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02-16-2017, 05:59 PM
I thought of the SC appointment, and perhaps more than one. But I really never considered it much further down than that. But Trump has a chance to REALLY shape the courts for a LONG time to come! The liberals hate him, and are already starting on trying to get rid of him and looking to 2020 - but much of the landscape change will already be done. Enjoy, liberals! :coffee:


Older Judges and Vacant Seats Give Trump Huge Power to Shape American Courts

In the weeks since taking office, President Trump has derided court decisions as “ridiculous” and “disgraceful,” called the legitimacy of federal judges into question and encouraged people to blame the courts in the event of another terrorist attack.

But Mr. Trump could soon find himself responsible for appointing a greater share of federal court judges than any first-term president in 40 years, in large part because of a growing number of older judges and a stack of vacancies on the federal courts.

(Trump could fill more judicial vacancies than any first-term president in decades)

There are 870 Article III federal court judgeships, the vast majority on district courts or appeals courts like the one that recently upheld a halt on Mr. Trump’s immigration ban. These judges are appointed by the president and serve a lifetime term. (A few federal judges are appointed for limited terms.)

After Jimmy Carter took office, Congress established 152 new federal judgeships, expanding the federal judiciary by nearly 30 percent and allowing Mr. Carter to stack the federal courts despite a presidency that lasted only one term.

Mr. Trump, through a combination of demography and a growing number of vacancies, stands to enjoy a similar windfall. Democrats have long accused Republican Senate leaders of obstruction in not allowing many of the previous administration’s judicial nominees to come to a vote. The most prominent example was the refusal to vote on Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court, but the tactic extended to Mr. Obama’s lower court nominees as well.

“Right off the bat, Republicans refused to approve anyone,” said Nan Aron, president of the liberal group Alliance for Justice. “So you know how important this is to the Republican Party.” Currently, 112 of the 870 authorized judgeships with lifetime appointments remain vacant — 33 have been vacant for more than two years.

John Malcolm, the director of the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, agreed with Ms. Aron’s characterization. “Mr. Trump has been given quite the opportunity,” Mr. Malcolm said, noting that there were about twice the number of vacancies on the federal bench as there were when Mr. Obama took office — “roughly an eighth of the judiciary.”

It’s not just vacancies. The federal bench has many judges who are older than 70. Federal judges are appointed for life, but at a certain combination of years served and age, they become eligible to accept “senior status,” a form of semi-retirement. If a judge enters senior status, that creates an open seat. Though it is highly unlikely, if all the federal judges who are eligible take senior status during Mr. Trump’s first term, he could appoint half of the federal bench.

Importance of the Lower Courts

While the lower courts attract a fraction of the public’s attention, they represent most of the federal docket. Only 15 percent of cases ever move past a district court judge to the circuit courts. Of these, only a tiny fraction make their way to the Supreme Court. “District court judges are your first shot at justice,” Mr. Malcolm said, “and often your last shot at justice.”

Those cases that do make it to the next level are still often constrained by the proceedings of the district court, where judges make what are called “findings of fact” (as distinguished from “findings of law”). “Some of the most powerful judges in the world are those that initially find facts and make conclusions,” said Judith Resnik, a law professor at Yale and an expert on the federal judiciary. “At the appellate stage, whatever information exists is in the trial record, and that record is made at the lower court level.”

This can have a big impact on the outcome of a case. Studies have shown that lower court judges appointed by Republican presidents are less likely to find constitutional violations in establishment clause cases, abortion rights claims and allegations of racial discrimination.

Rest here - https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/14/upshot/trump-poised-to-transform-american-courts.html

02-16-2017, 09:19 PM
There are two major reasons the liberals went bonkers when they realized they were losing the Nov. 2016 election in the Presidency and the Congress.

You have named one of them.

The other concerned Obamacare and its various unconstitutional features. They had designed it to fail, and planned to put "single payer" (i.e. totally government -controlled health care) in its place. Obamacare was merely a step toward a complete govt takeover of our health care system.

But it was MANDATORY to have Democrats in position to shepherd the collapsing Obamacare and have a pure-govt health-system solution ready, to ease the country into a completely socialist system. Then they could spend the next 30-50 years saying, "Well, the health care system is run by these principles, maybe the banks should be too. And maybe private industries should be regulated this way too. And.... etc. etc."

Trump's election was not only a stunning shock to these people. It was also the major derailing of their plans for the next decade... and beyond.

No wonder the liberals are still screaming and crying, rioting and burning and destroying things. The Trump election - which brought into power someone who has no qualms about pointing out the truth of what they were doing - forced their wished-for socialist utopia into the train wreck they always dreaded.

02-17-2017, 07:59 AM
There are two major reasons the liberals went bonkers when they realized they were losing the Nov. 2016 election in the Presidency and the Congress.

You have named one of them.

The other concerned Obamacare and its various unconstitutional features. They had designed it to fail, and planned to put "single payer" (i.e. totally government -controlled health care) in its place. Obamacare was merely a step toward a complete govt takeover of our health care system.

But it was MANDATORY to have Democrats in position to shepherd the collapsing Obamacare and have a pure-govt health-system solution ready, to ease the country into a completely socialist system. Then they could spend the next 30-50 years saying, "Well, the health care system is run by these principles, maybe the banks should be too. And maybe private industries should be regulated this way too. And.... etc. etc."

Trump's election was not only a stunning shock to these people. It was also the major derailing of their plans for the next decade... and beyond.

No wonder the liberals are still screaming and crying, rioting and burning and destroying things. The Trump election - which brought into power someone who has no qualms about pointing out the truth of what they were doing - forced their wished-for socialist utopia into the train wreck they always dreaded.

L-A, you always hit the nail on the head.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-17-2017, 08:24 AM
Bitter agony of defeat never sits well with such crybabies, vermin, and morons...
They will do more than just throw temper tantrums- they will do anything o reverse this course, think not then you are most certainly deluding yourself.
These people would think nothing of murdering to further their agenda--ex.. abortion.
Tis best not to underestimate these cowardly vermin.
A coward back-stabs and catches unwary victims.
Best to remember that they have for many decades placed RINO's in the Republican party-to sabotage....
The Dem party is a sworn enemy to this nation,its Constitutional Republic as was founded. A fact..
They wage war--not politics as usual.. Fact..---TYR