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View Full Version : FBI: No Charges Against Michael Flynn

02-18-2017, 02:42 PM
The right thing was definitely done by tossing him aside. They did a quick investigation and then decided he was too much of a liability. I agree. With that said - I don't think he's getting a fair shake from some on the left, who are accusing him of the worst scandal to ever hit the WH, and that he rigged the election. If that were true...


FBI: No Charges Against Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn

Law enforcement officials told CNN on Friday that, “barring new information that changes what they know,” charges will not be recommended against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn over his telephone conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Michael Flynn’s pre-inauguration calls to Kislyak became a controversy that ultimately resulted in his resignation, but even the final wave of media reports in the onslaught against him conceded that no illegal behavior occurred in the selected portions of his phone transcripts leaked to the media. Flynn’s defenders suspected the full transcripts were not leaked because they would prove he did nothing illegal. That suspicion appears confirmed by CNN’s report:

Flynn initially told investigators sanctions were not discussed. But FBI agents challenged him, asking if he was certain that was his answer. He said he didn’t remember.

The FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers. Although Flynn didn’t remember all of what he talked about, they don’t believe he was intentionally misleading them, the officials say.

However, CNN concludes by noting, “there is still an ongoing, broader FBI review of Flynn and Russia-related dealings.”

The key issue that could have spelled serious legal jeopardy for Flynn was the sanctions imposed against Russia in the last weeks of the Obama administration. The Washington Post noted on Thursday that Flynn denied discussing sanctions with Kislyak in an interview with FBI agents last month, which could have exposed him to felony charges of lying to the FBI.

However, the Post cited “several officials” who said it was “unclear whether procedures would attempt to bring a case, in part because Flynn may parse the definition of the word ‘sanctions,'” and because he told the FBI he couldn’t recall everything said during his conversation with Kislyak.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/02/17/fbi-no-charges-former-national-security-adviser-michael-flynn/

02-18-2017, 03:27 PM
The only thing he did wrong here was misleading Pence... that could have had big repercussions down the road, especially since the moonbats are desperate for anything to sink their teeth into.

Lying to Pence justified the termination. If you can't 100% trust your people to be straight with you running the country, they shouldn't be in the circle.

02-18-2017, 09:11 PM
The FBI also cleared Hillary Clinton several times. You know where that led to. :cool:



02-18-2017, 09:14 PM
The FBI also cleared Hillary Clinton several times. You know where that led to. :cool:


Sure, after Bill Clinton met with Lynch for 30 minutes on the tarmac. Nothing shady about
that to liberals, is there? And it was twice she faced the music, not several times.

Black Diamond
02-18-2017, 09:41 PM
The FBI also cleared Hillary Clinton several times. You know where that led to. :cool:

A Trump Presidency.

02-18-2017, 09:42 PM
A Trump Presidency.



02-18-2017, 10:13 PM
The FBI also cleared Hillary Clinton several times. You know where that led to. :cool:



Wrong again gabby. Clinton was NEVER cleared by the FBI, or anyone else.
That's nothing but more of your, and liberal lack of comprehension working. Twisting words to make you all feel better. LIES ARE LIES.

SALON.COM??? Is Nancy Pelosi the secret owner of that Site gabby?