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02-16-2017, 02:14 PM
Can anyone recommend a GOOD and ACCURATE background check service that they can vouch for? Nothing crazy going on, it's actually for and of myself, but I need the background history. I paid one service and it came back with garbage that is so completely inaccurate. I don't want to wast any more money unless it's worth it!

02-16-2017, 02:56 PM
Just go to your NY court website and pull yourself up. Won't that work?

I guess you'd need a NJ printout too, since you used to live there. The minor traffic offenses and prostitution charges you have prove you were there during those years.

02-16-2017, 03:18 PM
Just go to your NY court website and pull yourself up. Won't that work?

I guess you'd need a NJ printout too, since you used to live there. The minor traffic offenses and prostitution charges you have prove you were there during those years.

I lived mostly in NJ, then now of course in NY. The lame online crap comes up empty. I haven't found a single one yet that comes up with really anything. And yes, I DO have a record. :) No worries, no murders and no hookers! :)

As for the REAL way, according to NJ sites, they say I have to pay ahead of time, make an appointment, then go get fingerprinted and all that jazz, and then they will send the report in 4-6 weeks. WTF? I'm not doing all of that, too much work, and I ain't going to Jersey just for that. But I may need the report in order to get a qualification for something here.

I suppose I could just commit a crime and ask the responding officers to run my name, but there's got to be an easier way! I hear these stories about women who run checks on guys before dating or whatever. What dang sites do they use? All of the sites I've ever tried suck!!

02-16-2017, 03:24 PM
We're a bit different up here probably, but the accepted way here is to go to the Troopers and have one done.

They've got all the dirt on you; that's their job. NCIC knows all.

02-16-2017, 03:31 PM
We're a bit different up here probably, but the accepted way here is to go to the Troopers and have one done.

They've got all the dirt on you; that's their job. NCIC knows all.

That's the same here, the stuff I mentioned about the fingerprints and all is through the NJ state police.

02-16-2017, 03:58 PM
That's the same here, the stuff I mentioned about the fingerprints and all is through the NJ state police.

Well, sooner or later you're going to have to face the music over that 'bogus' transvestite hooker rap.

Might as well get 2 birds with one stone, roger?

02-16-2017, 04:22 PM
Jim....it might be as simple as going to a sporting goods store and applying to purchase a handgun.

Each state's laws vary, but as was said above NCIC (and EPIC) know all.

Abbey Marie
02-16-2017, 04:33 PM
Apply for a substitute teacher job, or an airport job...

02-16-2017, 04:42 PM
Apply for a substitute teacher job, or an airport job...

I think it has to be in an envelope sealed from the issuing agency to be valid, doesn't it? Or even mailed directly from the agency to the persons requesting it?

I know something as minor as your highschool transcripts have to be sealed and delivered that way... I'd think something as important as a background check would have at least that small measure of integrity.

Just a guess on my part, things are pretty easy to forge these days.

02-17-2017, 02:31 PM
When I worked as accountant at a church I had extensive background check because I worked with finances and would be around children. Wish I could remember which company because I was amazed at what they knew. I've had several background checks over the years due to my job but also when I was a notary and because I was the spouse of someone needing security clearance.

NT...as far as I know it is indeed delivered to the one requesting and paying for service.

Oh, and of course, everytime I buy a new gun. I hear they are running background checks in California every time ammo is purchased.

02-17-2017, 05:50 PM
Jim, I know a couple of people with rental properties that are signed up on a background checker offered by a realtors assoc. Maybe the wife would know about this and someone she knows could look you up. Please post your mugshot if successful.

02-17-2017, 08:22 PM
Can anyone recommend a GOOD and ACCURATE background check service that they can vouch for? Nothing crazy going on, it's actually for and of myself, but I need the background history. I paid one service and it came back with garbage that is so completely inaccurate. I don't want to wast any more money unless it's worth it!

jim. Other than using the FBI, that would probably tell you they are too busy.

I found this one online. https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=GLE&traffic[source]=GLE&utm_medium=Search&traffic[medium]=Search&utm_campaign=BGCE&traffic[campaign]=:BGCE&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=BGCE&s2=&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=BGCE&traffic[s2]=&gclid=Cj0KEQiA25rFBRC8rfyX1vjeg7YBEiQAFIb3b457MwPh XxSouu77uqjwhZtQRQFg1UrOEx_vnExF7fAaAkeb8P8HAQ

02-17-2017, 08:28 PM
Hopefully someone can help jimnyc out.

I did background checks with 4 different sources when working in the
Command Centers, but they are classified and I have no access any longer.
Even if I did have access, I could certainly not transmit the results.

02-17-2017, 10:46 PM
And yes, I DO have a record.


02-17-2017, 11:11 PM

Stupid...Explain your post.

02-18-2017, 12:08 PM
Y;all should try getting a military/FBI clearance. They know which side of the bed my momma slept on. They went and talked to my 2nd grade teacher.

I guess we are all products of our environments. I've had a military ID since I was 10. That crap doesn't even touch the radar with me. Last I checked, I still live in CA with the wife I haven't seen in 10 years.:laugh:

I just never think anything about it and don't understand the fuss. I DID pop up on the IRS's radar over my hospital bill. A-holes.

02-18-2017, 01:01 PM
Ok, I'm getting what I need. My cop friend is going to get it for me from a person inside the station. I don't need the FBI or state police crap...

But I still wonder - does this mean that most online background checks are no good? I've tried quite a few over the years and came up empty. Hell, the last 2 I used don't even know where I currently live. WTF? Can't be a very good check if it can't even determine that much.

02-18-2017, 03:01 PM
Ok, I'm getting what I need. My cop friend is going to get it for me from a person inside the station. I don't need the FBI or state police crap...

But I still wonder - does this mean that most online background checks are no good? I've tried quite a few over the years and came up empty. Hell, the last 2 I used don't even know where I currently live. WTF? Can't be a very good check if it can't even determine that much.

Consider this ... would you rather have it the other way around? I don't want any of you in my life. No offense. But, y'all don't need to know anything more about me than I will tell you. I consider the internet posting my personal info online an invasion of my privacy. If I want you to know anything about me, I just stick it on the board. And anyone that wants to know can ask.

Oh and jimnyc I understand what you are saying but you need a Fed check. Did you know you can get more time in Fed prison for bank robbery than committing a local murder? We like to pretend we care so much about others but you get 50 - no parole for stealing and you can get probation for murder.

02-18-2017, 03:07 PM
Consider this ... would you rather have it the other way around? I don't want any of you in my life. No offense. But, y'all don't need to know anything more about me than I will tell you. I consider the internet posting my personal info online an invasion of my privacy. If I want you to know anything about me, I just stick it on the board. And anyone that wants to know can ask.

Oh and jimnyc I understand what you are saying but you need a Fed check. Did you know you can get more time in Fed prison for bank robbery than committing a local murder? We like to pretend we care so much about others but you get 50 - no parole for stealing and you can get probation for murder.

Don't get me wrong, I've worked very hard over the years to protect my privacy, hence most places not even knowing where I live. :)

02-18-2017, 08:12 PM
Ok, I'm getting what I need. My cop friend is going to get it for me from a person inside the station. I don't need the FBI or state police crap...

But I still wonder - does this mean that most online background checks are no good? I've tried quite a few over the years and came up empty. Hell, the last 2 I used don't even know where I currently live. WTF? Can't be a very good check if it can't even determine that much.

jim. They are no good because...Today's Internet is easily changed by people to say whatever they want.
Have you ever heard of WIKIPEDIA?
Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. It is a special type of website designed to make collaboration easy, called a wiki. Many people are constantly improving Wikipedia, making thousands of changes per hour. Wikipedia:Introduction - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Introduction

After reading this. Remember. As some people believe.

Not everything you read on the Internet is TRUE.

02-18-2017, 09:06 PM
Don't get me wrong, I've worked very hard over the years to protect my privacy, hence most places not even knowing where I live. :)

I have done the same. Most of the paid "background services" are merely an accumulation of internet searches and other sources of public records. Thus, many include information that is years or decades out of date.
Like Abbey said, if you want a thorough background check, apply to work with kids. Or the government. I get a background check prior to the start of every school year. I do not list DP on my references. :laugh:

02-18-2017, 09:10 PM
Y;all should try getting a military/FBI clearance. They know which side of the bed my momma slept on. They went and talked to my 2nd grade teacher.

I guess we are all products of our environments. I've had a military ID since I was 10. That crap doesn't even touch the radar with me. Last I checked, I still live in CA with the wife I haven't seen in 10 years.:laugh:

I just never think anything about it and don't understand the fuss. I DID pop up on the IRS's radar over my hospital bill. A-holes.

I had TS/NATO...what a walk in the jungle THAT was!:laugh:

02-19-2017, 12:50 AM
Compare Reviews for Background Checks

02-19-2017, 03:44 AM
I had TS/NATO...what a walk in the jungle THAT was!:laugh:

That was my first clearance. Secret/NATO. Talk about feeling violated. But like I said, I was raised in a military environment. Hell, I was born on Air Force base. And they didn't have these wuss rules back then. Your parent was held accountable for your behavior and my dad was faster on the draw with his belt than Matt Dillon.:laugh:

But THAT is exactly what pisses me off about this Hitlery thing. We'd be in prison. She gets a pass. Not defending the guy at all but ask John Walker about his sentence for doing less damage. She should be sharing a cell with his ass. I know my crap's a matter of record.

I don't think Joe Sh*t the Ragman on the internet has a right to it and I HAVE seen it abused.

02-19-2017, 08:59 PM
That was my first clearance. Secret/NATO. Talk about feeling violated. But like I said, I was raised in a military environment. Hell, I was born on Air Force base. And they didn't have these wuss rules back then. Your parent was held accountable for your behavior and my dad was faster on the draw with his belt than Matt Dillon.:laugh:

But THAT is exactly what pisses me off about this Hitlery thing. We'd be in prison. She gets a pass. Not defending the guy at all but ask John Walker about his sentence for doing less damage. She should be sharing a cell with his ass. I know my crap's a matter of record.

I don't think Joe Sh*t the Ragman on the internet has a right to it and I HAVE seen it abused.

Gunny, and Elessar. I know exactly what you are talking about. I spent 2 years working at CINCLANTFLT headquarters, in the Comm center of NTCC Hampton Roads, where ALL THE TOP BRASS, including the WAR COLLEGE Flag officers walked around like it was a NFL football game...number wise.
Can't remember my highest Clearance, but I did handle ALL of the Crypto keying material, and equipment that spanned from Washington, to Cheyanne Mountain, SAC, and, we handled NEW DAY changeovers for the ENTIRE Naval Military, and Air Force security, and Messaging systems.
One of the questions they always asked during the POLYGRAPH tests was "Did you ever steal anything that didn't belong to you?" They told me to answer NO, and I knew that wasn't true. But I DID OWN, and TAKE HOME Navy Pens. NONE OF THEM WERE MINE. That's just part of the SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF YOU PROGRAM.

02-19-2017, 09:09 PM
Gunny, and Elessar. I know exactly what you are talking about. I spent 2 years working at CINCLANTFLT headquarters, in the Comm center of NTCC Hampton Roads, where ALL THE TOP BRASS, including the WAR COLLEGE Flag officers walked around like it was a NFL football game...number wise.
Can't remember my highest Clearance, but I did handle ALL of the Crypto keying material, and equipment that spanned from Washington, to Cheyanne Mountain, SAC, and, we handled NEW DAY changeovers for the ENTIRE Naval Military, and Air Force security, and Messaging systems.
One of the questions they always asked during the POLYGRAPH tests was "Did you ever steal anything that didn't belong to you?" They told me to answer NO, and I knew that wasn't true. But I DID OWN, and TAKE HOME Navy Pens. NONE OF THEM WERE MINE. That's just part of the SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF YOU PROGRAM.

You had to be TS/NATO for that stuff! I had connections to Command Centers and ComCens all over the the USA
Canada, and our Allies. JOTs access, Embassies, EPIC....and a few more.

02-19-2017, 11:50 PM
You had to be TS/NATO for that stuff! I had connections to Command Centers and ComCens all over the the USA
Canada, and our Allies. JOTs access, Embassies, EPIC....and a few more.

I was at LFTCLant at Little Creek. I was not a com guy but I get AT. Have to measure every word. No talking allowed.