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View Full Version : Illegal aliens too terrified to apply for welfare........

02-17-2017, 01:23 PM
"A government social worker for Durham County, N.C., said that the number of Hispanic residents seeking assistance had dropped off rapidly in recent days amid swirling rumors about an ICE checkpoint at a Durham intersection and ICE agents making arrests in a supermarket parking lot.

"Today, I haven't gotten one Hispanic client in the entire check-in today," said the social worker, a longtime government employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

"That never happens … They think that when they come here for assistance, that they're going to be on some sort of invisible list."

I thought illegal aliens were not to supposed to be getting welfare. Which is it? The truth seems to shift depending on the line of propaganda we are being fed.

What happens when illegals become too afraid to get a taxpayer-funded education for their children? What happens when they become too fearful to vote?

Rumors have gripped the imagination of neighbors here, forcing families indoors and being vigilant of any law enforcement patrolling their streets. Doors typically open to neighbors and passersby drawn by the smell of pupusas or rice are now closed and locked.

Isn't ICE performing a community service by preventing buildings from smelling of pupusas? If I lived in an illegal alien ghetto, I would not want to smell pupusas all the time."

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/02/illegal_aliens_too_terrified_to_apply_for_welfare. html

`Illegal Alien Tries Shows Up at Welfare Office to Collect Checks – Gets A NASTY Surprise`

`In this video, an illegal immigrant learns the hard way that illegal aliens are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America.Infowars (http://www.infowars.com/watch-ice-agents-lasso-illegals-in-texas/) reported that footage from Austin, Texas shows ICE agents arrest an illegal immigrant they had just caught. Seconds later, a van full of more federal agents shows up to assist with the arrest.`



02-17-2017, 02:25 PM
Finally...ICE being allowed to do their job and enforce our laws.

02-17-2017, 02:35 PM

02-18-2017, 01:12 PM
They are ILLEGALS, of course they should be afraid. They shouldn't even qualify for a nickel, IMO.

And all we EVER hear is immigration this and immigration that, and how America has changed about how much we like immigrants and what not...

NOTHING has changed, other than them refusing to use the word ILLEGAL, which is ALL folks have an issue with.