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View Full Version : Question for Trump voters: Aren't you embarrassed?

02-22-2017, 08:28 PM
The Rude Pundit is the anti-Breitbart of liberal media. :cheers2:


But I really want to know from Trump voters: Does any of this embarrass you? Any of the shit with Michael Flynn and Russia? Any of the ridiculous things Trump says, like threatening to "destroy the career" of a state legislator? Any of the ludicrous comments and promises he makes? His complete lack of understanding of the way the government actually functions? His complete lack of knowledge about the United States's relationships with other countries? The disastrous and unnecessary military mission in Yemen? The fact that he is literally doing the things he said he was going to do, like tearing families apart? The demonstrable lies? Does any of it make a dent with you?

I stopped, too, because I realized that it doesn't. And that reasoning with most Trump voters is like running a flea circus. You can fool people into thinking the fleas are doing tricks and acrobatics, but it's just fleas being fleas. Whatever frame you put on it, they're gonna do whatever the fuck they please.

Whenever we face the joke of a presidency we're forced to endure right now, we're not merely facing the pumpkinheaded doom goblin at the top. We're facing all of his supporters who are unmoved by any ethical lapse, any law broken at this point, even the Constitution itself. So we either have to write them off as a mad tribe that has taken over the temple and hope they orgy themselves to death or we have to reason with them, however terrible it might be to walk up to a group of convulsing idiots and ask them to listen to your insights you got from watching CNN.

The takeaway from the blog post was going to be that I'd like to think that I'd be embarrassed. I'd like to think that it would matter even if President Stumblefuck McBleedingheart was going to tax the wealthy more and rein in Wall Street and get rid of money in politics and spend shit-tons on infrastructure and alternate energies and make reversing climate change a top priority and attack poverty with education and jobs programs and on and on. If he was as dumbly evil and evilly dumb as Trump, I'd like to think I'd be able to say, "Yeah, but, holy fuckballs, man, can we just impeach him already?"

Shame is a powerful tool. We need to deploy it more and make Trump's ardent supporters feel like outcasts for denying reality

02-22-2017, 10:21 PM
Here's the thing, Gabby ...

You Lefties COULD wait, to see if Trump's pledge to Make America Great Again is fulfilled. You really could ! BUT, YOU AND YOUR ILK ARE IN AN ENORMOUS HURRY TO DO TRUMP AS MUCH DAMAGE AS YOU CAN.

What's your hurry ? Are you worried that Trump is showing every sign of being determined to deliver on his election promises ? That he WILL represent those who voted for him, EXACTLY as he promised to do ? That he's achieved, and worked to achieve, more in a month than your man did in YEARS ?

I think you're really afraid that Trump, when given enough time to settle into his job and fully prove himself, will turn out to be a stellar President; one who does, indeed, push through reforms and pledges that DO make ordinary Americas not only better off, but proud to be American once more !

So, Gabby, wait and see what Trump makes of his Presidency ... not just a handful of WEEKS after being inaugurated, but after a couple of YEARS.

Or can't you wait that long .. is desperation already settling in your soul, h'mm ? Might he shame YOU, in time, on the strength of his Presidential record ??

02-22-2017, 10:37 PM
So tell me, Sir Drummond, how much of a chance did the right give Obama? They pledged obstruction from the day after he was first elected.
You are looking at Trump through the eyes of a far-right supporter who has pre-approved all of his programs.

02-22-2017, 11:33 PM
So tell me, Sir Drummond, how much of a chance did the right give Obama? They pledged obstruction from the day after he was first elected.
You are looking at Trump through the eyes of a far-right supporter who has pre-approved all of his programs.

Republicans caved to obama many times...didn't wanna be called racist and a felt reaching across the table was the thing to do with Leftist Vermin....(Live and learn) ....

02-23-2017, 03:37 AM
I'm proud of the work he's done to right the fucking-mess left by Mr. Obama. He left the nation a steaming pile of shit in terms of fiscal health, race relations, international relations, and trade agreements.

the only thing I DONT like is when trump signs an order that should be congress' job to do...and then he shows the order to the cameras. Also his official photo looks like he's trying to be a bad ass. Over-done. He should redo it.

02-23-2017, 07:47 AM
Let's face it, this is just another liberal tactic. "SHAME ON YOU!" chanted over and over as if the left whack jobs have cornered the market on morality. The irony is they pull this crap as they burn other people's property, beat fellow citizens, steal their money and kill babies. They have the nerve to support treasonous criminals for public office, ignore corruption by their "progressive" leaders, and release classified material to our enemies.

Then they have the unmitigated gall to ask if I am ashamed??

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-23-2017, 08:29 AM
Ashamed? Not me my friend. I have made it a lifelong principle not to be ashamed of the ethical and moral stands I take opposing evil. Evil that if rampant and embedded so very deep in the Dem party.
Trump tis not perfect but compared to the opposition, he is a hero, a valiant defender.
And that should give you guys an idea of just how low, dark and depraved the dem party is.-Tyr

02-23-2017, 11:55 AM
I didn't vote for Trump, but should have. The agenda he is advancing is worth tolerating his rough edges. Mitch McConnell may be right that Trump makes things harder than they have to be, but at least he is moving the country in the right direction.

Abbey Marie
02-23-2017, 12:05 PM
Why is it that libs cannot write or speak without cursing? This writer I think took 1 paragraph to use the *f* word. There was a time when writers used excellent vocabularies and careful crafting to make their points. These sad new writers and speakers have zero credibility with me. And yes, it is the pussycat hat, vagina-wearing left that holds the crown of pathletic crudeness.

Abbey Marie
02-23-2017, 12:09 PM
As for the content of the piece (which was ruined by the vulgarities), I am cautiously optimistic about Trump. And despite the "writer"'s stunned objection, it is a big fat positive that Trump is keeping his campaign promises. Only a partisan hack could suggest otherwise.

02-23-2017, 01:11 PM
Obama's first promise broken was on Day 1 when he pledged a "Transparent Administration".
It was about as transparent as a bar of lead. It went downhill after that.

02-23-2017, 05:00 PM
Why is it that libs cannot write or speak without cursing? This writer I think took 1 paragraph to use the *f* word. There was a time when writers used excellent vocabularies and careful crafting to make their points. These sad new writers and speakers have zero credibility with me. And yes, it is the pussycat hat, vagina-wearing left that holds the crown of pathletic crudeness.

I missed that...

Lack of class and civility is the answer.

Who riots, loots, burns and destroys property? LIBS.
Who curses and tries to shove LE along a street? LIBS.
Who blocks access to sidewalks, streets, and highways. LIBS
Who writes such foul-mouthed things on media? LIBS.

Conservatives do not push back because they know they are dealing
with spoiled children. Maybe it is high time to spank the whole lot.