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03-03-2017, 02:12 PM
Trump Was Right: Large Amounts of Actionable Intelligence Found in Yemen Raid

After President Trump said that Secretary of Defense James Mattis had confirmed that the SEAL raid in Yemen had garnered vital intelligence against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, many in the media were skeptical.

Trump said Tuesday night during his speech to the joint session of Congress that Mattis had told him Navy SEAL Ryan Owens "was a part of a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemies."

The MSM was quick to contradict the president and his defense secretary: "Still no actionable intelligence," NBC reported on Wednesday:

The Pentagon says Navy SEALs scooped up laptops, hard drives and cell phones in last month's Yemen raid, but multiple U.S. officials told NBC News that none of the intelligence gleaned from the operation so far has proven actionable or vital — contrary to what President Trump said in his speech to Congress Tuesday.

Now, despite media reports to the contrary, CNN is reporting that the U.S. is indeed acting on intelligence gleaned from the raid targeting the al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen.

Several US officials told CNN Thursday that the US is now taking action to locate and monitor hundreds of people or "contacts" found as part the intelligence retrieved during the deadly raid last month in Yemen targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Some of these people are believed to be in the West, but not in the United States.

The government is taking action to find and monitor these AQAP-linked individuals because of the threat they may pose to Europe, the officials added.

The intelligence gathered from the computers and cell phones is being reviewed at the National Media Exploitation Center (NMEC) outside of Washington, according to CNN. The NMEC "analyzes documents, electronic media, cell phones, video and audio tapes seized on overseas missions."

The mission to extract computers and other intelligence from the al Qaeda camp had been "well-rehearsed," NBC News reported earlier this month, but something went wrong and all hell broke loose. The massive firefight that ensued involved "Harrier jets, helicopter gunships and gun-wielding jihadi women." One Navy SEAL, 14 al Qaeda fighters, and a number of civilians were killed in the fight.

Multiple military and intelligence sources told NBC News "that something tipped off the terrorist targets" of the early morning raid.


03-03-2017, 02:22 PM
In 2000, the USS COLE was attacked in Yemen.
What did CLINTON DO???? Nothing. The same as Obama for his friends.


For all the years I spent in the Navy. The ONE command we all understood was....An attack on a U.S. Navy Ship is an ATTACK ON THE U.S.A. And an act of WAR.
Finally, Trump, like Bush is taking action against ISLAMIC TERRORISTS.

03-03-2017, 06:32 PM
Trump Was Right: Large Amounts of Actionable Intelligence Found in Yemen Raid

After President Trump said that Secretary of Defense James Mattis had confirmed that the SEAL raid in Yemen had garnered vital intelligence against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, many in the media were skeptical.

Trump said Tuesday night during his speech to the joint session of Congress that Mattis had told him Navy SEAL Ryan Owens "was a part of a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemies."

The MSM was quick to contradict the president and his defense secretary: "Still no actionable intelligence," NBC reported on Wednesday:

Now, despite media reports to the contrary, CNN is reporting that the U.S. is indeed acting on intelligence gleaned from the raid targeting the al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen.

The intelligence gathered from the computers and cell phones is being reviewed at the National Media Exploitation Center (NMEC) outside of Washington, according to CNN. The NMEC "analyzes documents, electronic media, cell phones, video and audio tapes seized on overseas missions."

The mission to extract computers and other intelligence from the al Qaeda camp had been "well-rehearsed," NBC News reported earlier this month, but something went wrong and all hell broke loose. The massive firefight that ensued involved "Harrier jets, helicopter gunships and gun-wielding jihadi women." One Navy SEAL, 14 al Qaeda fighters, and a number of civilians were killed in the fight.

Multiple military and intelligence sources told NBC News "that something tipped off the terrorist targets" of the early morning raid.


The MSM is still basking in the aura that Obama allowed. They did it again this time, not allowing
FACT to come forth.

How would the MSM know of the vital intelligence obtained or not obtained? They create sensation
without hearing the FACTS from the people involved. Yet liberals are pulled by the nose by these idiots.
That info is NOT releasable, so how would the MSM know?

03-03-2017, 06:47 PM
The MSM is still basking in the aura that Obama allowed. They did it again this time, not allowing
FACT to come forth.

How would the MSM know of the vital intelligence obtained or not obtained? They create sensation
without hearing the FACTS from the people involved. Yet liberals are pulled by the nose by these idiots.
That info is NOT releasable, so how would the MSM know?

So how do we know trump was right? He said so? IIRC part of the problem they had was releasing a 10? year old video as being part of the haul.


03-03-2017, 07:05 PM
So how do we know trump was right? He said so? IIRC part of the problem they had was releasing a 10? year old video as being part of the haul.


Read the OP.

Some stuff gathered might be releasable, depending on the classification level and date of expiration
assigned it. 5 years, 10, 25, 50...

How does the MSM know all of this info when it has not been released?

03-04-2017, 06:06 AM
Did they or didn't they find what they were looking for? We don't know and I'm not for release statements about finds in such cases until it's a matter of history.

My questioning comes from the facts that the Taliban were alerted to something coming and the necessity of air strikes due to the heavy resistance. There's a lot to collect by surprise but given the circumstance, how much could have been self destroyed by the Taliban and what was left after the bombs and missiles stopped flying?

03-04-2017, 07:35 AM
Did they or didn't they find what they were looking for? We don't know and I'm not for release statements about finds in such cases until it's a matter of history.

My questioning comes from the facts that the Taliban were alerted to something coming and the necessity of air strikes due to the heavy resistance. There's a lot to collect by surprise but given the circumstance, how much could have been self destroyed by the Taliban and what was left after the bombs and missiles stopped flying?

My questioning too would come from the possibility that someone who was aware of the prior planning, that wanted the first Trump action-Obama loyalist-may have leaked.

As for whether or not actionable intelligence was found, as you said, won't know for likely a long time. However, in the past few days, it looks like #2 AQ was hit and even more recently a top AQAP leader too. The number of drone attacks in past few days have been higher than than in past months of Obama's, leading to many leaders KIA, as well as the two top operatives mentioned.

03-04-2017, 08:57 AM
Read the OP.

Some stuff gathered might be releasable, depending on the classification level and date of expiration
assigned it. 5 years, 10, 25, 50...

How does the MSM know all of this info when it has not been released?

I read it. But you're making my point, trump was "right" because of the MSM as in the OP? Are you just choosing which ones to believe?

FWIW, they "know" because of "several U.S. officials" and "multiple U.S. officials." AFAIK information has been released like that for decades.

03-04-2017, 10:51 AM
This still doesn't answer why Trump is targeting defenseless countries crippled by internal strife and not going after the REAL terrorist homelands of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE.

03-04-2017, 10:56 AM
This still doesn't answer why Trump is targeting defenseless countries crippled by internal strife and not going after the REAL terrorist homelands of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE.

Could it be because the intelligence doesn't support such an assertion? Could it be that you don't have access to that intelligence and simply wish to make an argument to try and trash a politician with whom you disagree? Could it be?

03-04-2017, 11:11 AM
This still doesn't answer why Trump is targeting defenseless countries crippled by internal strife and not going after the REAL terrorist homelands of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE.

Did you practice being a dumbass this morning before typing that? Yemen is one of the most backwards assed countries in the world. Get some boots on the ground time and get back to me. That place is a repressive hell hole. It's sole importance to existence is its strategic location.

03-04-2017, 11:17 AM
My questioning too would come from the possibility that someone who was aware of the prior planning, that wanted the first Trump action-Obama loyalist-may have leaked.

As for whether or not actionable intelligence was found, as you said, won't know for likely a long time. However, in the past few days, it looks like #2 AQ was hit and even more recently a top AQAP leader too. The number of drone attacks in past few days have been higher than than in past months of Obama's, leading to many leaders KIA, as well as the two top operatives mentioned.

As bad as partisan politics have become I cannot believe an Obama loyalist(or anyone else) would knowingly put our troops in danger by giving the enemy a heads up. Furthermore, if given a heads up, why would they still be there and not cleaned up materials that could be damaging to their cause> More likely as happened in the past they were spooked by increase drone activity or a warning call from along the incoming route of the helicopters &Osprey.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2017, 01:36 PM
As bad as partisan politics have become I cannot believe an Obama loyalist(or anyone else) would knowingly put our troops in danger by giving the enemy a heads up. Furthermore, if given a heads up, why would they still be there and not cleaned up materials that could be damaging to their cause> More likely as happened in the past they were spooked by increase drone activity or a warning call from along the incoming route of the helicopters &Osprey.

As bad as partisan politics have become I cannot believe an Obama loyalist(or anyone else) would knowingly put our troops in danger by giving the enemy a heads up.

Such an immature belief ,must be born from either willful blindness or ignorance, IMHO.


Havent you ever read a history book or watched a good spy movie?-Tyr

03-04-2017, 01:42 PM
Repressive hell hole? That is exactly the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia is even more repressive and funded/houses nine of the 11 terrorists who pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks. The only reason that the Saudis are given a pass is because of U.S. interests in their oil reserves.

03-04-2017, 02:14 PM
Repressive hell hole? That is exactly the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia is even more repressive and funded/houses nine of the 11 terrorists who pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks. The only reason that the Saudis are given a pass is because of U.S. interests in their oil reserves.

And? You can blow the whole place off the map far as I'm concerned. They've been a pain in the ass since the 7th century. WE are not the offenders, It's like having a room full of toddlers that just won't behave. They're like fireants. Just won't quit. You destroy them or they destroy you.

And that oil BS is just another false front from the left. We have more oil than they do. Who exaclly has been instrumental in us not using them? Oh ya, the left.

03-04-2017, 04:56 PM
Repressive hell hole? That is exactly the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia is even more repressive and funded/houses nine of the 11 terrorists who pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks. The only reason that the Saudis are given a pass is because of U.S. interests in their oil reserves.

I wish I could find it, but a National Geographic article identified the Saudi 9/11 conspirators as
being fully disassociated from the Saudi government and rejected by the society there.

03-04-2017, 06:35 PM
I wish I could find it, but a National Geographic article identified the Saudi 9/11 conspirators as
being fully disassociated from the Saudi government and rejected by the society there.

To be fair, the UAE is just as big a crap hole as Yemen. I went off the compound in Dubai unarmed exactly a total of once. No thanks. Lesson learned. The UAE has one of the highest terrorist threat levels there is. Oh. It's attached to Yemen.

However, this is a typical Gabby ploy of wrecking a thread. It's about Yemen.

03-04-2017, 07:16 PM
Repressive hell hole? That is exactly the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia is even more repressive and funded/houses nine of the 11 terrorists who pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks. The only reason that the Saudis are given a pass is because of U.S. interests in their oil reserves.

Of course. You are right again gabby. You are perfectly repeating the Liberal Talking Points you have learned to constantly repeat, over, and over again....because the Dems convinced you...THEIR LIES ARE TRUE.
As for the Oil reserves gabby. WRONG AGAIN. Guess you have also been taught, or reminded to NEVER tell the truth about that as well.
FACTS ARE. The U.S. has a larger Oil reserve, and physical source RIGHT HERE.

The Dems need to repeat those lies in order to control the UNEDUCATED who always vote for them. But today. You, and the Dems are finally being exposed by Americans who have become educated...DESPITE the Democrat claims otherwise.
Truth is. The most Highly UNEDUCATED Americans are LIBERALS.
Visit any major city where Democrats control, and their voters are Uneducated.

03-04-2017, 07:57 PM
The Saudi's offered Bin Laden's head on a silver platter, and Bill Clinton refused.

03-05-2017, 06:18 AM
The Saudi's offered Bin Laden's head on a silver platter, and Bill Clinton refused.

To be fair to Bill, he was informed of Bin Laden's location10 times any didn't act each time. ;)

03-05-2017, 06:27 AM
Such an immature belief ,must be born from either willful blindness or ignorance, IMHO.


Havent you ever read a history book or watched a good spy movie?-Tyr

What I can do is post an opinion with rational thought without my head up my ass while spewing the usual childish insults and in all caps to make my rantings somewhat valid to myself. ;)