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View Full Version : A Branch Trumpidians take on Trump so far

02-27-2017, 08:59 PM
I loved that name so much I had to embrace it and use it myself (stolen from Boogyman).

Trump's rollout of his 'travel ban' the first go round. Some lay responsibility in certain areas, but the buck stops with Trump. I know they wanted to get this one out there asap to protect people, but a week longer to properly put shit together wouldn't have hurt, IMO.

Mike Flynn.

Foot 'n mouth disease for Trump & Conway.


His accomplishments are there but quickly forgotten or barely reported on.

Of course the SCOTUS pick, that's huge. With any luck, we'll see this repeated. :)

Great executive orders: Border security, ethics commitments, reducing regulation, crime reduction, trafficking of humans.

Withdrawing from TPP, Pipelines will be working soon AND all new pipeline construction and repair work use materials and equipment from the United States.

NO money for sanctuary cities.

His refusal to give into the media, and even calling them out about what they report.

And of course making the left go even more insane than they already were - priceless! Watch Pelosi talk about Trump? The old gal is gonna fall over dead. A bunch of them over there have some serious anger coming out of their mouths! It's great to see the stuff they say and how crazy they are - because we all know it helps towards 2020!!

Trump ain't perfect, but he's a lot better than than the MSM has been reporting. He's been following through with all of his promises and off to a decent start, IMO. But not perfection by any means.

02-27-2017, 09:41 PM
Why does the U.S. need new oil pipelines? Oil prices are at all time lows. The oil companies sell their surplus supply to China and Japan, which pay far higher prices than they would get on the domestic market.

Let's look at Trump's new military budget. If the $54 billion increase is anything like the proposal he outlined earlier, most of the outlay will go to new weapons projects and nuclear proliferation. There was nothing listed for increases in military pay, the VA system or veterans benefits.

02-27-2017, 10:23 PM
Why does the U.S. need new oil pipelines? Oil prices are at all time lows. The oil companies sell their surplus supply to China and Japan, which pay far higher prices than they would get on the domestic market.

Let's look at Trump's new military budget. If the $54 billion increase is anything like the proposal he outlined earlier, most of the outlay will go to new weapons projects and nuclear proliferation. There was nothing listed for increases in military pay, the VA system or veterans benefits.

Nonsensical post. Guess those idiot pills kicked in ....

02-28-2017, 02:54 PM
Why does the U.S. need new oil pipelines? Oil prices are at all time lows. The oil companies sell their surplus supply to China and Japan, which pay far higher prices than they would get on the domestic market.

Let's look at Trump's new military budget. If the $54 billion increase is anything like the proposal he outlined earlier, most of the outlay will go to new weapons projects and nuclear proliferation. There was nothing listed for increases in military pay, the VA system or veterans benefits.

New piplelines helps cut our need for Middle East products. Like it or not, oil, coal, and natural
gas are what this nation operates on. I wish Nuke plants would kick in. About 87% of France uses
nuke to generate power.

As far as that budget comment, you don't know what you are talking about. There are assets sitting
idle because of no money to maintain or repair them. The services with air assets have to scrape the
boneyard at Davis-Monthan to try and fix the assets. I am sure the other things you tried to highlight
are under consideration.

Nonsensical post. Guess those idiot pills kicked in ....

Strong dose!

02-28-2017, 05:22 PM
Why does the U.S. need new oil pipelines? Oil prices are at all time lows. The oil companies sell their surplus supply to China and Japan, which pay far higher prices than they would get on the domestic market.

Let's look at Trump's new military budget. If the $54 billion increase is anything like the proposal he outlined earlier, most of the outlay will go to new weapons projects and nuclear proliferation. There was nothing listed for increases in military pay, the VA system or veterans benefits.

WRONG!!!!!! Oil has risen 60% off its low.

02-28-2017, 08:01 PM
I loved that name so much I had to embrace it and use it myself (stolen from Boogyman).

Trump's rollout of his 'travel ban' the first go round. Some lay responsibility in certain areas, but the buck stops with Trump. I know they wanted to get this one out there asap to protect people, but a week longer to properly put shit together wouldn't have hurt, IMO.

Mike Flynn.

Foot 'n mouth disease for Trump & Conway.


His accomplishments are there but quickly forgotten or barely reported on.

Of course the SCOTUS pick, that's huge. With any luck, we'll see this repeated. :)

Great executive orders: Border security, ethics commitments, reducing regulation, crime reduction, trafficking of humans.

Withdrawing from TPP, Pipelines will be working soon AND all new pipeline construction and repair work use materials and equipment from the United States.

NO money for sanctuary cities.

His refusal to give into the media, and even calling them out about what they report.

And of course making the left go even more insane than they already were - priceless! Watch Pelosi talk about Trump? The old gal is gonna fall over dead. A bunch of them over there have some serious anger coming out of their mouths! It's great to see the stuff they say and how crazy they are - because we all know it helps towards 2020!!

Trump ain't perfect, but he's a lot better than than the MSM has been reporting. He's been following through with all of his promises and off to a decent start, IMO. But not perfection by any means.

You would not be what I call a member of the Branch Trumpidians. You have common sense and think for yourself. The Branch Trumpidians are the loons that deify Mr. Trump and will not allow and kind of rational discussion around his actions whether right or wrong. :)

02-28-2017, 09:07 PM
You would not be what I call a member of the Branch Trumpidians. You have common sense and think for yourself. The Branch Trumpidians are the loons that deify Mr. Trump and will not allow and kind of rational discussion around his actions whether right or wrong. :)

I agree. There are those that just won't give an inch that Trump just might be right on something, it doesn't matter if they like him personally, but he's focused on somethings that need to be focused on. Most of the MSM is in this group. Then there are those that go full crazy on connecting his being with all the wrongs worldwide, even turning to violence.

Then there are those that defend him, no matter what he says or does. The one thing I'll say for these folks is that they have not gone to violence which some of the former have done. They may use rhetoric that tends towards violence, but don't put it into actions.