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View Full Version : Itchy eyes

02-27-2017, 04:59 PM
Don't wanna sound like a chronic complainer, but basically I am one! :coffee:

So I have a question. My eyes, in the past 6 months or so (I only called the eye do so far, but he said the glasses wouldn't cause this issue, to look into my diet? WTF?)

It could be either eye, but this is my right eye this week. It starts to get itchy, as if it has an eyelash or whatever in there, or that something or anything is in there. I try various good drops like visine, or clear eyes, or the good stuff that I got from the eye doctor. For a few seconds or a minute it feels better, but then literally comes right back and annoys me. But you'll have to trust me when I say there is nothing in there. Tonight it could end up being my left eye. I have no idea why it goes to either eye, I just know it itches and is annoying as hell!

Did I ask about this before? LOL

Fatigue from staring at the computer screen?