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02-28-2017, 12:49 PM
A "friend" visited on Friday.

The woman used her Ipad early Friday morning to get most of our Freshdirect order ready for the weekend. When she got home from work at 4ish PM, the Ipad was gone. She instantly went to it after work to finalize the order for weekend delivery.

A friend of mine came over. Well, I picked him up and we came here. And it was for doing him a favor no less. Had to burn some CD's and other things for him. We quickly peeked into the room next to my computer room on the way up here, just to grab a spare chair. That chair was about 10 feet from the bed where she had her Ipad running, and a Surface Pro. In addition, using the bathroom upstairs, that bathroom separates my computer room and that other bedroom. So one could EASILY get into that bedroom from the bathroom.

My friend, oddly enough, used the bathroom a lot. He even went as far as to point it out, even making a comment while in there once, something about 'why' can't he stop having to go to the bathroom that day. I just ignored him of course, was too busy working on computer stuff.

It wasn't until she came out, and almost immediately asked about it.... at first I was like "It wasn't me of course, I don't use that device, have my own" - but then I wondered for a few seconds, and then of course told her about it. Man, I hate to think this, but I'm VERY confident that my friend stole that Ipad from our house.

She said she is 1000% sure it was there when she left for work. I know for sure that I didn't touch it. Jordan didn't get home until later. So what happened then, it just up and walk away? It all makes sense... the timing, his so many times going to the bathroom... mind you, from in the bathroom, you open the other door, and the Ipad was about 3 feet from that door.

And this was a friend that we talked and did stuff all the time. I haven't heard a single peep from him since. A good thief would do shit, and then act the same so as not to stand out. This thing disappears, and then so does he, which is somewhat of a rarity.

The thing is probably only worth a few hundred at this point, but that's not the point. I don't think I could ever take a chance on being friends again.

Oh, and the "find my iphone" stuff was turned on for emergencies. It comes up empty now though. - AND my friend worked at a few wireless stores selling and fixing phones and accessories. He knows Iphones and Ipads inside and out. He could probably disable and wipe and reset within an hour.

But what if I'm wrong? I don't think so though. It all adds up.

02-28-2017, 01:23 PM
A "friend" visited on Friday.

The woman used her Ipad early Friday morning to get most of our Freshdirect order ready for the weekend. When she got home from work at 4ish PM, the Ipad was gone. She instantly went to it after work to finalize the order for weekend delivery.

A friend of mine came over. Well, I picked him up and we came here. And it was for doing him a favor no less. Had to burn some CD's and other things for him. We quickly peeked into the room next to my computer room on the way up here, just to grab a spare chair. That chair was about 10 feet from the bed where she had her Ipad running, and a Surface Pro. In addition, using the bathroom upstairs, that bathroom separates my computer room and that other bedroom. So one could EASILY get into that bedroom from the bathroom.

My friend, oddly enough, used the bathroom a lot. He even went as far as to point it out, even making a comment while in there once, something about 'why' can't he stop having to go to the bathroom that day. I just ignored him of course, was too busy working on computer stuff.

It wasn't until she came out, and almost immediately asked about it.... at first I was like "It wasn't me of course, I don't use that device, have my own" - but then I wondered for a few seconds, and then of course told her about it. Man, I hate to think this, but I'm VERY confident that my friend stole that Ipad from our house.

She said she is 1000% sure it was there when she left for work. I know for sure that I didn't touch it. Jordan didn't get home until later. So what happened then, it just up and walk away? It all makes sense... the timing, his so many times going to the bathroom... mind you, from in the bathroom, you open the other door, and the Ipad was about 3 feet from that door.

And this was a friend that we talked and did stuff all the time. I haven't heard a single peep from him since. A good thief would do shit, and then act the same so as not to stand out. This thing disappears, and then so does he, which is somewhat of a rarity.

The thing is probably only worth a few hundred at this point, but that's not the point. I don't think I could ever take a chance on being friends again.

Oh, and the "find my iphone" stuff was turned on for emergencies. It comes up empty now though. - AND my friend worked at a few wireless stores selling and fixing phones and accessories. He knows Iphones and Ipads inside and out. He could probably disable and wipe and reset within an hour.

But what if I'm wrong? I don't think so though. It all adds up.

Unfortunately I have to come to the same conclusion. Sorry, that's a bitch.

02-28-2017, 01:37 PM
Unfortunately I have to come to the same conclusion. Sorry, that's a bitch.

Surprisingly, it's my wife who is being nice about this so far. She doesn't want to blame him. I don't either, but I'm not naive. I wish I could prove it, but I don't have anything solid. But if I'm eating in the living room, home alone with my dog, and I go to the kitchen and back, and my hot dog is gone - with no one else here, I'm pretty sure that little bastard ate my hot dog!!

I have no solid proof, but I also can't come up with anything at all to make sense of this either. The only thing that makes sense is that he took it.

He lost his job a few months back. He has borrowed money from me a few times since, which I don't mind. I've given him rides and what not, as he has no vehicle either. He's in somewhat of a bad place right now. This also makes you wonder. But all he had to do was ASK. I've NEVER turned a friend away, ever. And not having heard from him since is icing on the cake. He's the type that would ALWAYS text me here and there, daily, whether to do something or to just mess with one another. Instant MIA after all of this raises my radar.

Can't blame someone without proof, as that's a friendship killer. But can't continue such a friendship, IMO, without proof of the opposite. Sometimes solid proof isn't necessary to connect the dots. :(

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-28-2017, 01:39 PM
A "friend" visited on Friday.

The woman used her Ipad early Friday morning to get most of our Freshdirect order ready for the weekend. When she got home from work at 4ish PM, the Ipad was gone. She instantly went to it after work to finalize the order for weekend delivery.

A friend of mine came over. Well, I picked him up and we came here. And it was for doing him a favor no less. Had to burn some CD's and other things for him. We quickly peeked into the room next to my computer room on the way up here, just to grab a spare chair. That chair was about 10 feet from the bed where she had her Ipad running, and a Surface Pro. In addition, using the bathroom upstairs, that bathroom separates my computer room and that other bedroom. So one could EASILY get into that bedroom from the bathroom.

My friend, oddly enough, used the bathroom a lot. He even went as far as to point it out, even making a comment while in there once, something about 'why' can't he stop having to go to the bathroom that day. I just ignored him of course, was too busy working on computer stuff.

It wasn't until she came out, and almost immediately asked about it.... at first I was like "It wasn't me of course, I don't use that device, have my own" - but then I wondered for a few seconds, and then of course told her about it. Man, I hate to think this, but I'm VERY confident that my friend stole that Ipad from our house.

She said she is 1000% sure it was there when she left for work. I know for sure that I didn't touch it. Jordan didn't get home until later. So what happened then, it just up and walk away? It all makes sense... the timing, his so many times going to the bathroom... mind you, from in the bathroom, you open the other door, and the Ipad was about 3 feet from that door.

And this was a friend that we talked and did stuff all the time. I haven't heard a single peep from him since. A good thief would do shit, and then act the same so as not to stand out. This thing disappears, and then so does he, which is somewhat of a rarity.

The thing is probably only worth a few hundred at this point, but that's not the point. I don't think I could ever take a chance on being friends again.

Oh, and the "find my iphone" stuff was turned on for emergencies. It comes up empty now though. - AND my friend worked at a few wireless stores selling and fixing phones and accessories. He knows Iphones and Ipads inside and out. He could probably disable and wipe and reset within an hour.

But what if I'm wrong? I don't think so though. It all adds up.

That suxs big time...

I once was around too many of them when a young man.
Stomped a few of them for stealing from my friends. Stomped one extremely badly for stealing 600 dollars out of one of my girlfriend's purse.
Beat him down, busted him up bad, took her money from his billfold and took the extra 110 dollars that was his- gave ALL(the extra too) to my girlfriend for her trouble and aggravation that he put her through - as that was her monthly bill money and she had been crying all day before I caught up to the scum..
I told him -- move out of town , far away because every time I see you, I am going to give you this same lesson.
He moved...-Tyr

02-28-2017, 01:43 PM
That suxs big time...

I once was around too many of them when a young man.
Stomped a few of them for stealing from my friends. Stomped one extremely badly for stealing 600 dollars out of one of my girlfriend's purse.
Beat him down, busted him up bad, took her money from his billfold and took the extra 110 dollars that was his- gave ALL(the extra too) to my girlfriend for her trouble and aggravation that he put her through - as that was her monthly bill money and she had been crying all day before I caught up to the scum..
I told him -- move out of town , far away because every time I see you, I am going to give you this same lesson.
He moved...-Tyr

My first instinct was, when speaking with my wife, was that if I find proof for sure, he's getting a knock on his door and an ass kicking. She got upset with that, and wants me to forget about it. WTF? I suppose getting arrested or whatever may not be the best thing, but I don't forget things. In another life in another world. Maybe back in my 20's, the fight was on even without proof!! :)

02-28-2017, 02:17 PM
Face it. You got used and hosed.
All those dots do connect.

Abbey Marie
02-28-2017, 02:53 PM
"People suck"
-Mike Tyson

Sorry, Jim. Hurts more when it is someone you are so nice to. Is your wife worried about any financial or other personal info on the iPad?

02-28-2017, 03:04 PM
"People suck"
-Mike Tyson

Sorry, Jim. Hurts more when it is someone you are so nice to. Is your wife worried about any financial or other personal info on the iPad?

All of the accounts were immediately changed, passwords and such. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon.... And of course all of the Ipad/Icloud info as well, so no one can purchase apps or whatever. But if this went down the way I think it did - all of that stuff was long deleted and gone before I even got back home from dropping him off that day.

This is why I always tell folks to leave those things running, for good reason! And place a good screen lock on there for bootup. You can easily wipe your Ipad from afar if you do this stuff, have it popup with noises, or even pop up with your phone number and what not. But not on this one. :(

02-28-2017, 05:11 PM
Fuck him.

What do you suppose was his motive? Or was it just opportunity? Is he a shifty shit in general?

Next time he calls and wants to do something, just tell him, "I know what you did, I'm busy."

But what I'm most interested in is...

You have a dog that waits for you to leave the room before scarfing your hot dog (I almost typed weiner...)?

I had one take my deli style sandwich, homemade, right off the counter in front of me. Damn I miss that dog...

02-28-2017, 05:16 PM
Fuck him.

What do you suppose was his motive? Or was it just opportunity? Is he a shifty shit in general?

Next time he calls and wants to do something, just tell him, "I know what you did, I'm busy."

Rough times? He is a shifty bastard, but has never been that way towards me. But knowing he had that side of him, I should have known better.

But what I'm most interested in is...

You have a dog that waits for you to leave the room before scarfing your hot dog (I almost typed weiner...)?

I had one take my deli style sandwich, homemade, right off the counter in front of me. Damn I miss that dog...

LOL My brother had a labrador that ate an entire cake that was on the counter waiting to be eaten. This one would rip food right out of your hand if you weren't paying attention. Talk about shifty!! And he would also steal baseball hates from people, he had a little obsession with them! And, true story here, Mom wore a wig for a bit after she was taking chemo for breast cancer. This dog would jump on the couch, then go on the top back like a cat, and would sneak over and tear it off her head and run like hell with it!! LOL "Clyde", that was one unique bastard.

02-28-2017, 05:33 PM
Jim, D.T.A. : Don't Trust Anybody. That means not even family. I live by it!

I generally expect and prepare for the worst from people. They seldom prove me wrong.

02-28-2017, 07:15 PM
And, true story here, Mom wore a wig for a bit after she was taking chemo for breast cancer. This dog would jump on the couch, then go on the top back like a cat, and would sneak over and tear it off her head and run like hell with it!! LOL "Clyde", that was one unique bastard.

Ohhh....that is funny!:laugh: