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03-03-2017, 01:53 PM
Anyone saying this doesn't matter is delusional. We all know that the majority of the press is left leaning. Now you see them going nuts since Trump is in office, and of course the public feeds off of a lot of that. IMO, Obama left things split in the nation, and also a racial divide. Then toss in the press and light a match... Of course some of the media is deserved, but much of it is also the media making things worse, much worse. And is it just the media? I don't think so. Some of the leaks have had to come from somewhere. At any rate, you can see that it's clearly one sided.


Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study

There was no press honeymoon for President Trump during his first month in office. A meticulous new study by the Media Research Center finds that 88 percent of the broadcast news coverage of Mr. Trump and his team was “hostile” during the first 30 days of office.

The coverage was intense and plentiful. The study, which analyzed both tone and content for evening newscasts on ABC, NBC and CBS, found that the “Big Three” networks produced 16 hours of coverage on the new president and his staff. That is over half — 54 percent — of their total coverage for the month.

“Our measure of media tone excludes soundbites from identified partisans, focusing instead on tallying the evaluative statements made by reporters and the nonpartisan talking heads (experts and average citizens) included in their stories,” write Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog, and fellow analyst Mike Ciandella.

“In their coverage of Trump’s first month, the networks crowded their stories with quotes from citizens angry about many of his policies, while providing relatively little airtime to Trump supporters.” the pair noted. “And the networks’ anchors and reporters often injected their own anti-Trump editorial tone into the coverage. ‘It has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality,’ CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley snidely began his February 6 broadcast.

“A new American president is always a big story, but TV news is obsessed with the Trump administration — and not in a good way,” they observed.

The study found that Mr. Trump’s call for a temporary ban on travel from seven specific Middle Eastern nations drew the most negative coverage — over three hours. Other favorite showcases for negative coverage of Mr. Trump included the border war between the U.S. and Mexico, battle over his cabinet confirmation picks and the president’s “complicated relationship” with Russia.

Rest here - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/mar/2/press-coverage-of-trump-in-first-month-of-office-8/

03-03-2017, 07:01 PM
It has been amusingly stinky.

That 'Big Three' has been in the left's pocket for so long that they are cozy there.

And the comment that so many 'Editorialize' is spot on. They need to revert back
to NEWS, and leave the personal opinions aside. If they do that, they may regain
a lot of respect. I see it as an uphill battle for them because they are so entrenched
with the DNC philosophy that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

03-03-2017, 10:01 PM
Of course, the Moonie Times is not going to approve. Neither are conservative watchdog groups.
I am guessing the conservative media was more than 88 percent hostile toward Obama while he was in office.