence agencies are that corrupt, it won't be long before this country finds itself in some very serious trouble!

I have often believed that most (if not all) politicians are corrupt be they Democrat or Republican. They lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity to enrich themselves and accumulate power at the expense of the American people. I detest them all almost as much as I hate Jane Fonda.

02-15-2017, 07:29 AM
I have a sneaking suspicion there is a LOT more behind this than we are being told. If the wiretap was legal (possible) then it had to be ordered by Sally Yates (the same woman who refused to enforce the law). The leak of the information obtained had to come from that same intelligence organization, perhaps in an effort to undermine Trump's presidency (very possible and I believe likely). That implies that there are some personnel within the intelligence agencies putting political agenda ahead of national security. If our intelligence agencies are that corrupt, it won't be long before this country finds itself in some very serious trouble!

I have often believed that most (if not all) politicians are corrupt be they Democrat or Republican. They lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity to enrich themselves and accumulate power at the expense of the American people. I detest them all almost as much as I hate Jane Fonda.

My understanding is that the wiretap was routine on the Russian, thus picked up Flynn. I'm not sure it would have required Yates to do anything, but if you know better, I'm interested.

The leaking is a problem, one that always plagues DC, though it seemed to intensify under Obama and is continuing to intensify now. How high or low a bureaucrat would be to have the info pass through their hands?

I am though equally upset that it seems that the President had this information nearly from the start, yet appeared to do nothing regarding the problem, UNTIL it was leaked. That is problematic.

02-15-2017, 07:39 AM
My understanding is that the wiretap was routine on the Russian, thus picked up Flynn. I'm not sure it would have required Yates to do anything, but if you know better, I'm interested.

The leaking is a problem, one that always plagues DC, though it seemed to intensify under Obama and is continuing to intensify now. How high or low a bureaucrat would be to have the info pass through their hands?

I am though equally upset that it seems that the President had this information nearly from the start, yet appeared to do nothing regarding the problem, UNTIL it was leaked. That is problematic.

Yeah, there is a problem in that the administration kept this close to the vest and apparently was going to let it slide. Besides the mistrust already generated regarding the Executive and Legislative branches, I fear that we now can no longer trust our own intelligence agencies. On top of that, I (and many others) no longer have any confidence in the Judicial branch either. Our government is falling apart because of the enemies within.

02-15-2017, 07:45 AM
Yeah, there is a problem in that the administration kept this close to the vest and apparently was going to let it slide. Besides the mistrust already generated regarding the Executive and Legislative branches, I fear that we now can no longer trust our own intelligence agencies. On top of that, I (and many others) no longer have any confidence in the Judicial branch either. Our government is falling apart because of the enemies within.

I've just returned home after a week visiting family, haven't been able to follow much news and am playing catch up.

From a quick look around various news sources, it does seem like Pence and everyone else was kept in the dark about what was told to Trump. This is but one reason that 'no political experience' can be a serious problem. He may well have been unaware of just how bad this makes him look, especially in light of the feelings regarding his pro-Putin stances.

The vultures are going to run with this, and complaining about 'leaks' won't hold if he doesn't show he understands the problem of sending others out to 'speak for him' without the necessary information.

02-15-2017, 09:04 AM
Doesn't it bother anyone that a US intelligence agency ILLEGALLY wire-tapped a US citizen then released the information (complete with the citizen's name) to the press?? Where are all the SJWs expressing their outrage...especially some of the members here who ranted and raved about such possibilities happening BEFORE Trump took office? Isn't it odd that though the name was released, the context was not? Are our own intelligence agencies engaged in trying to influence political events in this country outside of the law? Isn't that far more dangerous than supposed Russian interference in the election process?

When US intelligence personnel work against the citizens of their own country, that nation is doomed....

How many times times have i pointed out over the years the problems with the intel community? It's "legal", illegal and unconstitutional wiretaps and MORE ...but i get poo pooed, crickets, excuses or JUSTIFICATIONS about 'keeping us safe'. I think i've mentioned that there's misplaced power in the intel services and that it appears some are in fact Blackmailing gov't officials ...just as Hoover did.
Seems , I've mentioned that many people won't have problem with the the unconstitutional wiretaps, searches of homes and persons and gov't spying on everyone in general unless their own Oxs are gored.
OH look seems a favored ox has been gored. So here we are and not only that but some folks are looking for allies against this NEW horror of intel people off the reservation and are claiming that we're all doomed if we don't protect ...ONE side(?)... of the political spectrum.:rolleyes:

Look i've stated many time as well that i have ZERO sympathy for gov't officials whose illegal activity is shown to the world. Even if the info was gained by illegal means. IMO THIS is called a working democracy and a free press. Where the Gov'ts actions ...especially corrupt actions... are transparent and exposed on all sides. And the people get to see them.

Heck if the gov't wants to spy on the all citizens then Ok lets start this new law with EVERYTHING the police, politicians and bureaucrats do being recorded and available at the finger tips of U.S. citizens for 20 years... BEFORE the spying goes to private citizens.

so Yes We are DOOMED if the gov't is hidden and they can spy on each other and the people unconstitutionally.
Yes that IS a real problem... has been since 2001!.. at least.

02-15-2017, 09:58 AM
How many times times have i pointed out over the years the problems with the intel community? It's "legal", illegal and unconstitutional wiretaps and MORE ...but i get poo pooed, crickets, excuses or JUSTIFICATIONS about 'keeping us safe'. I think i've mentioned that there's misplaced power in the intel services and that it appears some are in fact Blackmailing gov't officials ...just as Hoover did.
Seems , I've mentioned that many people won't have problem with the the unconstitutional wiretaps, searches of homes and persons and gov't spying on everyone in general unless their own Oxs are gored.
OH look seems a favored ox has been gored. So here we are and not only that but some folks are looking for allies against this NEW horror of intel people off the reservation and are claiming that we're all doomed if we don't protect ...ONE side(?)... of the political spectrum.:rolleyes:

Look i've stated many time as well that i have ZERO sympathy for gov't officials whose illegal activity is shown to the world. Even if the info was gained by illegal means. IMO THIS is called a working democracy and a free press. Where the Gov'ts actions ...especially corrupt actions... are transparent and exposed on all sides. And the people get to see them.

Heck if the gov't wants to spy on the all citizens then Ok lets start this new law with EVERYTHING the police, politicians and bureaucrats do being recorded and available at the finger tips of U.S. citizens for 20 years... BEFORE the spying goes to private citizens.

so Yes We are DOOMED if the gov't is hidden and they can spy on each other and the people unconstitutionally.
Yes that IS a real problem... has been since 2001!.. at least.

Can't say I have disagreed with any of this in the past nor currently. However, I disagree that info gained ILLEGALLY should be used in a court of law. That pretty much undermines one of the pillars of the US justice system ... worse than it is undermined now.

02-15-2017, 12:27 PM
I kind of look at it this way. Gen Flynn admitted wrong and stepped aside.
When was the last time you ever saw a liberal Democrat do that? Hmmmm?

They should have been dropping like frozen flies under Obama's watch; but no,
they were protected.

Let's get some real here. You know how many times I screwed up? I sure as Hell don't. What annoys is the quitting part. My ass I'd step down. You step up. Especially against a bunch of weak, worthless fools. If the MSM, left and Gabby's pointless post were after me, I'd KNOW I was doing something right.

02-15-2017, 12:48 PM
If/when the Trumpers find out where the leaks are coming from, it's going to shake them to their core. :cool:

02-15-2017, 01:19 PM
The physiological defense mechanisms on this board are Jedi level. At least Jim has a shred of accepting reality. The real reality, not Trump reality, which btw is turning the white house into a god damn 2bit game show.

02-15-2017, 01:35 PM
The physiological defense mechanisms on this board are Jedi level. At least Jim has a shred of accepting reality. The real reality, not Trump reality, which btw is turning the white house into a god damn 2bit game show.

You know who doesn't have a clue, Pete? You. You're so busy talking you never hear a word. You don't get the simplicity of the message. No one wanted your criminal. To include your own fuckwits. Trump didn't win the electoral college without YOUR PEOPLE voting against Hillary. So WHO needs a clue here? Your own can smell that smell and THAT is going some.

The only people on Jedi level here are you leftwingers melting your little minds down because you just can't accept that when the people get pissed off, stand up and vote, you always lose. Need a tissue? Us real people? We don't like you and wish you would keep your promise and leave the country. You sure as hell ain't usefull.

02-15-2017, 01:49 PM
You sure as hell ain't usefull.

I'm a small business owner. What do you do?

02-15-2017, 01:58 PM
I'm a small business owner. What do you do?

Let's see. I used to kill people. Then I built your small business. Got an electrical question, feel free to ask. I'm not going to sit here and list what I've done for some loser. Every idiot in a bar is Recon. I have 4 humanitarian assist medals. They mean more to me than my CAR.

I help others. You help you.

02-15-2017, 02:02 PM
You help you.
Tell that to the ~30 meals I home deliver to those in need every Tues and Wed. Been doing that for 8 years.

02-15-2017, 02:23 PM
Tell that to the ~30 meals I home deliver to those in need every Tues and Wed. Been doing that for 8 years.

Nope. You spend so much time being miserable you don't even know who does and doesn't screw with you. If you do ANYTHING to help your fellow man, I'll crawl out of my hole to help. So would most everyone else on this board. Quit being a bitch. Recognize your real enemy instead of they one you invented.

Jim could switch your ass off faster than I could sling my weapon. But you're still here. right? Stop being so damned miserable.

Every Marine (me) and squid on this board would dive off the rail into 20 ft seas to save your ass even if we hated you. And every damned one of us can swim. Guess how much fun THAT is .... Then we got to deal with your panicking ass. How the hell do you think jumping on me me and pulling me under is going to saver your ass?

You're on the wrong battleship, dude.

02-15-2017, 02:35 PM
Nope. You spend so much time being miserable you don't even know who does and doesn't screw with you. If you do ANYTHING to help your fellow man, I'll crawl out of my hole to help. So would most everyone else on this board. Quit being a bitch. Recognize your real enemy instead of they one you invented.

Jim could switch your ass off faster than I could sling my weapon. But you're still here. right? Stop being so damned miserable.

Every Marine (me) and squid on this board would dive off the rail into 20 ft seas to save your ass even if we hated you. And every damned one of us can swim. Guess how much fun THAT is .... Then we got to deal with your panicking ass. How the hell do you think jumping on me me and pulling me under is going to saver your ass?

You're on the wrong battleship, dude.

Do you ever post anything without a war or violent reference? You got a huuuuge macho man complex. Get over yourself.

Abbey Marie
02-15-2017, 02:46 PM
The good news is that he resigned and is being held accountable. If it were a liberal - no resignation would have happened and the various agencies would have covered for him/her.

Interesting that the FBI/CIA is committing espionage against the CiC. I'm glad Flynn resigned, don't get me wrong, but covertly listening to the administrations calls is BS.

Hopefully now someone else will be moved into the position that the democrats don't like even more.

A lib resign for wrongdoing? Haha. They run for President.

Black Diamond
02-15-2017, 02:57 PM
If/when the Trumpers find out where the leaks are coming from, it's going to shake them to their core. :cool:
Like it shook mooch

02-15-2017, 03:09 PM
Do you ever post anything without a war or violent reference? You got a huuuuge macho man complex. Get over yourself.

See how dumb your ass is? I'm anti-macho. I got nothing to prove. I know what's going to happen. I know what I can do. Pick your war with someone else. You"re pissing me off

02-15-2017, 04:55 PM
Do you ever post anything without a war or violent reference? You got a huuuuge macho man complex. Get over yourself.

He's a combat veteran you dolt. How many years of service have you got?
Expect him to stand fast when you sashay into the room with your vile
and disrespectful comments? Good Luck with that.:laugh:

02-15-2017, 06:08 PM
He's a combat veteran you dolt.


Black Diamond
02-15-2017, 06:49 PM
Maybe You just like Saddam Hussein.

02-15-2017, 07:39 PM
Tell that to the ~30 meals I home deliver to those in need every Tues and Wed. Been doing that for 8 years.

Good for you petey. So now, do you want a medal, or a chest to put it on? You talk down to all of us here as if none of us have ever done anything to help our fellow man. EXCEPT YOU, of course.
I am still wondering WHEN you will get the courage, and humanity to finally tell all of us WHICH Navy you claimed to serve in?
You and gabby must be related, since both of you act, talk, and nearly think alike from under your bridge.....http://icansayit.com/images/troll.jpg

If anything I said here insulted, offended, or bothered you. Go and get your crying towel, and wrap it around your head...using the LIBERAL safety pin in your SAFE ZONE.

02-15-2017, 07:58 PM
Do you ever post anything without a war or violent reference? You got a huuuuge macho man complex. Get over yourself.

Did they invent a special stupid button I'm unaware of just for your special ass? There's nothing macho about me. How about YOU get over me being me? You seem to be a whole lot more worried than I am about it. Let's see ... what exactly should I talk about? I know ... insider trading. Because you see me all over shit I know nothing about.

I'm a warrior. Always. I'll come after your pansy ass with a toothpick. I ain't going to whine and cry about your girly bullshit. I'm going to figure out how to beat you. All you do is cry. My little pussy is hurt because someone told me what a waste of life I am. Oh fucking wah.

Grow the fuck up, dirtbag.

02-15-2017, 08:21 PM

Answer the question: "And You Are What?'

02-15-2017, 08:56 PM

Am I supposed to respond to this bullshit? Guess what happens at 1763 fps . You won't hear the ron

It clicks when it strikes.

02-15-2017, 09:02 PM
Am I supposed to respond to this bullshit? Guess what happens at 1763 fps . You won't hear the ron

It clicks when it strikes.

Easy there, pardner!;)

Might make him pee himself.

02-15-2017, 09:32 PM
Did they invent a special stupid button I'm unaware of just for your special ass? There's nothing macho about me. How about YOU get over me being me? You seem to be a whole lot more worried than I am about it. Let's see ... what exactly should I talk about? I know ... insider trading. Because you see me all over shit I know nothing about.

I'm a warrior. Always. I'll come after your pansy ass with a toothpick. I ain't going to whine and cry about your girly bullshit. I'm going to figure out how to beat you. All you do is cry. My little pussy is hurt because someone told me what a waste of life I am. Oh fucking wah.

Grow the fuck up, dirtbag.

This response again is a clear example of my point. Start debating the content of my posts instead of replying with weird ass macho war pissing match shit. You are unhinged sir.

02-15-2017, 10:08 PM
This response again is a clear example of my point. Start debating the content of my posts instead of replying with weird ass macho war pissing match shit. You are unhinged sir.

petey. You have never qualified to debate anyone here. And your only point, for the rest of us, is how LITERALLY FILLED WITH HATRED, and STUPIDITY you actually are.
The sad part is. You are so full of yourself. You are blind to how easily you come here to prove the kind of FOOL you really are.

Did you get your PRE-SCHOOL graduation certificate yet?

02-15-2017, 10:27 PM
This response again is a clear example of my point. Start debating the content of my posts instead of replying with weird ass macho war pissing match shit. You are unhinged sir.

You do not 'debate'. All you do is hurl insults and pathetic vile comments. That is not debate
in the simplest of terms.

I told you, he is a combat Vet. A leader. A squad leader. What the fuck are you?
Nothing! I'll back him and a couple of others here 100% compared to a sniping and vile
mouthed pansy-ass like you. Total limp-dick.

You could not in real life stand toe-to-toe with these guys, so you play internet tough boy.

02-15-2017, 10:33 PM
You do not 'debate'. All you do is hurl insults and pathetic vile comments. That is not debate
in the simplest of terms.

I told you, he is a combat Vet. A leader. A squad leader. What the fuck are you?
Nothing! I'll back him and a couple of others here 100% compared to a sniping and vile
mouthed pansy-ass like you. Total limp-dick.

You could not in real life stand toe-to-toe with these guys, so you play internet tough boy.

blah blah blah, let's get back on topic

02-15-2017, 10:33 PM
I never agree with Gunny and I often trade online sniper fire with him. I know he would rather shoot me in the head than look at me. But I respect his service and his love and dedication to his country. Plus he is a wonderful father and grandfather.

02-15-2017, 10:44 PM
blah blah blah, let's get back on topic


Cease with the personal insults and see if your vocabulary has anything else in it

02-15-2017, 10:45 PM
I never agree with Gunny and I often trade online sniper fire with him. I know he would rather shoot me in the head than look at me. But I respect his service and his love and dedication to his country. Plus he is a wonderful father and grandfather.

That was a gem of a post, gabosaurus!

Good on you.

02-16-2017, 08:31 AM

also No Matter Who Tapped the Phone Call or Taped the Secret Meeting... etc

02-16-2017, 08:55 AM

also No Matter Who Tapped the Phone Call or Taped the Secret Meeting... etc

Now there's a concept that just might work...

02-16-2017, 09:14 AM
This response again is a clear example of my point. Start debating the content of my posts instead of replying with weird ass macho war pissing match shit. You are unhinged sir.

You have no point. Everyone on this board knows I'm unhinged. There's a secret. Here's a post for you ... how did the dumb violent gunny take a message board you turned into an empty wasteland in one fell swoop the day you bought it and get it from 3 posts a day to 2500 posts a day? Yeah I sure am dumb, You killed that board faster than an unchecked power surge. This board wouldn't exist if it wasn't for your colossal fuckup. We couldn't abandon USMB fast enough because of your stupid ass.

And ANY day you want to actually debate me? We got a special little one on one forum here. But I WILL choose a person who knows how to do formal debate to mod the debate. But why bother? Let's just cut to the chase and take our shit to the Romper Room? You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag without breaking the rules. Your vitriol wouldn't get you past the first sentence.

All you do is whine like a little bitch. Everyone on this board is more than fair with you. Yeah, I'm a hardass jarhead and completely ruthless when it comes to accomplishing the mission. You are just miserable and mean. There's a difference.

02-16-2017, 11:31 PM
"Retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward has turned down an offer from President Donald Trump to be national security adviser". He knows a sinking ship when he sees one. A source has quoted him as saying the offer was a shit sandwich. lol

02-16-2017, 11:36 PM
"Retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward has turned down an offer from President Donald Trump to be national security adviser". He knows a sinking ship when he sees one. A source has quoted him as saying the offer was a shit sandwich. lol

Quote the source.

See how weak and pathetic you are?

02-16-2017, 11:53 PM
Quote the source.

See how weak and pathetic you are?

oh I was waiting for that. So have fun in the library congress little buddy. tell me when you find something.

02-17-2017, 12:12 AM
oh I was waiting for that. So have fun in the library congress little buddy. tell me when you find something.

You brought it up little man...so quote the source.

How is this going to be in the Library of Congress: "A source has quoted him as saying the offer was a shit sandwich."?

02-17-2017, 12:24 AM
Sorry, Petey, your bullshit just doesn't fly.

President Trump's first choice to succeed the departed Michael Flynn as national security adviser has turned the job down due to family reasons, sources close to the situation told Fox News late Thursday.

One source told Fox that retired Navy Vice Admiral Robert Harward "really wanted" to do the job, but ultimately decided that he could not.


Just out of curiosity, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Black Diamond
02-17-2017, 01:41 AM

02-17-2017, 10:44 AM
Sorry, Petey, your bullshit just doesn't fly.


Just out of curiosity, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

lol Faux News? You trust a source in bed with Trump. mmmhmmm

02-17-2017, 10:59 AM
lol Faux News? You trust a source in bed with Trump. mmmhmmm

Highest rated cable network in the nation. Why do you suppose that is, Petey?

Fox is completely credible, much more than any of their competitors.

Where's your link saying otherwise, Petey?

02-17-2017, 11:25 AM
Highest rated cable network in the nation. Why do you suppose that is, Petey?

Fox is completely credible, much more than any of their competitors.

Where's your link saying otherwise, Petey?

Ratings? Is that similar to polling? haha, as if ratings has anything to do with credibility. My source? You can guess it for sure. Or go find it yourself. You can use google right? Damn repubtards.

02-17-2017, 11:29 AM
The 'source' quoted in one article regarding the 'shit sandwich' was a supposed friend of Harward.

With that said, there have been many more credible articles that seem to cite his unwillingness to accept the post without the ability to choose his own staff. He did not want to take the 'inherited' staff of Flynn.

02-17-2017, 11:31 AM
Ratings? Is that similar to polling? haha, as if ratings has anything to do with credibility. My source? You can guess it for sure. Or go find it yourself. You can use google right? Damn repubtards.

No, Petey.

Read this slowly so you can understand it. Ask me if the words are too complicated and I'll dumb it down further for you :

Where is your link saying Admiral Harward declined for any other reason than family reasons?

02-17-2017, 11:44 AM
Where is your link saying Admiral Harward declined for any other reason than family reasons?


02-17-2017, 12:01 PM

That's not how this works, Slick.

You made the assertion; it is incumbent upon you to provide your sources when asked.

I even went the extra mile and provided a solid link proving your unlinked statement to be false. Let's see the goods, moonbat.

02-17-2017, 12:10 PM
Link to FOX that says both family and ability to appoint staff cited:


and on the sandwich, which seems less than credible:


02-17-2017, 12:24 PM
Tsk tsk... and Petey flees the scene.

If you had even a shred of credibility left, Petey, - and that's debatable - you sure have a way of removing all doubt as to the level of your integrity.

Willful ignorance seems to be your hallmark and that cannot be excused.

02-17-2017, 12:32 PM
Tsk tsk... and Petey flees the scene.

If you had even a shred of credibility left, Petey, - and that's debatable - you sure have a way of removing all doubt as to the level of your integrity.

Willful ignorance seems to be your hallmark and that cannot be excused.

Indeed. It was not difficult to find the information regarding what all were saying.

02-17-2017, 12:42 PM
You made the assertion; it is incumbent upon you to provide your sources when asked.

Apparently I am the only one on this board required to back up claims

Black Diamond
02-17-2017, 12:42 PM
Apparently I am the only one on this board required to back up claims

02-17-2017, 12:45 PM
Apparently I am the only one on this board required to back up claims

I nearly always do, I go out of my way in order to find sources that no one can complain about most often.

02-17-2017, 12:48 PM
I nearly always do, I go out of my way in order to find sources that no one can complain about most often.

I have no beef with you and usually do not refer to you because you do honest productive discussion.

02-17-2017, 12:56 PM
I have no beef with you and usually do not refer to you because you do honest productive discussion.

And I run into few arguments with others over my opinions. I try not to be a jerk.

02-17-2017, 01:00 PM
Where's your link, Petey?

Want to admit that you made that shit up?

02-17-2017, 01:45 PM
Where's your link, Petey?

Want to admit that you made that shit up?

I gave you the link which links to near a dozen sources

02-17-2017, 01:49 PM
I gave you the link which links to near a dozen sources

Not good enough. I understand your panicky refusal to back up your statement; I'm laughing already.

Where's your link?

02-17-2017, 01:56 PM
Not good enough. I understand your panicky refusal to back up your statement; I'm laughing already.

Where's your link?

woo woo

02-17-2017, 02:07 PM
woo woo

You do understand that you are the laughingstock of the board, don't you?

02-17-2017, 02:14 PM
You do understand that you are the laughingstock of the board, don't you?


Do I care what a mosquito thinks of me? To be loved at DP is priority number 43243154357483278475436527894657438274657438927465 on my list.

02-17-2017, 02:59 PM

Do I care what a mosquito thinks of me? To be loved at DP is priority number 43243154357483278475436527894657438274657438927465 on my list.

Hey, I'm not complaining.

In fact, I think you should continue to represent the moonbats. I guarantee you've done more damage to the democrats with your penchant for being consistently wrong on every stance you take than I ever could.

Watching you get wrecked and beaten from one end of the board to the other illustrates a crystal clear picture as to who owns the facts.

I'd guess you've personally turned off at least 100 prospective voters that happen across your comments, and you're just one of millions of desperate moonbats that can't back themselves up with logic and demonstrable facts.

You and those like you spewing your willful ignorance and aversion to facts are directly responsible for the stupendous national destruction of the democratic party.

Keep up the good work! :thumb:

02-17-2017, 05:18 PM
Hey, I'm not complaining.

In fact, I think you should continue to represent the moonbats. I guarantee you've done more damage to the democrats with your penchant for being consistently wrong on every stance you take than I ever could.

Watching you get wrecked and beaten from one end of the board to the other illustrates a crystal clear picture as to who owns the facts.

I'd guess you've personally turned off at least 100 prospective voters that happen across your comments, and you're just one of millions of desperate moonbats that can't back themselves up with logic and demonstrable facts.

You and those like you spewing your willful ignorance and aversion to facts are directly responsible for the stupendous national destruction of the democratic party.

Keep up the good work! :thumb:

I have to say one thing nice about Petey (this hurts) I admire someone who gets slapped down and gets back up.

As far as North Korea goes, where were you at? Gonna put your ass to the test. I didn't get these SSDR's settin on the beach. Tell us all about the place. petey boy. I don't know one of us worthless vets that hasn't dropped anchor in Korea.

So explain what you allege were doing in a country that's been off limits since 1950. I see now why you'd vote for a criminal. You're one yourself. Allegedly, But let's do the math here ....

Small business owner. Isn't that what you posted ? So explain why you would do business in Korea. The whole Pacifc is only between you and there. Small business owner and going to Korea? You're so dumb you can't even remember your lies.

02-17-2017, 05:31 PM
Just in case this hasn't been announced on breitbart yet. :cool:


Further proof that a better quality of folks have stepped in. Obama's liars just marched right on in lock-step and your side of the aisle cheered them on.

02-17-2017, 05:35 PM
Does anyone ever wondered why that the US State Dept. has issued travel warnings for US citizens travelling to North Korea? Maybe because it's legal for US citizens to travel there.

Believe it: Despite the Sony email hacks and the country's membership in the former president's "axis of evil," Americans can legally travel to North Korea. It is perhaps as nichey as niche travel gets, but New Jersey-based Uri Tours (uritours.com) leads two or three visits there per month.
<!--n--><!--m-->North Korea's tourism door is open, if you dare, and I woul (http://www.chicagotribune.com/sc-trav-0127-travel-mechanic-20150121-column.html)<cite class="_Rm">www.chicagotribune.com/sc-trav-0127-travel-mechanic-20150121-column.html</cite>

02-20-2017, 07:54 PM

Do I care what a mosquito thinks of me? To be loved at DP is priority number 43243154357483278475436527894657438274657438927465 on my list.

More BS from petey. If, as he said above. "Doesn't care". Why did he need to answer?

I know petey...you had to have...http://icansayit.com/images/lastword.jpg

03-16-2017, 12:44 PM
"I didn't take any money from Russia," Flynn told Yahoo News in July.


03-16-2017, 02:26 PM
Flynn quit because he didn't want to play Democrat Leftwingnut Follies. Simple as that.

03-16-2017, 02:33 PM
Flynn quit because he didn't want to play Democrat Leftwingnut Follies. Simple as that.

03-16-2017, 03:08 PM

No I'm not. He's a retired General. He doesn't need the crap. The pittance he'd be paid isn't worth listening to people like you and all your accusations.

So who's the next target y'all got in your sights? Because y'all ALWAYS have someone in your sights. I'm just wondering which next person is going to get ginned up into the Leftwingnut/MSM grinder. All about deflection, BS accusations and no real argument.

03-16-2017, 04:15 PM
No I'm not. He's a retired General. He doesn't need the crap. The pittance he'd be paid isn't worth listening to people like you and all your accusations.

So who's the next target y'all got in your sights? Because y'all ALWAYS have someone in your sights. I'm just wondering which next person is going to get ginned up into the Leftwingnut/MSM grinder. All about deflection, BS accusations and no real argument.

Justice, do wrong and be held accountable

03-16-2017, 04:24 PM
Justice, do wrong and be held accountable

If you work in an administration not headed by a liberal, yes. If it were Obama in the office he would have waved the magic unicorn summoning wand and all would be OK and the press would ignore the issue from that point forward.

03-16-2017, 04:32 PM
Justice, do wrong and be held accountableYou mean like Hillary was? Or Obama? Yeah. Sell THAT one elsewhere. Our government has been the most corrupt for the past 8 years since the Tea Pot Dome scandal and suddenly you want "justice"? Pffft.

03-16-2017, 05:24 PM
You mean like Hillary was? Or Obama? Yeah. Sell THAT one elsewhere. Our government has been the most corrupt for the past 8 years since the Tea Pot Dome scandal and suddenly you want "justice"? Pffft.

You guys keep bringing up irrelevant people. Nether are in office. Please stay current.

03-16-2017, 05:40 PM
You guys keep bringing up irrelevant people. Nether are in office. Please stay current.

Poor baby, context is tough for the illiterate.

03-16-2017, 05:42 PM
You guys keep bringing up irrelevant people. Nether are in office. Please stay current.

YOU are right petey. We should stop bringing up Irrelevant people...LIKE YOU.

You should just apply for the test to enter PRE-SCHOOL, then let us know when you are accepted, attend, and graduate.
Until then, YOU will remain IRRELEVANT to the rest of us here...laughing at you.

03-16-2017, 05:53 PM
You guys keep bringing up irrelevant people. Nether are in office. Please stay current.

And you keep bringing up irrelevant things. I KNOW what Flynn did. I did it myself. 8 years of Clinton burned me out and once I made rank the politics that goes with rank burned me out even more. Was time to quit playing the game and move on.

As far as your criminals are concerned? I'm going to let you and them off the hook just like YOU. Everything wrong was Bush's fault. Now it's all Trump's fault and he hasn't even done anything yet. Well guess what? My axe is double bladed and swings BOTH ways. When Hillary is in prison and all of Obama's signing orders rescinded I might let you off the hook. Otherwise, take your damned medicine. You earned it. YOU put Trump in office by supporting a criminal. Learn to live with it.

03-30-2017, 06:51 PM
Flynn gonna testify for immunity. Wow!
And this comes from your foxnews

03-30-2017, 06:56 PM
Flynn gonna testify for immunity. Wow!
And this comes from your foxnews

petey. Don't you ever get tired of telling Lies? If anyone here needs Immunity...it would be YOU.....Immunity from the disease of Liberal STupidity.

03-30-2017, 07:38 PM
This response again is a clear example of my point. Start debating the content of my posts instead of replying with weird ass macho war pissing match shit. You are unhinged sir.Here's clue for you pete311 ... guess just what military people talk like? Oh yeah ... military people. THERE's a hard one to figure out. Think you're so damned smart.

How about your class on SEAR you know so much more than us about? That buzzard truck drop you in the middle of US90? We're trained and it ain't a game nor talking point to us. YOU f-ng dive over the starboard rail to save someone knowing the whole time you can get sucked into the props.

You're all talk. Billy Badass. Good thing your flapper works because apparently nothing else on you does. You want to play political message board games. You have NO fucking idea what it's like. We're all WSQ. I'm WSSI. Want to live?

03-30-2017, 07:52 PM
Here's clue for you @pete311 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1821) ... guess just what military people talk like? Oh yeah ... military people. THERE's a hard one to figure out. Think you're so damned smart.

How about your class on SEAR you know so much more than us about? That buzzard truck drop you in the middle of US90? We're trained and it ain't a game nor talking point to us. YOU f-ng dive over the starboard rail to save someone knowing the whole time you can get sucked into the props.

You're all talk. Billy Badass. Good thing your flapper works because apparently nothing else on you does. You want to play political message board games. You have NO fucking idea what it's like. We're all WSQ. I'm WSSI. Want to live?

You replied to a very old post of mine

03-31-2017, 12:20 AM
Deviating a bit from this massive pissing contest, let's rejoin the previous topic...

How bad is Flynn's information if he is seeking immunity from prosecution to testify before the FBI and Congress? Flynn himself once said “when you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime.”
It is known that Flynn was paid $68,000 by Russian companies in 2015. It is also known that Flynn had several meetings with high-ranking Russian officials before and after the election.

03-31-2017, 01:07 AM
Deviating a bit from this massive pissing contest, let's rejoin the previous topic...

How bad is Flynn's information if he is seeking immunity from prosecution to testify before the FBI and Congress? Flynn himself once said “when you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime.”
It is known that Flynn was paid $68,000 by Russian companies in 2015. It is also known that Flynn had several meetings with high-ranking Russian officials before and after the election.

Let's review ... you're on a board full of vets. We don't play your little games. People live or die based on our decisions. When I call up AT on the wire? I expect some FA-18s to show. I don't have to ask if those birds are going to show. He'll get them there.

Flynn is irrelevant. He dropped himself out of the game. You lefties are spending a lot of time making a big deal of crap that doesn't matter. Ever think about worrying about something that matters? I know it's some kind of secret idea with you. That whole reality thing. proson

Here's an idea ... put Hitlery in prison for her violations of the law. You want justice? Put that criminal in prison.

03-31-2017, 07:58 AM
Flynn is irrelevant. He dropped himself out of the game. You lefties are spending a lot of time making a big deal of crap that doesn't matter. Ever think about worrying about something that matters? I know it's some kind of secret idea with you. That whole reality thing. proson

We already know about Flynn, it's what he knows about others.

03-31-2017, 04:35 PM
Deviating a bit from this massive pissing contest, let's rejoin the previous topic...

How bad is Flynn's information if he is seeking immunity from prosecution to testify before the FBI and Congress? Flynn himself once said “when you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime.”
It is known that Flynn was paid $68,000 by Russian companies in 2015. It is also known that Flynn had several meetings with high-ranking Russian officials before and after the election.

gabby is back.....http://icansayit.com/images/troll.jpg

03-31-2017, 04:56 PM
We already know about Flynn, it's what he knows about others.And? You're not getting the clue here. We ALL know shit. Not a hard concept. We don't care. General Officer who knows sh*t. Novel and newsworthy. Does he have a server in his bathroom? Was he too lazy to get his fat ass out of bed 2AM to save American noncombatants? Your peeps were asleep at the wheel.. Oh and look ..people died.

Shut up.

03-31-2017, 05:18 PM
Gunny, let's get serious. We are talking about today, not the past. When you pick up the phone, you are calling for pizza, not air support. You should perhaps get caught up.

03-31-2017, 05:36 PM
Gunny, let's get serious. We are talking about today, not the past. When you pick up the phone, you are calling for pizza, not air support. You should perhaps get caught up.

What do I need to get caught up on? Beating a dead horse? HE DROPPED OUT. Over. Done deal. Put your wannabe criminals in prison. THEN you can talk.

04-01-2017, 07:49 AM
You guys keep bringing up irrelevant people. Nether are in office. Please stay current.Oh like you keep resurrecting Bush? When was he President again? Cturrent? What a joke. Still Bush's fault. right? That colossal fuckup you voted for --the one that sold us to China? And Iran? There's brilliance right there.

Y'all are a wast of resources. Feel free to jump off the planet. Normal people don't give a shit whether or not you''re breathing.

04-01-2017, 09:41 AM
What do I need to get caught up on? Beating a dead horse? HE DROPPED OUT. Over. Done deal. Put your wannabe criminals in prison. THEN you can talk.
So you are giving the current admin a free pass on everything until Hillary is tried? Sounds rational.

04-01-2017, 09:41 AM
Y'all are a wast of resources. Feel free to jump off the planet. Normal people don't give a shit whether or not you''re breathing.

Dude, are you having a bad day? Get a grip.

04-01-2017, 11:17 AM
So you are giving the current admin a free pass on everything until Hillary is tried? Sounds rational.

So you think you're smart. Let's review. I've been against Trump from the beginning. But what he is NOT is your criminal. She got people killed for indecivenes and derelitcion of duty.Figure ir out Mr Military. You think we don't know one when we see one?

04-01-2017, 02:59 PM
Gunny, let's get serious. We are talking about today, not the past. When you pick up the phone, you are calling for pizza, not air support. You should perhaps get caught up.

gabby. FINE. If we follow your rules here, and petey's, with sear. YOU ARE ALL forbidden from mentioning any references to HONEST, HISTORIC FACTS, like Obama, Hillary, Democrats, and TRUMP. Because we all know...how much deep hatred you have for everything YOU CLAIM HE IS, and HAS DONE.
If you all want to be Honest, Fair, and Tolerant Liberals...start by SHUTTING THE F UP.

04-01-2017, 04:19 PM
Flynn's own son said the whole thing was made up and steamrolled and more was made out of it than what is being discussed. Still NOTHING at all, not even from Dems who get access to all of the confidential information and then walk away - and they all reply the same, nothing there at all.

Funny how one idiot talks about we should ignore Hillary, ignore the past and ignore this or that as it doesn't pertain or whatever.

And yet, for 8 fucking years we had to hear that dolt whine on about "Bush" in threads she couldn't be intelligent enough to come up with factual responses in... which was 999 out of 1000 threads.

I'll repeat it - NOTHING.

And yes, feel free to bookmark it and come back here in months or a year.

And at least this gentleman, and this administration, are holding people accountable. The Obama administration hid and held back on everything and no one was accountable. Hillary has NEVER been held accountable for anything, even though she's been scandal ridden since the early 90's.

04-01-2017, 04:37 PM
Btw, the stuff that IS on the table, the accusations and contacts and blah blah blah...

Hate to break it to you liberals - only himself is over the fire. There's nothing there with Trump anyway, so your dreams aren't what you think they are. You have a guy on one side that may have had contact, completely unrelated to Trump, and is being held accountable. On the other side there may have been means of contact AND the various ways that perhaps an incoming president was setup with lame and false stories, and perhaps they monitored him in a few ways, which we know for sure, just not 100% sure on WHO did it.

05-17-2017, 10:45 PM
"Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case."


05-18-2017, 09:38 AM
Nothing like the resurrection of an irrelevant thread. I just re-read the OP;

You know, if all the Dems that are liars would quit, there's be no Dems. Nirvana.

05-18-2017, 12:37 PM
Flynn not honoring subpoena

What a guy!

05-18-2017, 12:46 PM
Flynn not honoring subpoena

What a guy!Who cares? Y'know Pete, I wish you'd spent ha;f as much time on the actual criminals in YOUR party as you do the "ALLEGED" (means something :) ) yet unproven so-called crimes of the right. But then, you'd be too busy busting Democrats to have time to fantasy up some crap on the right.

Clean your own damned house before telling me how to clean mine.

05-18-2017, 01:33 PM
Who cares? Y'know Pete, I wish you'd spent ha;f as much time on the actual criminals in YOUR party as you do the "ALLEGED" (means something :) ) yet unproven so-called crimes of the right. But then, you'd be too busy busting Democrats to have time to fantasy up some crap on the right.

Clean your own damned house before telling me how to clean mine.

Yes I understand perfectly well you are for a shadow government where they can do whatever they want, no investigations, no ethics, no rules. :salute:

05-18-2017, 01:52 PM
Yes I understand perfectly well you are for a shadow government where they can do whatever they want, no investigations, no ethics, no rules. :salute:

Where'd you dream that one up from? I'm for a Constitutional government. You know, that little document that established the rules and regs for this nation?

What I'm not for is a government controlled by the Democratic party who have proven time and again no logic, fact and/or common sense applies their thinking, and the laws apply only to the right. A Presisdent who created law completely out of his Constitutional purview. An above the law, incompetent Secretary of State who can't get up to answer the phone when lives are at stake, but can damned sure answered her classified e-mails on an unsecure medium. Or how about her successor. Liar Extraordinaire Kerry. Giving away nuclear leverage to a rogue state at the behest of Obama and against the will of the people.

The only reason the Dems don't have a "shadow government" is they are so arrogant they're too stupid to try and hide their BS. You got Democrat Congresscritters that are complete fruit loops.

Well, guess what, sweetheart .. since I'm the bad guy, I'M THE FUKKIN BAD GUY. I'm not a pussy-ass Republican. I fight fire with fire. So keep bringing your redundant, Land of Oz BS.